29 research outputs found

    Adaptive relaying protocol multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems

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    In wireless broadband communications, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as a promising technique to mitigate multi-path fading and provide high spectral efficiency. In addition, cooperative communication can explore spatial diversity where several users or nodes share their resources and cooperate through distributed transmission. The concatenation of the OFDM technique with relaying systems can enhance the overall performance in terms of spectral efficiency and improve robustness against the detrimental effects of fading. Hybrid relay selection is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of conventional forwarding schemes. However, exciting hybrid relay protocols may suffer some limitations when used for transmission over frequency-selective channels. The combination of cooperative protocols with OFDM systems has been extensively utilized in current wireless networks, and have become a promising solution for future high data rate broadband communication systems including 3D video transmission. This thesis covers two areas of high data rate networks. In the first part, several techniques using cooperative OFDM systems are presented including relay selection, space time block codes, resource allocation and adaptive bit and power allocation to introduce diversity. Four (4) selective OFDM relaying schemes are studied over wireless networks; selective OFDM; selective OFDMA; selective block OFDM and selective unequal block OFDM. The closed-form expression of these schemes is derived. By exploiting the broadcast nature, it is demonstrated that spatial diversity can be improved. The upper bound of outage probability for the protocols is derived. A new strategy for hybrid relay selection is proposed to improve the system performance by removing the sub-carriers that experience deep fading. The per subcarrier basis selection is considered with respect to the predefined threshold signal-to-noise ratio. The closed-form expressions of the proposed protocol in terms of bit error probability and outage probability are derived and compared with conventional hybrid relay selection. Adaptive bit and power allocation is also discussed to improve the system performance. Distributed space frequency coding applied to hybrid relay selection to obtain full spatial and full data rate transmission is explored. Two strategies, single cluster and multiple clusters, are considered for the Alamouti code at the destination by using a hybrid relay protocol. The power allocation with and without sub-carrier pairing is also investigated to mitigate the effect of multipath error propagation in frequency-selective channels. The second part of this thesis investigates the application of cooperative OFDM systems to high data rate transmission. Recently, there has been growing attention paid to 3D video transmission over broadband wireless channels. Two strategies for relay selection hybrid relay selection and first best second best are proposed to implement unequal error protection in the physical layer over error prone channels. The closed-form expressions of bit error probability and outage probability for both strategies are examined. The peak signal-to-noise ratio is presented to show the quality of reconstruction of the left and right views

    Adaptive relay techniques for OFDM-based cooperative communication systems

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    Cooperative communication has been considered as a cost-effective manner to exploit the spatial diversity, improve the quality-of-service and extend transmission coverage. However, there are many challenges faced by cooperative systems which use relays to forward signals to the destination, such as the accumulation of multipath channels, complex resource allocation with the bidirectional asymmetric traffic and reduction of transmission efficiency caused by additional relay overhead. In this thesis, we aim to address the above challenges of cooperative communications, and design the efficient relay systems. Starting with the channel accumulation problem in the amplify-and-forward relay system, we proposed two adaptive schemes for single/multiple-relay networks respectively. These schemes exploit an adaptive guard interval (GI) technique to cover the accumulated delay spread and enhance the transmission efficiency by limiting the overhead. The proposed GI scheme can be implemented without any extra control signal. Extending the adaptive GI scheme to multiple-relay systems, we propose a relay selection strategy which achieves the trade-off between the transmission reliability and overhead by considering both the channel gain and the accumulated delay spread. We then consider resource allocation problem in the two-way decode-and-forward relay system with asymmetric traffic loads. Two allocation algorithms are respectively investigated for time-division and frequency-division relay systems to maximize the end-to-end capacity of the two-way system under a capacity ratio constraint. For the frequency-division systems, a balanced end-to-end capacity is defined as the objective function which combines the requirements of maximizing the end-to-end capacity and achieving the capacity ratio. A suboptimal algorithm is proposed for the frequency-division systems which separates subcarrier allocation and time/power allocation. It can achieve the similar performance with the optimal one with reduced complexity. In order to further enhance the transmission reliability and maintaining low processing delay, we propose an equalize-and-forward (EF) relay scheme. The EF relay equalizes the channel between source and relay to eliminate the channel accumulation without signal regeneration. To reduce the processing time, an efficient parallel structure is applied in the EF relay. Numerical results show that the EF relay exhibits low outage probability at the same data rate as compared to AF and DF schemes

