8 research outputs found

    Aligning Models of Normative Systems and Artificial Societies: Towards norm-governed behavior in virtual enterprises

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    The purpose is to explore how norm-governed behavior within agent societies can be achieved in the context of Virtual Enterprises. We analyze a number of formal models from the agent research field, of which three models focus on the society aspects and three models focus on norms. A general observation is that the models reviewed are not concordant with each other and therefore require further alignment. A number of additions that may enrich the norm-focused models are suggested. It is also concluded that the introduction of different types of norms on different levels can be applied to ensure sound collaboration in agent-supported virtual enterprises. Moreover, the deployment of norm defender and promoter functionality is suggested to ensure norm compliance and punishments of norm violations

    Producing Enactable Protocols in Artificial Agent Societies

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    This paper draws upon our previous work [7, 16] in which we proposed the organisation of services around the concept of artificial agent societies and presented a framework for representing roles and protocols using LTSs. The agent would apply for a role in the society, which would result in its participation in a number of protocols. We advocated the use of the games-based metaphor for describing the protocols and presented a framework for assessing the admission of the agent to the society on the basis of its competence. In this work we look at the subsequent question: what information should the agent receive upon entry?. We can not provide it with the full protocol because of security and overload issues. Therefore, we choose to only provide the actions pertinent to the protocols that the role the agent applied for participates in the society. We employ branching bisimulation for producing a protocol equivalent to the original one with all actions not involving the role translated into silent (τ) actions. However, this approach sometimes results in non-enactable protocols. In this case, we need to repair the protocol by adding the role in question as a recipient to certain protocol messages that were causing the problems. We present three different approaches for repairing protocols, depending on the number of messages from the original protocol they modify. The modified protocol is adopted as the final one and the agent is given the role automaton that is derived from the branching bisimulation process

    A Communication Choreography for Discrete Step MultiAgent Social Simulations

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    Considerable research has been done on agent communications, yet in discrete step social agent simulations there is no standardized work done to facilitate reactive agent-to-agent communication. We propose an agent-to-agent interaction framework that preserves the integrity of the communication process in an artificial society in a \u27time-stepped\u27 discrete event simulator. We introduce the modeling language called Agent Choreography Description Language (ACDL) in order to model the communication. It serves in describing the common and collaborative observable behaviour of multiple agents that need to interact in a peer to peer manner to achieve some goal. ACDL further adopts the parallel and interaction activities to model proper communication in an artificial society. The ACDL communication framework is implemented and tested in REPAST. It employs a communication manager to generate and execute ACDL specification according to agent\u27s communication needs

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    Sistemas multiagente para la integración de personas discapacitadas

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    [ES] Debido a la creciente preocupación de la sociedad por la integración de las personas discapacitadas, en los últimos años han surgido un gran número de iniciativas que tratan de dar apoyo a este colectivo. En este trabajo se presentan un conjunto de herramientas cuyo objetivo es facilitar la integración social en el ámbito de la movilidad, incidiendo tanto en la adaptación del entorno como en los sistemas de control de sillas de ruedas. Con el objetivo de mejorar la accesibilidad de los entornos, se presenta una herramienta de simulación que pretende detectar a qué dificultades o barreras arquitectónicas se pueden enfrentar los usuarios dentro de un entorno. De esta forma, las simulaciones permiten descubrir de forma anticipada los problemas a los que se enfrentarán las personas con discapacidad antes de que estos problemas sucedan. Esta herramienta se fundamenta en el uso combinado de la simulación social basada en agentes junto con representaciones tridimensionales. La utilización de ambas técnicas hace posible realizar modelados y simulaciones de manera muy próxima a la realidad. El método de simulación definido, se integra en una arquitectura multiagente basada en organizaciones virtuales. En este contexto, los agentes se emplean para la representación de las personas y los diferentes elementos que intervienen en la simulación. La proliferación de sistemas de control de sillas de ruedas que hacen uso de datos provenientes de redes de sensores y de técnicas de inteligencia artificial, hacen que sean necesarias plataformas que faciliten y automaticen las tareas de recopilación y análisis de datos. En este contexto, se presenta una arquitectura centrada en ofrecer una rápida integración de sistemas de control de sillas de ruedas donde diferentes elementos de computación trabajan de forma distribuida. Dicha arquitectura se cimienta sobre un modelo adaptativo basado en organizaciones virtuales, que permiten la integración de dispositivos inteligentes para el procesado de la información. Además, se presentan un conjunto de métodos de control alternativos

    Regulating competence-based access to agent societies

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    Advances in ubiquitous computing have resulted in changes to the way we access and use everyday applications, e.g. reading mail and booking tickets. At the same time, users interact with these applications in a variety of ways, each with different characteristics, e.g., different degrees of bandwidth, different payment schemes supported and so on. These are highly dynamic interactions, as some of the applications might become unavailable (either temporarily or permanently) or their behaviour may change. As the user has to deal with a large number of proactive and dynamic applications every day, he will need a personal assistant that possesses similar characteristics. The agent paradigm meets this requirement, since it exhibits the necessary features. As a result, the user will provide its personal agent assistant with a goal, e.g. I need a smartphone which costs less than three hundred pounds, and the agent will have to use a number of applications offering information on smartphones so that it finds the requested one. This, in turn, raises a number of issues regarding the organisation and the degrees of access to these services as well as the correctness of their descriptions. In this work, we propose the organisation of applications around the concept of artificial agent societies, to which access would be possible only by a positive evaluation of an agent's application. The agent will provide the Authority Agent with the role it is applying for and its competencies in the context of a protocol, i.e., the messages that it can utter/understand. The Authority Agent will then check to see if the applicant agent is a competent user of the protocols; if yes, entry is granted. Assuming that access is granted, the next issue is to decide on the protocol(s) that agent receives. As providing the full protocol will cause security and overload problems, we only need to provide the part required for the agent to play its role. We show how this can be done and how we can repair certain protocols so that they are indeed enactable once this role decomposition is performed.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo