9 research outputs found

    A Light-weight Content Distribution Scheme for Cooperative Caching in Telco-CDNs

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    A key technique to reduce the rapid growing of video-on-demand’s traffic is a cooperative caching strategy aggregating multiple cache storages. Many internet service providers have considered the use of cache servers on their networks as a solution to reduce the traffic. Existing schemes often periodically calculate a sub-optimal allocation of the content caches in the network. However, such approaches require a large computational overhead that cannot be amortized in a presence of frequent changes of the contents’ popularities. This paper proposes a light-weight scheme for a cooperative caching that obtains a sub-optimal distribution of the contents by focusing on their popularities. This was made possible by adding color tags to both cache servers and contents. In addition, we propose a hybrid caching strategy based on Least Frequently Used (LFU) and Least Recently Used (LRU) schemes, which efficiently manages the contents even with a frequent change in the popularity. Evaluation results showed that our light-weight scheme could considerably reduce the traffic, reaching a sub-optimal result. In addition, the performance gain is obtained with a computation overhead of just a few seconds. The evaluation results also showed that the hybrid caching strategy could follow the rapid variation of the popularity. While a single LFU strategy drops the hit ratio by 13.9%, affected by rapid popularity changes, our proposed hybrid strategy could limit the degradation to only 2.3%

    A control and management architecture supporting autonomic NFV services

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    The proposed control, orchestration and management (COM) architecture is presented from a high-level point of view; it enables the dynamic provisioning of services such as network data connectivity or generic network slicing instances based on virtual network functions (VNF). The COM is based on Software Defined Networking (SDN) principles and is hierarchical, with a dedicated controller per technology domain. Along with the SDN control plane for the provisioning of connectivity, an ETSI NFV management and orchestration system is responsible for the instantiation of Network Services, understood in this context as interconnected VNFs. A key, novel component of the COM architecture is the monitoring and data analytics (MDA) system, able to collect monitoring data from the network, datacenters and applications which outputs can be used to proactively reconfigure resources thus adapting to future conditions, like load or degradations. To illustrate the COM architecture, a use case of a Content Delivery Network service taking advantage of the MDA ability to collect and deliver monitoring data is experimentally demonstrated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Big Data-backed video distribution in the telecom cloud

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    Telecom operators are starting the deployment of Content Delivery Networks (CDN) to better control and manage video contents injected into the network. Cache nodes placed close to end users can manage contents and adapt them to users' devices, while reducing video traffic in the core. By adopting the standardized MPEG-DASH technique, video contents can be delivered over HTTP. Thus, HTTP servers can be used to serve contents, while packagers running as software can prepare live contents. This paves the way for virtualizing the CDN function. In this paper, a CDN manager is proposed to adapt the virtualized CDN function to current and future demand. A Big Data architecture, fulfilling the ETSI NFV guide lines, allows controlling virtualized components while collecting and pre-processing data. Optimization problems minimize CDN costs while ensuring the highest quality. Re-optimization is triggered based on threshold violations; data stream mining sketches transform collected into modeled data and statistical linear regression and machine learning techniques are proposed to produce estimation of future scenarios. Exhaustive simulation over a realistic scenario reveals remarkable costs reduction by dynamically reconfiguring the CDN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Popularity-Based Adaptive Content Delivery Scheme with In-Network Caching

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    To solve the increasing popularity of video streaming services over the Internet, recent research activities have addressed the locality of content delivery from a network edge by introducing a storage module into a router. To employ in-network caching and persistent request routing, this paper introduces a hybrid content delivery network (CDN) system combining novel content routers in an underlay together with a traditional CDN server in an overlay. This system first selects the most suitable delivery scheme (that is, multicast or broadcast) for the content in question and then allocates an appropriate number of channels based on a consideration of the content’s popularity. The proposed scheme aims to minimize traffic volume and achieve optimal delivery cost, since the most popular content is delivered through broadcast channels and the least popular through multicast channels. The performance of the adaptive scheme is clearly evaluated and compared against both the multicast and broadcast schemes in terms of the optimal in-network caching size and number of unicast channels in a content router to observe the significant impact of our proposed scheme