    Resource Allocation in OFDM-Based Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks

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    Cognitive radio (CR), nowadays, is considered as one of the most promising techniques which introduce the flexible usage of radio spectrum and improve the spectral efficiency by enabling unlicensed users to exploit the licensed spectrum in an opportunistic manner. Moreover, the two-way relay communication has attracted a great attention as it introduces a relaying scheme with a bidirectional transmission to exchange information between two nodes. This strategy assumed to improve the overall capacity, since less time slots are needed than the one-way strategy, besides extending the radio coverage range of networks. Another common technique that improves the bandwidth efficiency and spectrum utilization is the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique which exhibits a distinctive efficiency in mitigating inter-symbol interference (ISI) and combating frequency selective fading. Therefore, two-way relay CR communication among OFDM terminals can take advantage of these three techniques to boost up the capacity together with the networks quality. In this thesis, an OFDM-based amplify and forward (AF), cognitive two-way multiple-relay network is considered where two transceiver nodes exchange information via relay nodes. The full transmission happens in two time slots. In the first time slot, multiple access phase (MA), the transceiver nodes send their signals to the relay nodes while in the second time slot, broadcast phase (BC), the relay nodes broadcast the received signals to the transceivers. In this dissertation, the problem to jointly optimize the network resources is considered. The first is the transmission power of transceivers and relay nodes to ensure suitable allocated power for best signals transmission besides ensuring no harmful interference is caused to the primary system. The other important resource to be optimized is the subcarrier pairing where the first and second time slots subcarriers have to be matched such that the subcarriers with the best conditions is reserved. The final tuned resource, in this work, is the relay selection where the relay node that assures the best transition of the received signal is selected. The dual decomposition technique is applied to get the optimal resource allocation. Moreover, suboptimal algorithms are proposed to perform the resource allocation reducing, significantly, the computational complexity compared with the optimal solution with small performance degradation. Finally, simulation results of the suggested AF OFDM cognitive relaying network are shown to compare the performance gain of the different algorithms which reveals that the proposed suboptimal algorithm achieves good performance with much less computational complexity than the optimal one

    Resource allocation and optimization techniques in wireless relay networks

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    Relay techniques have the potential to enhance capacity and coverage of a wireless network. Due to rapidly increasing number of smart phone subscribers and high demand for data intensive multimedia applications, the useful radio spectrum is becoming a scarce resource. For this reason, two way relay network and cognitive radio technologies are required for better utilization of radio spectrum. Compared to the conventional one way relay network, both the uplink and the downlink can be served simultaneously using a two way relay network. Hence the effective bandwidth efficiency is considered to be one time slot per transmission. Cognitive networks are wireless networks that consist of different types of users, a primary user (PU, the primary license holder of a spectrum band) and secondary users (SU, cognitive radios that opportunistically access the PU spectrum). The secondary users can access the spectrum of the licensed user provided they do not harmfully affect to the primary user. In this thesis, various resource allocation and optimization techniques have been investigated for wireless relay and cognitive radio networks

    Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems

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    The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum under-utilization. Recent measurements showed that large range of the spectrum is sparsely used in both temporal and spatial manner. This conflict between the inefficient usage of the spectrum and the continuous evolution in the wireless communication calls upon the development of more flexible management policies. Cognitive radio (CR) with the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is considered to be a key technology in making the best solution of this conflict by allowing a group of secondary users (SUs) to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary user (PUs). The operation of CR should not negatively alter the performance of the PUs. Therefore, the interference control along with the highly dynamic nature of PUs activities open up new resource allocation problems in CR systems. The resource allocation algorithms should ensure an effective share of the temporarily available frequency bands and deliver the solutions in timely fashion to cope with quick changes in the network. In this dissertation, the resource management problem in multicarrier based CR systems is considered. The dissertation focuses on three main issues: 1) design of efficient resource allocation algorithms to allocate subcarriers and powers between SUs such that no harmful interference is introduced to PUs, 2) compare the spectral efficiency of using different multicarrier schemes in the CR physical layer, specifically, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) schemes, 3) investigate the impact of the different constraints values on the overall performance of the CR system. Three different scenarios are considered in this dissertation, namely downlink transmission, uplink transmission, and relayed transmission. For every scenario, the optimal solution is examined and efficient sub-optimal algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational burden of obtaining the optimal solution. The suboptimal algorithms are developed by separate the subcarrier and power allocation into two steps in downlink and uplink scenarios. In the relayed scenario, dual decomposition technique is used to obtain an asymptotically optimal solution, and a joint heuristic algorithm is proposed to find the suboptimal solution. Numerical simulations show that the proposed suboptimal algorithms achieve a near optimal performance and perform better than the existing algorithms designed for cognitive and non-cognitive systems. Eventually, the ability of FBMC to overcome the OFDM drawbacks and achieve more spectral efficiency is verified which recommends the consideration of FBMC in the future CR systems.El crecimiento continuo de las aplicaciones y servicios en sistemas inal´ambricos, indica la importancia y necesidad de una utilizaci´on eficaz del espectro radio. Las pol´ıticas actuales de gesti´on del espectro han conducido a una infrautilizaci´on del propio espectro radioel´ectrico. Recientes mediciones en diferentes entornos han mostrado que gran parte del espectro queda poco utilizado en sus ambas vertientes, la temporal, y la espacial. El permanente conflicto entre el uso ineficiente del espectro y la evoluci´on continua de los sistemas de comunicaci´on inal´ambrica, hace que sea urgente y necesario el desarrollo de esquemas de gesti´on del espectro m´as flexibles. Se considera el acceso din´amico (DSA) al espectro en los sistemas cognitivos como una tecnolog´ıa clave para resolver este conflicto al permitir que un grupo de usuarios secundarios (SUs) puedan compartir y acceder al espectro asignado inicialmente a uno o varios usuarios primarios (PUs). Las operaciones de comunicaci´on llevadas a cabo por los sistemas radio cognitivos no deben en ning´un caso alterar (interferir) los sistemas primarios. Por tanto, el control de la interferencia junto al gran dinamismo de los sistemas primarios implica nuevos retos en el control y asignaci´on de los recursos radio en los sistemas de comunicaci´on CR. Los algoritmos de gesti´on y asignaci´on de recursos (Radio Resource Management-RRM) deben garantizar una participaci´on efectiva de las bandas con frecuencias disponibles temporalmente, y ofrecer en cada momento oportunas soluciones para hacer frente a los distintos cambios r´apidos que influyen en la misma red. En esta tesis doctoral, se analiza el problema de la gesti´on de los recursos radio en sistemas multiportadoras CR, proponiendo varias soluciones para su uso eficaz y coexistencia con los PUs. La tesis en s´ı, se centra en tres l´ıneas principales: 1) el dise˜no de algoritmos eficientes de gesti´on de recursos para la asignaci´on de sub-portadoras y distribuci´on de la potencia en sistemas segundarios, evitando asi cualquier interferencia que pueda ser perjudicial para el funcionamiento normal de los usuarios de la red primaria, 2) analizar y comparar la eficiencia espectral alcanzada a la hora de utilizar diferentes esquema de transmisi´on multiportadora en la capa f´ısica del sistema CR, espec´ıficamente en sistemas basados en OFDM y los basados en banco de filtros multiportadoras (Filter bank Multicarrier-FBMC), 3) investigar el impacto de las diferentes limitaciones en el rendimiento total del sistema de CR. Los escenarios considerados en esta tesis son tres, es decir; modo de transmisi´on descendente (downlink), modo de transmisi´on ascendente (uplink), y el modo de transmisi´on ”Relay”. En cada escenario, la soluci´on ´optima es examinada y comparada con algoritmos sub- ´optimos que tienen como objetivo principal reducir la carga computacional. Los algoritmos sub-´optimos son llevados a cabo en dos fases mediante la separaci´on del propio proceso de distribuci´on de subportadoras y la asignaci´on de la potencia en los modos de comunicaci´on descendente (downlink), y ascendente (uplink). Para los entornos de tipo ”Relay”, se ha utilizado la t´ecnica de doble descomposici´on (dual decomposition) para obtener una soluci´on asint´oticamente ´optima. Adem´as, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo heur´ıstico para poder obtener la soluci´on ´optima con un reducido coste computacional. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulaciones num´ericas muestran que los algoritmos sub-´optimos desarrollados logran acercarse a la soluci´on ´optima en cada uno de los entornos analizados, logrando as´ı un mayor rendimiento que los ya existentes y utilizados tanto en entornos cognitivos como no-cognitivos. Se puede comprobar en varios resultados obtenidos en la tesis la superioridad del esquema multiportadora FBMC sobre los sistemas basados en OFDM para los entornos cognitivos, causando una menor interferencia que el OFDM en los sistemas primarios, y logrando una mayor eficiencia espectral. Finalmente, en base a lo analizado en esta tesis, podemos recomendar al esquema multiportadora FBMC como una id´onea y potente forma de comunicaci´on para las futuras redes cognitivas


