79,726 research outputs found

    Approximation Complexity of Optimization Problems : Structural Foundations and Steiner Tree Problems

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    In this thesis we study the approximation complexity of the Steiner Tree Problem and related problems as well as foundations in structural complexity theory. The Steiner Tree Problem is one of the most fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization. It asks for a shortest connection of a given set of points in an edge-weighted graph. This problem and its numerous variants have applications ranging from electrical engineering, VLSI design and transportation networks to internet routing. It is closely connected to the famous Traveling Salesman Problem and serves as a benchmark problem for approximation algorithms. We give a survey on the Steiner tree Problem, obtaining lower bounds for approximability of the (1,2)-Steiner Tree Problem by combining hardness results of Berman and Karpinski with reduction methods of Bern and Plassmann. We present approximation algorithms for the Steiner Forest Problem in graphs and bounded hypergraphs, the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and related problems where prizes are given for pairs of terminals. These results are based on the Primal-Dual method and the Local Ratio framework of Bar-Yehuda. We study the Steiner Network Problem and obtain combinatorial approximation algorithms with reasonable running time for two special cases, namely the Uniform Uncapacitated Case and the Prize Collecting Uniform Uncapacitated Case. For the general case, Jain's algorithms obtains an approximation ratio of 2, based on the Ellipsoid Method. We obtain polynomial time approximation schemes for the Dense Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem, Dense k-Steiner Problem and the Dense Class Steiner Tree Problem based on the methods of Karpinski and Zelikovsky for approximating the Dense Steiner Tree Problem. Motivated by the question which parameters make the Steiner Tree problem hard to solve, we make an excurs into Fixed Parameter Complexity, focussing on structural aspects of the W-Hierarchy. We prove a Speedup Theorem for the classes FPT and SP and versions if Levin's Lower Bound Theorem for the class SP as well as for Randomized Space Complexity. Starting from the approximation schemes for the dense Steiner Tree problems, we deal with the efficiency of polynomial time approximation schemes in general. We separate the class EPTAS from PTAS under some reasonable complexity theoretic assumption. The same separation was achieved by Cesaty and Trevisan under some assumtion from Fixed Parameter Complexity. We construct an oracle under which our assumtion holds but that of Cesati and Trevisan does not, which implies that using relativizing proof techniques one cannot show that our assumption implies theirs

    Complexity Framework for Forbidden Subgraphs IV: The Steiner Forest Problem

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    We study Steiner Forest on HH-subgraph-free graphs, that is, graphs that do not contain some fixed graph HH as a (not necessarily induced) subgraph. We are motivated by a recent framework that completely characterizes the complexity of many problems on HH-subgraph-free graphs. However, in contrast to e.g. the related Steiner Tree problem, Steiner Forest falls outside this framework. Hence, the complexity of Steiner Forest on HH-subgraph-free graphs remained tantalizingly open. In this paper, we make significant progress towards determining the complexity of Steiner Forest on HH-subgraph-free graphs. Our main results are four novel polynomial-time algorithms for different excluded graphs HH that are central to further understand its complexity. Along the way, we study the complexity of Steiner Forest for graphs with a small cc-deletion set, that is, a small set SS of vertices such that each component of GSG-S has size at most cc. Using this parameter, we give two noteworthy algorithms that we later employ as subroutines. First, we prove Steiner Forest is FPT parameterized by S|S| when c=1c=1 (i.e. the vertex cover number). Second, we prove Steiner Forest is polynomial-time solvable for graphs with a 2-deletion set of size at most 2. The latter result is tight, as the problem is NP-complete for graphs with a 3-deletion set of size 2

    Parameterized Complexity Dichotomy for Steiner Multicut

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    The Steiner Multicut problem asks, given an undirected graph G, terminals sets T1,...,Tt \subseteq V(G) of size at most p, and an integer k, whether there is a set S of at most k edges or nodes s.t. of each set Ti at least one pair of terminals is in different connected components of G \ S. This problem generalizes several graph cut problems, in particular the Multicut problem (the case p = 2), which is fixed-parameter tractable for the parameter k [Marx and Razgon, Bousquet et al., STOC 2011]. We provide a dichotomy of the parameterized complexity of Steiner Multicut. That is, for any combination of k, t, p, and the treewidth tw(G) as constant, parameter, or unbounded, and for all versions of the problem (edge deletion and node deletion with and without deletable terminals), we prove either that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable or that the problem is hard (W[1]-hard or even (para-)NP-complete). We highlight that: - The edge deletion version of Steiner Multicut is fixed-parameter tractable for the parameter k+t on general graphs (but has no polynomial kernel, even on trees). We present two proofs: one using the randomized contractions technique of Chitnis et al, and one relying on new structural lemmas that decompose the Steiner cut into important separators and minimal s-t cuts. - In contrast, both node deletion versions of Steiner Multicut are W[1]-hard for the parameter k+t on general graphs. - All versions of Steiner Multicut are W[1]-hard for the parameter k, even when p=3 and the graph is a tree plus one node. Hence, the results of Marx and Razgon, and Bousquet et al. do not generalize to Steiner Multicut. Since we allow k, t, p, and tw(G) to be any constants, our characterization includes a dichotomy for Steiner Multicut on trees (for tw(G) = 1), and a polynomial time versus NP-hardness dichotomy (by restricting k,t,p,tw(G) to constant or unbounded).Comment: As submitted to journal. This version also adds a proof of fixed-parameter tractability for parameter k+t using the technique of randomized contraction

    Parameterized Complexity of Secluded Connectivity Problems

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    The Secluded Path problem models a situation where a sensitive information has to be transmitted between a pair of nodes along a path in a network. The measure of the quality of a selected path is its exposure, which is the total weight of vertices in its closed neighborhood. In order to minimize the risk of intercepting the information, we are interested in selecting a secluded path, i.e. a path with a small exposure. Similarly, the Secluded Steiner Tree problem is to find a tree in a graph connecting a given set of terminals such that the exposure of the tree is minimized. The problems were introduced by Chechik et al. in [ESA 2013]. Among other results, Chechik et al. have shown that Secluded Path is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) on unweighted graphs being parameterized by the maximum vertex degree of the graph and that Secluded Steiner Tree is FPT parameterized by the treewidth of the graph. In this work, we obtain the following results about parameterized complexity of secluded connectivity problems. We give FPT-algorithms deciding if a graph G with a given cost function contains a secluded path and a secluded Steiner tree of exposure at most k with the cost at most C. We initiate the study of "above guarantee" parameterizations for secluded problems, where the lower bound is given by the size of a Steiner tree. We investigate Secluded Steiner Tree from kernelization perspective and provide several lower and upper bounds when parameters are the treewidth, the size of a vertex cover, maximum vertex degree and the solution size. Finally, we refine the algorithmic result of Chechik et al. by improving the exponential dependence from the treewidth of the input graph.Comment: Minor corrections are don

    3D boundary recovery by constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization

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    Three-dimensional boundary recovery is a fundamental problem in mesh generation. In this paper, we propose a practical algorithm for solving this problem. Our algorithm is based on the construction of a {\it constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization} (CDT) for a set of constraints (segments and facets). The algorithm adds additional points (so-called Steiner points) on segments only. The Steiner points are chosen in such a way that the resulting subsegments are Delaunay and their lengths are not unnecessarily short. It is theoretically guaranteed that the facets can be recovered without using Steiner points. The complexity of this algorithm is analyzed. The proposed algorithm has been implemented. Its performance is reported through various application examples

    Complexity of the Steiner Network Problem with Respect to the Number of Terminals

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    In the Directed Steiner Network problem we are given an arc-weighted digraph GG, a set of terminals TV(G)T \subseteq V(G), and an (unweighted) directed request graph RR with V(R)=TV(R)=T. Our task is to output a subgraph GGG' \subseteq G of the minimum cost such that there is a directed path from ss to tt in GG' for all stA(R)st \in A(R). It is known that the problem can be solved in time V(G)O(A(R))|V(G)|^{O(|A(R)|)} [Feldman&Ruhl, SIAM J. Comput. 2006] and cannot be solved in time V(G)o(A(R))|V(G)|^{o(|A(R)|)} even if GG is planar, unless Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails [Chitnis et al., SODA 2014]. However, as this reduction (and other reductions showing hardness of the problem) only shows that the problem cannot be solved in time V(G)o(T)|V(G)|^{o(|T|)} unless ETH fails, there is a significant gap in the complexity with respect to T|T| in the exponent. We show that Directed Steiner Network is solvable in time f(R)V(G)O(cgT)f(R)\cdot |V(G)|^{O(c_g \cdot |T|)}, where cgc_g is a constant depending solely on the genus of GG and ff is a computable function. We complement this result by showing that there is no f(R)V(G)o(T2/logT)f(R)\cdot |V(G)|^{o(|T|^2/ \log |T|)} algorithm for any function ff for the problem on general graphs, unless ETH fails

    Approximating Directed Steiner Problems via Tree Embedding

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    In the k-edge connected directed Steiner tree (k-DST) problem, we are given a directed graph G on n vertices with edge-costs, a root vertex r, a set of h terminals T and an integer k. The goal is to find a min-cost subgraph H of G that connects r to each terminal t by k edge-disjoint r,t-paths. This problem includes as special cases the well-known directed Steiner tree (DST) problem (the case k = 1) and the group Steiner tree (GST) problem. Despite having been studied and mentioned many times in literature, e.g., by Feldman et al. [SODA'09, JCSS'12], by Cheriyan et al. [SODA'12, TALG'14] and by Laekhanukit [SODA'14], there was no known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST for k >= 2 even in the special case that an input graph is directed acyclic and has a constant number of layers. If an input graph is not acyclic, the complexity status of k-DST is not known even for a very strict special case that k= 2 and |T| = 2. In this paper, we make a progress toward developing a non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST. We present an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for k-DST on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with D layers, which can be extended to a special case of k-DST on "general graphs" when an instance has a D-shallow optimal solution, i.e., there exist k edge-disjoint r,t-paths, each of length at most D, for every terminal t. For the case k= 1 (DST), our algorithm yields an approximation ratio of O(D log h), thus implying an O(log^3 h)-approximation algorithm for DST that runs in quasi-polynomial-time (due to the height-reduction of Zelikovsky [Algorithmica'97]). Consequently, as our algorithm works for general graphs, we obtain an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for a D-shallow instance of the k-edge-connected directed Steiner subgraph problem, where we wish to connect every pair of terminals by k-edge-disjoint paths