243 research outputs found

    Design Experiences on Single and Multi Radio Systems in Wireless Embedded Platforms

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    The progress of radio technology has made several flavors of radio available on the market.Wireless sensor network platform designers have used these radios to build a variety of platforms. Withnew applications and different types of radios on wireless sensing nodes, it is often hard to interconnectdifferent types of networks. Hence, often additional radios have to be integrated onto existingplatforms or new platforms have to be built. Additionally, the energy consumption of these nodes have to be optimized to meetlifetime requirements of years without recharging.In this thesis, we address two issues of single and multi radio platform designfor wireless sensor network applications - engineering issues and energy optimization.We present a set of guiding principles from our design experiences while building 3 real life applications,namely asset tracking, burglar tracking and finally in-situ psychophysiological stress monitoring of human subjects in behavioral studies.In the asset tracking application, we present our design of a tag node that can be hidden inside valuable personal assets such asprinters or sofas in a home. If these items are stolen, a city wide anchor node infrastructure networkwould track them throughout the city. We also present our design for the anchor node.In the burglar tracking application, we present the design of tag nodes and the issueswe faced while integrating it with a GSM radio. Finally, we discuss our experiencesin designing a bridge node, that connects body worn physiological sensorsto a Bluetooth enabled mobile smartphone. We present the software framework that acts as middleware toconnect to the bridge, parse the sensor data, and send it to higher layers of the softwareframework.We describe 2 energy optimization schemes that are used in the Asset Tracking and the Burglar Tracking applications, that enhance the lifetime of the individual applications manifold.In the asset tracking application,we design a grouping scheme that helps increase reliability of detection of the tag nodes at theanchor nodes while reducing the energy consumption of the group of tag nodes travelling together.We achieve an increase of 5 times improvement in lifetime of the entire group. In the Burglar Tracking application, weuse sensing to determine when to turn the GSM radio on and transmit data by differentiatingturns and lane changes. This helps us reduce the number of times the GSM radio is woken up, thereby increasing thelifetime of the tag node while it is being tracked. This adds 8 minutes of trackablelifetime to the burglar tracking tag node. We conclude this thesis by observing the futuretrends of platform design and radio evolution

    Experiences from porting the Contiki operating system to a popular hardware platform

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    In contrast to original belief, recent work has demonstrated the viability of IPv6-based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This has led to significant research and standardization efforts with outcomes such as the "IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks " (6LoWPAN) specification. The Contiki embedded operating system is an important open source, multi-platform effort to implement 6LoWPAN functionality for constrained devices. Alongside its RFC-compliant TCP/IP stack (uIP), it provides support for 6LoWPAN and many related standards. As part of our work, we have made considerable fixes and enhancements to one of Contiki's ports. In the process, we made significant optimizations and a thorough evaluation of Contiki's memory and code footprint characteristics, focusing on network-related functionality. In this paper we present our experiences from the porting process, we disclose our optimizations and demonstrate their significance. Lastly, we discuss a method of using Contiki to deploy an embedded Internet-to-6LoWPAN router. Our porting work has been made available to the community under the terms of the Contiki license

