78 research outputs found

    Χρήση μοντέλου παράλληλου προγραμματισμού για σύνθεση αρχιτεκτονικών

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    The problem of automatically generating hardware modules from high level application representations has been at the forefront of EDA research during the last few years. In this Dissertation we introduce a methodology to automatically synthesize hardware accelerators from OpenCL applications. OpenCL is a recent industry supported standard for writing programs that execute on multicore platforms and accelerators such as GPUs. Our methodology maps OpenCL kernels into hardware accelerators based on architectural templates that explicitly decouple computation from memory communication whenever this is possible. The templates can be tuned to provide a wide repertoire of accelerators that meet user performance requirements and FPGA device characteristics. Furthermore a set of high- and low-level compiler optimizations is applied to generate optimized accelerators. Our experimental evaluation shows that the generated accelerators are tuned efficiently to match the applications memory access pattern and computational complexity and to achieve user performance requirements. An important objective of our tool is to expand the FPGA development user base to software engineers thereby expanding the scope of FPGAs beyond the realm of hardware design.To πρόβλημα της αυτόματης δημιουργίας μονάδων υλικό από παραστάσεις υψηλού επιπέδου εφαρμογής είναι στην πρώτη γραμμή της EDA έρευνας κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων ετών. Σε αυτή την διατριβή παρουσιάζουμε μια μεθοδολογία για τη αυτόματη σύνθεση επιταχυντές υλικού από εφαρμογές OpenCL. OpenCL είναι ένα πρόσφατο πρότυπο για τη σύνταξη των προγραμμάτων που εκτελούνται σε πλατφόρμες πολλαπλών πυρήνων και επιταχυντές όπως GPUs. Η μεθοδολογία μας μετατρέπει προγράμματα OpenCL σε επιταχυντές υλικού με βάση αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα που ρητά αποσυνδέει τους υπολογισμούς από την μεταφορά δεδομένων από/προς την μνήμη όποτε αυτό είναι δυνατό. Τα πρότυπα μπορούν να συντονιστούν ώστε να παρέχουν ένα ευρύ ρεπερτόριο από επιταχυντές που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις απόδοσης των χρηστών και τα χαρακτηριστικά της συσκευής FPGA. Επιπλέον ένα σύνολο υψηλής και χαμηλής στάθμης βελτιστοποιήσεις μεταγλωττιστή εφαρμόζεται για να παράγει βελτιστοποιημένα επιταχυντές. Η πειραματική αξιολόγηση δείχνει ότι οι επιταχυντές που δημιουργούνται αποτελεσματικά συντονισμένοι για να ταιριάζει με το μοτίβο πρόσβασης στην μνήμη κάθε εφαρμογής και την υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα και να επιτύχουν τις απαιτήσεις απόδοσης των χρηστών. Ένας σημαντικός στόχος του εργαλείου μας είναι η επέκταση της βάσης χρηστών πλατφόρμες FPGA για μηχανικούς λογισμικού ώστε να γίνει ανάπτυξη FPGA συστήματα από μηχανικούς λογισμικού χωρίς την ανάγκη για εμπειρία σχεδιασμού υλικού

