1,320 research outputs found

    Análisis funcional para la Plataforma IoT PIICO

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    This paper presents the main challenges of an Internet of Things (IoT) platform. In this sense, an interoperability platform for IoT devices, called PIICO, is presented in the frame of an agriculture application. PIICO is a platform able to resolve interoperability between components and has the potential to be a stable IoT platform. Improvements opportunities of the main IoT PIICO components (nodes, gateway, and data analytics platform) are presented and discussed. The proposed improvements will make that an IoT platform improves its functionality, operation, security, and performance.Este documento presenta los principales desafíos de una plataforma de Internet de las cosas (IoT). En este sentido, se presenta una plataforma de interoperabilidad para dispositivos IoT, denominada PIICO, en el marco de una aplicación agrícola. PIICO es una plataforma capaz de resolver la interoperabilidad entre componentes y tiene el potencial de ser una plataforma de IoT estable. Se presentan y discuten las oportunidades de mejora de los principales componentes de IoT PIICO (nodos, puerta de enlace y plataforma de análisis de datos). Las mejoras propuestas harán que una plataforma IoT mejore su funcionalidad, operación, seguridad y rendimiento

    A Model-driven Architecture for Multi-protocol OBD Emulator

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) might be the next revolutionary technology to mark a generation. It could have a particularly strong influence on the automotive industry, changing people’s perception of what a vehicle can do. By connecting several things in a car, IoT empowers it to sense and communicate. Furthermore, this technology clearly opens the way to emerging applications such as automated driving, Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicleto-Infrastructure communication. Vehicle’s information about its environment and surroundings is crucial to the development of existing and emerging applications. It is already possible to communicate directly (on-site) with vehicles through a built-in On Board Diagnostics (OBD), making it possible to obtain crucial information about the state of the vehicle in real environments. However, there is zero tolerance for error when developing new applications for vehicles that are, a priori, extremely costly and that must also safeguard human lives. Therefore, there is an increasing need for OBD emulators which can allow the development of new applications. This Thesis proposes a model-driven architecture for multi-protocol OBD emulator, encouraging the development of new emerging OBD systems in a safety environment, to promote the creation of applications to interact or use vehicles’ data. In this sense, the addressed specifications are: Less expensive comparing with today’s solutions; Compatible with different OBD protocols communication; Open Source Hardware and Software suitable for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) development

    Extending the Internet of Things to the future Internet through IPv6 Support

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    Emerging Internet of Things (IoT)/Machine-to-Machine (M2M) systems require a transparent access to information and services through a seamless integration into the Future Internet. This integration exploits infrastructure and services found on the Internet by the IoT. On the one hand, the so-called Web of Things aims for direct Web connectivity by pushing its technology down to devices and smart things. On the other hand, the current and Future Internet offer stable, scalable, extensive, and tested protocols for node and service discovery, mobility, security, and auto-configuration, which are also required for the IoT. In order to integrate the IoT into the Internet, this work adapts, extends, and bridges using IPv6 the existing IoT building blocks (such as solutions from IEEE 802.15.4, BT-LE, RFID) while maintaining backwards compatibility with legacy networked embedded systems from building and industrial automation. Specifically, this work presents an extended Internet stack with a set of adaptation layers from non-IP towards the IPv6-based network layer in order to enable homogeneous access for applications and services

    Application of Multiprotocol Medical Imaging Communications and an Extended DICOM WADO Service in a Teleradiology Architecture

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    Multiprotocol medical imaging communication through the Internet is more flexible than the tight DICOM transfers. This paper introduces a modular multiprotocol teleradiology architecture that integrates DICOM and common Internet services (based on web, FTP, and E-mail) into a unique operational domain. The extended WADO service (a web extension of DICOM) and the other proposed services allow access to all levels of the DICOM information hierarchy as opposed to solely Object level. A lightweight client site is considered adequate, because the server site of the architecture provides clients with service interfaces through the web as well as invulnerable space for temporary storage, called as User Domains, so that users fulfill their applications' tasks. The proposed teleradiology architecture is pilot implemented using mainly Java-based technologies and is evaluated by engineers in collaboration with doctors. The new architecture ensures flexibility in access, user mobility, and enhanced data security

    Controlled and Secure Access to Promote the Industrial Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) aims at facilitating access to all devices that are connected to the internet, both wired and wireless. This scenario can initially seem interesting. Nevertheless, it has a lack of privacy and danger of malicious interaction with the devices. Therefore, IoT, as it stands, is not suitable for companies to make their data and devices accessible through the internet, since they could find an untidy cloud, made up of devices without the necessary control of use. This paper proposes the use of the cloud computing advantages to develop a secure access global system based on a cloud. The company will decide the controlled access to the chosen devices and data, both by employees and external people. The developed system can be used from different scenarios such as: a public cloud; an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); and a private cloud. To illustrate the operation of the developed system, a representative network of heterogeneous multiprotocol devices has been designed

    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks.Postprint (published version

    Design and implementation of multiprotocol framework for residential prosumer incorporation in flexibility markets

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    The growth of distributed renewable energy in the electrical grid presents challenges to its stability and quality. To address this at the local level, flexibility energy strategies emerge as an innovative technique. However, managing these strategies in residential areas becomes complex due to the unique characteristics of each prosumer. A major challenge lies in managing communication among diverse devices with different protocols. To address these issues, a comprehensive framework is designed and implemented to facilitate prosumers' integration in flexibility strategies, addressing communication at various levels. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through its implementation in a real smart home environment with diverse devices. The framework enables seamless integration and communication between IoT devices and IEC 61,850-compliant power devices. This research presents a novel approach to address the challenges of managing flexibility strategies in residential areas, providing a practical solution for prosumers to actively participate in optimizing energy consumption and enhancing the stability and quality of the electricity system amidst the growing integration of distributed renewable energy.</p