    Improving the performance of wireless sensor networks using directional antennas

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    Over the last decades, lots of new applications have emerged thanks to the availability of small devices capable of wireless communications that form Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). These devices allow sensing, processing, and communication of multiple physical variables while keeping a low power consumption. During the last years, most of the research efforts were spent on the development and optimization of wireless communication protocols, aiming to maximize the reliability of the network while achieving the lowest possible power consumption. In this thesis, we study how to improve the performance of these WSNs by using directional antennas. Directional antennas can provide a higher gain and reduce the interference with other nodes by concentrating the radiated power in a certain direction. We present the different kinds of directional antennas available for WSNs, and we select the 6-element SPIDA antenna as a case of study. We present an electromagnetic model of this antenna, and we incorporate it into the COOJA network simulator. We report the first complete characterization of this antenna, including the radiation pattern and S11 parameters. The characterization shows that the antenna has a maximum gain of 6.8 dBi, a Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) of 113° and a module of S11 parameter of -7.5 dB at the central frequency (fc = 2.4525 GHz). We also present a novel way to optimize the antenna without changing its design by isolating multiple director elements. We show that with this technique, the performance of the antenna can be improved in terms of maximum gain, narrower HPBW, and a lower module of the S11 parameter without making any changes in the antenna itself. We evaluate the impact of supporting directional communications in the different layers of the network stack. We analyze the different challenges that arise and propose optimizations to overcome them in order to take advantage of the benefits of directional communication. We present an analysis of the state-of-the-art in neighbor discovery protocols for WSNs with directional antennas, and we propose, implement end evaluate two novel fully directional protocols: Q-SAND and DANDi. We compare both of them with SAND, a fully directional neighbor discovery protocol. DANDi is a fully directional asynchronous and dynamic neighbor discovery protocol where the contention resolution relies on a collision detection mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, DANDi is the fastest neighbor discovery protocol for WSN with directional antennas, with the additional advantage of being able to discover every reliable communication link in a network without requiring any prior information of the network topology. We combine the directional neighbor discovery protocol with MAC and routing optimizations in order fully take advantage of the benefits of using directional antennas. We focus on convergecast, a typical data collection application where every node sends packets periodically to a sink node. We present DirMAC, a novel MAC protocol that fully supports directional communication, together with four different heuristics to optimize the performance of the protocols. One of these heuristics has the added major benefit of being completely distributed and with no need for offline processing. Our evaluation shows that optimizations at both the MAC and routing layers are needed in order to reap the benefits of using directional antennas for convergecast. Our results show that the performance of the network can be greatly improved in terms of packet delivery rate, energy consumption, and energy per received packet, and that we obtain the largest performance improvements in networks with dense traffic. Simulations with different node densities show that when using directional antennas the PDR increases up to 29%, while energy consumption and energy per received packet decreases by up to 55% and 46% respectively. Experiments with real nodes validate these results showing a significant performance increase when using directional antennas in our scenarios, with a reduction in the RDC and EPRP of 25% and 15% respectively, while maintaining a PDR of 100%.Durante las últimas décadas, la disponibilidad de pequeños dispositivos con comunicación inalámbrica ha permitido el desarrollo de muchas nuevas aplicaciones. Estos dispositivos forman Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (RSI, o WSN por sus siglas en inglés) que permiten sensar, procesar y comunicar datos provenientes de variables físicas, mientras que mantienen un bajo consumo energético. En los últimos años, la mayor parte de los esfuerzos de la comunidad científica estuvieron concentrados en el desarrollo y optimización de los protocolos de comunicación inalámbricos, buscando maximizar la confiabilidad de la red y minimizar el consumo energético. En esta tesis estudiamos cómo mejorar el rendimiento de las RSI usando antenas direccionales. Las antenas direccionales pueden proporcionar una mayor ganancia y reducir la interferencia con otros nodos al concentrar la potencia radiada en una cierta dirección. Comenzamos presentando los distintos tipos de antenas direccionales disponibles para las RSI, y seleccionamos la antena SPIDA de 6 elementos como caso de estudio. Luego presentamos un modelo electromagnético de la antena, que incorporamos al simulador de red COOJA. Construimos un primer prototipo con el que realizamos la primera caracterización completa de ésta antena, incluyendo el patrón de radiación y el parámetro S11. La caracterización muestra que la antena tiene una ganancia máxima de 6,8 dBi, un ancho de haz a mitad de potencia (HPBW por sus siglas en inglés) de 113° y un módulo del parámetro S11 de -7,5 dB en la frecuencia central (fc = 2,4525 GHz). También mostramos una forma innovadora de optimizar la antena sin cambiar su diseño utilizando varios elementos directores al mismo tiempo. Mostramos que con esta técnica se puede mejorar el rendimiento de la antena en términos de ganancia máxima, ancho de haz a mitad de potencia, y módulo del parámetro S11. Luego evaluamos el impacto de usar comunicaciones direccionales en las diferentes capas del stack de red. Analizamos los diferentes desafíos que surgen y proponemos optimizaciones para sortearlos. Presentamos un análisis del estado del arte en protocolos de descubrimiento de vecinos en RSI con antenas direccionales, y proponemos, implementamos y evaluamos dos protocolos direccionales : Q-SAND y DANDi. DANDi es un protocolo de descubrimiento de vecinos direccional, asíncrono y dinámico, donde la contienda por el canal se resuelve con un mecanismo basado en la detección de colisiones. Hasta donde sabemos, DANDi es el protocolo de descubrimiento de vecinos más rápido para RSI con antenas direccionales, con la ventaja adicional de que permite descubrir todos los enlaces de comunicación confiables de una red sin requerir ningún conocimiento previo de la topología. Luego combinamos los protocolos de descubrimiento de vecinos con optimizaciones en las capas de ruteo y acceso al medio para construir una aplicación de recolección de datos, donde cada nodo envía paquetes periódicamente a un nodo centralizador. Presentamos DirMAC, un protocolo de acceso al medio innovador que soporta comunicaciones direccionales, junto con cuatro heurísticas que permiten optimizar el rendimiento de los protocolos (una de ellas con la ventaja adicional que es totalmente distribuida). Los resultados muestran que usar antenas direccionales en este tipo de aplicaciones permite mejorar sustancialmente el rendimiento de la red, mostrando las mayores mejoras en redes con alto tráfico. Las simulaciones con diferentes densidades de nodos muestran que al usar antenas direccionales se puede aumentar el ratio de entrega de paquetes en hasta 29%, mientras que el consumo energético y la energía por paquete recibido bajan en hasta 55% y 46% respectivamente. Los experimentos en nodos reales validan estos resultados, mostrando una reducción en el consumo energético y en la energía por paquete recibido de 25% y 15% respectivamente, mientras que mantienen un ratio de entrega de paquetes de 100%