    Echo State Networks for Proactive Caching in Cloud-Based Radio Access Networks with Mobile Users

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    In this paper, the problem of proactive caching is studied for cloud radio access networks (CRANs). In the studied model, the baseband units (BBUs) can predict the content request distribution and mobility pattern of each user, determine which content to cache at remote radio heads and BBUs. This problem is formulated as an optimization problem which jointly incorporates backhaul and fronthaul loads and content caching. To solve this problem, an algorithm that combines the machine learning framework of echo state networks with sublinear algorithms is proposed. Using echo state networks (ESNs), the BBUs can predict each user's content request distribution and mobility pattern while having only limited information on the network's and user's state. In order to predict each user's periodic mobility pattern with minimal complexity, the memory capacity of the corresponding ESN is derived for a periodic input. This memory capacity is shown to be able to record the maximum amount of user information for the proposed ESN model. Then, a sublinear algorithm is proposed to determine which content to cache while using limited content request distribution samples. Simulation results using real data from Youku and the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications show that the proposed approach yields significant gains, in terms of sum effective capacity, that reach up to 27.8% and 30.7%, respectively, compared to random caching with clustering and random caching without clustering algorithm.Comment: Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication


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    動画配信サヌビスの普及地䞊波のむンタヌネット攟送に䌎いファむルサむズの倧きなデヌタのやり取りが行われおいる。流通するむンタヌネット通信量の8割が動画ファむルであるこずに着目しこの通信を削枛するこずでオリゞンサヌバの負荷軜枛に取組む。 先行研究の色タグ情報を甚いた分散協調キャッシュ手法ではナヌザからの芁求傟向が倧幅に倉化するこずを想定しおおらずIPTV サヌビスを調査した論文を参考にシミュレヌション実隓を行うず通信量削枛効果が枛少しおしたう。株䟡などの掚移予枬を応甚したコンテンツ人気掚移予枬手法では単䞀キャッシュサヌバでの通信量削枛効果を調査しおいるが分散協調キャッシュぞの拡匵は怜蚎されおいない。 本研究では動画配信サヌビスの将来の芁求傟向を予枬し事前に効果的なキャッシュ配眮手法を2皮類怜蚎するこずで通信量削枛に取り組む。 1぀目は芁求の偏りを予枬しコンテンツの芁求の偏りを予枬し効果的なキャッシュ配眮を適甚する仕組みを提案する。この手法はコンテンツ芁求の偏りの時間倉化がパタヌン化されおいるこずに着目し時間垯毎に効果的なキャッシュ配眮を蚭定するものである。この手法では日本のネットワヌクトポロゞによるシミュレヌション実隓を行った結果先行研究ず比范し最倧58動画通信量の䜎枛を確認した。しかしながらナヌザの動画芖聎芁求数を評䟡に远加するず芁求数が倚い時間垯の通信量を倧きく削枛するこずはできなかった。 2぀目は新芏コンテンツの人気を攟送事業者の経隓則から予枬し色タグ情報を甚いた分散協調キャッシュ制埡を導入しおいるキャッシュサヌバに事前にコンテンツを配垃する手法を提案する。本手法は効率的に通信量を削枛するためナヌザからの芁求数が深倜の玄40倍にもなるゎヌルデンタむムの時間垯の通信を削枛できる。その結果ピヌク時における動画通信量を玄15-30%削枛した。電気通信倧孊201


