36 research outputs found

    Experimental Study on Human Arm Reaching with and without a Reduced Mobility for Applications in Medical Human-Interactive Robotics

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    Along with increasing advances in robotic technologies, there are now significant efforts under way to improve the quality of life especially those with physical disabilities or impairments. Control of such medical human-interactive robotics (HIR) involves complications in its design and control due to uncertain human factors. This dissertation makes its efforts to resolve three main challenges of an advanced HIR controller development: 1) detecting the operator’s motion intent, 2) understanding human motor behavior from the robotic perspective, and 3) generating reference motion for the HIR. Our interests in such challenges are limited to the point-to-point reaching of the human arm for applications of their solutions in the control of rehabilitation exoskeletons, therapeutic haptic devices, and prosthetic arms. In the context of human motion intent detection, a mobile motion capture system (MCS) enhanced with myoprocessors is developed to capture kinematics and dynamics of human arm in reaching movements. The developed MCS adopts wireless IMU (inertial measurement unit) sensors to capture ADL (activities of daily life) motions in the real-life environment. In addition, measured muscle activation patterns from selected muscle groups are converted into muscular force values by myoprocessors. This allows a reliable motion intent detection by quantify one of the most frequently used driving signal of the HIR, EMG (electromyography), in a standardized way. In order to understand the human motor behavior from the robotic viewpoint, a computational model on reaching is required. Since such model can be constituted by experimental observations, this dissertation look into invariant motion features of reaching with and without elbow constraint condition to establish a foundation of the computational model. The HIR should generate its reference motions by reflecting motor behavior of the natural human reaching. Though the accurate approximation of such behavior is critical, we also need to take into account the computational cost, especially for real-time applications such as the HIR control. In this manner, a higher order kinematic synthesis of mechanical linkage systems is adopted to approximate natural human hand profiles. Finally, a novel control concept of a myo-prosthetic arm is proposed as an application of all findings and efforts made in this dissertation

    Validation, optimization and exploitation of orientation measurements issued from inertial systems for clinical biomechanics