    Development of a parallel trigger framework for rare decay searches

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    L'esperimento NA62 rappresenta il programma attuale di test del Modello Standard mediante lo studio del mesone K al CERN di Ginevra e offre un approccio complementare rispetto agli esperimenti alla frontiera delle alte energie al Large Hadron Collider. L'obiettivo dell'esperimento NA62 è misurare il rapporto di decadimento per il processo K + → π+ ν ν con una precisione del ∼10%. Essendo il valore previsto dal Modello Standard determinato con elevata precisione, la misura di questa quantità risulta essere un ottimo modo per investigare l'esistenza di nuova Fisica. In modo complementare a questo programma principale, la semplicità dei decadimenti del mesone K + (pochi canali di decadimento e bassa molteplicità nello stato finale), offre la possibilità di raggiungere ottime sensibilità nelle ricerche di decadimenti che violano la conservazione del sapore leptonico. Le caratteristiche sperimentali di decadimenti come K + → π- μ+μ+ sono molto chiare e permettono una efficace reiezione del fondo. Tuttavia, per misurare eventi di questo tipo è necessario produrre un numero considerevole di decadimenti del mesone K + . La banda in scrittura su disco rigido o nastro magnetico disponibile attualmente non consente la memorizzazione di tutti gli eventi prodotti e risulta necessaria una selezione a più stadi degli eventi potenzialmente interessanti (trigger). In NA62, una prima selezione viene effettuata in tempo reale (tempi di risposta inferiori ad 1ms) dal cosiddetto trigger di livello 0, basato su logica programmabile (FPGA), che non permette la stessa flessibilità dei processori utilizzati per i calcolatori programmabili utilizzando software. Le prestazioni delle architetture parallele come le CPU multi-core e le GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) presenti sulle schede grafiche dei calcolatori, sono promettenti per un eventuale utilizzo di queste piattaforme per il riconoscimento di patterns più elaborati come ad esempio la ricostruzione di circonferenze, dovute a luce Čerenkov, all'interno del rivelatore RICH di NA62. Nella prima parte della mia tesi ho effettuato uno studio di fattibilità sulla possibilità di utilizzare le GPU in un contesto di alta banda di eventi e bassa latenza, quale quello del trigger in tempo reale. A NA62 questo studio ha richiesto lo sviluppo di algoritmi paralleli diversi e sempre più complessi, per determinare le prestazioni e trovare i possibili colli di bottiglia di un sistema di questo tipo. Descrivo poi lo sviluppo di un framework software ad alte prestazioni, che utilizza tecniche di programmazione multithreaded e drivers di rete veloci per il trasporto delle primitive di trigger dall'elettronica di front end alla memoria della GPU per l'elaborazione e la selezione degli eventi. Infine, è descritto l'utilizzo del sistema sviluppato per la selezione di decadimenti K + → π- μ+μ+ tramite l'impiego di un algoritmo per il riconoscimento di più anelli nel rivelatore RICH. Al fine di determinare l'efficienza di selezione del decadimento ho studiato l'efficienza di reiezione del fondo e l'accettanza per gli eventi di segnale al variare di alcuni parametri di selezione, determinando i vantaggi di questo approccio innovativo

    High-level automation of custom hardware design for high-performance computing

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    This dissertation focuses on efficient generation of custom processors from high-level language descriptions. Our work exploits compiler-based optimizations and transformations in tandem with high-level synthesis (HLS) to build high-performance custom processors. The goal is to offer a common multiplatform high-abstraction programming interface for heterogeneous compute systems where the benefits of custom reconfigurable (or fixed) processors can be exploited by the application developers. The research presented in this dissertation supports the following thesis: In an increasingly heterogeneous compute environment it is important to leverage the compute capabilities of each heterogeneous processor efficiently. In the case of FPGA and ASIC accelerators this can be achieved through HLS-based flows that (i) extract parallelism at coarser than basic block granularities, (ii) leverage common high-level parallel programming languages, and (iii) employ high-level source-to-source transformations to generate high-throughput custom processors. First, we propose a novel HLS flow that extracts instruction level parallelism beyond the boundary of basic blocks from C code. Subsequently, we describe FCUDA, an HLS-based framework for mapping fine-grained and coarse-grained parallelism from parallel CUDA kernels onto spatial parallelism. FCUDA provides a common programming model for acceleration on heterogeneous devices (i.e. GPUs and FPGAs). Moreover, the FCUDA framework balances multilevel granularity parallelism synthesis using efficient techniques that leverage fast and accurate estimation models (i.e. do not rely on lengthy physical implementation tools). Finally, we describe an advanced source-to-source transformation framework for throughput-driven parallelism synthesis (TDPS), which appropriately restructures CUDA kernel code to maximize throughput on FPGA devices. We have integrated the TDPS framework into the FCUDA flow to enable automatic performance porting of CUDA kernels designed for the GPU architecture onto the FPGA architecture

