12 research outputs found

    Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology

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    Ontologies are built on systems that conceptually evolve over time. In addition, techniques and languages for building ontologies evolve too. This has led to numerous studies in the field of ontology versioning and ontology evolution. This paper presents a new way to manage the lifecycle of an ontology incorporating both versioning tools and evolution process. This solution, called VersionGraph, is integrated in the source ontology since its creation in order to make it possible to evolve and to be versioned. Change management is strongly related to the model in which the ontology is represented. Therefore, we focus on the OWL language in order to take into account the impact of the changes on the logical consistency of the ontology like specified in OWL DL

    The Ontology-Based Methodology Phases To Develop Multi-Agent System (OmMAS)

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    Semantic aspect on methodology phase is a significant  issue  to  develop  multi-agent  system in  the  current days.   There are a lot of methodologies to develop multi-agent system, but the current problem is how to choose the best methodology phase to develop current multi-agent system. The development of multi-agent system currently is to be more complex and difficult. Many aspects that contains on multi-agent system, the one of the famous issue now is about semantic aspect on multi-agent system. The old methodology phases are not suitable to develop current multi-agent system. Nowadays, many researchers start to improve and customize the obsolete methodology to adjust with the current needed. There are two research steps contains in this paper, the first step is to review and criticize previous methodologies especially about MOMA (Methodology for Developing Ontology-Based Multi-Agent System) was introduced in 2013. The second step is the main contribution of this paper is to improve previous methodology phases with the new methodology phases named OmMas (The Ontology-Based Methodology phases to Develop Multi-Agent System), and using semantic aspect as the  main focus of this methodology. The result of this research is improved ontology- based methodology phases as a representation of semantic aspect on the ontology development process.

    Towards a Traceable Enterprise Architecture for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    The practice of Enterprise Architecture (EA) continues to develop. Many large organizations are using EA processes and practices to help manage their complex set of integrated processes and applications. The set of integrated processes and applications required to meet their unique business requirements. Large organizations inherently recognize that an effective EA assists the enterprise to determine its desired direction. The resulting EA is then used to help manage the changes required to achieve the enterprises chosen destination. In a similar manner, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from EA practices. Achieving these benefits requires EA practices and tools be appropriately scaled to the size of the enterprise. My objective is to address the EA needs of SMEs by researching appropriate EA best practices, building artifacts that embrace these practices, and then evaluating these artifacts to determine how well they meet the need

    Folksonomies, Thésaurus et Ontologies : trois artefacts combinés dans la structuration des données du Web

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    International audienceAu coeur de nos systèmes documentaires, de nos bibliothèques numériques, de nos systèmes d'information, du Web 2.0 et du Web Sémantique, les ontologies, les thésaurus et les folksonomies sont trois des structures de données qui participent à l'indexation des contenus. Parfois confondus, parfois opposés, nous montrons que ces trois « artefacts cognitifs » qui se répandent actuellement dans les applications Web répondent à des besoins différents et peuvent très bien être combinés au sein d'une même application pour permettre différentes fonctionnalités, offrant ainsi différents modèles et permettant différentes pratiques pour l'indexation de contenus en ligne

    A Context Centric Model for building a Knowledge advantage Machine Based on Personal Ontology Patterns

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    Throughout the industrial era societal advancement could be attributed in large part to introduction a plethora of electromechanical machines all of which exploited a key concept known as Mechanical Advantage. In the post-industrial era exploitation of knowledge is emerging as the key enabler for societal advancement. With the advent of the Internet and the Web, while there is no dearth of knowledge, what is lacking is an efficient and practical mechanism for organizing knowledge and presenting it in a comprehensible form appropriate for every context. This is the fundamental problem addressed by my dissertation.;We begin by proposing a novel architecture for creating a Knowledge Advantage Machine (KaM), one which enables a knowledge worker to bring to bear a larger amount of knowledge to solve a problem in a shorter time. This is analogous to an electromechanical machine that enables an industrial worker to bring to bear a large amount of power to perform a task thus improving worker productivity. This work is based on the premise that while a universal KaM is beyond the realm of possibility, a KaM specific to a particular type of knowledge worker is realizable because of the limited scope of his/her personal ontology used to organize all relevant knowledge objects.;The proposed architecture is based on a society of intelligent agents which collaboratively discover, markup, and organize relevant knowledge objects into a semantic knowledge network on a continuing basis. This in-turn is exploited by another agent known as the Context Agent which determines the current context of the knowledge worker and makes available in a suitable form the relevant portion of the semantic network. In this dissertation we demonstrate the viability and extensibility of this architecture by building a prototype KaM for one type of knowledge worker such as a professor