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    Les centrales inertielles (triade de capteurs inertiels dont la fusion des données permet l’estimation de l’orientation d’un corps rigide) sont de plus en plus populaires en biomécanique. Toutefois, les qualités métrologiques des centrales inertielles (CI) sont peu documentées et leur capacité à identifier des incapacités liées à la mobilité, sous-évaluée. Objectifs : (i) Caractériser la validité de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI ; (ii) Optimiser la justesse et la fidélité de ces mesures; et (iii) Proposer des métriques de mobilité basées sur les mesures d’orientation issues de CI. Méthodologie et résultats : La validité de la mesure d’orientation de différents types de CI a d’abord été évaluée en conditions contrôlées, à l’aide d’une table motorisée et d’une mesure étalon. Il a ainsi été démontré que les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont une justesse acceptable lors de mouvements lents (justesse moyenne ≤ 3.1º), mais que cette justesse se dégrade avec l’augmentation de la vitesse de rotation. Afin d’évaluer l’impact de ces constatations en contexte clinique d’évaluation de la mobilité, 20 participants ont porté un vêtement incorporant 17 CI lors de la réalisation de diverses tâches de mobilité (transferts assis-debout, marche, retournements). La comparaison des mesures des CI avec celles d’un système étalon a permis de dresser un portrait descriptif des variations de justesse selon la tâche exécutée et le segment/l’articulation mesuré. À partir de ces constats, l’optimisation de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI est abordée d’un point de vue utilisateur, démontrant le potentiel d’un réseau de neurones artificiel comme outil de rétroaction autonome de la qualité de la mesure d’orientation (sensibilité et spécificité ≥ 83%). Afin d’améliorer la robustesse des mesures de cinématique articulaire aux variations environnementales, l’ajout d’une photo et d’un algorithme d’estimation de pose tridimensionnelle est proposé. Lors d’essais de marche (n=60), la justesse moyenne de l’orientation à la cheville a ainsi été améliorée de 6.7° à 2.8º. Finalement, la caractérisation de la signature de la cinématique tête-tronc pendant une tâche de retournement (variables : angle maximal tête-tronc, amplitude des commandes neuromusculaires) a démontré un bon pouvoir discriminant auprès de participants âgés sains (n=15) et de patients atteints de Parkinson (PD, n=15). Ces métriques ont également démontré une bonne sensibilité au changement, permettant l’identification des différents états de médication des participants PD. Conclusion : Les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont leur place pour l’évaluation de la mobilité. Toutefois, la portée clinique réelle de ce type de système ne sera atteinte que lorsqu’il sera intégré et validé à même un outil de mesure clinique.Abstract : Inertial measurement of motion is emerging as an alternative to 3D motion capture systems in biomechanics. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are composed of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers which data are fed into a fusion algorithm to determine the orientation of a rigid body in a global reference frame. Although IMUs offer advantages over traditional methods of motion capture, the value of their orientation measurement for biomechanics is not well documented. Objectives: (i) To characterize the validity of the orientation measurement issued from IMUs; (ii) To optimize the validity and the reliability of these measurements; and (iii) To propose mobility metrics based on the orientation measurement obtained from IMUs. Methods and results: The criterion of validity of multiple types of IMUs was characterized using a controlled bench test and a gold standard. Accuracy of orientation measurement was shown to be acceptable under slow conditions of motion (mean accuracy ≤ 3.1º), but it was also demonstrated that an increase in velocity worsens accuracy. The impact of those findings on clinical mobility evaluation was then assessed in the lab, with 20 participants wearing an inertial suit while performing typical mobility tasks (standing-up, walking, turning). Comparison of the assessed IMUs orientation measurements with those from an optical gold standard allowed to capture a portrait of the variation in accuracy across tasks, segments and joints. The optimization process was then approached from a user perspective, first demonstrating the capability of an artificial neural network to autonomously assess the quality of orientation data sequences (sensitivity and specificity ≥ 83%). The issue of joint orientation accuracy in magnetically perturbed environment was also specifically addressed, demonstrating the ability of a 2D photograph coupled with a 3D pose estimation algorithm to improve mean ankle orientation accuracy from 6.7° to 2.8º when walking (n=60 trials). Finally, characterization of the turn cranio-caudal kinematics signature (variables: maximum head to trunk angle and neuromuscular commands amplitude) has demonstrated a good ability to discriminate between healthy older adults (n=15) and early stages of Parkinson’s disease patients (PD, n=15). Metrics have also shown a good sensitivity to change, enabling to detect changes in PD medication states. Conclusion: IMUs offer a complementary solution for mobility assessment in clinical biomechanics. However, the full potential of this technology will only be reached when IMUs will be integrated and validated within a clinical tool

    Working Inside the Black Box: Refinement of Pre-Existing Skills

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    This thesis aimed to address and inform the gap in current sport psychology/coaching research, knowledge and practice related to the implementation of technical refinement in already learnt, well-established and self-paced skills. This was achieved through a series of studies conducted within golf. Accordingly, Chapter 2 revealed technical refinement as neither systematic nor consistent within and between European Tour players and coaches and high-level amateurs. Building on this need, the systematic Five-A Model was derived from the literature (Chapter 3), targeting outcomes of permanency and pressure resistance. Following, motor control (Chapter 4) and kinematic (Chapter 5) measures, technological methods from which these data could be obtained (Chapter 6) and appropriate training environments and task characteristics (Chapter 7) were determined, aimed at enabling informative tracking of progress through the Five-A Model in applied golf coaching environments. Having developed these ranges of measures and methods, Chapter 8 presented three longitudinal case studies aimed at implementing and tracking progress through stages of the Five-A Model. Results revealed outcomes with different levels of success in facilitating technical refinement, based primarily on psycho-behavioural limitations that were also found in Chapter 2. Therefore, as a final check on measures proposed, Chapter 9 confirmed previous suggestions by tracking six performers making short-term technical refinements within a single training session. Finally, Chapter 10 summarised the findings and implications of this thesis. Particular emphasis was directed towards the impact of psycho-behavioural skills in determining the success when attempting refinements, the further development of informative measures to track progress and inform coaches decision making and the wider implications of this research within clinical and rehabilitation settings

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    Learning-based methods for planning and control of humanoid robots

