1,055 research outputs found

    HAL/SM language specification

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    A programming language is presented for the flight software of the NASA Space Shuttle program. It is intended to satisfy virtually all of the flight software requirements of the space shuttle. To achieve this, it incorporates a wide range of features, including applications-oriented data types and organizations, real time control mechanisms, and constructs for systems programming tasks. It is a higher order language designed to allow programmers, analysts, and engineers to communicate with the computer in a form approximating natural mathematical expression. Parts of the English language are combined with standard notation to provide a tool that readily encourages programming without demanding computer hardware expertise. Block diagrams and flow charts are included. The semantics of the language is discussed


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    Previous empirical studies of school choice have been at the national level, or have focussed on northeastern states. We estimate the demand for private education in rural Georgia, using proportion of private school attendance as an indicator variable. We find that income, tuition, race and school quality are important choice determinants. The results provide useful information for rural school administrators, and suggest that a tuition tax credit would have to be substantial to cause a significant exodus from public schools.School choice, Educational finance, Rural areas, Tuition tax credits, Public Economics,

    A Novel Compiler Support for Automatic Parallelization on Multicore Systems

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    [Abstract] The widespread use of multicore processors is not a consequence of significant advances in parallel programming. In contrast, multicore processors arise due to the complexity of building power-efficient, high-clock-rate, single-core chips. Automatic parallelization of sequential applications is the ideal solution for making parallel programming as easy as writing programs for sequential computers. However, automatic parallelization remains a grand challenge due to its need for complex program analysis and the existence of unknowns during compilation. This paper proposes a new method for converting a sequential application into a parallel counterpart that can be executed on current multicore processors. It hinges on an intermediate representation based on the concept of domain-independent kernel (e.g., assignment, reduction, recurrence). Such kernel-centric view hides the complexity of the implementation details, enabling the construction of the parallel version even when the source code of the sequential application contains different syntactic variations of the computations (e.g., pointers, arrays, complex control flows). Experiments that evaluate the effectiveness and performance of our approach with respect to state-of-the-art compilers are also presented. The benchmark suite consists of synthetic codes that represent common domain-independent kernels, dense/sparse linear algebra and image processing routines, and full-scale applications from SPEC CPU2000.[Resumen] El uso generalizado de procesadores multinúcleo no es consecuencia de avances significativos en programación paralela. Por el contrario, los procesadores multinúcleo surgen debido a la complejidad de construir chips mononúcleo que sean eficiente energéticamente y tengan altas velocidades de reloj. La paralelización automática de aplicaciones secuenciales es la solución ideal para hacer la programación paralela tan fácil como escribir programas para ordenadores secuenciales. Sin embargo, la paralelización automática continua a ser un gran reto debido a su necesidad de complejos análisis del programa y la existencia de incógnitas durante la compilación. Este artículo propone un nuevo método para convertir una aplicación secuencial en su contrapartida paralela que pueda ser ejecutada en los procesadores multinúcleo actuales. Este método depende de una representación intermedia basada en el concepto de núcleos independientes del dominio (p. ej., asignación, reducción, recurrencia). Esta visión centrada en núcleos oculta la complejidad de los detalles de implementación, permitiendo la construcción de la versión paralela incluso cuando el código fuente de la aplicación secuencial contiene diferentes variantes de las computaciones (p. ej., punteros, arrays, flujos de control complejos). Se presentan experimentos que evalúan la efectividad y el rendimiento de nuestra aproximación con respecto al estado del arte. La serie programas de prueba consiste en códigos sintéticos que representan núcleos independientes del dominio comunes, rutinas de álgebra lineal densa/dispersa y de procesamiento de imagen, y aplicaciones completas del SPEC CPU2000.[Resumo] O uso xeralizado de procesadores multinúcleo non é consecuencia de avances significativos en programación paralela. Pola contra, os procesadores multinúcleo xurden debido á complexidade de construir chips mononúcleo que sexan eficientes enerxéticamente e teñan altas velocidades de reloxo. A paralelización automática de aplicacións secuenciais é a solución ideal para facer a programación paralela tan sinxela como escribir programas para ordenadores secuenciais. Sen embargo, a paralelización automática continua a ser un gran reto debido a súa necesidade de complexas análises do programa e a existencia de incógnitas durante a compilación. Este artigo propón un novo método para convertir unha aplicación secuencias na súa contrapartida paralela que poida ser executada nos procesadores multinúcleo actuais. Este método depende dunha representación intermedia baseada no concepto dos núcleos independentes do dominio (p. ex., asignación, reducción, recurrencia). Esta visión centrada en núcleos oculta a complexidade dos detalles de implementación, permitindo a construcción da versión paralela incluso cando o código fonte da aplicación secuencial contén diferentes variantes das computacións (p. ex., punteiros, arrays, fluxos de control complejo). Preséntanse experimentos que evalúan a efectividade e o rendemento da nosa aproximación con respecto ao estado da arte. A serie de programas de proba consiste en códigos sintéticos que representan núcleos independentes do dominio comunes, rutinas de álxebra lineal densa/dispersa e de procesamento de imaxe, e aplicacións completas do SPEC CPU2000.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; AP2008-0101

