10 research outputs found

    Tracing the Threads: A Curriculum Study of the Dialogue of Otherness in the Histories of Public and Independent Schooling

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    This work is a postmodern, historical analysis that seeks to trouble the private/public distinction that is traditionally drawn in educational history and theory by examining the histories of public schools and independent schools around the topics of identity politics, accountability, and globalization. Although there is much literature and research regarding these topics within the context of public schooling, much of it is ahistorical in many respects. There is much less scholarly work discussing these topics in the sector of independent schooling. The majority of the literature on the topics of identity politics, accountability, and globalization in schooling takes an either/or perspective, in which the interconnectivity of the histories of private and public schooling are isolated or dichotomized. This work is unique in its focus on the histories of independent schoolings as in dialogue with those of public schooling. Through a historical and theoretical examination of the dialogical space of the in-between of the private/public divide in education around these three interrelated topics, this work troubles the private/public distinction and explores the possibilities and futurities for curriculum work and education in the postmodern space in-between public schools and independent schools

    What We Are Becoming: Developments in Undergraduate Writing Majors

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    Greg Giberson and Tom Moriarty have collected a rich volume that offers a state-of-the-field look at the question of the undergraduate writing major, a vital issue for compositionists as the discipline continues to evolve. What We Are Becoming provides an indispensable resource for departments and WPAs who are building undergraduate majors. Contributors to the volume address a range of vital questions for undergraduate programs, including such issues as the competition for majors within departments, the job market for undergraduates, varying focuses and curricula of such majors, and the formation of them in departments separate from English. Other chapters discuss the importance of flexibility, consider arguments for a rhetorical or civic discourse core for the writing major, address the relationship between rhetoric and composition majors, and review the role of multiliteracies in the major. The field of composition has not come to a consensus on the shape, content, or focus of the undergradutate major. But as individual programs develop and refine their curricula, one thing has become clear: we must think about them in ways that go beyond our particular circumstances, theorize them in ways that secure their place on our campuses and in our discipline for years to come. What We Are Becoming is an effort to do just that

    What We Are Becoming: Developments in Undergraduate Writing Majors

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    Greg Giberson and Tom Moriarty have collected a rich volume that offers a state-of-the-field look at the question of the undergraduate writing major, a vital issue for compositionists as the discipline continues to evolve. What We Are Becoming provides an indispensable resource for departments and WPAs who are building undergraduate majors. Contributors to the volume address a range of vital questions for undergraduate programs, including such issues as the competition for majors within departments, the job market for undergraduates, varying focuses and curricula of such majors, and the formation of them in departments separate from English. Other chapters discuss the importance of flexibility, consider arguments for a rhetorical or civic discourse core for the writing major, address the relationship between rhetoric and composition majors, and review the role of multiliteracies in the major. The field of composition has not come to a consensus on the shape, content, or focus of the undergradutate major. But as individual programs develop and refine their curricula, one thing has become clear: we must think about them in ways that go beyond our particular circumstances, theorize them in ways that secure their place on our campuses and in our discipline for years to come. What We Are Becoming is an effort to do just that.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/1026/thumbnail.jp

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    On the Implementation of Purely Functional Data Structures for the Linearisation case of Dynamic Trees

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    Dynamic trees, originally described by Sleator and Tarjan, have been studied in detail for non persistent structures providing O(log n) time for update and lookup operations as shown in theory and practice by Werneck. However, there are two gaps in current theory. First, how the most common dynamic tree operations (link and cut) are computed over a purely functional data structure has not been studied in detail. Second, even in the imperative case, when checking whether two vertices u and v are connected (i.e. in the same component), it is taken for granted that the corresponding location indices (i.e. pointers, which are not allowed in purely functional programming) are known a priori and do not need to be computed, yet this is rarely the case in practice. In this thesis we address these omissions by formally introducing two new data structures, Full and Top, which we use to represent trees in a functionally efficient manner. Based on a primitive version of finger trees – the de facto sequence data structure for the purely lazy-evaluation programming language Haskell – they are augmented with collection (i.e. set-based) data structures in order to manage efficiently k-ary trees for the so-called linearisation case of the dynamic trees problem. Different implementations are discussed, and their performance is measured. Our results suggest that relative timings for our proposed structures perform sublinear time per operation once the forest is generated. Furthermore, Full and Top implementations show simplicity and preserve purity under a common interface

    Kalman filtering for EEG source localization : Applying standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography weighting to Kalman filtering

