905 research outputs found

    Map Building and Monte Carlo Localization Using Global Appearance of Omnidirectional Images

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    In this paper we deal with the problem of map building and localization of a mobile robot in an environment using the information provided by an omnidirectional vision sensor that is mounted on the robot. Our main objective consists of studying the feasibility of the techniques based in the global appearance of a set of omnidirectional images captured by this vision sensor to solve this problem. First, we study how to describe globally the visual information so that it represents correctly locations and the geometrical relationships between these locations. Then, we integrate this information using an approach based on a spring-mass-damper model, to create a topological map of the environment. Once the map is built, we propose the use of a Monte Carlo localization approach to estimate the most probable pose of the vision system and its trajectory within the map. We perform a comparison in terms of computational cost and error in localization. The experimental results we present have been obtained with real indoor omnidirectional images

    Long-term experiments with an adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments

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    Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In this work, we introduce a method to update the reference views in a hybrid metric-topological map so that a mobile robot can continue to localize itself in a changing environment. The updating mechanism, based on the multi-store model of human memory, incorporates a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the map, which enables the robot to estimate its heading and navigate using multi-view geometry, as well as representing the local 3D geometry of the environment. A series of experiments demonstrate the persistence performance of the proposed system in real changing environments, including analysis of the long-term stability

    An adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments

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    Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In previous work we introduced a method to update the reference views in a topological map so that a mobile robot could continue to localize itself in a changing environment using omni-directional vision. In this work we extend this longterm updating mechanism to incorporate a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the topological map. Using multi-view geometry we are then able to estimate the heading of the robot, in order to enable navigation between the nodes of the map, and to simultaneously adapt the spherical view representation in response to environmental changes. The results demonstrate the persistent performance of the proposed system in a long-term experiment

    An adaptive appearance-based map for long-term topological localization of mobile robots

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    This work considers a mobile service robot which uses an appearance-based representation of its workplace as a map, where the current view and the map are used to estimate the current position in the environment. Due to the nature of real-world environments such as houses and offices, where the appearance keeps changing, the internal representation may become out of date after some time. To solve this problem the robot needs to be able to adapt its internal representation continually to the changes in the environment. This paper presents a method for creating an adaptive map for long-term appearance-based localization of a mobile robot using long-term and short-term memory concepts, with omni-directional vision as the external sensor

    Vision-Based Localization Algorithm Based on Landmark Matching, Triangulation, Reconstruction, and Comparison

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    Many generic position-estimation algorithms are vulnerable to ambiguity introduced by nonunique landmarks. Also, the available high-dimensional image data is not fully used when these techniques are extended to vision-based localization. This paper presents the landmark matching, triangulation, reconstruction, and comparison (LTRC) global localization algorithm, which is reasonably immune to ambiguous landmark matches. It extracts natural landmarks for the (rough) matching stage before generating the list of possible position estimates through triangulation. Reconstruction and comparison then rank the possible estimates. The LTRC algorithm has been implemented using an interpreted language, onto a robot equipped with a panoramic vision system. Empirical data shows remarkable improvement in accuracy when compared with the established random sample consensus method. LTRC is also robust against inaccurate map data

    Incremental spectral clustering and its application to topological mapping

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    This paper presents a novel use of spectral clustering algorithms to support cases where the entries in the affinity matrix are costly to compute. The method is incremental – the spectral clustering algorithm is applied to the affinity matrix after each row/column is added – which makes it possible to inspect the clusters as new data points are added. The method is well suited to the problem of appearance-based, on-line topological mapping for mobile robots. In this problem domain, we show that we can reduce environment-dependent parameters of the clustering algorithm to just a single, intuitive parameter. Experimental results in large outdoor and indoor environments show that we can close loops correctly by computing only a fraction of the entries in the affinity matrix. The accompanying video clip shows how an example map is produced by the algorithm

    Non-Metrical Navigation Through Visual Path Control

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    We describe a new method for wide-area, non-metrical robot navigationwhich enables useful, purposeful motion indoors. Our method has twophases: a training phase, in which a human user directs a wheeledrobot with an attached camera through an environment while occasionallysupplying textual place names; and a navigation phase in which theuser specifies goal place names (again as text), and the robot issueslow-level motion control in order to move to the specified place. We show thatdifferences in the visual-field locations and scales of features matched acrosstraining and navigation can be used to construct a simple and robust controlrule that guides the robot onto and along the training motion path.Our method uses an omnidirectional camera, requires approximateintrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration, and is capable of effective motioncontrol within an extended, minimally-prepared building environment floorplan.We give results for deployment within a single building floor with 7 rooms, 6corridor segments, and 15 distinct place names