    NASTRAN general purpose interface requirements document

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    This NASTRAN (NASA STRuctural ANalysis) General Purpose Interface Requirements Document (IRD) defines standards for deliverables required of New Capability Contractors (NCCs) and relates these deliverables to the software development cycle. It also defines standards to be followed by NCCs for adding to and modifying the code in the NASTRAN software system and for adding to and modifying the four official NASTRAN manuals: The NASTRAN Theoretical Manual, the NASTRAN User's Manual, The NASTRAN Programmer's Manual, and The NASTRAN Demonstration Problem Manual. It is intended that this General Purpose IRD shall be incorporated by reference in all contracts for a new NASTRAN capability

    An Alternative Conception of Tree-Adjoining Derivation

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    The precise formulation of derivation for tree-adjoining grammars has important ramifications for a wide variety of uses of the formalism, from syntactic analysis to semantic interpretation and statistical language modeling. We argue that the definition of tree-adjoining derivation must be reformulated in order to manifest the proper linguistic dependencies in derivations. The particular proposal is both precisely characterizable through a definition of TAG derivations as equivalence classes of ordered derivation trees, and computationally operational, by virtue of a compilation to linear indexed grammars together with an efficient algorithm for recognition and parsing according to the compiled grammar.Comment: 33 page

    A Comparative Analysis of STM Approaches to Reduction Operations in Irregular Applications

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    As a recently consolidated paradigm for optimistic concurrency in modern multicore architectures, Transactional Memory (TM) can help to the exploitation of parallelism in irregular applications when data dependence information is not available up to run- time. This paper presents and discusses how to leverage TM to exploit parallelism in an important class of irregular applications, the class that exhibits irregular reduction patterns. In order to test and compare our techniques with other solutions, they were implemented in a software TM system called ReduxSTM, that acts as a proof of concept. Basically, ReduxSTM combines two major ideas: a sequential-equivalent ordering of transaction commits that assures the correct result, and an extension of the underlying TM privatization mechanism to reduce unnecessary overhead due to reduction memory updates as well as unnecesary aborts and rollbacks. A comparative study of STM solutions, including ReduxSTM, and other more classical approaches to the parallelization of reduction operations is presented in terms of time, memory and overhead.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Prolegomena to X8 Algol

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    Incremental analysis of logic programs

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    Global analyzers traditionally read and analyze the entire program at once, in a non-incremental way. However, there are many situations which are not well suited to this simple model and which instead require reanalysis of certain parts of a program which has already been analyzed. In these cases, it appears inefficient to perform the analysis of the program again from scratch, as needs to be done with current systems. We describe how the fixpoint algorithms in current generic analysis engines can be extended to support incremental analysis. The possible changes to a program are classified into three types: addition, deletion, and arbitrary change. For each one of these, we provide one or more algorithms for identifying the parts of the analysis that must be recomputed and for performing the actual recomputation. The potential benefits and drawbacks of these algorithms are discussed. Finally, we present some experimental results obtained with an implementation of the algorithms in the PLAI generic abstract interpretation framework. The results show significant benefits when using the proposed incremental analysis algorithms

    Parallel machine architecture and compiler design facilities

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    The objective is to provide an integrated simulation environment for studying and evaluating various issues in designing parallel systems, including machine architectures, parallelizing compiler techniques, and parallel algorithms. The status of Delta project (which objective is to provide a facility to allow rapid prototyping of parallelized compilers that can target toward different machine architectures) is summarized. Included are the surveys of the program manipulation tools developed, the environmental software supporting Delta, and the compiler research projects in which Delta has played a role