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    In this thesis, we propose several resource allocation strategies for relay networks in the context of joint power and bandwidth allocation and relay selection, and joint power allocation and subchannel assignment for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. Sharing the two best ordered relays with equal power between the two users over Rayleigh flat fading channels is proposed to establish full diversity order for both users. Closed form expressions for the outage probability, and bit error probability (BEP) performance measures for both amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) cooperative communication schemes are developed for different scenarios. To utilize the full potentials of relay-assisted transmission in multi user systems, we propose a mixed strategy of AF relaying and direct transmission, where the user transmits part of the data using the relay, and the other part is transmitted using the direct link. The resource allocation problem is formulated to maximize the sum rate. A recursive algorithm alternating between power allocation and bandwidth allocation steps is proposed to solve the formulated resource allocation problem. Due to the conflict between limited wireless resources and the fast growing wireless demands, Stackelberg game is proposed to allocate the relay resources (power and bandwidth) between competing users, aiming to maximize the relay benefits from selling its resources. We prove the uniqueness of Stackelberg Nash Equilibrium (SNE) for the proposed game. We develop a distributed algorithm to reach SNE, and investigate the conditions for the stability of the proposed algorithm. We propose low complexity algorithms for AF-OFDMA and DF-OFDMA systems to assign the subcarriers to the users based on high SNR approximation aiming to maximize the weighted sum rate. Auction framework is proposed to devise competition based solutions for the resource allocation of AF-OFDMA aiming tomaximize either vi the sum rate or the fairness index. Two auction algorithms are proposed; sequential and one-shot auctions. In sequential auction, the users evaluate the subcarrier based on the rate marginal contribution. In the one-shot auction, the users evaluate the subcarriers based on an estimate of the Shapley value and bids on all subcarriers at once

