5,002 research outputs found

    Stock price change prediction using news text mining

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    Along with the advent of the Internet as a new way of propagating news in a digital format, came the need to understand and transform this data into information. This work presents a computational framework that aims to predict the changes of stock prices along the day, given the occurrence of news articles related to the companies listed in the Down Jones Index. For this task, an automated process that gathers, cleans, labels, classifies, and simulates investments was developed. This process integrates the existing data mining and text algorithms, with the proposal of new techniques of alignment between news articles and stock prices, pre-processing, and classifier ensemble. The result of experiments in terms of classification measures and the Cumulative Return obtained through investment simulation outperformed the other results found after an extensive review in the related literature. This work also argues that the classification measure of Accuracy and incorrect use of cross validation technique have too few to contribute in terms of investment recommendation for financial market. Altogether, the developed methodology and results contribute with the state of art in this emerging research field, demonstrating that the correct use of text mining techniques is an applicable alternative to predict stock price movements in the financial market.Com o advento da Internet como um meio de propagação de notícias em formato digital, veio a necessidade de entender e transformar esses dados em informação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um processo computacional para predição de preços de ações ao longo do dia, dada a ocorrência de notícias relacionadas às companhias listadas no índice Down Jones. Para esta tarefa, um processo automatizado que coleta, limpa, rotula, classifica e simula investimentos foi desenvolvido. Este processo integra algoritmos de mineração de dados e textos já existentes, com novas técnicas de alinhamento entre notícias e preços de ações, pré-processamento, e assembleia de classificadores. Os resultados dos experimentos em termos de medidas de classificação e o retorno acumulado obtido através de simulação de investimentos foram maiores do que outros resultados encontrados após uma extensa revisão da literatura. Este trabalho também discute que a acurácia como medida de classificação, e a incorreta utilização da técnica de validação cruzada, têm muito pouco a contribuir em termos de recomendação de investimentos no mercado financeiro. Ao todo, a metodologia desenvolvida e resultados contribuem com o estado da arte nesta área de pesquisa emergente, demonstrando que o uso correto de técnicas de mineração de dados e texto é uma alternativa aplicável para a predição de movimentos no mercado financeiro

    Applying text mining techniques to forecast the stock market fluctuations of large it companies with twitter data: descriptive and predictive approaches to enhance the research of stock market predictions with textual and semantic data

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis research project applies advanced text mining techniques as a method to predict stock market fluctuations by merging published tweets and daily stock market prices for a set of American Information Technology companies. This project executes a systematical approach to investigate and further analyze, by using mainly R code, two main objectives: i) which are the descriptive criteria, patterns, and variables, which are correlated with the stock fluctuation and ii) does the single usage of tweets indicate moderate signal to predict with high accuracy the stock market fluctuations. The main supposition and expected output of the research work is to deliver findings about the twitter text significance and predictability power to indicate the importance of social media content in terms of stock market fluctuations by using descriptive and predictive data mining approaches, as natural language processing, topic modelling, sentiment analysis and binary classification with neural networks

    Hierarchical representation of socio-economic complex systems according to minimal spanning trees and diagrams

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    We investigate hierarchical structure in various complex systems according to Minimum Spanning Tree methods. Firstly, we investigate stock markets where the graph is obtained from the matrix of correlation coefficients computed between all pairs of assets by considering the synchronous time evolution of the difference of the logarithm of daily stock price. The hierarchical tree provides information useful to investigate the number and nature of economic factors that are associated in a meaningful economic taxonomy. We extend this method on other financial markets – money exchange (FOREX) and commodity – phonographic market (where we have artists instead of stocks) and get information on which music genre is meaningful according to customers. We continue to use this method in social systems (sport, political parties and pharmacy) to investigate collective effects and detect how a single element of a system influences the other ones. The level of correlations and Minimum Spanning Trees in various complex systems is also discussed

    Econometrics meets sentiment : an overview of methodology and applications

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    The advent of massive amounts of textual, audio, and visual data has spurred the development of econometric methodology to transform qualitative sentiment data into quantitative sentiment variables, and to use those variables in an econometric analysis of the relationships between sentiment and other variables. We survey this emerging research field and refer to it as sentometrics, which is a portmanteau of sentiment and econometrics. We provide a synthesis of the relevant methodological approaches, illustrate with empirical results, and discuss useful software

    Asset Clusters and Asset Networks in Financial Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization

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    In this work we use explorative statistical and data mining methods for financial applications like risk management, portfolio optimization and market analysis. The outcomes are visualized and the relations are quantified by mathematical measures. Researchers, analysts and decision makers can visually explore the structures and can carry out management initiatives based on automatic measures provided by the system. There are example applications to equity and loan portfolios