358 research outputs found

    Context constraint integration and validation in dynamic web service compositions

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    System architectures that cross organisational boundaries are usually implemented based on Web service technologies due to their inherent interoperability benets. With increasing exibility requirements, such as on-demand service provision, a dynamic approach to service architecture focussing on composition at runtime is needed. The possibility of technical faults, but also violations of functional and semantic constraints require a comprehensive notion of context that captures composition-relevant aspects. Context-aware techniques are consequently required to support constraint validation for dynamic service composition. We present techniques to respond to problems occurring during the execution of dynamically composed Web services implemented in WS-BPEL. A notion of context { covering physical and contractual faults and violations { is used to safeguard composed service executions dynamically. Our aim is to present an architectural framework from an application-oriented perspective, addressing practical considerations of a technical framework

    A Framework For Adaptation In secure Web Services

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    In the context of service-oriented computing, the introduction of the Quality-of-Service (QoS) aspect leads to the need to adapt the execution of programs to the QoS requirements of the particular execution. This is typically achieved by finding alternate services that are functionally equivalent to the ones originally specified in the program and whose QoS characteristics closely match the requirements, and invoking the alternate services instead of the originally specified ones; the same approach can also be employed for tackling exceptions. The techniques proposed insofar, however, cannot be applied in a secure context, where data are encrypted and signed for the originally intended recipient. In this paper, we introduce a framework for facilitating adaptation in the context of secure SOA

    Engineering Secure Adaptable Web Services Compositions

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    Service-oriented architecture defines a paradigm for building applications by assembling autonomous components such as web services to create web service compositions. Web services are executed in complex contexts where unforeseen events may compromise the security of the web services composition. If such compositions perform critical functions, prompt action may be required as new security threats may arise at runtime. Manual interventions may not be ideal or feasible. To automatically decide on valid security changes to make at runtime, the composition needs to make use of current security context information. Such security changes are referred to as dynamic adaptation. This research proposes a framework to develop web services compositions that can dynamically adapt to maintain the same level of security when unforeseen security events occur at runtime. The framework is supported by mechanisms that map revised security requirements arising at runtime to a new security configuration plan that is used to adapt the web services composition

    Exploiting rules and processes for increasing flexibility in service composition

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    Recent trends in the use of service oriented architecture for designing, developing, managing, and using distributed applications have resulted in an increasing number of independently developed and physically distributed services. These services can be discovered, selected and composed to develop new applications and to meet emerging user requirements. Service composition is generally defined on the basis of business processes in which the underlying composition logic is guided by specifying control and data flows through Web service interfaces. User demands as well as the services themselves may change over time, which leads to replacing or adjusting the composition logic of previously defined processes. Coping with change is still one of the fundamental problems in current process based composition approaches. In this paper, we exploit declarative and imperative design styles to achieve better flexibility in service composition

    Integrating Diagnostic and Repair to Ensure the Quality of a Composition of Web Services

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    Service-Oriented Computing is based on dynamic composition of web services to meet the demand of a user. A major challenge in conditioning actual use of web services is to monitor their performance and enable them to react to unexpected malfunctioning. This can be done using the mechanisms of exception handling. But they do react in a predefined manner and local issues have to be planned at the services design time. However, in dynamic environments like the Internet, web services may be subject to unexpected malfunctioning which may not be handled with repair mechanisms defined at design time. In addition, local management ignores errors during the interactions between services, which limit their effectiveness. Such failures may also propagate through the services before being detected, and the key is to find the problem at the source of the malfunction and repair the service. In this context, this work is dedicated to study a distributed but coordinated and dynamic management of repair mechanisms. The difficulty is that repairs are carried out locally, but a global approach must be ensured to take into account interactions between different services. Our objective is to propose a diagnostic-repair architecture and mechanisms for this feature in detail

    A middleware for service oriented computing in dynamic environments

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe last years have witnessed a convergence on the SOA paradigm from industrial processes enterprises (like logistics or manufacturing), using standards for data and communication. SOA promotes reusability, interoperability and loose-coupling of applications. The convergence towards SOA shows that we are leading to an infrastructure composed by several heterogeneous devices, the "Internet of Things". In this infrastructure everything can be abstracted as a service, such as household appliances, mobile devices, or industrial machinery. It is expected that this trend will continue, and as these devices interoperate in service composition, new functionalities may be discovered. Existing approaches for service composition, namely in business processes, are too bound to BPEL. Several alternatives and extensions of BPEL have been developed, but they feel more like patches than solutions. In this context SeDeUse [29] model has been proposed as an exercise to define new language constructs promoting a separation from service awareness and use. The model also relies on a middleware layer to support the execution of the application in dynamic environments. The goal of this dissertation is to instantiate the SeDeUse model in a widely used programming language in order to provide a framework for its assessment and for its future development. The work consists on implementing a concrete syntax for the model, a compilation process, and a middleware layer. The syntax contains the new language constructs that are integrated in the hosting language. The compilation process is responsible for service definition and code generation. Finally, the middleware acts as a support for the application (generated code) requests. We have seamlessly integrated SeDeUse in the Java programming language and developed a functional prototype. To assess the prototype capability, three scenarios were developed in which we demonstrated that our implementation provides a new, and simpler, approach for abstracting resources as services

    Proactive and reactive runtime service discovery: a framework and its evaluation

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    The identification of services during the execution of service-based applications to replace services in them that are no longer available and/or fail to satisfy certain requirements is an important issue. In this paper we present a framework to support runtime service discovery. This framework can execute service discovery queries in pull and push mode. In pull mode, it executes queries when a need for finding a replacement service arises. In push mode, queries are subscribed to the framework to be executed proactively, and in parallel with the operation of the application, in order to identify adequate services that could be used if the need for replacing a service arises. Hence, the proactive (push) mode of query execution makes it more likely to avoid interruptions in the operation of service-based applications when a service in them needs to be replaced at runtime. In both modes of query execution, the identification of services relies on distance-based matching of structural, behavioural, quality, and contextual characteristics of services and applications. A prototype implementation of the framework has been developed and an evaluation was carried out to assess the performance of the framework. This evaluation has shown positive results, which are discussed in the paper