    Modeling and Performance Analysis of Relay-based Cooperative OFDMA Networks

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    Next generation wireless communication networks are expected to provide ubiquitous high data rate coverage and support heterogeneous wireless services with diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. This translates into a heavy demand for the spectral resources. In order to meet these requirements, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) has been regarded as a promising air-interface for the emerging fourth generation (4G) networks due to its capability to combat the channel impairments and support high data rate. In addition, OFDMA offers flexibility in radio resource allocation and provides multiuser diversity by allowing subcarriers to be shared among multiple users. One of the main challenges for the 4G networks is to achieve high throughput throughout the entire cell. Cooperative relaying is a very promising solution to tackle this problem as it provides throughput gains as well as coverage extension. The combination of OFDMA and cooperative relaying assures high throughput requirements, particularly for users at the cell edge. However, to fully exploit the benefits of relaying, efficient relay selection as well as resource allocation are critical in such kind of network when multiple users and multiple relays are considered. Moreover, the consideration of heterogeneous QoS requirements further complicate the optimal allocation of resources in a relay enhanced OFDMA network. Furthermore, the computational complexity and signalling overhead are also needed to be considered in the design of practical resource allocation schemes. In this dissertation, we conduct a comprehensive research study on the topic of radio resource management for relay-based cooperative OFDMA networks supporting heterogeneous QoS requirements. Specifically, this dissertation investigates how to effectively and efficiently allocate resources to satisfy QoS requirements of 4G users, improve spectrum utilization and reduce computational complexity at the base station. The problems and our research achievements are briefly outlined as follows. Firstly, a QoS aware optimal joint relay selection, power allocation and subcarrier assignment scheme for uplink OFDMA system considering heterogeneous services under a total power constraint is proposed. The relay selection, power allocation and subcarrier assignment problem is formulated as a joint optimization problem with the objective of maximizing the system throughput, which is solved by means of a two level dual decomposition and subgradient method. The computational complexity is finally reduced via the introduction of two suboptimal schemes. The performance of the proposed schemes is demonstrated through computer simulations based on OFDMA network. Numerical results show that our schemes support heterogeneous services while guaranteeing each user's QoS requirements with slight total system throughput degradation. Secondly, we investigate the resource allocation problem subject to the satisfaction of user QoS requirements and individual total power constraints of the users and relays. The throughput of each end-to-end link is modeled considering both the direct and relay links. Due to non-convex nature of the original resource allocation problem, the optimal solution is obtained by solving a relaxed problem via two level dual decomposition. Numerical results reveal that the proposed scheme is effective in provisioning QoS of each user's over the conventional resource allocation counterpart under individual total power constraints of the users and relays . Lastly, decentralized resource allocation schemes are proposed to reduce the computational complexity and CSI feedback overhead at the BS. A user centric distributed (UCD) scheme and a relay centric distributed (RCD) scheme are proposed, where the computation of the centralized scheme is distributed among the users and relays, respectively. We also proposed suboptimal schemes based on simplified relay selection. The suboptimal schemes can be combined with the distributed schemes to further reduce of signalling overhead and computational complexity. Numerical results show that our schemes guarantee user's satisfaction with low computational complexity and signalling overhead, leading to preferred candidates for practical implementation. The research results obtained in this dissertation can improve the resource utilization and QoS assurance of the emerging OFDMA networks.4 month

    Joint channel pairing and power allocation optimization in two-way multichannel relaying.