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    Electroencephalography source localization can be modeled as an inverse problem. That is, find a brain current distribution that describes the electroencephalography measurement data. The inverse problem is an ill-posed problem, which means that there are an infinite amount of solutions and the solution is unstable. Regularization or prior knowledge is needed to find a decent solution. We implement Kalman filtering and introduce a new method, temporal sLORETA weighting to the Kalman filtering. Kalman filtering provides an optimal state estimation for a dynamic system. Introducing the temporal aspect to the system, we expect the source localization to improve. Implementation is done using Zeffiro Interface. It is a brain imaging toolbox for FEM-based forward and inverse calculation. Simulated electroencephalography data is provided by Zeffiro. We compare Kalman filtering, Kalman sLORETA filtering and sLORETA method together. Somatosensory and slow auditory evoked potentials are simulated using a dipole model. Part of the somatosensory evoked potential dipole configuration is used to test model noise durability. Model noise performance is tested by reconstructing data, where has been added background noise or amplitude noise. Somatosensory evoked potential and slow auditory evoked potential reconstructions are evaluated with brain area activity plots and reconstruction visualization. Based on the numerical simulations in the thesis, the Kalman sLORETA method finds deep and cortical activity even with high noise levels. Kalman filtering without weighting has difficulty finding deep activity, which means that it is unusable on the brainstem and thalamus reconstruction. On somatosensory evoked potential simulation, we find that Kalman sLORETA can localize the deeper sources. It provides weaker but very local reconstruction at the surface level. When compared to the sLORETA method, Kalman sLORETA provides very competitive results on SEP reconstruction. Reconstructing auditory evoked potentials creates challenges to the temporal model, where dipole activations vary from side to side. Kalman filtering is usable because of the lack of deep sources. Again The Kalman sLORETA filtering provided a very localized reconstruction, but the temporal model causes some artifacts from the previous time steps. Based on this work, the Kalman sLORETA filter provides a new and comparable method for normalized source localization, where brain activity can be reconstructed at any depth. The method is a straightforward mathematical extension of the traditional sLORETA normalization. The method is simple in operation and improves modeling accuracy compared to traditional standardization. The size of the source space and the calculation time are significant limitations in terms of practical implementation. Optimization of computational efficiency and application of the method in experimental source localization offer opportunities for future research

    2-generations of the sporadic simple groups.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.A group G is said to be 2-generated if G = (x, y), for some non-trivial elements x, y E G. In this thesis we investigate three special types of 2-generations of the sporadic simple groups. A group G is a (l, rn, n )-generated group if G is a quotient group of the triangle group T(l, rn, n) = (x, y, zlx1 = ym = zn = xyz = la). Given divisors l, rn, n of the order of a sporadic simple group G, we ask the question: Is G a (l, rn, n)-generated group? Since we are dealing with simple groups, we may assume that III +l/rn + l/n < 1. Until recently interest in this type of generation had been limited to the role it played in genus actions of finite groups. The problem of determining the genus of a finite simple group is tantamount to maximizing the expression III +l/rn +Iln for which the group is (l,rn,n)-generated. Secondly, we investigate the nX-complementary generations of the finite simple groups. A finite group G is said to be nX-complementary generated if, given an arbitrary non-trivial element x E G, there exists an element y E nX such that G = (x, y). Our interest in this type of generation is motivated by a conjecture (Brenner-Guralnick-Wiegold [18]) that every finite simple group can be generated by an arbitrary non-trivial element together with another suitable element. It was recently proved by Woldar [181] that every sporadic simple group G is pAcomplementary generated, where p is the largest prime divisor of IGI. In an attempt to further the theory of X-complementary generations of the finite simple groups, we pose the following problem. Which conjugacy classes nX of the sporadic simple groups are nX-complementary generated conjugacy classes. In this thesis we provide a complete solution to this problem for the sporadic simple groups HS, McL, C03, Co2 , Jt , J2 , J3 , J4 and Fi 22 · We partially answer the question on (l, rn, n)-generation for the said sporadic groups. A finite non-abelian group G is said to have spread r iffor every set {Xl, X2, ' , "xr } of r non-trivial distinct elements, thpre is an element y E G such that G = (Xi, y), for all i. Our interest in this type of 2-generation comes from a problem by BrennerWiegold [19] to find all finite non-abelian groups with spread 1, but not spread 2. Every sporadic simple group has spread 1 (Woldar [181]) and we show that every sporadic simple group has spread 2

