792 research outputs found

    A New Distributed Optimization for Community Microgrids Scheduling

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    This paper proposes a distributed optimization model for community microgrids considering the building thermal dynamics and customer comfort preference. The microgrid central controller (MCC) minimizes the total cost of operating the community microgrid, including fuel cost, purchasing cost, battery degradation cost and voluntary load shedding cost based on the customers’ consumption, while the building energy management systems (BEMS) minimize their electricity bills as well as the cost associated with customer discomfort due to room temperature deviation from the set point. The BEMSs and the MCC exchange information on energy consumption and prices. When the optimization converges, the distributed generation scheduling, energy storage charging/discharging \ and customers’ consumption as well as the energy prices are determined. In particular, we integrate the detailed thermal dynamic characteristics of buildings into the proposed model. The heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems can be scheduled intelligently to reduce the electricity cost while maintaining the indoor temperature in the comfort range set by customers. Numerical simulation results show the effectiveness of proposed model

    Bidding Strategy for Networked Microgrids in the Day-Ahead Electricity Market

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    In recent years, microgrids have drawn increasing attention from both academic and industrial sectors due to their enormous potential benefits to the power systems. Microgrids are essentially highly-customized small-scale power systems. Microgrids’ islanding capability enables microgrids to conduct more flexible and energy-efficient operations. Microgrids have proved to be able to provide reliable and environmental-friendly electricity to quality-sensitive or off-grid consumers. In addition, during the grid-connected operation mode, microgrids can also provide support to the utility grid. World-widely continuous microgrid deployments indicate a paradigm shift from traditional centralized large-scale systems toward more distributed and customized small-scale systems. However, microgrids can cause as many problems as it solves. More efforts are needed to address these problems caused by microgrids integration. Considering there will be multiple microgrids in future power systems, the coordination problems between individual microgrids remain to be solved. Aiming at facilitating the promotion of microgrids, this thesis investigates the system-level modeling methods for coordination between multiple microgrids in the context of participating in the market. Firstly, this thesis reviews the background and recent development of microgrid coordination models. Problems of existing studies are identified. Motivated by these problems, the research objectives and structure of this thesis are presented. Secondly, this thesis examines and compares the most common frameworks for optimization under uncertainty. An improved unit commitment model considering uncertain sub-hour wind power ramp behaviors is presented to illustrate the reformulation and solution method of optimization models with uncertainty. Next, the price-maker bidding strategy for collaborative networked microgrids is presented. Multiple microgrids are coordinated as a single dispatchable entity and participate in the market as a price-maker. The market-clearing process is modeled using system residual supply/demand price-quota curves. Multiple uncertainty sources in the bidding model are mitigated with a hybrid stochastic-robust optimization framework. What’s more, this thesis further considers the privacy concerns of individual microgrids in the coordination process. Therefore a privacy-preserving solution method based on Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition is proposed to solve the bidding problem. Both computational and economic performances of the proposed model are compared with the performances of conventional centralized coordination framework. Lastly, this thesis provides suggestions on future research directions of coordination problems among multiple microgrids

    Optimal operation of hybrid AC/DC microgrids under uncertainty of renewable energy resources : A comprehensive review

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    The hybrid AC/DC microgrids have become considerably popular as they are reliable, accessible and robust. They are utilized for solving environmental, economic, operational and power-related political issues. Having this increased necessity taken into consideration, this paper performs a comprehensive review of the fundamentals of hybrid AC/DC microgrids and describes their components. Mathematical models and valid comparisons among different renewable energy sources’ generations are discussed. Subsequently, various operational zones, control and optimization methods, power flow calculations in the presence of uncertainties related to renewable energy resources are reviewed.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Deep Learning Techniques for Power System Operation: Modeling and Implementation

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    The fast development of the deep learning (DL) techniques in the most recent years has drawn attention from both academia and industry. And there have been increasing applications of the DL techniques in many complex real-world situations, including computer vision, medical diagnosis, and natural language processing. The great power and flexibility of DL can be attributed to its hierarchical learning structure that automatically extract features from mass amounts of data. In addition, DL applies an end-to-end solving mechanism, and directly generates the output from the input, where the traditional machine learning methods usually break down the problem and combine the results. The end-to-end mechanism considerably improve the computational efficiency of the DL.The power system is one of the most complex artificial infrastructures, and many power system control and operation problems share the same features as the above mentioned real-world applications, such as time variability and uncertainty, partial observability, which impedes the performance of the conventional model-based methods. On the other hand, with the wide spread implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI), the SCADA, the Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS), and many other measuring system providing massive data from the field, the data-driven deep learning technique is becoming an intriguing alternative method to enable the future development and success of the smart grid. This dissertation aims to explore the potential of utilizing the deep-learning-based approaches to solve a broad range of power system modeling and operation problems. First, a comprehensive literature review is conducted to summarize the existing applications of deep learning techniques in power system area. Second, the prospective application of deep learning techniques in several scenarios in power systems, including contingency screening, cascading outage search, multi-microgrid energy management, residential HVAC system control, and electricity market bidding are discussed in detail in the following 2-6 chapters. The problem formulation, the specific deep learning approaches in use, and the simulation results are all presented, and also compared with the currently used model-based method as a verification of the advantage of deep learning. Finally, the conclusions are provided in the last chapter, as well as the directions for future researches. It’s hoped that this dissertation can work as a single spark of fire to enlighten more innovative ideas and original studies, widening and deepening the application of deep learning technique in the field of power system, and eventually bring some positive impacts to the real-world bulk grid resilient and economic control and operation

    Energy Management of Prosumer Communities

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    The penetration of distributed generation, energy storages and smart loads has resulted in the emergence of prosumers: entities capable of adjusting their electricity production and consumption in order to meet environmental goals and to participate profitably in the available electricity markets. Significant untapped potential remains in the exploitation and coordination of small and medium-sized distributed energy resources. However, such resources usually have a primary purpose, which imposes constraints on the exploitation of the resource; for example, the primary purpose of an electric vehicle battery is for driving, so the battery could be used as temporary storage for excess photovoltaic energy only if the vehicle is available for driving when the owner expects it to be. The aggregation of several distributed energy resources is a solution for coping with the unavailability of one resource. Solutions are needed for managing the electricity production and consumption characteristics of diverse distributed energy resources in order to obtain prosumers with more generic capabilities and services for electricity production, storage, and consumption. This collection of articles studies such prosumers and the emergence of prosumer communities. Demand response-capable smart loads, battery storages and photovoltaic generation resources are forecasted and optimized to ensure energy-efficient and, in some cases, profitable operation of the resources