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    In recent years there has been a proliferation of research on a number of wireless multi-hop networks that include mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Routing protocols in such networks are of- ten required to meet design objectives that include a combination of factors such as throughput, delay, energy consumption, network lifetime etc. In addition, many mod- ern wireless networks are equipped with multi-channel radios, where channel selection plays an important role in achieving the same design objectives. Consequently, ad- dressing the routing problem together with cross-layer adaptations such as channel selection is an important issue in such networks. In this work, we study the joint routing and channel selection problem that spans two domains of wireless networks. The first is a cost-effective and scalable wireless-optical access networks which is a combination of high-capacity optical access and unethered wireless access. The joint routing and channel selection problem in this case is addressed under an anycasting paradigm. In addition, we address two other problems in the context of wireless- optical access networks. The first is on optimal gateway placement and network planning for serving a given set of users. And the second is the development of an analytical model to evaluate the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in radio-over- fiber wireless LANs. The second domain involves resource constrained WSNs where we focus on route and channel selection for network lifetime maximization. Here, the problem is further exacerbated by distributed power control, that introduces addi- tional design considerations. Both problems involve cross-layer adaptations that must be solved together with routing. Finally, we present an analytical model for lifetime calculation in multi-channel, asynchronous WSNs under optimal power control

    Adaptive Service Provisioning for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Service provisioning has gained significant attention as a promising programming model for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. Its key idea is to exploit the decoupling of service providers and consumers to enable platform-independent applications that are dynamically bound to platform-specific services. We explore novel adaptive service binding strategies that are able to cope with network dynamics and to promote energy conservation. To achieve this goal, we developed policies and algorithms that automatically switch providers in response to network topology changes and adapt application behavior when opportunities for energy savings surface. The latter is accomplished by providing limited information about the energy consumption associated with using various services, by systematically exploiting opportunities for sharing service invocations, and by exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless communication in WSNs. The policies and algorithms have been implemented and evaluated on two disparate WSN platforms, the TelosB and Imote2. Empirical results show that adaptive service provisioning can significantly increase service availability and enable energy-aware service binding decisions that result in increased energy efficiency, while imposing minimal additional burden on the application, service, and device developers. Applications involving medical patient monitoring and structural health monitoring are used in the evaluation process

    Experiences from porting the Contiki operating system to a popular hardware platform