    Strichartz estimates and the nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations

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    Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des aspects linéaires et non-linéaires des équations de type Schrödinger [ i partial_t u + |nabla|^sigma u = F, quad |nabla| = sqrt {-Delta}, quad sigma in (0, infty).] Quand sigma=2sigma = 2, il s'agit de l'équation de Schrödinger bien connue dans de nombreux contextes physiques tels que la mécanique quantique, l'optique non-linéaire, la théorie des champs quantiques et la théorie de Hartree-Fock. Quand sigmain(0,2)backslash1sigma in (0,2) backslash {1}, c'est l'équation Schrödinger fractionnaire, qui a été découverte par Laskin (voir par exemple cite{Laskin2000} et cite{Laskin2002}) en lien avec l'extension de l'intégrale de Feynman, des chemins quantiques de type brownien à ceux de Lévy. Cette équation apparaît également dans des modèles de vagues (voir par exemple cite{IonescuPusateri} et cite{Nguyen}). Quand sigma=1sigma = 1, c'est l'équation des demi-ondes qui apparaît dans des modèles de vagues (voir cite{IonescuPusateri}) et dans l'effondrement gravitationnel (voir cite{ElgartSchlein}, cite{FrohlichLenzmann}). Quand sigma=4sigma = 4, c'est l'équation Schrödinger du quatrième ordre ou biharmonique introduite par Karpman cite{Karpman} et par Karpman-Shagalov cite{KarpmanShagalov} pour prendre en compte le rôle de la dispersion du quatrième ordre dans la propagation d'un faisceau laser intense dans un milieu massif avec non-linéarité de Kerr. Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première partie étudie les estimations de Strichartz pour des équations de type Schrödinger sur des variétés comprenant l'espace plat euclidien, les variétés compactes sans bord et les variétés asymptotiquement euclidiennes. Ces estimations de Strichartz sont utiles pour l'étude de l'équations dispersives non-linéaire à régularité basse. La seconde partie concerne l'étude des aspects non-linéaires tels que les caractères localement puis globalement bien posés sous l'espace d'énergie, ainsi que l'explosion de solutions peu régulières pour des équations non-linéaires de type Schrödinger. Dans le Chapitre 1, nous discutons des estimations de Strichartz pour les équations de type Schrödinger avec sigmain(0,infty)sigma in (0, infty) sur l'espace euclidien mathbbRdmathbb{R}^d . Dans le Chapitre 2, nous prouvons des estimations de Strichartz pour les équations de type Schrödinger avec sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1} sur mathhbbRdmathhbb{R}^d équipé d'une métrique lisse bornée gg. Au Chapitre 3, nous utilisons les estimations de Strichartz prouvées au Chapitre 2 pour montrer les estimations de Strichartz pour les équations de type Schrödinger avec sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1 } sur les variétés compactes sans bord. Au Chapitre 4, nous montrons des estimations de Strichartz globales pour les équations de type Schrödinger avec sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1} sur les variétés asymptotiquement euclidiennes sous la condition de non-capture. Dans le Chapitre 5, nous utilisons les estimations de Strichartz données au Chapitre 1 (entre autres) pour étudier le caractère localement bien posé des équations non-linéaires de type Schrödinger avec la non-linéarité de type puissance et sigmain(0,infty)sigma in (0, infty) posées sur mathbbRdmathbb{R}^d. Dans le Chapitre 6, nous étudions le le caractère globalement bien posé de l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire du quatrième ordre sigma=4sigma = 4 défocalisante et L2L^2 critique, en considérant séparément deux cas d=4d = 4 et dgeq5d geq 5 qui correspondent respectivement à la non-linéarité algébrique et non-algébrique. Dans