449 research outputs found

    Stabilization for equal-order polygonal finite element method for high fluid velocity and pressure gradient

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    This paper presents an adapted stabilisation method for the equal-order mixed scheme of finite elements on convex polygonal meshes to analyse the high velocity and pressure gradient of incompressible fluid flows that are governed by Stokes equations system. This technique is constructed by a local pressure projection which is extremely simple, yet effective, to eliminate the poor or even non-convergence as well as the instability of equal-order mixed polygonal technique. In this research, some numerical examples of incompressible Stokes fluid flow that is coded and programmed by MATLAB will be presented to examine the effectiveness of the proposed stabilised method

    Optimizing the geometrical accuracy of curvilinear meshes

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    This paper presents a method to generate valid high order meshes with optimized geometrical accuracy. The high order meshing procedure starts with a linear mesh, that is subsequently curved without taking care of the validity of the high order elements. An optimization procedure is then used to both untangle invalid elements and optimize the geometrical accuracy of the mesh. Standard measures of the distance between curves are considered to evaluate the geometrical accuracy in planar two-dimensional meshes, but they prove computationally too costly for optimization purposes. A fast estimate of the geometrical accuracy, based on Taylor expansions of the curves, is introduced. An unconstrained optimization procedure based on this estimate is shown to yield significant improvements in the geometrical accuracy of high order meshes, as measured by the standard Haudorff distance between the geometrical model and the mesh. Several examples illustrate the beneficial impact of this method on CFD solutions, with a particular role of the enhanced mesh boundary smoothness.Comment: Submitted to JC

    A curvature-adapted anisotropic surface remeshing method

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    We present a new method for remeshing surfaces that respect the intrinsic anisotropy of the surfaces. In particular, we use the normal informations of the surfaces, and embed the surfaces into a higher dimensional space (here we use 6d). This allow us to form an isotropic mesh optimization problem in this embedded space. Starting from an initial mesh of a surface, we optimize the mesh by improving the mesh quality measured in the embedded space. The mesh is optimized by combining common local modifications operations, i.e., edge flip, edge contraction, vertex smoothing, and vertex insertion. All operations are applied directly on the 3d surface mesh. This method results a curvature-adapted mesh of the surface. This method can be easily adapted to mesh multi-patches surfaces, i.e., containing corner singularities and sharp features. We present examples of remeshed surfaces from implicit functions and CAD models

    Optimisation of size-controllable centroidal voronoi tessellation for FEM simulation of micro forming processes

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    © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Voronoi tessellation has been employed to characterise material features in Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation, however, a poor mesh quality of the voronoi tessellations causes problems in explicit dynamic simulation of forming processes. Although centroidal voronoi tessellation can partly improve the mesh quality by homogenisation of voronoi tessellations, small features, such as short edges and small facets, lead to an inferior mesh quality. Further, centroidal voronoi tessellation cannot represent all real micro structures of materials because of the almost equal tessellation shape and size. In this paper, a density function is applied to control the size and distribution of voronoi tessellations and then a Laplacian operator is employed to optimise the centroidal voronoi tessellations. After optimisation, the small features can be eliminated and the elements are quadrilateral in 2D and hexahedral in 3D cases. Moreover, the mesh quality is significantly higher than that of the mesh generated on the original voronoi or centroidal voronoi tessellation. This work is beneficial for explicit dynamic simulation of forming processes, such as micro deep drawing processes

    Well-Centered Triangulation

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    Meshes composed of well-centered simplices have nice orthogonal dual meshes (the dual Voronoi diagram). This is useful for certain numerical algorithms that prefer such primal-dual mesh pairs. We prove that well-centered meshes also have optimality properties and relationships to Delaunay and minmax angle triangulations. We present an iterative algorithm that seeks to transform a given triangulation in two or three dimensions into a well-centered one by minimizing a cost function and moving the interior vertices while keeping the mesh connectivity and boundary vertices fixed. The cost function is a direct result of a new characterization of well-centeredness in arbitrary dimensions that we present. Ours is the first optimization-based heuristic for well-centeredness, and the first one that applies in both two and three dimensions. We show the results of applying our algorithm to small and large two-dimensional meshes, some with a complex boundary, and obtain a well-centered tetrahedralization of the cube. We also show numerical evidence that our algorithm preserves gradation and that it improves the maximum and minimum angles of acute triangulations created by the best known previous method.Comment: Content has been added to experimental results section. Significant edits in introduction and in summary of current and previous results. Minor edits elsewher

    On Volumetric Shape Reconstruction from Implicit Forms

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    International audienceIn this paper we report on the evaluation of volumetric shape reconstruction methods that consider as input implicit forms in 3D. Many visual applications build implicit representations of shapes that are converted into explicit shape representations using geometric tools such as the Marching Cubes algorithm. This is the case with image based reconstructions that produce point clouds from which implicit functions are computed, with for instance a Poisson reconstruction approach. While the Marching Cubes method is a versatile solution with proven efficiency, alternative solutions exist with different and complementary properties that are of interest for shape modeling. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy that builds on Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations (CVTs). These tessellations provide volumetric and surface representations with strong regularities in addition to provably more accurate approximations of the implicit forms considered. In order to compare the existing strategies, we present an extensive evaluation that analyzes various properties of the main strategies for implicit to explicit volumetric conversions: Marching cubes, Delaunay refinement and CVTs, including accuracy and shape quality of the resulting shape mesh

    Geometric Path-Planning Algorithm in Cluttered 2D Environments Using Convex Hulls

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    Routing or path planning is the problem of finding a collision-free path in an environment usually scattered with multiple objects. Finding the shortest route in a planar (2D) or spatial (3D) environment has a variety of applications such as robot motion planning, navigating autonomous vehicles, routing of cables, wires, and harnesses in vehicles, routing of pipes in chemical process plants, etc. The problem often times is decomposed into two main sub-problems: modeling and representation of the workspace geometrically and optimization of the path. Geometric modeling and representation of the workspace are paramount in any path planning problem since it builds the data structures and provides the means for solving the optimization problem. The optimization aspect of the path planning involves satisfying some constraints, the most important of which is to avoid intersections with the interior of any object and optimizing one or more criteria. The most common criterion in path planning problems is to minimize the length of the path between a source and a destination point of the workspace while other criteria such as minimizing the number of links or curves could also be taken into account. Planar path planning is mainly about modeling the workspace of the problem as a collision-free graph. The graph is, later on, searched for the optimal path using network optimization techniques such as branch-and-bound or search algorithms such as Dijkstra\u27s. Previous methods developed to construct the collision-free graph explore the entire workspace of the problem which usually results in some unnecessary information that has no value but to increase the time complexity of the algorithm, hence, affecting the efficiency significantly. For example, the fastest known algorithm to construct the visibility graph, which is the most common method of modeling the collision-free space, in a workspace with a total of n vertices has a time complexity of order O(n2). In this research, first, the 2D workspace of the problem is modeled using the tessellated format of the objects in a CAD software which facilitates handling of any free-form object. Then, an algorithm is developed to construct the collision-free graph of the workspace using the convex hulls of the intersecting obstacles. The proposed algorithm focuses only on a portion of the workspace involved in the straight line connecting the source and destination points. Considering the worst case that all the objects of the workspace are intersecting, the algorithm yields a time complexity of O(nlog(n/f)), with n being the total number of vertices and f being the number of objects. The collision-free graph is later searched for the shortest path between the two given nodes using a search algorithm known as Dijkstra\u27s