2,025 research outputs found

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis

    Generating whole body movements for dynamics anthropomorphic systems under constraints

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    Cette thèse étudie la question de la génération de mouvements corps-complet pour des systèmes anthropomorphes. Elle considère le problème de la modélisation et de la commande en abordant la question difficile de la génération de mouvements ressemblant à ceux de l'homme. En premier lieu, un modèle dynamique du robot humanoïde HRP-2 est élaboré à partir de l'algorithme récursif de Newton-Euler pour les vecteurs spatiaux. Un nouveau schéma de commande dynamique est ensuite développé, en utilisant une cascade de programmes quadratiques (QP) optimisant des fonctions coûts et calculant les couples de commande en satisfaisant des contraintes d'égalité et d'inégalité. La cascade de problèmes quadratiques est définie par une pile de tâches associée à un ordre de priorité. Nous proposons ensuite une formulation unifiée des contraintes de contacts planaires et nous montrons que la méthode proposée permet de prendre en compte plusieurs contacts non coplanaires et généralise la contrainte usuelle du ZMP dans le cas où seulement les pieds sont en contact avec le sol. Nous relions ensuite les algorithmes de génération de mouvement issus de la robotique aux outils de capture du mouvement humain en développant une méthode originale de génération de mouvement visant à imiter le mouvement humain. Cette méthode est basée sur le recalage des données capturées et l'édition du mouvement en utilisant le solveur hiérarchique précédemment introduit et la définition de tâches et de contraintes dynamiques. Cette méthode originale permet d'ajuster un mouvement humain capturé pour le reproduire fidèlement sur un humanoïde en respectant sa propre dynamique. Enfin, dans le but de simuler des mouvements qui ressemblent à ceux de l'homme, nous développons un modèle anthropomorphe ayant un nombre de degrés de liberté supérieur à celui du robot humanoïde HRP2. Le solveur générique est utilisé pour simuler le mouvement sur ce nouveau modèle. Une série de tâches est définie pour décrire un scénario joué par un humain. Nous montrons, par une simple analyse qualitative du mouvement, que la prise en compte du modèle dynamique permet d'accroitre naturellement le réalisme du mouvement.This thesis studies the question of whole body motion generation for anthropomorphic systems. Within this work, the problem of modeling and control is considered by addressing the difficult issue of generating human-like motion. First, a dynamic model of the humanoid robot HRP-2 is elaborated based on the recursive Newton-Euler algorithm for spatial vectors. A new dynamic control scheme is then developed adopting a cascade of quadratic programs (QP) optimizing the cost functions and computing the torque control while satisfying equality and inequality constraints. The cascade of the quadratic programs is defined by a stack of tasks associated to a priority order. Next, we propose a unified formulation of the planar contact constraints, and we demonstrate that the proposed method allows taking into account multiple non coplanar contacts and generalizes the common ZMP constraint when only the feet are in contact with the ground. Then, we link the algorithms of motion generation resulting from robotics to the human motion capture tools by developing an original method of motion generation aiming at the imitation of the human motion. This method is based on the reshaping of the captured data and the motion editing by using the hierarchical solver previously introduced and the definition of dynamic tasks and constraints. This original method allows adjusting a captured human motion in order to reliably reproduce it on a humanoid while respecting its own dynamics. Finally, in order to simulate movements resembling to those of humans, we develop an anthropomorphic model with higher number of degrees of freedom than the one of HRP-2. The generic solver is used to simulate motion on this new model. A sequence of tasks is defined to describe a scenario played by a human. By a simple qualitative analysis of motion, we demonstrate that taking into account the dynamics provides a natural way to generate human-like movements

    Automation and Robotics: Latest Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

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    This SI presents the latest achievements, challenges and prospects for drives, actuators, sensors, controls and robot navigation with reverse validation and applications in the field of industrial automation and robotics. Automation, supported by robotics, can effectively speed up and improve production. The industrialization of complex mechatronic components, especially robots, requires a large number of special processes already in the pre-production stage provided by modelling and simulation. This area of research from the very beginning includes drives, process technology, actuators, sensors, control systems and all connections in mechatronic systems. Automation and robotics form broad-spectrum areas of research, which are tightly interconnected. To reduce costs in the pre-production stage and to reduce production preparation time, it is necessary to solve complex tasks in the form of simulation with the use of standard software products and new technologies that allow, for example, machine vision and other imaging tools to examine new physical contexts, dependencies and connections

    3D-in-2D Displays for ATC.

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    This paper reports on the efforts and accomplishments of the 3D-in-2D Displays for ATC project at the end of Year 1. We describe the invention of 10 novel 3D/2D visualisations that were mostly implemented in the Augmented Reality ARToolkit. These prototype implementations of visualisation and interaction elements can be viewed on the accompanying video. We have identified six candidate design concepts which we will further research and develop. These designs correspond with the early feasibility studies stage of maturity as defined by the NASA Technology Readiness Level framework. We developed the Combination Display Framework from a review of the literature, and used it for analysing display designs in terms of display technique used and how they are combined. The insights we gained from this framework then guided our inventions and the human-centered innovation process we use to iteratively invent. Our designs are based on an understanding of user work practices. We also developed a simple ATC simulator that we used for rapid experimentation and evaluation of design ideas. We expect that if this project continues, the effort in Year 2 and 3 will be focus on maturing the concepts and employment in a operational laboratory settings

    Horizontally distributed inference of deep neural networks for AI-enabled IoT

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    Motivated by the pervasiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the current “smart everything” scenario, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the most recent research at the intersection of both domains, focusing on the design and development of specific mechanisms for enabling a collaborative inference across edge devices towards the in situ execution of highly complex state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs), despite the resource-constrained nature of such infrastructures. In particular, the review discusses the most salient approaches conceived along those lines, elaborating on the specificities of the partitioning schemes and the parallelism paradigms explored, providing an organized and schematic discussion of the underlying workflows and associated communication patterns, as well as the architectural aspects of the DNNs that have driven the design of such techniques, while also highlighting both the primary challenges encountered at the design and operational levels and the specific adjustments or enhancements explored in response to them.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2017-87494-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PDC2021-121644-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/03-GR
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