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     時刻に関係なく動画を芖聎できるオンデマンド動画配信(Video-on-Demand; VoD) サヌビスの普及に䌎いむンタヌネット通信量は急激に増倧しおいるむンタヌネット通信量は5幎で3倍の速床で増加するず芋蟌たれおおり2020幎にはむンタヌネット通信量の80%以䞊を動画通信が占めるず予枬されおいる増倧する通信量はルヌタやスむッチなどの通信機材の増蚭や刷新で察応できるが通信量の増加に䌎い継続的な増蚭が求められるため経枈的ではない  VoDサヌビス事業者は䞀般にコンテンツ配信ネットワヌク(Content Delivery Network;CDN) 事業者に倧容量コンテンツの配信を委蚗しおいるCDN事業者は䞖界䞭のナヌザから近い䜍眮にキャッシュサヌバを蚭眮し倧芏暡なキャッシュネットワヌクを構築しおいる各キャッシュサヌバはコンテンツがネットワヌクを通過する際にデヌタをコピヌしおおき再利甚するこずで通信量を削枛しおいる動画コンテンツは䞀床アップロヌドされるず滅倚に曎新されるこずがないためキャッシュサヌバは重耇する通信を削枛できるこのようにするこずでキャッシュサヌバは遠くの配信サヌバずの通信回数を削枛し効率よくむンタヌネット通信量を削枛するしかしながらキャッシュ容量には䞊限があり動画コンテンツは継続的に远加されるため1台のキャッシュサヌバにすべおの動画コンテンツを保持させるこずは珟実的ではないたたCDN事業者のキャッシュサヌバは蚭眮拠点が限られおいるためキャッシュサヌバの通信量やキャッシュサヌバたでの経路を提䟛するむンタヌネットサヌビスプロバむダ(Internet Service Provider; ISP) 内の通信量を削枛できないその結果通信路の混雑や通信量の増倧を招いおしたう CDN事業者は耇数のキャッシュサヌバでキャッシュされたコンテンツを共有するこずで実効キャッシュ容量を拡倧し通信量削枛ず負荷分散を図ろうずしおいるこのような手段はデヌタ転送路を制埡するトラフィック゚ンゞニアリングをもずに実珟されるがCDN事業者はISPの物理ネットワヌク圢状やリンク垯域等に関する知識をもたないため効率よくキャッシュサヌバを協調させるこずが難しいそのため近幎はISP事業者が自瀟のネットワヌク䞭にキャッシュサヌバを配眮しトラフィック゚ンゞニアリングを駆䜿しお協調動䜜させるこずで分散協調キャッシュネットワヌクの構築を怜蚎しおいるこのような方法をずるこずでネットワヌクずキャッシュサヌバの䞡方を同䞀の事業者が管理するため効率の良い通信量削枛が実珟できるISPが管理するISP内のキャッシュネットワヌクはTelco-CDNず呌ばれる 最近の研究ではTelco-CDNのキャッシュサヌバを効率よく管理する方法が提案されおいる兞型的には耇数のキャッシュサヌバで保持するコンテンツの芏則を蚭定しおおき各キャッシュサヌバで異なるコンテンツを保持させるこずで実効キャッシュ容量を拡倧し通信量の削枛が実珟されおいるしかしながらこのような方法は各コンテンツのアクセス頻床情報を考慮しないため人気䞊䜍のコンテンツを保持する数台のキャッシュサヌバに負荷が集䞭しおしたうたた効率の良いコンテンツ配眮を求める最適化問題を蚭定しお蚈算するこずで通信量削枛効果の高い分散協調キャッシュを実珟する研究も行われおいるしかしながら最適化問題の蚈算には長時間の蚈算を芁する䞀方でVoDサヌビスの動画アクセスパタヌンは1時間で20-40%皋床倉化しおしたうため蚈算が終了した時点で最適なコンテンツ配眮ずの乖離が生たれ通信量削枛効果が䜎枛しおしたう 本論文ではVoDサヌビスのアクセス傟向を効率よくキャッシュする2皮類のキャッシュ制埡アルゎリズムを提案し組み合わせお利甚するこずで通信量の削枛を図るたず第1に2皮類の異なるキャッシュアルゎリズムを組み合わせたハむブリッドキャッシュアルゎリズムを提案するこのアルゎリズムは異なるキャッシュアルゎリズムをネットワヌク䞭に混圚させたり1台のキャッシュサヌバのストレヌゞ領域を分割しおアルゎリズムを混合しお利甚するこずで急激に倉動する動画アクセスを効率よくキャッシュしお高い通信量削枛効果を維持するアクセス頻床の高いコンテンツを保持するLeast Frequently Used (LFU)ベヌスのアルゎリズムで高い通信量削枛効果を実珟し最近アクセスされたコンテンツを優先的に保持するLeast Recently Used (LRU)ベヌスのアルゎリズムで急激なアクセス傟向の倉化に远埓する 第2に色タグ情報を甚いた分散協調キャッシュ制埡手法を提案しキャッシュネットワヌク䞭のコンテンツ配眮を効率よく制埡するこの方法はコンテンツずキャッシュサヌバの䞡方に色タグを蚭定し色がマッチする堎合にキャッシュするよう制埡するこずでコンテンツを分散配眮し実効キャッシュ容量を拡倧する具䜓的には先に述べたハむブリッドキャッシュのLFU領域に色タグを蚭定し倧容量な分散協調領域ずしお利甚するずずもに小容量なLRU領域ではタグ情報にかかわらずコンテンツをキャッシュさせるこずで動画アクセス傟向の倉化に远埓するアクセス頻床の高いコンテンツほど倚数の色を割り圓おるこずでナヌザからのホップ数を短瞮しコンテンツ配信サヌバだけでなくISPネットワヌク内郚の通信量も効率よく削枛する色タグ情報の軜量管理手法ず色タグ情報を掻甚する経路制埡アルゎルズムも合わせお提案し軜量な蚈算オヌバヘッドで高い通信量削枛効果を実珟する ハむブリッドキャッシュアルゎリズムの評䟡では新芏にアクセス頻床の高いコンテンツを远加しおもLFUベヌスのキャッシュ領域で高い通信量削枛効果を達成し぀぀LRUベヌスのキャッシュ領域で通信量を維持できるこずが瀺されたたた色タグ情報に基づく分散協調キャッシュアルゎリズムは遺䌝的アルゎリズムで蚈算した準最適制埡に近い通信量削枛効果を実珟しその蚈算オヌバヘッドも小さく抑えられるこずを確認したたた色タグ情報を掻甚した経路制埡アルゎリズムは最短経路制埡ず比范しお319%の通信量削枛効果を埗られるこずを確認した電気通信倧孊201

