627 research outputs found

    Relational Approach to Logical Query Optimization of XPath

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    To be able to handle the ever growing volumes of XML documents, effective and efficient data management solutions are needed. Managing XML data in a relational DBMS has great potential. Recently, effective relational storage schemes and index structures have been proposed as well as special-purpose join operators to speed up querying of XML data using XPath/XQuery. In this paper, we address the topic of query plan construction and logical query optimization. The claim of this paper is that standard relational algebra extended with special-purpose join operators suffices for logical query optimization. We focus on the XPath accelerator storage scheme and associated staircase join operators, but the approach can be generalized easily

    Overview of query optimization in XML database systems

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    XQuery optimization in relational database systems

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    Query Optimization by Indexing in the ODRA OODBMS

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    We present features and samples of use of the index optimizer module which has been implemented and tested in the ODRA prototype system. The ODRA index implementation is based on linear hashing and works in a scope of a standalone database. The solution is adaptable to distributed environments in order to optimally utilize data grid computational resources. The implementation consists of transparent optimization, automatic index updating and management facilities

    Reasoning & Querying ā€“ State of the Art

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    Various query languages for Web and Semantic Web data, both for practical use and as an area of research in the scientific community, have emerged in recent years. At the same time, the broad adoption of the internet where keyword search is used in many applications, e.g. search engines, has familiarized casual users with using keyword queries to retrieve information on the internet. Unlike this easy-to-use querying, traditional query languages require knowledge of the language itself as well as of the data to be queried. Keyword-based query languages for XML and RDF bridge the gap between the two, aiming at enabling simple querying of semi-structured data, which is relevant e.g. in the context of the emerging Semantic Web. This article presents an overview of the field of keyword querying for XML and RDF

    Optimized Translation of XPath into Algebraic Expressions Parameterized by Programs Containing Navigational Primitives

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    We propose a new approach for the efficient evaluation of XPath expressions. This is important, since XPath is not only used as a simple, stand-alone query language, but is also an essential ingredient of XQuery and XSLT. The main idea of our approach is to translate XPath into algebraic expressions parameterized with programs. These programs are mainly built from navigational primitives like accessing the first child or the next sibling. The goals of the approach are 1) to enable pipelined evaluation, 2) to avoid producing duplicate (intermediate) result nodes, 3) to visit as few document nodes as possible, and 4) to avoid visiting nodes more than once. This improves the existing approaches, because our method is highly efficient

    Query processing in temporal object-oriented databases

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    This PhD thesis is concerned with historical data management in the context of objectoriented databases. An extensible approach has been explored to processing temporal object queries within a uniform query framework. By the uniform framework, we mean temporal queries can be processed within the existing object-oriented framework that is extended from relational framework, by extending the existing query processing techniques and strategies developed for OODBs and RDBs. The unified model of OODBs and RDBs in UmSQL/X has been adopted as a basis for this purpose. A temporal object data model is thereby defined by incorporating a time dimension into this unified model of OODBs and RDBs to form temporal relational-like cubes but with the addition of aggregation and inheritance hierarchies. A query algebra, that accesses objects through these associations of aggregation, inheritance and timereference, is then defined as a general query model /language. Due to the extensive features of our data model and reducibility of the algebra, a layered structure of query processor is presented that provides a uniforrn framework for processing temporal object queries. Within the uniform framework, query transformation is carried out based on a set of transformation rules identified that includes the known relational and object rules plus those pertaining to the time dimension. To evaluate a temporal query involving a path with timereference, a strategy of decomposition is proposed. That is, evaluation of an enhanced path, which is defined to extend a path with time-reference, is decomposed by initially dividing the path into two sub-paths: one containing the time-stamped class that can be optimized by making use of the ordering information of temporal data and another an ordinary sub-path (without time-stamped classes) which can be further decomposed and evaluated using different algorithms. The intermediate results of traversing the two sub-paths are then joined together to create the query output. Algorithms for processing the decomposed query components, i. e., time-related operation algorithms, four join algorithms (nested-loop forward join, sort-merge forward join, nested-loop reverse join and sort-merge reverse join) and their modifications, have been presented with cost analysis and implemented with stream processing techniques using C++. Simulation results are also provided. Both cost analysis and simulation show the effects of time on the query processing algorithms: the join time cost is linearly increased with the expansion in the number of time-epochs (time-dimension in the case of a regular TS). It is also shown that using heuristics that make use of time information can lead to a significant time cost saving. Query processing with incomplete temporal data has also been discussed

    Web and Semantic Web Query Languages

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    A number of techniques have been developed to facilitate powerful data retrieval on the Web and Semantic Web. Three categories of Web query languages can be distinguished, according to the format of the data they can retrieve: XML, RDF and Topic Maps. This article introduces the spectrum of languages falling into these categories and summarises their salient aspects. The languages are introduced using common sample data and query types. Key aspects of the query languages considered are stressed in a conclusion

    Execution strategies for SQL subqueries

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    Optimizing SQL subqueries has been an active area in database research and the database industry throughout the last decades. Pre-vious work has already identified some approaches to efficiently execute relational subqueries. For satisfactory performance, proper choice of subquery execution strategies becomes even more essen-tial today with the increase in decision support systems and auto-matically generated SQL, e.g., with ad-hoc reporting tools. This goes hand in hand with increasing query complexity and growing data volumes ā€“ which all pose challenges for an industrial-strength query optimizer. This current paper explores the basic building blocks that Microsoft SQL Server utilizes to optimize and execute relational subqueries. We start with indispensable prerequisites such as detection and removal of correlations for subqueries. We identify a full spectrum of fundamental subquery execution strategies such as forward and reverse lookup as well as set-based approaches, explain the different execution strategies for subqueries implemented in SQL Server, and relate them to the current state of the art. To the best of our knowl-edge, several strategies discussed in this paper have not been pub-lished before. An experimental evaluation complements the paper. It quantifies the performance characteristics of the different approaches and shows that indeed alternative execution strategies are needed in different circumstances, which make a cost-based query optimizer indispen-sable for adequate query performance

    Answering SPARQL queries modulo RDF Schema with paths

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    SPARQL is the standard query language for RDF graphs. In its strict instantiation, it only offers querying according to the RDF semantics and would thus ignore the semantics of data expressed with respect to (RDF) schemas or (OWL) ontologies. Several extensions to SPARQL have been proposed to query RDF data modulo RDFS, i.e., interpreting the query with RDFS semantics and/or considering external ontologies. We introduce a general framework which allows for expressing query answering modulo a particular semantics in an homogeneous way. In this paper, we discuss extensions of SPARQL that use regular expressions to navigate RDF graphs and may be used to answer queries considering RDFS semantics. We also consider their embedding as extensions of SPARQL. These SPARQL extensions are interpreted within the proposed framework and their drawbacks are presented. In particular, we show that the PSPARQL query language, a strict extension of SPARQL offering transitive closure, allows for answering SPARQL queries modulo RDFS graphs with the same complexity as SPARQL through a simple transformation of the queries. We also consider languages which, in addition to paths, provide constraints. In particular, we present and compare nSPARQL and our proposal CPSPARQL. We show that CPSPARQL is expressive enough to answer full SPARQL queries modulo RDFS. Finally, we compare the expressiveness and complexity of both nSPARQL and the corresponding fragment of CPSPARQL, that we call cpSPARQL. We show that both languages have the same complexity through cpSPARQL, being a proper extension of SPARQL graph patterns, is more expressive than nSPARQL.Comment: RR-8394; alkhateeb2003
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