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    In contrast to original belief, recent work has demonstrated the viability of IPv6-based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This has led to significant research and standardization efforts with outcomes such as the "IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks " (6LoWPAN) specification. The Contiki embedded operating system is an important open source, multi-platform effort to implement 6LoWPAN functionality for constrained devices. Alongside its RFC-compliant TCP/IP stack (uIP), it provides support for 6LoWPAN and many related standards. As part of our work, we have made considerable fixes and enhancements to one of Contiki's ports. In the process, we made significant optimizations and a thorough evaluation of Contiki's memory and code footprint characteristics, focusing on network-related functionality. In this paper we present our experiences from the porting process, we disclose our optimizations and demonstrate their significance. Lastly, we discuss a method of using Contiki to deploy an embedded Internet-to-6LoWPAN router. Our porting work has been made available to the community under the terms of the Contiki license

    Impact of Transmission Power Control in multi-hop networks

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    Many Transmission Power Control (TPC) algorithms have been proposed in the past, yet the conditions under which they are evaluated do not always reflect typical Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenarios. IoT networks consist of several source nodes transmitting data simultaneously, possibly along multiple hops. Link failures are highly frequent, causing the TPC algorithm to kick-in quite often. To this end, in this paper we study the impact that frequent TPC actions have across different layers. Our study shows how one node’s decision to scale its transmission power can affect the performance of both routing and MAC layers of multiple other nodes in the network, generating cascading packet retransmissions and forcing far too many nodes to consume more energy. We find that crucial objectives of TPC such as conserving energy and increasing network capacity are severely undermined in multi-hop networks

    An Event and Service Mesh Architecture Supporting Service Integration in Society 5.0 enabled Smart Cities

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    Society 5.0 envisions a more resilient, sustainable, and human-centered society fostered by ever-evolving cooperation and knowledge sharing among the many digital systems already shaping our daily lives. However, the current state of smart cities often consists of siloed systems, with different actors and stakeholders managing their services and assets independently. This phenomenon is evident in both technological and operational domains, posing challenges to seamless collaboration. In this context, new cloud computing models and technologies like event and service mesh promise to reduce the burden associated with the development and integration of solutions. In the attempt to pave the way for more integrated IT environments, we propose a practical architecture that combines service and event mesh technologies, enabling the seamless exploitation of service invocation and composition based on event distribution and direct service calls. Our proposal allows applications to remain transparent of the underlying technology, facilitating various optimizations on the network and management plane, necessary to meet the diverse operational requirements of complex and heterogeneous applications. We validate our proposal in a real-use case scenario implementation, discussing the tradeoffs that emerge

    Smart-antenna techniques for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks used in bridge structural health monitoring