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    We consider two-way amplify-and-forward relaying in a multichannel system with two end nodes and a single relay, using a two-slot multi-access broadcast (MABC) as well as time-division broadcast (TDBC) relaying strategies. We investigate the problem of joint subchannel pairing and power allocation to maximize the achievable sum-rate in the network, under an individual power budget at each node. To solve this challenging joint optimization problem, an iterative approach is proposed to decompose the problem into pairing optimization and joint power allocation optimization, and solve them iteratively. For given power allocation, we first consider the problem of subchannel pairing at the relay to maximize the achievable sum rate in TDBC-based network. Unlike in the one-way relaying case, our result shows that there exists no explicit SNR-based subchannel pairing strategy that is optimal for sum-rate maximization for two-way relaying. Nonetheless, for TDBC-based two way relaying, we formulate the pairing optimization as an axial 3-D assignment problem which is NP-hard, and propose an iterative optimization method to solve it with complexity O(N3). Based on SNR over each subchannel, we also propose sorting-based algorithms for scenarios with and without direct link, with a low complexity of O(N logN). For the joint power allocation at the relay and the two end nodes, we propose another iterative optimization procedure to optimize the power at the two end nodes and at the relay iteratively. By using different forms of optimization parameters, the sum-rate maximization problem turns out to be convex and the optimal solutions can be obtained for each subproblem. The simulation first demonstrates the proposed sorting-based pairing algorithm offers the performance very close to the iterative optimization method. Then, shows the gain of joint optimization approach over other pairing-only or power-allocation-only optimization approaches

    Resource Allocation for Broadband Wireless Access Networks with Imperfect CSI

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    The high deployment and maintenance costs of last mile wireline networks (i.e., DSL and cable networks) have urged service providers to search for new cost-effective solutions to provide broadband connectivity. Broadband wireless access (BWA) networks, which offer a wide coverage area and high transmission rates in addition to their fast and low-cost deployment, have emerged as an alternative to last mile wireline networks. Therefore, BWA networks are expected to be deployed in areas with different terrain profiles (e.g., urban, suburban, rural) where wireless communication faces different channel impairments. This fact necessitates the adoption of various transmission technologies that combat the channel impairments of each profile. Implementation scenarios of BWA networks considered in this thesis are multicarrier-based direct transmission and single carrier-based cooperative transmission scenarios. The performance of these transmission technologies highly depends on how resources are allocated. In this thesis, we focus on the development of practical resource allocation schemes for the mentioned BWA networks implementation scenarios. In order to develop practical schemes, the imperfection of channel state information (CSI) and computational power limitations are among considered practical implementation issues. The design of efficient resource allocation schemes at the MAC layer heavily relies on the CSI reported from the PHY layer as a measure of the wireless channel condition. The channel estimation error and feedback delay renders the reported CSI erroneous. The inaccuracy in CSI propagates to higher layers, resulting in performance degradation. Although this effect is intuitive, a quantitative measure of this degradation is necessary for the design of practical resource allocation schemes. An approach to the evaluation of the ergodic mutual information that reflects this degradation is developed for single carrier, multicarrier, direct, and cooperative scenarios with inaccurate CSI. Given the CSI estimates and estimation error statistics, the presented evaluation of ergodic mutual information can be used in resource allocation and in assessing the severity of estimation error on performance degradation. A point-to-multipoint (PMP) network that employs orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is considered as one of the most common implementation scenarios of BWA networks. Replacing wireline networks requires not only providing the last mile connectivity to subscribers but also supporting their diverse services with stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. Therefore, the resource allocation problem (i.e., subcarriers, rate and power allocation) is modeled as a network utility maximization (NUM) one that captures the characteristics of this implementation scenario. A dual decomposition-based resource allocation scheme that takes into consideration the diversity of service requirements and inaccuracy of the CSI estimation is developed. Numerical evaluations and simulations are conducted to validate our theoretical claims that the scheme maximizes resource utilization, coordinates with the call admission controller to guarantee QoS, and accounts for CSI inaccuracy. Cooperation has recently received great attention from the research community and industry because of its low cost and fast deployment in addition to the performance improvement it brings to BWA networks. In cooperative scenarios, subscribers cooperate to relay each other's signals. For this implementation scenario of BWA networks, a robust and constrained Kalman filter-based power allocation scheme is proposed to minimize power consumption and guarantee bit error probability (BEP) requirements. The proposed scheme is robust to CSI inaccuracy, responsive to changes in BEP requirements, and optimal in allocating resources. In summary, research results presented in this thesis contribute to the development of practical resource allocation schemes for BWA networks