23 research outputs found

    Extended Regular Expressions: Succinctness and Decidability

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    Most modern implementations of regular expression engines allow the use of variables (also called back references). The resulting extended regular expressions (which, in the literature, are also called practical regular expressions, rewbr, or regex) are able to express non-regular languages. The present paper demonstrates that extended regular-expressions cannot be minimized effectively (neither with respect to length, nor number of variables), and that the tradeoff in size between extended and ``classical\u27\u27 regular expressions is not bounded by any recursive function. In addition to this, we prove the undecidability of several decision problems (universality, equivalence, inclusion, regularity, and cofiniteness) for extended regular expressions. Furthermore, we show that all these results hold even if the extended regular expressions contain only a single variable

    Document Spanners: From Expressive Power to Decision Problems

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    We examine document spanners, a formal framework for information extraction that was introduced by Fagin et al. (PODS 2013). A document spanner is a function that maps an input string to a relation over spans (intervals of positions of the string). We focus on document spanners that are defined by regex formulas, which are basically regular expressions that map matched subexpressions to corresponding spans, and on core spanners, which extend the former by standard algebraic operators and string equality selection. First, we compare the expressive power of core spanners to three models - namely, patterns, word equations, and a rich and natural subclass of extended regular expressions (regular expressions with a repetition operator). These results are then used to analyze the complexity of query evaluation and various aspects of static analysis of core spanners. Finally, we examine the relative succinctness of different kinds of representations of core spanners and relate this to the simplification of core spanners that are extended with difference operators

    New architectures for very deep learning

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    Artificial Neural Networks are increasingly being used in complex real- world applications because many-layered (i.e., deep) architectures can now be trained on large quantities of data. However, training even deeper, and therefore more powerful networks, has hit a barrier due to fundamental limitations in the design of existing networks. This thesis develops new architectures that, for the first time, allow very deep networks to be optimized efficiently and reliably. Specifically, it addresses two key issues that hamper credit assignment in neural networks: cross-pattern interference and vanishing gradients. Cross- pattern interference leads to oscillations of the network’s weights that make training inefficient. The proposed Local Winner-Take-All networks reduce interference among computation units in the same layer through local competition. An in-depth analysis of locally competitive networks provides generalizable insights and reveals unifying properties that improve credit assignment. As network depth increases, vanishing gradients make a network’s outputs increasingly insensitive to the weights close to the inputs, causing the failure of gradient-based training. To overcome this limitation, the proposed Highway networks regulate information flow across layers through additional skip connections which are modulated by learned computation units. Their beneficial properties are extended to the sequential domain with Recurrent Highway Networks that gain from increased depth and learn complex sequential transitions without requiring more parameters

    On the Semantics of Intensionality and Intensional Recursion

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    Intensionality is a phenomenon that occurs in logic and computation. In the most general sense, a function is intensional if it operates at a level finer than (extensional) equality. This is a familiar setting for computer scientists, who often study different programs or processes that are interchangeable, i.e. extensionally equal, even though they are not implemented in the same way, so intensionally distinct. Concomitant with intensionality is the phenomenon of intensional recursion, which refers to the ability of a program to have access to its own code. In computability theory, intensional recursion is enabled by Kleene's Second Recursion Theorem. This thesis is concerned with the crafting of a logical toolkit through which these phenomena can be studied. Our main contribution is a framework in which mathematical and computational constructions can be considered either extensionally, i.e. as abstract values, or intensionally, i.e. as fine-grained descriptions of their construction. Once this is achieved, it may be used to analyse intensional recursion.Comment: DPhil thesis, Department of Computer Science & St John's College, University of Oxfor

    DFKI publications : the first four years ; 1990 - 1993

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    The principal motivation for this work is the observation that there are significant deficiencies in the foundations of conventional computability theory. This thesis examines the problems with conventional computability theory, including its failure to address discrepancies between theory and practice in computer science, semantic confusion in terminology, and limitations in the scope of conventional computing models. In light of these difficulties, fundamental notions are re-examined and revised definitions of key concepts such as “computer,” “computable,” and “computing power” are provided. A detailed analysis is conducted to determine desirable semantics and scope of applicability of foundational notions. The credibility of the revised definitions is ascertained by demonstrating by their ability to address identified problems with conventional definitions. Their practical utility is established through application to examples. Other related issues, including hidden complexity in computations, subtleties related to encodings, and the cardinalities of sets involved in computing, are examined. A resource-based meta-model for characterizing computing model properties is introduced. The proposed definitions are presented as a starting point for an alternate foundation for computability theory. However, formulation of the particular concepts under discussion is not the sole purpose of the thesis. The underlying objective of this research is to open discourse on alternate foundations of computability theory and to inspire re-examination of fundamental notions

    Merging the Natural with the Artificial: The Nature of a Machine and the Collapse of Cybernetics

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    This thesis is concerned with the rise and fall of cybernetics, understood as an inquiry regarding the nature of a machine. The collapse of this scientific movement, usually explained by external factors such as lack of funding, will be addressed from a philosophical standpoint. Delving deeper into the theoretical core of cybernetics, one could find that the contributions of William Ross Ashby and John von Neumann shed light onto the particular ways in which cybernetics understood the nature and behavior of a machine. Ross Ashby offered an account of the nature of a machine and then extended the scope of “the mechanical”. This extension would encompass areas that will later be shown to be problematic for mechanization, such as learning and adaptation. The way in which a machine-ontology was applied would trigger effects seemingly contrary to cybernetics’ own distinctive features. Von Neumann, on the other hand, tinkered with a mechanical model of the brain, realizing grave limitations that prompted him to look for an alternative for cybernetics to work on. The proposal that came out of this resulted in a serious blow against the theoretical core of cybernetics. Why did cybernetics collapse? The contributions coming from both thinkers, in their own ways, spelled out the main tenets of the cybernetic proposal. But these very contributions led to cybernetics’ own demise. The whole story can be framed under the rubric of a serious inquiry into the metaphysical underpinnings of a machine. The rise and fall of cybernetics could thus help us better understand what a machine is from a philosophical standpoint. Although a historical component is present, my emphasis relies on a philosophical consideration of the cybernetic phenomenon. This metaphysical dissection will attempt to clarify how a machine-based ontology remained at the core of cybernetics. An emerging link will hopefully lead towards establishing a tri-partite correlation between cybernetics’ own evolution, its theoretical core, and its collapse. It will hopefully show how cybernetic inquiries into the nature of a machine might have proved fatal to the very enterprise at large, due to unsolvable theoretical tensions

    DFKI publications : the first four years ; 1990 - 1993

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    Conjunctive Queries for Logic-Based Information Extraction

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    This thesis offers two logic-based approaches to conjunctive queries in the context of information extraction. The first and main approach is the introduction of conjunctive query fragments of the logics FC and FC[REG], denoted as FC-CQ and FC[REG]-CQ respectively. FC is a first-order logic based on word equations, where the semantics are defined by limiting the universe to the factors of some finite input word. FC[REG] is FC extended with regular constraints. The second approach is to consider the dynamic complexity of FC.Comment: Based on the author's PhD thesis and contains work from two conference publications (arXiv:2104.04758, arXiv:1909.10869) which are joint work with Dominik D. Freydenberge