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    Nowadays, humans and robots are more and more likely to coexist as time goes by. The anthropomorphic nature of humanoid robots facilitates physical human-robot interaction, and makes social human-robot interaction more natural. Moreover, it makes humanoids ideal candidates for many applications related to tasks and environments designed for humans. No matter the application, an ubiquitous requirement for the humanoid is to possess proper locomotion skills. Despite long-lasting research, humanoid locomotion is still far from being a trivial task. A common approach to address humanoid locomotion consists in decomposing its complexity by means of a model-based hierarchical control architecture. To cope with computational constraints, simplified models for the humanoid are employed in some of the architectural layers. At the same time, the redundancy of the humanoid with respect to the locomotion task as well as the closeness of such a task to human locomotion suggest a data-driven approach to learn it directly from experience. This thesis investigates the application of learning-based techniques to planning and control of humanoid locomotion. In particular, both deep reinforcement learning and deep supervised learning are considered to address humanoid locomotion tasks in a crescendo of complexity. First, we employ deep reinforcement learning to study the spontaneous emergence of balancing and push recovery strategies for the humanoid, which represent essential prerequisites for more complex locomotion tasks. Then, by making use of motion capture data collected from human subjects, we employ deep supervised learning to shape the robot walking trajectories towards an improved human-likeness. The proposed approaches are validated on real and simulated humanoid robots. Specifically, on two versions of the iCub humanoid: iCub v2.7 and iCub v3

    Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen : 20. bis 22.7. 2015, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

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    The 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering will be held at the Bauhaus University Weimar from 20th till 22nd July 2015. Architects, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers from all over the world will meet in Weimar for an interdisciplinary exchange of experiences, to report on their results in research, development and practice and to discuss. The conference covers a broad range of research areas: numerical analysis, function theoretic methods, partial differential equations, continuum mechanics, engineering applications, coupled problems, computer sciences, and related topics. Several plenary lectures in aforementioned areas will take place during the conference. We invite architects, engineers, designers, computer scientists, mathematicians, planners, project managers, and software developers from business, science and research to participate in the conference

    Topology based representations for motion synthesis and planning

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    Robot motion can be described in several alternative representations, including joint configuration or end-effector spaces. These representations are often used for manipulation or navigation tasks but they are not suitable for tasks that involve close interaction with the environment. In these scenarios, collisions and relative poses of the robot and its surroundings create a complex planning space. To deal with this complexity, we exploit several representations that capture the state of the interaction, rather than the state of the robot. Borrowing notions of topology invariances and homotopy classes, we design task spaces based on winding numbers and writhe for synthesizing winding motion, and electro-static fields for planning reaching and grasping motion. Our experiments show that these representations capture the motion, preserving its qualitative properties, while generalising over finer geometrical detail. Based on the same motivation, we utilise a scale and rotation invariant representation for locally preserving distances, called interaction mesh. The interaction mesh allows for transferring motion between robots of different scales (motion re-targeting), between humans and robots (teleoperation) and between different environments (motion adaptation). To estimate the state of the environment we employ real-time sensing techniques utilizing dense stereo tracking, magnetic tracking sensors and inertia measurements units. We combine and exploit these representations for synthesis and generalization of motion in dynamic environments. The benefit of this method is on problems where direct planning in joint space is extremely hard whereas local optimal control exploiting topology and metric of these novel representations can efficiently compute optimal trajectories. We formulate this approach in the framework of optimal control as an approximate inference problem. This allows for consistent combination of multiple task spaces (e.g. end-effector, joint space and the abstract task spaces we investigate in this thesis). Motion generalization to novel situations and kinematics is similarly performed by projecting motion from abstract representations to joint configuration space. This technique, based on operational space control, allows us to adapt the motion in real time. This process of real-time re-mapping generates robust motion, thus reducing the amount of re-planning.We have implemented our approach as a part of an open source project called the Extensible Optimisation library (EXOTica). This software allows for defining motion synthesis problems by combining task representations and presenting this problem to various motion planners using a common interface. Using EXOTica, we perform comparisons between different representations and different planners to validate that these representations truly improve the motion planning

    EUSPEN : proceedings of the 3rd international conference, May 26-30, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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