1,992 research outputs found

    CLEX: Yet Another Supercomputer Architecture?

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    We propose the CLEX supercomputer topology and routing scheme. We prove that CLEX can utilize a constant fraction of the total bandwidth for point-to-point communication, at delays proportional to the sum of the number of intermediate hops and the maximum physical distance between any two nodes. Moreover, % applying an asymmetric bandwidth assignment to the links, all-to-all communication can be realized (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-optimally both with regard to bandwidth and delays. This is achieved at node degrees of nεn^{\varepsilon}, for an arbitrary small constant ε(0,1]\varepsilon\in (0,1]. In contrast, these results are impossible in any network featuring constant or polylogarithmic node degrees. Through simulation, we assess the benefits of an implementation of the proposed communication strategy. Our results indicate that, for a million processors, CLEX can increase bandwidth utilization and reduce average routing path length by at least factors 1010 respectively 55 in comparison to a torus network. Furthermore, the CLEX communication scheme features several other properties, such as deadlock-freedom, inherent fault-tolerance, and canonical partition into smaller subsystems

    Standard Transistor Array (STAR). Volume 1: Placement technique

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    A large scale integration (LSI) technology, the standard transistor array uses a prefabricated understructure of transistors and a comprehensive library of digital logic cells to allow efficient fabrication of semicustom digital LSI circuits. The cell placement technique for this technology involves formation of a one dimensional cell layout and "folding" of the one dimensional placement onto the chip. It was found that, by use of various folding methods, high quality chip layouts can be achieved. Methods developed to measure of the "goodness" of the generated placements include efficient means for estimating channel usage requirements and for via counting. The placement and rating techniques were incorporated into a placement program (CAPSTAR). By means of repetitive use of the folding methods and simple placement improvement strategies, this program provides near optimum placements in a reasonable amount of time. The program was tested on several typical LSI circuits to provide performance comparisons both with respect to input parameters and with respect to the performance of other placement techniques. The results of this testing indicate that near optimum placements can be achieved by use of the procedures incurring severe time penalties

    Highly Parallel Processing of Relational Databases (Thesis)

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    Circuit design and analysis for on-FPGA communication systems

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    On-chip communication system has emerged as a prominently important subject in Very-Large- Scale-Integration (VLSI) design, as the trend of technology scaling favours logics more than interconnects. Interconnects often dictates the system performance, and, therefore, research for new methodologies and system architectures that deliver high-performance communication services across the chip is mandatory. The interconnect challenge is exacerbated in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), as a type of ASIC where the hardware can be programmed post-fabrication. Communication across an FPGA will be deteriorating as a result of interconnect scaling. The programmable fabrics, switches and the specific routing architecture also introduce additional latency and bandwidth degradation further hindering intra-chip communication performance. Past research efforts mainly focused on optimizing logic elements and functional units in FPGAs. Communication with programmable interconnect received little attention and is inadequately understood. This thesis is among the first to research on-chip communication systems that are built on top of programmable fabrics and proposes methodologies to maximize the interconnect throughput performance. There are three major contributions in this thesis: (i) an analysis of on-chip interconnect fringing, which degrades the bandwidth of communication channels due to routing congestions in reconfigurable architectures; (ii) a new analogue wave signalling scheme that significantly improves the interconnect throughput by exploiting the fundamental electrical characteristics of the reconfigurable interconnect structures. This new scheme can potentially mitigate the interconnect scaling challenges. (iii) a novel Dynamic Programming (DP)-network to provide adaptive routing in network-on-chip (NoC) systems. The DP-network architecture performs runtime optimization for route planning and dynamic routing which, effectively utilizes the in-silicon bandwidth. This thesis explores a new horizon in reconfigurable system design, in which new methodologies and concepts are proposed to enhance the on-FPGA communication throughput performance that is of vital importance in new technology processes

    Asymptotically-Optimal Incentive-Based En-Route Caching Scheme

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    Content caching at intermediate nodes is a very effective way to optimize the operations of Computer networks, so that future requests can be served without going back to the origin of the content. Several caching techniques have been proposed since the emergence of the concept, including techniques that require major changes to the Internet architecture such as Content Centric Networking. Few of these techniques consider providing caching incentives for the nodes or quality of service guarantees for content owners. In this work, we present a low complexity, distributed, and online algorithm for making caching decisions based on content popularity, while taking into account the aforementioned issues. Our algorithm performs en-route caching. Therefore, it can be integrated with the current TCP/IP model. In order to measure the performance of any online caching algorithm, we define the competitive ratio as the ratio of the performance of the online algorithm in terms of traffic savings to the performance of the optimal offline algorithm that has a complete knowledge of the future. We show that under our settings, no online algorithm can achieve a better competitive ratio than Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n), where nn is the number of nodes in the network. Furthermore, we show that under realistic scenarios, our algorithm has an asymptotically optimal competitive ratio in terms of the number of nodes in the network. We also study an extension to the basic algorithm and show its effectiveness through extensive simulations

    Cross-layer modeling and optimization of next-generation internet networks

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    Scaling traditional telecommunication networks so that they are able to cope with the volume of future traffic demands and the stringent European Commission (EC) regulations on emissions would entail unaffordable investments. For this very reason, the design of an innovative ultra-high bandwidth power-efficient network architecture is nowadays a bold topic within the research community. So far, the independent evolution of network layers has resulted in isolated, and hence, far-from-optimal contributions, which have eventually led to the issues today's networks are facing such as inefficient energy strategy, limited network scalability and flexibility, reduced network manageability and increased overall network and customer services costs. Consequently, there is currently large consensus among network operators and the research community that cross-layer interaction and coordination is fundamental for the proper architectural design of next-generation Internet networks. This thesis actively contributes to the this goal by addressing the modeling, optimization and performance analysis of a set of potential technologies to be deployed in future cross-layer network architectures. By applying a transversal design approach (i.e., joint consideration of several network layers), we aim for achieving the maximization of the integration of the different network layers involved in each specific problem. To this end, Part I provides a comprehensive evaluation of optical transport networks (OTNs) based on layer 2 (L2) sub-wavelength switching (SWS) technologies, also taking into consideration the impact of physical layer impairments (PLIs) (L0 phenomena). Indeed, the recent and relevant advances in optical technologies have dramatically increased the impact that PLIs have on the optical signal quality, particularly in the context of SWS networks. Then, in Part II of the thesis, we present a set of case studies where it is shown that the application of operations research (OR) methodologies in the desing/planning stage of future cross-layer Internet network architectures leads to the successful joint optimization of key network performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost (i.e., CAPEX/OPEX), resources usage and energy consumption. OR can definitely play an important role by allowing network designers/architects to obtain good near-optimal solutions to real-sized problems within practical running times