    Dynamic ontology for service robots

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAutomatic ontology creation, aiming to develop ontology without or with minimal human intervention, is needed for robots that work in dynamic environments. This is particularly required for service (or domestic) robots that work in unstructured and dynamic domestic environments, as robots and their human users share the same space. Most current works adopt learning to build the ontology in terms of defining concepts and relations of concepts, from various data and information resources. Given the partial or incomplete information often observed by robots in domestic environments, identifying useful data and information and extracting concepts and relations is challenging. In addition, more types of relations which do not appear in current approaches for service robots such as “HasA” and “MadeOf”, as well as semantic knowledge, are needed for domestic robots to cope with uncertainties during human–robot interaction. This research has developed a framework, called Data-Information Retrieval based Automated Ontology Framework (DIRAOF), that is able to identify the useful data and information, to define concepts according to the data and information collected, to define the “is-a” relation, “HasA” relation and “MadeOf” relation, which are not seen in other works, to evaluate the concepts and relations. The framework is also able to develop semantic knowledge in terms of location and time for robots, and a recency and frequency based algorithm that uses the semantic knowledge to locate objects in domestic environments. Experimental results show that the robots are able to create ontology components with correctness of 86.5% from 200 random object names and to associate semantic knowledge of physical objects by presenting tracking instances. The DIRAOF framework is able to build up an ontology for domestic robots without human intervention

    Uso da web de dados como fonte de informação no processo de inteligência competitiva setorial

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2014.Aproximadamente oitenta por cento da informação necessária em um processo de Inteligência Competitiva (IC) pode ser obtida de fontes abertas. Porém, a falta de semântica desse tipo de fontes dificulta a dedução dos objetos e de seus relacionamentos. Essas dificuldades restringem a tarefa de recuperação de informação, fazendo da captura de conhecimento uma atividade particularmente difícil. A Web of Data avança nesse sentido ao possibilitar um espaço global de dados com conexões explicitas entre os conjuntos e com mecanismos padrão para acessar e processar os dados. Assim, este trabalho propõe alinhar o processo de IC à esta fonte de dados. Para tanto, é proposto um modelo composto por tarefas estruturadas de identificação, seleção e classificação da informação baseado em setores econômicos, que objetiva facilitar a recuperação e o uso da informação na etapa de coleta do ciclo de IC. Espera-se com isso que organizações possam explorar novas fontes de conhecimento, diminuir os esforços de coleta devido à estruturação da informação, e consequentemente, obter melhor posição estratégica. A verificação do modelo se deu pela sua aplicação no setor de Eletricidade e Gás, pela identificação dos requisitos de IC e pela coleta dos dados pertencentes ao setor escolhido.Abstract : Nearly eighty percent of the information needed for a process of Competitive Intelligence (CI) can be obtained from open sources. However, the lack of semantics of this kind of source complicates the deduction of objects and their relationships. These difficulties restrict the information retrieval task and make knowledge capture a particularly hard activity. The Web of Data moves in this direction, by allowing a global data space with explicit connections between datasets and standard mechanisms to access and process data. So, this paper proposes to align the CI process to this data source. To this end, we propose a model composed for structured identification, selection and classification of information based on economic sectors, which aims to facilitate the retrieval and use of the information in the collection stage of the CI cycle tasks. It is expected that organizations can exploit this new knowledge sources, reduce efforts due to the structuring of information, and hence get better strategic position. The model was validated in the Electricity and Gas sector to identify the requirements of CI and the collection of data belonging to sector

    Propositions de méthodologies pour la valorisation de la médecine traditionnelle fondées sur une ontologie

