418 research outputs found

    Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science

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    A collection of papers presented at the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, July 1994, including the following papers: ** Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science, Barry Smith ** The Bounds of Axiomatisation, Graham White ** Rethinking Boundaries, Wojciech Zelaniec ** Sheaf Mereology and Space Cognition, Jean Petitot ** A Mereotopological Definition of 'Point', Carola Eschenbach ** Discreteness, Finiteness, and the Structure of Topological Spaces, Christopher Habel ** Mass Reference and the Geometry of Solids, Almerindo E. Ojeda ** Defining a 'Doughnut' Made Difficult, N .M. Gotts ** A Theory of Spatial Regions with Indeterminate Boundaries, A.G. Cohn and N.M. Gotts ** Mereotopological Construction of Time from Events, Fabio Pianesi and Achille C. Varzi ** Computational Mereology: A Study of Part-of Relations for Multi-media Indexing, Wlodek Zadrozny and Michelle Ki

    Enhancing Exploratory Analysis across Multiple Levels of Detail of Spatiotemporal Events

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    Crimes, forest fires, accidents, infectious diseases, human interactions with mobile devices (e.g., tweets) are being logged as spatiotemporal events. For each event, its spatial location, time and related attributes are known with high levels of detail (LoDs). The LoD of analysis plays a crucial role in the user’s perception of phenomena. From one LoD to another, some patterns can be easily perceived or different patterns may be detected, thus requiring modeling phenomena at different LoDs as there is no exclusive LoD to study them. Granular computing emerged as a paradigm of knowledge representation and processing, where granules are basic ingredients of information. These can be arranged in a hierarchical alike structure, allowing the same phenomenon to be perceived at different LoDs. This PhD Thesis introduces a formal Theory of Granularities (ToG) in order to have granules defined over any domain and reason over them. This approach is more general than the related literature because these appear as particular cases of the proposed ToG. Based on this theory we propose a granular computing approach to model spatiotemporal phenomena at multiple LoDs, and called it a granularities-based model. This approach stands out from the related literature because it models a phenomenon through statements rather than just using granules to model abstract real-world entities. Furthermore, it formalizes the concept of LoD and follows an automated approach to generalize a phenomenon from one LoD to a coarser one. Present-day practices work on a single LoD driven by the users despite the fact that the identification of the suitable LoDs is a key issue for them. This PhD Thesis presents a framework for SUmmarizIng spatioTemporal Events (SUITE) across multiple LoDs. The SUITE framework makes no assumptions about the phenomenon and the analytical task. A Visual Analytics approach implementing the SUITE framework is presented, which allow users to inspect a phenomenon across multiple LoDs, simultaneously, thus helping to understand in what LoDs the phenomenon perception is different or in what LoDs patterns emerge

    The role of geographic knowledge in sub-city level geolocation algorithms

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    Geolocation of microblog messages has been largely investigated in the lit- erature. Many solutions have been proposed that achieve good results at the city-level. Existing approaches are mainly data-driven (i.e., they rely on a training phase). However, the development of algorithms for geolocation at sub-city level is still an open problem also due to the absence of good training datasets. In this thesis, we investigate the role that external geographic know- ledge can play in geolocation approaches. We show how di)erent geographical data sources can be combined with a semantic layer to achieve reasonably accurate sub-city level geolocation. Moreover, we propose a knowledge-based method, called Sherloc, to accurately geolocate messages at sub-city level, by exploiting the presence in the message of toponyms possibly referring to the speci*c places in the target geographical area. Sherloc exploits the semantics associated with toponyms contained in gazetteers and embeds them into a metric space that captures the semantic distance among them. This allows toponyms to be represented as points and indexed by a spatial access method, allowing us to identify the semantically closest terms to a microblog message, that also form a cluster with respect to their spatial locations. In contrast to state-of-the-art methods, Sherloc requires no prior training, it is not limited to geolocating on a *xed spatial grid and it experimentally demonstrated its ability to infer the location at sub-city level with higher accuracy

    Knowledge discovery from trajectories

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesAs a newly proliferating study area, knowledge discovery from trajectories has attracted more and more researchers from different background. However, there is, until now, no theoretical framework for researchers gaining a systematic view of the researches going on. The complexity of spatial and temporal information along with their combination is producing numerous spatio-temporal patterns. In addition, it is very probable that a pattern may have different definition and mining methodology for researchers from different background, such as Geographic Information Science, Data Mining, Database, and Computational Geometry. How to systematically define these patterns, so that the whole community can make better use of previous research? This paper is trying to tackle with this challenge by three steps. First, the input trajectory data is classified; second, taxonomy of spatio-temporal patterns is developed from data mining point of view; lastly, the spatio-temporal patterns appeared on the previous publications are discussed and put into the theoretical framework. In this way, researchers can easily find needed methodology to mining specific pattern in this framework; also the algorithms needing to be developed can be identified for further research. Under the guidance of this framework, an application to a real data set from Starkey Project is performed. Two questions are answers by applying data mining algorithms. First is where the elks would like to stay in the whole range, and the second is whether there are corridors among these regions of interest