le Chapitre 7, nous étudions l'explosion des solutions peu régulières de l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire du quatrième ordre focalisante L2L^2 critique. Comme au Chapitre 6, nous considérons aussi séparément deux cas d=4d = 4 et dgeq5d geq 5.This dissertation is devoted to the study of linear and nonlinear aspects of the Schrödinger-type equations [ i partial_t u + |nabla|^sigma u = F, quad |nabla| = sqrt {-Delta}, quad sigma in (0, infty).] When sigma=2sigma = 2, it is the well-known Schrödinger equation arising in many physical contexts such as quantum mechanics, nonlinear optics, quantum field theory and Hartree-Fock theory. When sigmain(0,2)backslash1sigma in (0,2) backslash {1}, it is the fractional Schrödinger equation, which was discovered by Laskin (see e.g. cite{Laskin2000} and cite{Laskin2002}) owing to the extension of the Feynman path integral, from the Brownian-like to Lévy-like quantum mechanical paths. This equation also appears in the water waves model (see e.g. cite{IonescuPusateri} and cite{Nguyen}). When sigma=1sigma = 1, it is the half-wave equation which arises in water waves model (see cite{IonescuPusateri}) and in gravitational collapse (see cite{ElgartSchlein}, cite{FrohlichLenzmann}). When sigma=4sigma =4, it is the fourth-order or biharmonic Schrödinger equation introduced by Karpman cite {Karpman} and by Karpman-Shagalov cite{KarpmanShagalov} taking into account the role of small fourth-order dispersion term in the propagation of intense laser beam in a bulk medium with Kerr nonlinearity. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part studies Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger-type equations on manifolds including the flat Euclidean space, compact manifolds without boundary and asymptotically Euclidean manifolds. These Strichartz estimates are known to be useful in the study of nonlinear dispersive equation at low regularity. The second part concerns the study of nonlinear aspects such as local well-posedness, global well-posedness below the energy space and blowup of rough solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations. In Chapter 1, we discuss Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger-type equations with sigmain(0,infty)sigma in (0, infty) on the Euclidean space RdR^d. In Chapter 2, we derive Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger-type equations with sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1} on RdR^d equipped with a smooth bounded metric gg.In Chapter 3, we make use of Strichartz estimates proved in Chapter 2 to show Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger-type equations with sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1} on compact manifolds without boundary. In Chapter 4, we prove global in time Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger-type equations with sigmain(0,infty)backslash1sigma in (0, infty) backslash {1} on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds under the non-trapping condition. In Chapter 5, we use Strichartz estimates given in Chapter 1 (among other things) to study the local well-posedness of the power-type nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations with sigmain(0,infty)sigma in (0, infty) posed on RdR^d. In Chapter 6, we study the global well-posedness for the defocusing mass-critical nonlinear fourth-order Schrödinger equation sigma=4sigma =4 below the energy space. We will consider separately two cases d=4d=4 and dgeq5d geq 5 which respectively correspond to the algebraic and non-algebraic nonlinearity. In Chapter 7, we study the blowup of rough solutions to the focusing mass-critical nonlinear fourth-order Schrödinger equation. As in Chapter 6, we also consider separately two cases d=4d=4 and dgeq5d geq 5

