19 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre las herramientas de TRIZ para determinar su utilidad en la automatización con el diseño funcional

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009TRIZ is the Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS). It emerges from the study of hundreds of thousands patents, and it consists on a set of model-based tools for idea and innovation solutions generation, in order to solve problems. These tools have a creative and innovative potential that can be used for designers by means of Computer Aided Inventing (CAI) tools. The present work shows a study over different TRIZ tools and their capacity to be automated in design process, through a Knowledge Based System (KBS) based on the Behaviour-driven Function-Environment-Structure (B-FES) framework, and aided by NIST functional basis and B-Cube model terminologies.TRIZ, acrónimo ruso para la Teoría de Resolución de Problemas Inventivos, surge del estudio de cientos de miles de patentes y consiste en un conjunto de herramientas basadas en modelos para la generación de ideas y soluciones innovadoras para resolver problemas. Estas herramientas contienen un potencial creativo e innovador que puede ser aprovechado por los diseñadores a través de las herramientas de invención asistida por ordenador, CAI (Computer Aided Inventing). El presente trabajo presenta un estudio sobre diferentes herramientas de TRIZ y su capacidad para lograr su automatización en el proceso de diseño, a través de la vinculación con un KBS (Knowledge Based System) basado en el esquema B-FES (Behaviour-driven Function-Environment-Structure), auxiliado de las terminologías de las functional basis del NIST y del modelo B-Cube

    A multi-agents based E-maintenance system with case-based reasoning decision support

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    International audienceToday, one challenge of a manufacturer is to maintain with the consumer, the expected service of the supplied product during the whole product life cycle, no matter where the product and the consumer are located. The combination of modern information processing and communication tools, commonly referred to as Tele-service, offers the technical support required to implement this remote service maintenance. However, this technical support is insufficient to face new remote maintenance decision-makings which requires not only informational exchanges between customers and suppliers but also cooperation and negotiation based on the sharing of different complementary and/or contradictory knowledge. It requires an evolution from Tele-service to E-service and e-Maintenance in particular where the maintenance decision-making results from collaboration of maintenance processes and experts to form a DAI environment. For this purpose, a Problem-Oriented Multi-Agent-Based E-Service System (POMAESS) is introduced in this paper. The protocol of negotiation for multi agents and the CBR-based decision support function within this system are discussed, emphasised at the service maintenance problem solving. A prototype system based on these methodologies is developed to demonstrate the feasibility

    The Analogical Practitioner: Relating Theory to Practice in Vocational Settings Using Problem Solutions, Causality, Design Patterns, Abstraction, and Case-Based Reasoning

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    Universally true generalizations, from which specific conclusions can be deduced, are often unavailable to the practitioner, defined as anyone carrying out an occupation or profession. Theoretical shortcomings in the body of knowledge presented by academics can be counteracted by the practitioner using his or her knowledge of problem solutions. These can be stored as particular cases or as more generalized design patterns. They will typically contain information about cause-and-effect relationships and normative information about acceptable solutions. Use can be made of these solutions by employing reasoning by analogy and case-based reasoning. Similar problems require similar solutions. Cause-and-effect theory can be generated by practitioners using abstraction from particular cases, as an alternative to enumerative induction. The difference between this theory and that of the academic can be largely one of degree of generality. There is a continuum of cause-and-effect relationships at different levels of abstraction, which does not justify the abrupt separation of the academic and practitioner worlds, which has been encouraged by a reasonable interpretation of Bernsteins work. The study of exemplary problems in vocational education can be made more effective if it is accompanied by an examination of the actual outcomes of previously proposed solutions.</jats:p

    Représentation multi-points de vue des connaissances pour l'adaptation

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    Colloque avec actes sans comité de lecture. nationale.National audienceDans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de la représentation des connaissances pour l'adaptation dans le cadre du raisonnement à partir de cas. Nous étudions plus précisément la notion de points de vue telle qu'elle est considérée dans les systèmes de représentation des connaissances par objets. Les points de vue apportent en effet une réponse à certains besoins en représentation des connaissances engendrés par l'adaptation. Ils offrent en particulier un cadre à la décomposition de l'adaptation, à la représentation de dépendances problèmes-solutions et à la représentation de contraintes pour guider l'adaptation

    Combining case-based reasoning systems and support vector regression to evaluate the atmosphere–ocean interaction

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    This work presents a system for automatically evaluating the interaction that exists between the atmosphere and the ocean’s surface. Monitoring and evaluating the ocean’s carbon exchange process is a function that requires working with a great amount of data: satellite images and in situ vessel’s data. The system presented in this study focuses on computational intelligence. The study presents an intelligent system based on the use of case-based reasoning (CBR) systems and offers a distributed model for such an interaction. Moreover, the system takes into account the fact that the working environment is dynamic and therefore it requires autonomous models that evolve over time. In order to resolve this problem, an intelligent environment has been developed, based on the use of CBR systems, which are capable of handling several goals, by constructing plans from the data obtained through satellite images and research vessels, acquiring knowledge and adapting to environmental changes. The artificial intelligence system has been successfully tested in the North Atlantic Ocean, and the results obtained will be presented in this study

    Constructing Autonomous Distributed Systems using CBR-BDI Agents.