    Clustered VLIW architecture based on queue register files

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureInstruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a set of hardware and software techniques that allow parallel execution of machine operations. Superscalar architectures rely most heavily upon hardware schemes to identify parallelism among operations. Although successful in terms of performance, the hardware complexity involved might limit the scalability of this model. VLIW architectures use a different approach to exploit ILP. In this case all data dependence analyses and scheduling of operations are performed at compile time, resulting in a simpler hardware organization. This allows the inclusion of a larger number of functional units (FUs) into a single chip. IN spite of this relative simplification, the scalability of VLIW architectures can be constrained by the size and number of ports of the register file. VLIW machines often use software pipelining techniques to improve the execution of loop structures, which can increase the register pressure. Furthermore, the access time of a register file can be compromised by the number of ports, causing a negative impact on the machine cycle time. For these reasons we understand that the benefits of having parallel FUs, which have motivated the investigation of alternative machine designs. This thesis presents a scalar VLIW architecture comprising clusters of FUs and private register files. Register files organised as queue structures are used as a mechanism for inter-cluster communication, allowing the enforcement of fixed latency in the process. This scheme presents better possibilities in terms of scalability as the size of the individual register files is not determined by the total number of FUs, suggesting that the silicon area may grow only linearly with respect to the total number of FUs. However, the effectiveness of such an organization depends on the efficiency of the code partitioning strategy. We have developed an algorithm for a clustered VLIW architecture integrating both software pipelining and code partitioning in a a single procedure. Experimental results show it may allow performance levels close to an unclustered machine without communication restraints. Finally, we have developed silicon area and cycle time models to quantify the scalability of performance and cost for this class of architecture

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    Data Parallel C++

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    Learn how to accelerate C++ programs using data parallelism. This open access book enables C++ programmers to be at the forefront of this exciting and important new development that is helping to push computing to new levels. It is full of practical advice, detailed explanations, and code examples to illustrate key topics. Data parallelism in C++ enables access to parallel resources in a modern heterogeneous system, freeing you from being locked into any particular computing device. Now a single C++ application can use any combination of devices—including GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs and AI ASICs—that are suitable to the problems at hand. This book begins by introducing data parallelism and foundational topics for effective use of the SYCL standard from the Khronos Group and Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), the open source compiler used in this book. Later chapters cover advanced topics including error handling, hardware-specific programming, communication and synchronization, and memory model considerations. Data Parallel C++ provides you with everything needed to use SYCL for programming heterogeneous systems. What You'll Learn Accelerate C++ programs using data-parallel programming Target multiple device types (e.g. CPU, GPU, FPGA) Use SYCL and SYCL compilers Connect with computing’s heterogeneous future via Intel’s oneAPI initiative Who This Book Is For Those new data-parallel programming and computer programmers interested in data-parallel programming using C++

    Data Parallel C++

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    Learn how to accelerate C++ programs using data parallelism. This open access book enables C++ programmers to be at the forefront of this exciting and important new development that is helping to push computing to new levels. It is full of practical advice, detailed explanations, and code examples to illustrate key topics. Data parallelism in C++ enables access to parallel resources in a modern heterogeneous system, freeing you from being locked into any particular computing device. Now a single C++ application can use any combination of devices—including GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs and AI ASICs—that are suitable to the problems at hand. This book begins by introducing data parallelism and foundational topics for effective use of the SYCL standard from the Khronos Group and Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), the open source compiler used in this book. Later chapters cover advanced topics including error handling, hardware-specific programming, communication and synchronization, and memory model considerations. Data Parallel C++ provides you with everything needed to use SYCL for programming heterogeneous systems. What You'll Learn Accelerate C++ programs using data-parallel programming Target multiple device types (e.g. CPU, GPU, FPGA) Use SYCL and SYCL compilers Connect with computing’s heterogeneous future via Intel’s oneAPI initiative Who This Book Is For Those new data-parallel programming and computer programmers interested in data-parallel programming using C++