    Geographically Distributed Database Management at the Cloud's Edge

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    Request latency resulting from the geographic separation between clients and remote application servers is a challenge for cloud-hosted web and mobile applications. Numerous studies have shown the importance of low latency to the end user experience. Small response time increases on the order of a few hundred milliseconds directly translate to reduced user satisfaction and loss of revenue that persist even after a low latency environment is restored. One way to address this challenge in geo-distributed settings is to push all or part of the application, along with the data it requires, to the edge of the cloud - closer to application clients. This thesis explores the idea of taking advantage of clients' proximity to the edge of the network in order to reduce request latencies. SpearDB is a prototype replicated distributed database system which operates in a star network topology, with a core site and a large number of edge sites that are close to clients. Clients access the nearest edge, which holds replicas of locally relevant portions of the database. SpearDB's edge sites coordinate through the core to provide a global transactional consistency guarantee (parallel snapshot isolation or PSI), while handling as much work locally as possible. SpearDB provides full general purpose transactional semantics with ACID guarantees. Experiments show that SpearDB is effective at reducing workload latencies for applications whose access patterns are geographically localizable. Many applications fit this criteria: bulletin boards (e.g., Craigslist, Kijiji), local commerce or services (e.g., Groupon, Uber), booking and ticketing (e.g., OpenTable, StubHub), location based services (mapping, directions, augmented reality), local news outlets and client-centric services (e-mail, rss feeds, gaming). SpearDB introduces protocols for executing application transactions in a geo-distributed setting under strong consistency guarantees. These protocols automatically hide the complexity as well as much of the latency introduced by geo-distribution from applications. The effectiveness of SpearDB depends on the placement of primary and secondary replicas at core and edge sites. The secondary replica placement problem is shown to be NP-hard. Several algorithms for automatic data partitioning and replication are presented to provide approximate solutions. These algorithms work in a geo-distributed core-edge setting under partial replication. Their goal is to bring data closer to clients in order to lower request latencies. Experimental comparisons of the resulting placements' latency impact show good results. Surprisingly however, the placements produced by the simplest of the proposed algorithms are comparable in quality to those produced by more complex approaches