347 research outputs found

    Understanding business ecosystem using a 6C framework in Internet-of-Things-based sectors

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    With fast development and application, the Internet of Things (IoT) brings more opportunities to business. This research aims to investigate how IoT could lead to a co-evolving business ecosystem rather than a supply chain. It develops the 6C framework to analyze the data collected from case companies, and identifies three patterns of IoT-based business ecosystem. It also provides a summary of practical implications to guide practitioners building an IoT-based business ecosystem

    An All-in-One mHealth Application: #Beats – Your health mate

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    Màster en Gestió de Continguts Digitals, Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona i UPF, curs 2019-2020. Tutor: Dr. Cristóbal Urbano. UBBy exploring the current situation of the mHealth market in Spain, and the feasibility of the open-source framework, this article looks forward to developing an all-in-one mHealth application with the concept of Mini Programs/ Instant App. It can integrate the healthcare resources and provide users with more experience of instant services without a complicated installation process. It also strengthens the protection of personal information and privacy. In the meanwhile, by applying the methodology of Rapid Prototyping, a user interface of this app, Beats, will be presented to visualize the above concepts. It may be a revolution for medical providers, doctor-patient relationships, public health care systems, and even the entire healthcare system

    Offering Web-based Tools via Library Websites for Academic and Research Progression: An Analytical Study

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    The purpose of the present study is to explore the possibility of integrating various online tools and apps with the library website and to identify the issues and benefits of implementing these tools. Quantitative online survey method was used using Google form in the present study to investigate the perception of the academic community involving students, teachers, and research scholars across higher education institutes in West Bengal, India about the online tools and apps and how they respond while interacting with these tools. Based on the responses to a series of questions, the study analyzed user observation and found purposive involvement of the academic community with various online tools and apps. The study identified the areas requiring improvements to maximize the usability of the tools and illustrated the usefulness of these tools in academic and research progression. The study also presented a schematic diagram of possible benefits and major constraints while implementing these tools. The research provides an overview of various online tools and apps facilitating academic and research progression and makes an attempt to convince librarians towards the informed selection of tools and highlights the utility of these tools among the academic community

    Factors Influencing Users\u27 Reading Satisfaction of Articles on WeChat

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    As social media, such as WeChat, develops rapidly, huge amounts of information are becoming more easily accessible. However, both the limited time and short attention span of people lead to competition among articles, and a large number of them end up being buried in the sea of information. Based on the ELM theory, this paper analyzes the factors influencing users’ reading satisfaction of articles. The results show that the title information amount, the title activeness and the readability of the article positively affect the reading satisfaction of users. The amount of information in an article has a negative influence on the satisfaction of users. It is important for an article to have an appropriate number of pictures and be published at a specific time period. Furthermore, use of advertising and marketing vocabulary in articles will reduce users’ reading satisfaction. Finally, relevant theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Measurement framework for assessing disruptive innovations

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    Assessing potential disruptiveness of innovations is an important but challenging task for incumbents. However, the extant literature focuses only on technological and marketplace aspects, and most of the documented methods tend to be case specific. In this study, we present a multidimensional measurement framework to assess the disruptive potential of product innovations. The framework is designed based on the concept that the nature of disruptive innovations is multidimensional. Three aspects are considered, i.e., technological features, marketplace dynamics and external environment. Ten indicators of the three categories are proposed and then connected based on the conceptual and literature analysis. Three innovations, namely, WeChat (successful), Modularised Mobile Phone (failed) and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (ongoing), are selected as case studies. A panel of industrial experts with PhD degree in engineering is surveyed. The survey results are calculated and analysed according to the framework and then compared against the developments of the innovations. We also check the robustness of this framework by surveying other groups of people, and the results are nearly identical to the previous findings. This study enables a systematic assessment of disruptive potential of innovations using the framework, providing insights for decisions in product launch and resource allocation.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    CRM and Mobile Applications:An Overview of Mobile CRM Adoption

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to summarize articles on mobile apps and mCRM to identify important factors affecting their adoption.  Research limitations/implications – The relatively small sample size limits the generalization of the results. Keywords - mCRM adoption, Mobile technology, Technology Acceptance Model, CRM system, B2B sales, Employee satisfaction, mCRM, Personal performance, System use, E-satisfaction, E-loyalty, Mobile banking, E-trust, Mobile marketing, Technology implementation. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-2-06 Publication date: February 29th 202


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    This article investigates the longevity of health QR codes, a digital instrument of pandemic surveillance, in post-COVID China. From 2020 to 2022, China widely used this tri-color tool to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. A commonly held assumption is that health QR codes have become obsolete in post-pandemic China. This study challenges such an assumption. It reveals their persistence and integration - through mobile apps and online platforms - beyond the COVID-19 public health emergency. A prolonged, expanded and normalized use of tools which were originally intended for contact tracing and pandemic surveillance raises critical legal and ethical concerns. Moreover, their functional transformation from epidemiological risk assessment tools to instruments of behavior modification and social governance heralds the emergence of a Data Leviathan. This transformation is underpinned by a duality of underlying political and commercial forces. These include 1) a structural enabler: a powerful alliance between political authorities and tech giants and 2) an ideological legitimizer: a commitment to collective security over individual autonomy. In contrast to the rights-centric approach embraced by Western democracies to regulate AI-driven biometric surveillance, China adopts a state-industry dominance model of governance

    Model-as-a-Service (MaaS): A Survey

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    Due to the increased number of parameters and data in the pre-trained model exceeding a certain level, a foundation model (e.g., a large language model) can significantly improve downstream task performance and emerge with some novel special abilities (e.g., deep learning, complex reasoning, and human alignment) that were not present before. Foundation models are a form of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), and Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) has emerged as a groundbreaking paradigm that revolutionizes the deployment and utilization of GenAI models. MaaS represents a paradigm shift in how we use AI technologies and provides a scalable and accessible solution for developers and users to leverage pre-trained AI models without the need for extensive infrastructure or expertise in model training. In this paper, the introduction aims to provide a comprehensive overview of MaaS, its significance, and its implications for various industries. We provide a brief review of the development history of "X-as-a-Service" based on cloud computing and present the key technologies involved in MaaS. The development of GenAI models will become more democratized and flourish. We also review recent application studies of MaaS. Finally, we highlight several challenges and future issues in this promising area. MaaS is a new deployment and service paradigm for different AI-based models. We hope this review will inspire future research in the field of MaaS.Comment: Preprint. 3 figures, 1 table
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