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    This chapter introduces a robust mathematical formalism for the definition of deliberative agents implemented using a case-based reasoning system. The concept behind deliberative agents is introduced and the case-based reasoning model is described using this analytical formalism. Variational calculus is introduced in this chapter to facilitate to the agents the planning and replanning of their intentions in execution time, so they can react to environmental changes in real time. A variational calculus based planner for constructing deliberative agents is the presented and compared with other planners. Reflecting the continuous development in the tourism industry as it adapts to new technology, the chapter includes the formalisation of an agent developed to assist potential tourists in the organisation of their holidays and to enable them to modify their schedules on the move using wireless communication systems

    CBR*Tools : une bibliothèque objet pour l'indexation des cas par situation comportementale

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    Dans le raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC), la situation d'un cas décrit dans quel cadre sa connaissance est pertinente et nous faisons dans nos travaux une distinction entre d'une part une situation instantanée, ensemble d'indices définissant un état à un instant particulier, et d'autre part une situation comportementale, ensemble d'indices décrivant principalement une évolution dans le temps de cet état. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons uniquement à l'indexation de cas par situation comportementale dont nous présentons une modélisation objet. Un des points forts de cette modélisation réside dans la représentation flexible des situations comportementales, qui permet notamment de prendre en compte : des comportements échantillonnés et/ou à événements, des comportements futurs estimés, et des descriptions de situations temporelles simples ou complexes. Nous proposons également une stratégie de remémoration ouverte pouvant être spécialisée pour une application particulière. Enfin, nous présentons la bibliothèque logicielle générique CBR*Tools que nous avons développée pour l'indexation par situation comportementale en RàPC. Mots-clé : raisonnement par cas, représentation des cas, comportement, situation comportementale, temps, indexation, stratégie de remémoration, modélisation objet, Java

    A CBP agent for monitoring the carbon dioxide exchange rate from satellite images

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    This work presents a multiagent system for evaluating automatically the interaction that exists between the atmosphere and the ocean surface. Monitoring and evaluating within the Ocean CO2 exchange process is a function requiring working with a great amount of data: satellite images and in-situ vessel’s data. The system presented in this work focuses on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) technologies since the vision of AmI assumes seamless, unobtrusive, and often invisible but also controllable interactions between humans and technology. The work presents the construction of an open multiagent architecture which, based on the use of deliberative agents incorporating case-based planning (CBP) systems, offers a distributed model for such an interaction. This work also presents an analysis and design methodology that facilitates the implementation of CBR agent based distributed artificial intelligent systems. Moreover, the architecture takes into account the fact that the working environment is dynamic and therefore it requires autonomous models that evolve over time. In order to resolve this problem an intelligent environment has been developed, based on the use of CBP-CBR agents, which are capable of handling several goals, constructing plans from the data obtained through satellite images and research vessels, acquiring knowledge and of adapting to environmental changes, are incorporated. The artificial intelligence system has been successfully tested in the North Atlantic Ocean, and the results obtained will be presented within this work

    Redesign Support Framework for Complex Technical Processes

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    Els processos industrials requereixen avaluacions periòdiques per a verificar la seva correcta operació en termes tècnics i econòmics. Aquestes avaluacions són necessàries a causa de els canvis en els mercats i en la legislació ambiental i de seguretat. Per a satisfer aquestes demandes és necessari investigar les alternatives dels processos que permetin l'ús òptim dels recursos existents amb la mínima inversió econòmica possible. Aquesta tasca es coneix com redisseny, que és un procediment per a determinar possibles canvis en un procés existent per a millorar-lo pel en alguna mètrica, tal com econòmica, ambiental, de seguretat, etc. En aquesta tesi es proposa un marc d'ajuda al redisseny per a processos tècnics. Aquest marc fa ús d'una representació jeràrquica de models múltiples del procés que es re dissenyarà en conjunció amb un motor que raonament basat en casos per a ajudar a decidir quins elements del procés han de ser modificats. El marc consisteix en quatre etapes principals: adquisició de la descripció del disseny, identificació de candidats, generació d'alternatives, i adaptació i avaluació d'alternatives.El procés original es modela jeràrquicament emprant conceptes de mitjans-fins i parts-tot. Així el coneixement sobre el comportament, l'estructura, la funció i l'objectiu de cadascuna de les parts del procés es genera i s'emmagatzema automàticament. Donat les noves especificacions o requisits que el procés ha de satisfer, el sistema troba les parts del procés que ha de ser redissenyades. S'utilitza una llibreria de casos per a obtenir seccions alternatives del procés que es puguin adaptar per a substituir parts del procés original. Per tant, el marc proposat permet modelar el procés, identificar els components de procés viables a redissenyar, obtenir components alternatius i finalment adaptar aquests components alternatius en el procés original. Aquest procediment es pot veure com activitat d'enginyeria inversa on es generen models abstractes en diversos nivells a partir d'una descripció detallada d'un procés existent per a reduir la seva complexitat. El marc ha estat implementat i provat en el domini d'Enginyeria Química.Los procesos industriales requieren evaluaciones periódicas para verificar su correcta operación en términos técnicos y económicos. Estas evaluaciones son necesarias debido a los cambios en los mercados y en la legislación ambiental y de seguridad. Para satisfacer estas demandas es necesario investigar las alternativas de los procesos que permitan el uso óptimo de los recursos existentes con la mínima inversión económica posible. Esta tarea se conoce como rediseño, que es un procedimiento para determinar posibles cambios en un proceso existente para mejorarlo con respecto a alguna métrica, tal como económica, ambiental, de seguridad, etc.En esta tesis se propone un marco de ayuda al rediseño para procesos técnicos. Este marco emplea una representación jerárquica de modelos múltiples del proceso que se rediseñará en conjunción con un motor que razonamiento basado en casos para ayudar a decidir qué elementos del proceso deben ser modificados. El marco consiste en cuatro etapas principales: adquisición de la descripción del diseño, identificación de candidatos, generación de alternativas, y adaptación y evaluación de alternativas. El proceso original se modela jerárquicamente empleando conceptos de medios-fines y partes-todo. Así el conocimiento sobre el comportamiento, la estructura, la función y el objetivo de cada una de las parte del proceso se genera y se almacena automáticamente. Dado las nuevas especificaciones o requisitos que el proceso debe satisfacer, el sistema encuentra las partes del proceso que debe ser rediseñadas. Se utiliza una librería de casos para obtener secciones alternativas del proceso que se puedan adaptar para sustituir partes del proceso original. Por lo tanto, el marco propuesto permite modelar el proceso, identificar los componentes de proceso viables a rediseñar, obtener componentes alternativos y finalmente adaptar estos componentes alternativos en el proceso original. Este procedimiento se puede ver como actividad de ingeniería inversa donde se generan modelos abstractos en diversos niveles a partir de una descripción detallada de un proceso existente para reducir su complejidad. El marco ha sido implementado y probado en el dominio de Ingeniería Química.Industrial processes require periodic evaluations to verify their correct operation, both in technical and economical terms. These evaluations are necessary due to changes in the markets, and in safety and environmental legislation. In order to satisfy these demands it is necessary to investigate process alternatives that allow the optimal use of existing resources with the minimum possible investment. This task is known as redesign, which is a procedure to determine possible changes to an existing process in order to improve it with respect to some metric, such as economical, environmental, safety, etc.A redesign support framework for technical processes is proposed in this thesis. This framework employs a multiple-model hierarchical representation of the process to be redesigned together with a case-based reasoning engine that helps to decide which elements of the process should be modified. The framework consists of four main stages: acquisition of the design description, identification of candidates, generation of alternatives, and adaptation and evaluation of alternatives.The original process is modelled hierarchically exploiting means-end and part-whole concepts, and thus knowledge about the behaviour, structure, function and intention of each part of the process is automatically generated and stored. Given the new specifications or requirements that the process must fulfil, the system finds the parts of the process which must be redesigned and a case library is used to obtain alternative process sections which can be adapted to substitute parts of the original process. Therefore, the proposed framework allows to model the process, to identify process components suitable for redesign, to obtain alternative components, and finally, to adapt these components into the original process. This procedure can be seen as a reverse engineering activity where abstract models at different levels are generated from a detailed description of an existing process to reduce its complexity. The framework has been implemented and tested on the Chemical Engineering domain.Postprint (published version

    Temporal case-based reasoning for insulin decision support

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease resulting in insucient insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. The condition can be successfully managed through eective blood glucose control, one aspect of which is the administration of bolus insulin. Formulas exist to estimate the required bolus, and have been adopted by existing mobile expert systems. These formulas are shown to be eective but are unable to automatically adapt to an individual. This research resolves the limitations of existing formula based calculators by using case-based reasoning to automatically improve bolus advice. Case-based reasoning is a method of articial intelligence that has successfully been adopted in the diabetes domain previously, but has primarily been limited to assisting doctors with therapy adjustments. Here case-based reasoning is instead used to directly assist the patient. The case-based reasoning process is enhanced for bolus advice through a temporal retrieval algorithm coupled with domain specic automated adjustment and revision. This temporal retrieval algorithm includes factors from previous events to improve the prediction of a bolus dose. The automated adjustment then renes the predicted bolus dose, and automated revision improves the prediction for future advice through the evaluation of the resulting blood glucose level. Analysis of the temporal retrieval algorithm found that it is capable of predicting bolus advice comparable to closed-loop simulation and existing formulas, with adapted advice resulting in improvements to simulated blood glucose control. The learning potential of the model is made evident through further improvements in blood glucose control when using revised advice. The system is implemented on a mobile device with a focus on safety using formal methods to help ensure actions performed do not violate the system constraints. Performance analysis demonstrated acceptable response times, providing evidence that this approach is viable. The research demonstrates how formula based mobile bolus calculators can be replaced by an articially intelligent alternative which continuously learns to improve advice