    A Data Model for Exploration of Temporal Virtual Reality Geographic Information Systems

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    Geographic information systems deal with the exploration, analysis, and presentation of geo-referenced data. Virtual reality is a type of human-computer interface that comes close to the way people perceive information in the real world. Thus, virtual reality environments become the natural paradigm for extending and enhancing the presentational and exploratory capability of GIs applications in both the spatial and temporal domains. The main motivation of this thesis is the lack of a framework that properly supports the exploration of geographic information in a multi-dimensional and multi-sensorial environment (i.e., temporal virtual reality geographic information systems). This thesis introduces a model for virtual exploration of animations. Virtual exploration of animations is a framework composed of abstract data types and a user interface that allow non-expert users to control, manipulate, analyze, and present objects\u27 behaviors in a virtual-reality environment. In the model for virtual exploration of animations, the manipulation of the dynamic environment is accomplished through a set of operations performed over abstractions that represent temporal characteristics of actions. An important feature of the model is that the temporal information is treated as first-class entities and not as a mere attribute of action\u27s representations. Therefore, entities of the temporal model have their own built-in functionality and are able to represent complex temporal structures. In an environment designed for the manipulation of the temporal characteristics of actions, the knowledge of relationships among objects\u27 behaviors plays a significant role in the model. This information comes from the knowledge base of the application domain and is represented in the model through constraints among entities of the temporal model. Such constraints vary from simply relating the end points of two intervals to a complex mechanism that takes into account all relations between sequences of intervals of cyclic behaviors. The fact that the exploration of the information takes place in a virtual reality environment imposes new requirements on the animation model. This thesis introduces a new classification of objects in a VR environment and describes the associated semantics of each element in the taxonomy. These semantics are used to direct the way an object interacts with an observer and with other objects in the environment

    Areas of Same Cardinal Direction

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    Cardinal directions, such as North, East, South, and West, are the foundation for qualitative spatial reasoning, a common field of GIS, Artificial Intelligence, and cognitive science. Such cardinal directions capture the relative spatial direction relation between a reference object and a target object, therefore, they are important search criteria in spatial databases. The projection-based model for such direction relations has been well investigated for point-like objects, yielding a relation algebra with strong inference power. The Direction Relation Matrix defines the simple region-to-region direction relations by approximating the reference object to a minimum bounding rectangle. Models that capture the direction between extended objects fall short when the two objects are close to each other. For instance, the forty-eight contiguous states of the US are colloquially considered to be South of Canada, yet they include regions that are to the North of some parts of Canada. This research considers the cardinal direction as a field that is distributed through space and may take on varying values depending on the location within a reference object. Therefore, the fundamental unit of space, the point, is used as a reference to form a point-based cardinal direction model. The model applies to capture the direction relation between point-to-region and region-to-region configurations. As such, the reference object is portioned into areas of same cardinal direction with respect to the target object. This thesis demonstrates there is a set of 106 cardinal point-to-region relations, which can be normalized by considering mirroring and 90° rotations, to a subset of 22 relations. The differentiating factor of the model is that a set of base relations defines the direction relation anywhere in the field, and the conceptual neighborhood graph of the base relations offers the opportunity to exploit the strong inference of point-based direction reasoning for simple regions of arbitrary shape. Considers the tiles and pockets of same cardinal direction, while a coarse model provides a union of all possible qualitative direction values between a reference region and a target region