    Genetic variability of Araucária angustifolia in Southern Brazil to evaluation of environmental services in Araucária forest areas under different historical use

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    Orientador : Ph.D. Carlos Ricardo SoccolCo-orientadores :Ph.D. Alexandre Magno Sebbenn, Ph.D. André Biscaia de Lacerda, Ph.D. Juliana Vitória Messias BittencourtTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 19/08/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Agroindústria e biocombustíveisResumo: A avaliação dos serviços ambientais em florestas nativas é uma abordagem conservacionista recente, que tem como objetivo incentivar a conservação de áreas com bioma nativos em propriedades rurais particulares. Áreas relavantes para determinados biomas podem ser priorizadas para receberem compensações por seus ativos ambientais, seja na forma de pagamentos em espécie ou incentivos fiscais aos seus proprietários. Entretanto, uma das maiores dificuldades está na definição dos critérios de elegibilidade para identificar áreas relevantes, pois estas precisam ser selecionadas de acordo com o bioma e a finalidade do programa de serviço ambiental. Esta tese teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros genéticos da espécie Araucaria angustifolia em diferentes cenários, em busca de parâmetros científicos que possam ser utilizados em estratégias de conservação do bioma da Floresta com Araucária. Historicamente a Floresta com Araucária proveu madeira e vida selvagem em abundância para os primeiros colonizadores, mas o desenvolvimento trouxe como consequência a redução das áreas em estágios primários de conservação para menos de 5% de sua área original. Atualmente extensas áreas de Floresta com Araucária são raras e muitos remanescentes são pequenos e fisicamente desconectados na paisagem. Foram coletadas sementes de A. angustifolia em quatro locais com diferentes históricos de conservação e uso da terra aos redores da Estação Experimental da EMBRAPA em Caçador - SC, um dos maiores maciços contínuos da Floresta com Araucária. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um senso nas árvores de Araucária adultas em um fragmento florestal de sete hectares (295 árvores). A coleta e isolamento de DNA destas árvores adultas exigiu o ajuste de uma nova metodologia, que apresenta maior produtividade na etapa de campo e pode ser aplicada em uma grande variedade de espécies florestais de grande porte. A diversidade genéticas das amostras foram avaliadas utilizando marcadores microssatélites (10 loci) em três sistemas multiplex. As análises de paternidade indicaram dentro de cenários florestais a elevada densidade de doadores de pólen compensa o menor fluxo de vento e pólen. Adicionalmente, foi comprovado que quanto maior a extensão e o estado de conservação da floresta, maior será a diversidade existente. Analisando a diversidade de sementes coletadas em cenários contrastantes, verificou-se que remanescentes florestais fisicamente isolados até 2 km de distância de florestas contínuas são capazes de estabelecer conectividade funcional através do fluxo gênico, produzindo sementes com elevada variabilidade e reduzida endogamia. Embora remanescentes situados a 5 km de distância ou mais de contínuos florestais não sejam capazes de estabelecer conectividade funcional devido seu isolamento pela distância, estas áreas podem apresentar novos níveis de diversidade (alelos), não presentes na floresta contínua. Os resultados também demonstraram que para reter um montante de 150 indivíduos não relacionados, é necessário coletar sementes de 45 árvores localizadas próximas a cenários florestais, ou de 56 árvores em condições isoladas. Concluindo, os parâmetros genéticos indicam que áreas não distantes mais que 2 km de grandes maciços florestais devem ser priorizadas para receberem serviços ambientais no bioma da Floresta com Araucária, e as amostragens de sementes para fins conservação da espécie A. angustifolia devem ser realizadas quando possível em locais distantes mais de 5 km entre si. Palavras-chave: Araucária, diversidade, marcadores microssatélites, serviços ambientais.Abstract: The evaluation of ecosystem services in natural forests is a conservationist approach that aims to motivate the preservation of natural biomes in private rural areas. Areas that are important for ecosystem services in identified biomes can be prioritized in programs through monetary payments or the establishment of fiscal incentives for landowners. However, one of the major hurdles in applying this approach is defining the criteria used to establish relevant areas, because protected areas need to be defined based on the biome and the scope of each ecosystem service program. This thesis seeks to evaluate the genetic diversity of the Araucaria angustifolia species in different scenarios, to define scientific parameters to be used in conservation strategies of the Araucaria Forest biome. Traditionally, the Araucaria Forest provided wood and wildlife for colonizers; however, economic development has led to the reduction of pristine Araucaria Forest areas to less than 5% of the original forest area. Today, extensive areas with Araucaria Forest are rare and many of the remnants are small and physically isolated. A. angustifolia seeds were collected in four sites with different conservation and land use history in and around the EMBRAPA Research Station in Caçador, Santa Catarina State, one of largest continuous areas with Araucaria Forest in Brazil. Additionally, a census of A. angustifolia adult trees was conducted in a seven hectare forest remnant (295 trees sampled). The collection of samples from adult trees for DNA isolation required the development of a new methodology which is more efficient during fieldwork and can be applied to a wide range of tall tree species. Genetic diversity was assessed using microsatellite markers (10 loci) in three multiplex systems. The paternity analysis showed a high number of pollen donors, despite different types of land use. This result is a reflection of extensive pollen dispersion by wind. Additionally, the results demonstrate that larger forested areas with greater forest conservation result in higher levels of genetic diversity. The results for genetic diversity in seeds comparing different types of land use show that physically isolated forest remnants located 2 km from a continuous forest are able to maintain functional connectivity through gene flow, producing seeds with high levels of diversity and low endogamy. Remnants located 5 km from the continuous forest are not able to establish functional connectivity due to isolation by distance; however, these areas contain diversity (alleles) that are not present in the continuous forest. The results also show that to retain an effective population size of 150 unrelated individuals, it is necessary to collect seeds from 45 trees located near forest scenarios, or 56 trees located in isolated conditions. Finally, the results of the genetics analyses suggest that fragments located no more than 2 km from large continuous forests should be prioritized for ecosystem services programs in the Araucaria Forest biome. Seed sampling strategies for the conservation of A. angustifolia species should be realized on a landscape scale with a distance of at least 5 km between sampling sites. Key-words: Araucaria, diversity, microsatellites markers, ecosystem services