    Towards hardware as a reconfigurable, elastic, and specialized service

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    As modern Data Center workloads become increasingly complex, constrained, and critical, mainstream CPU-centric computing has had ever more difficulty in keeping pace. Future data centers are moving towards a more fluid and heterogeneous model, with computation and communication no longer localized to commodity CPUs and routers. Next generation data-centric Data Centers will compute everywhere, whether data is stationary (e.g. in memory) or on the move (e.g. in network). While deploying FPGAs in NICS, as co-processors, in the router, and in Bump-in-the-Wire configurations is a step towards implementing the data-centric model, it is only part of the overall solution. The other part is actually leveraging this reconfigurable hardware. For this to happen, two problems must be addressed: code generation and deployment generation. By code generation we mean transforming abstract representations of an algorithm into equivalent hardware. Deployment generation refers to the runtime support needed to facilitate the execution of this hardware on an FPGA. Efforts at creating supporting tools in these two areas have thus far provided limited benefits. This is because the efforts are limited in one or more of the following ways: They i) do not provide fundamental solutions to a number of challenges, which makes them useful only to a limited group of (mostly) hardware developers, ii) are constrained in their scope, or iii) are ad hoc, i.e., specific to a single usage context, FPGA vendor, or Data Center configuration. Moreover, efforts in these areas have largely been mutually exclusive, which results in incompatibility across development layers; this requires wrappers to be designed to make interfaces compatible. As a result there is significant complexity and effort required to code and deploy efficient custom hardware for FPGAs; effort that may be orders-of-magnitude greater than for analogous software environments. The goal of this dissertation is to create a framework that enables reconfigurable logic in Data Centers to be targeted with the same level of effort as for a single CPU core. The underlying mechanism to this is a framework, which we refer to as Hardware as a Reconfigurable, Elastic and Specialized Service, or HaaRNESS. In this dissertation, we address two of the core challenges of HaaRNESS: reducing the complexity of code generation by constraining High Level Synthesis (HLS) toolflows, and replacing ad hoc models of deployment generation by generalizing and formalizing what is needed for a hardware Operating System. These parts are unified by the back-end of HLS toolflows which link generated compute pipelines with the operating system, and provide appropriate APIs, wrappers, and software runtimes. The contributions of this dissertation are the following: i) an empirically guided set of systematic transformations for generating high quality HLS code; ii) a framework for instrumenting HLS compiler to identify and remove optimization blockers; iii) a framework for RTL simulation and IP generation of HLS kernels for rapid turnaround; and iv) a framework for generalization and formalization of hardware operating systems to address the {\it ad hoc}'ness of existing deployment generation and ensure uniform structure and APIs

    Discovery of Potential Parallelism in Sequential Programs

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    In the era of multicore processors, the responsibility for performance gains has been shifted onto software developers. Once improvements of the sequential algorithm have been exhausted, software-managed parallelism is the only option left. However, writing parallel code is still difficult, especially when parallelizing sequential code written by someone else. A key task in this process is the identification of suitable parallelization targets in the source code. Parallelism discovery tools help developers to find such targets automatically. Unfortunately, tools that identify parallelism during compilation are usually conservative due to the lack of runtime information, and tools relying on runtime information primarily suffer from high overhead in terms of both time and memory. This dissertation presents a generic framework for parallelism discovery based on dynamic program analysis, supporting various types of parallelism while incurring practically affordable overhead. The framework contains two main components: an efficient data-dependence profiler and a set of parallelism discovery algorithms based on a language-independent concept called Computational Unit. The data-dependence profiler serves as the foundation of the parallelism discovery framework. Traditional dependence profiling approaches introduce a tremendous amount of time and memory overhead. To lower the overhead, current methods limit their scope to the subset of the dependence information needed for the analysis they have been created for, sacrificing generality and discouraging reuse. In contrast, the profiler shown in this thesis addresses the problem via signature-based memory management and a lock-free parallel design. It produces detailed dependences not only for sequential but also for multi-threaded code without causing prohibitive overhead, allowing it to serve as a generic base for various program analysis techniques. Computational Units (CUs) provide a language-independent foundation for parallelism discovery. CUs are computations that follow the read-compute-write pattern. Unlike other concepts, they are not restricted to predefined language constructs. A program is represented as a CU graph, in which vertexes are CUs and edges are data dependences. This allows parallelism to be detected that spreads across multiple language constructs, taking code refactoring into consideration. The parallelism discovery algorithms cover both loop and task parallelism. Results of our experiments show that 1) the efficient data-dependence profiler has a very competitive average slowdown of around 80× with accuracy higher than 99.6%; 2) the framework discovers parallelism with high accuracy, identifying 92.5% of the parallel loops in NAS benchmarks; 3) when parallelizing well-known open-source software following the outputs of the framework, reasonable speedups are obtained. Finally, use cases beyond parallelism discovery are briefly demonstrated to show the generality of the framework