4,163 research outputs found

    Visual motion processing and human tracking behavior

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    The accurate visual tracking of a moving object is a human fundamental skill that allows to reduce the relative slip and instability of the object's image on the retina, thus granting a stable, high-quality vision. In order to optimize tracking performance across time, a quick estimate of the object's global motion properties needs to be fed to the oculomotor system and dynamically updated. Concurrently, performance can be greatly improved in terms of latency and accuracy by taking into account predictive cues, especially under variable conditions of visibility and in presence of ambiguous retinal information. Here, we review several recent studies focusing on the integration of retinal and extra-retinal information for the control of human smooth pursuit.By dynamically probing the tracking performance with well established paradigms in the visual perception and oculomotor literature we provide the basis to test theoretical hypotheses within the framework of dynamic probabilistic inference. We will in particular present the applications of these results in light of state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms

    Computational neurorehabilitation: modeling plasticity and learning to predict recovery

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    Despite progress in using computational approaches to inform medicine and neuroscience in the last 30 years, there have been few attempts to model the mechanisms underlying sensorimotor rehabilitation. We argue that a fundamental understanding of neurologic recovery, and as a result accurate predictions at the individual level, will be facilitated by developing computational models of the salient neural processes, including plasticity and learning systems of the brain, and integrating them into a context specific to rehabilitation. Here, we therefore discuss Computational Neurorehabilitation, a newly emerging field aimed at modeling plasticity and motor learning to understand and improve movement recovery of individuals with neurologic impairment. We first explain how the emergence of robotics and wearable sensors for rehabilitation is providing data that make development and testing of such models increasingly feasible. We then review key aspects of plasticity and motor learning that such models will incorporate. We proceed by discussing how computational neurorehabilitation models relate to the current benchmark in rehabilitation modeling – regression-based, prognostic modeling. We then critically discuss the first computational neurorehabilitation models, which have primarily focused on modeling rehabilitation of the upper extremity after stroke, and show how even simple models have produced novel ideas for future investigation. Finally, we conclude with key directions for future research, anticipating that soon we will see the emergence of mechanistic models of motor recovery that are informed by clinical imaging results and driven by the actual movement content of rehabilitation therapy as well as wearable sensor-based records of daily activity

    Learning and adaptation in brain machine interfaces

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    Balancing subject learning and decoder adaptation is central to increasing brain machine interface (BMI) performance. We addressed these complementary aspects in two studies: (1) a learning study, in which mice modulated “beta” band activity to control a 1D auditory cursor, and (2) an adaptive decoding study, in which a simple recurrent artificial neural network (RNN) decoded intended saccade targets of monkeys. In the learning study, three mice successfully increased beta band power following trial initiations, and specifically increased beta burst durations from 157 ms to 182 ms, likely contributing to performance. Though the task did not explicitly require specific movements, all three mice appeared to modulate beta activity via active motor control and had consistent vibrissal motor cortex multiunit activity and local field potential relationships with contralateral whisker pad electromyograms. The increased burst durations may therefore by a direct result of increased motor activity. These findings suggest that only a subset of beta rhythm phenomenology can be volitionally modulated (e.g. the tonic “hold” beta), therefore limiting the possible set of successful beta neuromodulation strategies. In the adaptive decoding study, RNNs decoded delay period activity in oculomotor and working memory regions while monkeys performed a delayed saccade task. Adaptive decoding sessions began with brain-controlled trials using pre-trained RNN models, in contrast to static decoding sessions in which 300-500 initial eye-controlled training trials were performed. Closed loop RNN decoding performance was lower than predicted by offline simulations. More consistent delay period activity and saccade paths across trials were associated with higher decoding performance. Despite the advantage of consistency, one monkey’s delay period activity patterns changed over the first week of adaptive decoding, and the other monkey’s saccades were more erratic during adaptive decoding than during static decoding sessions. It is possible that the altered session paradigm eliminating eye-controlled training trials led to either frustration or exploratory learning, causing the neural and behavioral changes. Considering neural control and decoder adaptation of BMIs in these studies, future work should improve the “two-learner” subject-decoder system by better modeling the interaction between underlying brain states (and possibly their modulation) and the neural signatures representing desired outcomes