    Modeling Visit Potential of Geographic Locations Based on Mobility Data

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    Every day people interact with the environment by passing or visiting geographic locations. Information about such entity-location interactions can be used in a number of applications and its value has been recognized by companies and public institutions. However, although the necessary tracking technologies such as GPS, GSM or RFID have long found their way into everyday life, the practical usage of visit information is still limited. Besides economic and ethical reasons for the restricted usage of entity-location interactions there are also two very basic problems. First, no formal definition of entity-location interaction quantities exists. Second, at the current state of technology, no tracking technology guarantees complete observations, and the treatment of missing data in mobility applications has been neglected in trajectory data mining so far. This thesis therefore focuses on the definition and estimation of quantities about the visiting behavior between mobile entities and geographic locations from incomplete mobility data. In a first step we provide an application-independent language to evaluate entity-location interactions. Based on a uniform notation, we define a family of quantities called visit potential, which contains the most basic interaction quantities and can be extended on need. By identifying the common background of all quantities we are able to analyze relationships between different quantities and to infer consistency requirements between related parameterizations of the quantities. We demonstrate the general applicability of visit potential using two real-world applications for which we give a precise definition of the employed entity-location interaction quantities in terms of visit potential. Second, this thesis provides the first systematic analysis of methods for the handling of missing data in mobility mining. We select a set of promising methods that take different approaches to handling missing data and test their robustness with respect to different scenarios. Our analyses consider different mechanisms and intensities of missing data under artificial censoring as well as varying visit intensities. We hereby analyze not only the applicability of the selected methods but also provide a systematic approach for parameterization and testing that can also be applied to the analysis of other mobility data sets. Our experiments show that only two of the tested methods supply unbiased estimates of visit potential quantities and are applicable to the domain. In addition, both methods supply unbiased estimates only of a single quantity. Therefore, it will be a future challenge to design methods for the entire collection of visit potential quantities. The topic of this thesis is motivated by applied research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS for business applications in outdoor advertisement. We will use the outdoor advertisement scenario throughout this thesis for demonstration and experimentation.Modellierung von Besuchsgrößen geographischer Orte anhand von Mobilitätsdaten Täglich interagieren Menschen mit ihrer Umgebung, indem sie sich im geografischen Raum bewegen oder gezielt geografische Orte aufsuchen. Informationen über derartige Besuche sind sehr wertvoll und können in einer Reihe von Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Üblicherweise werden dazu die Bewegungen von Personen mit Hilfe von GPS, GSM oder RFID Technologien verfolgt. Durch eine räumliche Verschneidung der Trajektorien mit der Positionsangabe eines bestimmten Ortes können dann die Besuche extrahiert werden. Allerdings ist derzeitig die Verwendung von Besuchsinformationen in der Praxis begrenzt. Dies hat, neben ökonomischen und ethischen Gründen, vor allem zwei grundlegende Ursachen. Erstens existiert keine formelle Definition von Größen, um Besuchsinformationen einheitlich auszuwerten. Zweitens können aktuelle Technologien keine vollständige Erfassung von Bewegungsinformationen garantieren. Das bedeutet, dass die Basisdaten zur Auswertung von Besuchsinformationen grundsätzlich Lücken enthalten. Für eine fehlerfreie Auswertung der Daten müssen diese Lücken adäquat behandelt werden. Allerdings wurde dieses Thema in der bisherigen Data Mining Literatur zur Auswertung von Bewegungsdaten vernachlässigt. Daher widmet sich diese Dissertation der Definition von Größen zur Auswertung von Besuchsinformationen sowie dem Schätzen dieser Größen aus unvollständigen Bewegungsdaten. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation wird eine anwendungsunabhängige Beschreibungssprache formuliert, um Besuchsinformationen auszuwerten. Auf Basis einer einheitlichen Notation wird eine Familie von Größen namens visit potential definiert, die grundlegende Besuchsgrößen enthält und offen für Erweiterungen ist. Die gemeinsame Basis aller Besuchsgrößen erlaubt weiterhin, Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Größen zu analysieren sowie Konsistenzanforderungen zwischen ähnlichen Parametrisierungen der Größen abzuleiten. Abschließend zeigt die Arbeit die generelle Anwendbarkeit der definierten Besuchsgrößen in zwei realen Anwendungen, für die eine präzise Definition der eingesetzten Statistiken mit Hilfe der Besuchsgrößen gegeben wird. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation enthält die erste systematische Methodenanalyse für die Handhabung von unvollständigen Bewegungsdaten. Hierfür werden vier vielversprechende Methoden aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen zur Behandlung von fehlenden Daten ausgewählt und auf ihre Robustheit unter verschiedenen Annahmen getestet. Mit Hilfe einer künstlichen Zensur werden verschiedene Mechanismen und Grade von fehlenden Daten untersucht. Außerdem wird die Robustheit der Methoden für verschieden hohe Besuchsniveaus betrachtet. Die durchgeführten Experimente geben dabei nicht nur Auskunft über die Anwendbarkeit der getesteten Methoden, sondern stellen auch ein systematisches Vorgehen für das Testen und Parametrisieren weiterer Methoden zur Verfügung. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente belegen, dass nur zwei der vier ausgewählten Methoden für die Schätzung von Besuchsgrößen geeignet sind. Beide Methoden liefern jedoch nur für jeweils eine Besuchsgröße erwartungstreue Schätzwerte. Daher besteht eine zukünftige Herausforderung darin, Schätzmethoden für die Gesamtheit an Besuchsgrößen zu entwickeln. Diese Arbeit ist durch anwendungsorientierte Forschung am Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS im Bereich der Außenwerbung motiviert. Das Außenwerbeszenario sowie die darüber zur Verfügung gestellten Anwendungsdaten werden durchgängig zur Demonstration und für die Experimente in der Arbeit eingesetzt

    Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications

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    The convergence of big data and geospatial computing has brought forth challenges and opportunities to Geographic Information Science with regard to geospatial data management, processing, analysis, modeling, and visualization. This book highlights recent advancements in integrating new computing approaches, spatial methods, and data management strategies to tackle geospatial big data challenges and meanwhile demonstrates opportunities for using big data for geospatial applications. Crucial to the advancements highlighted in this book is the integration of computational thinking and spatial thinking and the transformation of abstract ideas and models to concrete data structures and algorithms

    Secure platforms for enforcing contextual access control

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    Advances in technology and wide scale deployment of networking enabled portable devices such as smartphones has made it possible to provide pervasive access to sensitive data to authorized individuals from any location. While this has certainly made data more accessible, it has also increased the risk of data theft as the data may be accessed from potentially unsafe locations in the presence of untrusted parties. The smartphones come with various embedded sensors that can provide rich contextual information such as sensing the presence of other users in a context. Frequent context profiling can also allow a mobile device to learn its surroundings and infer the familiarity and safety of a context. This can be used to further strengthen the access control policies enforced on a mobile device. Incorporating contextual factors into access control decisions requires that one must be able to trust the information provided by these context sensors. This requires that the underlying operating system and hardware be well protected against attacks from malicious adversaries. ^ In this work, we explore how contextual factors can be leveraged to infer the safety of a context. We use a context profiling technique to gradually learn a context\u27s profile, infer its familiarity and safety and then use this information in the enforcement of contextual access policies. While intuitive security configurations may be suitable for non-critical applications, other security-critical applications require a more rigorous definition and enforcement of contextual policies. We thus propose a formal model for proximity that allows one to define whether two users are in proximity in a given context and then extend the traditional RBAC model by incorporating these proximity constraints. Trusted enforcement of contextual access control requires that the underlying platform be secured against various attacks such as code reuse attacks. To mitigate these attacks, we propose a binary diversification approach that randomizes the target executable with every run. We also propose a defense framework based on control flow analysis that detects, diagnoses and responds to code reuse attacks in real time

    Semantic Similarity of Spatial Scenes

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    The formalization of similarity in spatial information systems can unleash their functionality and contribute technology not only useful, but also desirable by broad groups of users. As a paradigm for information retrieval, similarity supersedes tedious querying techniques and unveils novel ways for user-system interaction by naturally supporting modalities such as speech and sketching. As a tool within the scope of a broader objective, it can facilitate such diverse tasks as data integration, landmark determination, and prediction making. This potential motivated the development of several similarity models within the geospatial and computer science communities. Despite the merit of these studies, their cognitive plausibility can be limited due to neglect of well-established psychological principles about properties and behaviors of similarity. Moreover, such approaches are typically guided by experience, intuition, and observation, thereby often relying on more narrow perspectives or restrictive assumptions that produce inflexible and incompatible measures. This thesis consolidates such fragmentary efforts and integrates them along with novel formalisms into a scalable, comprehensive, and cognitively-sensitive framework for similarity queries in spatial information systems. Three conceptually different similarity queries at the levels of attributes, objects, and scenes are distinguished. An analysis of the relationship between similarity and change provides a unifying basis for the approach and a theoretical foundation for measures satisfying important similarity properties such as asymmetry and context dependence. The classification of attributes into categories with common structural and cognitive characteristics drives the implementation of a small core of generic functions, able to perform any type of attribute value assessment. Appropriate techniques combine such atomic assessments to compute similarities at the object level and to handle more complex inquiries with multiple constraints. These techniques, along with a solid graph-theoretical methodology adapted to the particularities of the geospatial domain, provide the foundation for reasoning about scene similarity queries. Provisions are made so that all methods comply with major psychological findings about people’s perceptions of similarity. An experimental evaluation supplies the main result of this thesis, which separates psychological findings with a major impact on the results from those that can be safely incorporated into the framework through computationally simpler alternatives