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    Abstract: It is well known that wireless sensor networks differ from other computing platforms in that 1- they typically require a minimal amount of computing power at the nodes; 2- it is often desirable for sensor nodes to have drastically low power consumption. The main benefit of the this work is a substantial network life before batteries need to be replaced or, alternatively, the capacity to function off of modest environmental energy sources (energy harvesting). In the context of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), battery replacement is particularly problematic since nodes can be in difficult to access locations. Furthermore, any intervention on a bridge may disrupt normal bridge operation, e.g. traffic may need to be halted. In this regard, switchbeam smart antennas in combination with wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown great potential in reducing implementation and maintenance costs of SHM systems. The main goal of implementing switch-beam smart antennas in our application is to reduce power consumption, by focusing the radiated energy only where it is needed. SHM systems capture the dynamic vibration information of a bridge structure in real-time in order to assess the health of the structure and to predict failures. Current SHM systems are based on piezoelectric patch sensors. In addition, the collection of data from the plurality of sensors distributed over the span of the bridge is typically performed through an expensive and bulky set of shielded wires which routes the information to a data sink at one end of the structure. The installation, maintenance and operational costs of such systems are extremely high due to high power consumption and the need for periodic maintenance. Wireless sensor networks represent an attractive alternative, in terms of cost, ease of maintenance, and power consumption. However, network lifetime in terms of node battery life must be very long (ideally 5–10 years) given the cost and hassle of manual intervention. In this context, the focus of this project is to reduce the global power consumption of the SHM system by implementing switched-beam smart antennas jointly with an optimized MAC layer. In the first part of the thesis, a sensor network platform for bridge SHM incorporating switched-beam antennas is modelled and simulated. where the main consideration is the joint optimization of beamforming parameters, MAC layer, and energy consumption. The simulation model, built within the Omnet++ network simulation framework, incorporates the energy consumption profiles of actual selected components (microcontroller, radio interface chip). The energy consumption and packet delivery ratio (PDR) of the network with switched-beam antennas is compared with an equivalent network based on omnidirectional antennas. In the second part of the thesis, this system model is leveraged to examine two distinct but interrelated aspects: Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) based solar energy harvesting and switched-beam antenna strategies. The main consideration here is the joint optimization of solar energy harvesting and switchedbeam directional antennas, where an equivalent network based on omnidirectional antennas acts as a baseline reference for comparison purposes.Il est bien connu que les réseaux de capteurs sans fils diffèrent des autres plateformes informatiques étant donné 1- qu’ils requièrent typiquement une puissance de calcul minimale aux noeuds du réseau ; 2- qu’il est souvent désirable que les noeuds capteurs aient une consommation d’énergie dramatiquement faible. La principale retombée de ce travail réside en la durée de vie allongée du réseau avant que les piles ne doivent être remplacées ou, alternativement, la capacité de fonctionner indéfiniment à partir de modestes sources d’énergie ambiente (glânage d’énergie). Dans le contexte du contrôle de la santé structurale (CSS), le remplacement de piles est particulièrement problématique puisque les noeuds peuvent se trouver en des endroits difficiles d’accès. De plus, toute intervention sur un pont implique une perturbation de l’opération normale de la structure, par exemple un arrêt du traffic. Dans ce contexte, les antennes intelligentes à commutation de faisceau en combinaison avec les réseaux de capteurs sans fils ont démontré un grand potentiel pour réduire les coûts de réalisation et d’entretien de systèmes de CSS. L’objectif principal de l’intégration d’antennes à commutation de faisceau dans notre application réside dans la réduction de la consommation énergétique, réalisée en concentrant l’énergie radiée uniquement là où elle est nécessaire. Les systèmes de CSS capturent l’information dynamique de vibration d’une structure de pont en temps réel de manière à évaluer la santé de la structure et prédire les failles. Les systèmes courants de CSS sont basés sur des senseurs piézoélectriques planaires. De plus, la collecte de données à partir de la pluralité de senseurs distribués sur l’étendue du pont est typiquement effectuée par le biais d’un ensemble coûteux et encombrant de câbles blindés qui véhiculent l’information jusqu’à un point de collecte à une extremité de la structure. L’installation, l’entretien, et les coûts opérationnels de tels systèmes sont extrêmement élevés étant donné la consommation de puissance élevée et le besoin d’entretien régulier. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fils représentent une alternative attrayante, en termes de coût, facilité d’entretien et consommation énergétique. Toutefois, la vie de réseau en termes de la durée de vie des piles doit être très longue (idéalement de 5 à 10 ans) étant donné le coût et les problèmes liés à l’intervention manuelle. Dans ce contexte, ce projet se concentre sur la réduction de la consommation de puissance globale d’un système de CSS en y intégrant des antennes intelligentes à commutation de faisceau conjointement avec une couche d’accès au médium (couche MAC) optimisée. Dans la première partie de la thèse, une plateforme de réseau de capteurs sans fils pour le CSS d’un pont incorporant des antennes à commutation de faisceaux est modélisé et simulé, avec pour considération principale l’optimisation des paramètres de sélection de faisceau, de la couche MAC et de la consommation d’énergie. Le modèle de simulation, construit dans le logiciel de simulation de réseaux Omnet++, incorpore les profils de consommation d’énergie de composants réels sélectionnés (microcontrôleur, puce d’interface radio). La consommation d’énergie et le taux de livraison de paquets du réseau avec antennes à commutation de faisceau est comparé avec un réseau équivalent basé sur des antennes omnidirectionnelles. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, le modèle système proposé est mis à contribution pour examiner deux aspects distrincts mais interreliés : le glânage d’énergie à partir de cellules solaire à base d’arséniure de Gallium (GaAs) et les stratégies liées aux antennes à commutation de faisceau. La considération principale ici est l’optimisation conjointe du glânage d’énergie et des antennes à commutation de faisceau, en ayant pour base de comparaison un réseau équivalent à base d’antennes omnidirectionnelles
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