    Flatland: a Lightweight First-Person 2-D Environment for Reinforcement Learning

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    Flatland is a simple, lightweight environment for fast prototyping and testing of reinforcement learning agents. It is of lower complexity compared to similar 3D platforms (e.g. DeepMind Lab or VizDoom), but emulates physical properties of the real world, such as continuity, multi-modal partially-observable states with first-person view and coherent physics. We propose to use it as an intermediary benchmark for problems related to Lifelong Learning. Flatland is highly customizable and offers a wide range of task difficulty to extensively evaluate the properties of artificial agents. We experiment with three reinforcement learning baseline agents and show that they can rapidly solve a navigation task in Flatland. A video of an agent acting in Flatland is available here: https://youtu.be/I5y6Y2ZypdA.Comment: Accepted to the Workshop on Continual Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning (ICDL-EpiRob 2018

    On Neuromechanical Approaches for the Study of Biological Grasp and Manipulation

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    Biological and robotic grasp and manipulation are undeniably similar at the level of mechanical task performance. However, their underlying fundamental biological vs. engineering mechanisms are, by definition, dramatically different and can even be antithetical. Even our approach to each is diametrically opposite: inductive science for the study of biological systems vs. engineering synthesis for the design and construction of robotic systems. The past 20 years have seen several conceptual advances in both fields and the quest to unify them. Chief among them is the reluctant recognition that their underlying fundamental mechanisms may actually share limited common ground, while exhibiting many fundamental differences. This recognition is particularly liberating because it allows us to resolve and move beyond multiple paradoxes and contradictions that arose from the initial reasonable assumption of a large common ground. Here, we begin by introducing the perspective of neuromechanics, which emphasizes that real-world behavior emerges from the intimate interactions among the physical structure of the system, the mechanical requirements of a task, the feasible neural control actions to produce it, and the ability of the neuromuscular system to adapt through interactions with the environment. This allows us to articulate a succinct overview of a few salient conceptual paradoxes and contradictions regarding under-determined vs. over-determined mechanics, under- vs. over-actuated control, prescribed vs. emergent function, learning vs. implementation vs. adaptation, prescriptive vs. descriptive synergies, and optimal vs. habitual performance. We conclude by presenting open questions and suggesting directions for future research. We hope this frank assessment of the state-of-the-art will encourage and guide these communities to continue to interact and make progress in these important areas

    Computational roles of cortico-cerebellar loops in temporal credit assignment

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    Animal survival depends on behavioural adaptation to the environment. This is thought to be enabled by plasticity in the neural circuit. However, the laws which govern neural plasticity are unclear. From a functional aspect, it is desirable to correctly identify, or assign “credit” for, the neurons or synapses responsible for the task decision and subsequent performance. In the biological circuit, the intricate, non-linear interactions involved in neural networks makes appropriately assigning credit to neurons highly challenging. In the temporal domain, this is known as the temporal credit assignment (TCA) problem. This Thesis considers the role the cerebellum – a powerful subcortical structure with strong error-guided plasticity rules – as a solution to TCA in the brain. In particular, I use artificial neural networks as a means to model and understand the mechanisms by which the cerebellum can support learning in the neocortex via the cortico-cerebellar loop. I introduce two distinct but compatible computational models of cortico-cerebellar interaction. The first model asserts that the cerebellum provides the neocortex predictive feedback, modeled in the form of error gradients, with respect to its current activity. This predictive feedback enables better credit assignment in the neocortex and effectively removes the lock between feedforward and feedback processing in cortical networks. This model captures observed long-term deficits associated with cerebellar dysfunction, namely cerebellar dysmetria, in both the motor and non-motor domain. Predictions are also made with respect to alignment of cortico-cerebellar activity during learning and the optimal task conditions for cerebellar contribution. The second model also looks at the role of the cerebellum in learning, but now considers its ability to instantaneously drive the cortex towards desired task dynamics. Unlike the first model, this model does not assume any local cortical plasticity need take place at all and task-directed learning can effectively be outsourced to the cerebellum. This model captures recent optogenetic studies in mice which show the cerebellum as a necessary component for the maintenance of desired cortical dynamics and ensuing behaviour. I also show that this driving input can eventually be used as a teaching signal for the cortical circuit, thereby conceptually unifying the two models. Overall, this Thesis explores the computational role of the cerebellum and cortico-cerebellar loops for task acquisition and maintenance in the brain

    Inside the brain of an elite athlete: The neural processes that support high achievement in sports

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    Events like the World Championships in athletics and the Olympic Games raise the public profile of competitive sports. They may also leave us wondering what sets the competitors in these events apart from those of us who simply watch. Here we attempt to link neural and cognitive processes that have been found to be important for elite performance with computational and physiological theories inspired by much simpler laboratory tasks. In this way we hope to inspire neuroscientists to consider how their basic research might help to explain sporting skill at the highest levels of performance
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