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    The work presented in this thesis focuses on the problematic of the valorization of traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is a very rich biological andcultural diversity. His practise is widespread and occurs in various forms. The valorization of this medicine is now a very important issue; it will capitalize this knowledge to popularize, and thus improve its performance in terms of diagnosis, treatment and cost. World Health Organization (WHO)proposes its integration into the national health system. But the practice and exercise of this medicine face many problems which make its implementation difficult. Among these problems, we can list the informal nature of its practice, its content is not formalized, its access mode is not determined, etc. We propose in this thesis, practices more efficient based on the new technology of information and communications; they based specifically on semantic resource such as the ontology which is the formal structure of an acquaintance. The methods proposed in this thesis allow to formalize the contents of this medicine, to facilitate its exercise and ultimately to succeed its revalorization.Le travail présenté dans cette thèse porte sur la problématique de la valorisation de la médecine traditionnelle. La médecine traditionnelle est d’une diversité biologique et culturelle très riche. Sa pratique est très répandue et se fait sous des formes variées . La valorisation de cette médecine constitue aujourd’hui un enjeu très important ; elle permettra de capitaliser ce savoir, de le vulgariser, et donc d’améliorer ses prestations en termes de diagnostic, de traitement et de coût. L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) propose, du reste, de l’intégrer dans le système national de santé. Mais la pratique et l’exercice de cette médecine rencontrent de nombreux problèmes qui rendent son application difficile. Parmi ces problèmes, nous pouvons relever le caractère informel de sa pratique, son contenu non formalisé, son mode d’accès non déterminé, etc. Nous proposons, dans cette thèse, des techniques de pratiques plus efficaces puisque basées sur les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication ; celles-ci reposent plus spécifiquement sur la ressource sémantique telle que l’ontologie qui est la structuration formelle d’une connaissance. Les méthodes proposées dans cette thèse permettent de formaliser le contenu de cette médecine, pour en faciliter l’exercice et en définitive, pour aboutir à sa revalorisation

    Designing a visual grammar to enable more effective stakeholder participation in scoping organizational change: a physics of notations approach

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    Successful organization change depends on effectively engaging impacted stakeholders early in the change process so that change leaders and stakeholders have a common understanding of the scope, benefits, and risks of the change. However, communicating a succinct and holistic view of the change and gaining shared understanding on what needs to change can be challenging. The use of sequential written communication and ad hoc graphics imposes a high cognitive load on stakeholders. This results in reluctance or inability for stakeholders to engage when their availability and mental resources are constrained due to operational demands. This research explores the design of a conceptual modeling grammar that generates single page, intuitive diagrams to reduce the cognitive load for stakeholders in understanding and defining the scope of organizational change. We first developed a domain ontology and a grammar based on theory. We then used the action design research approach to test and refine the grammar through three interventions in service delivery change in healthcare organizations. In each intervention we were able to overcome existing stakeholder engagement challenges and enhance stakeholder understanding of the scope of change being undertaken

    Change impact analysis for evolving ontology-based content management

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    Ontologies have become ubiquitous tools to embed semantics into content and applications on the semantic web. They are used to define concepts in a domain and allow us to reach at a common understanding on subjects of interest. Ontologies cover wide range of topics enabling both humans and machines to understand meanings and to reason in different contexts. They cover topics such as semantic web, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, machine translation, software development, content management, etc. We use ontologies for semantic annotation of content to facilitate understandability of the content by humans and machines. However, building ontology and annotations is often a manual process which is error prone and time consuming. Ontologies and ontology-driven content management systems (OCMS) evolve due to a change in conceptualization, the representation or the specification of the domain knowledge. These changes are often immense and frequent. Implementing the changes and adapting the OCMS accordingly require a huge effort. This is due to complex impacts of the changes on the ontologies, the content and dependent applications. Thus, evolving the OCMS with minimum and predictable impacts is among the top priorities of evolution in OCMS. We approach the problem of evolution by proposing a framework which clearly represents the interactions of the components of an OCMS. We proposed a layered OCMS framework which contains an ontology layer, content layer and annotation layer. Further, we propose a novel approach for analysing impacts of change operations. Impacts of atomic change operations are assigned individually by analysing the target entity and all the other entities that are structurally or semantically dependent on it. Impacts of composite change operations are analysed following three stage process. We use impact cancellation, impact balancing and impact transformation to analyse the impacts when two or more atomic changes are executed as part of a composite or domain specific change operation. We build a model which estimates the impacts of a complete change operation enabling the ontology engineer to specify the weight associated with each optimization criteria. Finally, the model identifies the implementation strategy with minimum cost of evolution. We evaluate our system by building a prototype as a proof of concept and find out encouraging results