5,793 research outputs found

    Cognitive facilitation following intentional odor exposure

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    This paper reviews evidence that, in addition to incidental olfactory pollutants, intentional odor delivery can impact cognitive operations both positively and negatively. Evidence for cognitive facilitation/interference is reviewed alongside four potential explanations for odor-induced effects. It is concluded that the pharmacological properties of odors can induce changes in cognition. However, these effects can be accentuated/attenuated by the shift in mood following odor exposure, expectancy of cognitive effects, and cues to behavior via the contextual association with the odor. It is proposed that greater consideration is required in the intentional utilization of odors within both industrial and private locations, since differential effects are observed for odors with positive hedonic qualities

    Olfaction, Memory, and Presence in Warfighters: Do the Scents of War Matter?

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    Background: Exposure therapy (EXP) is a first-line intervention for combat-related PTSD. EXP works by repeatedly exposing the patient to the feared stimuli, situation, or physical sensations in the absence of actual danger until the stimuli no longer evoke maladaptive responses. Over the past decade, multiple technologies have been introduced to augment the EXP process by presenting multi-sensory cues (e.g., sights, smells, sounds) to increase patients\u27 sense of presence. Exploratory research has only broadly examined the effect of odorants on the patient\u27s sense of presence during simulated exposure tasks. This study hypothesized that those with autobiographical memories similar to the virtual environment (VE) and those who received odorants would report experiencing more presence than experimental controls. Methods: 61 veterans and civilian subjects were randomized and asked to participate in a virtual environment simulating a routine OIF/OEF/OND convoy. The effects of odorants and autobiographical memory on presence were assessed via electrodermal activity, respiration, heart rate variability, and self-report measures. Results: Odorants did not significantly influence presence. A relationship between military experience and presence, HRV, and realism was observed. Conclusion: Odorants did not have a statistically significant effect on presence while engaged in a simulated exposure task, which was inconsistent with previous research. The rationale for these findings and recommendations for future research are made

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 127, April 1974

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    This special bibliography lists 279 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1974

    Cues for shelter use in a phytophagous insect

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    Many insects spend a large proportion of their life inactive, often hiding in shelters. The presence of shelters may, therefore, influence where insects feed. This study examines stimuli affecting the use of shelters by adults of the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). This species is an economically important forest pest in Europe since the adults feed on the stem bark of newly planted conifer seedlings. When there are hiding or burrowing places present in close proximity to a seedling, pine weevils may hide there and repeatedly return to feed on the same seedling. Experiments were conducted in a laboratory arena with above-ground or below-ground shelters and in the presence or absence of wind. Pine weevils were highly attracted to shelters both above and below ground. Weevils in shelters were often observed assuming a characteristic "resting" posture. Experiments with opaque and transparent shelters showed that visual stimuli are used for orientation towards shelters and also increase the probability of an individual remaining in a shelter. The presence of wind increased the weevils' propensity to use shelters both above and below ground. The present study indicates that shelters have a major influence on the behavior of the pine weevil and possible implications of the results are discussed

    A Computer Simulation of Olfactory Cortex with Functional Implications for Storage and Retrieval of Olfactory Information

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    Based on anatomical and physiological data, we have developed a computer simulation of piriform (olfactory) cortex which is capable of reproducing spatial and temporal patterns of actual cortical activity under a variety of conditions. Using a simple Hebb-type learning rule in conjunction with the cortical dynamics which emerge from the anatomical and physiological organization of the model, the simulations are capable of establishing cortical representations for different input patterns. The basis of these representations lies in the interaction of sparsely distributed, highly divergent/convergent interconnections between modeled neurons. We have shown that different representations can be stored with minimal interference. and that following learning these representations are resistant to input degradation, allowing reconstruction of a representation following only a partial presentation of an original training stimulus. Further, we have demonstrated that the degree of overlap of cortical representations for different stimuli can also be modulated. For instance similar input patterns can be induced to generate distinct cortical representations (discrimination). while dissimilar inputs can be induced to generate overlapping representations (accommodation). Both features are presumably important in classifying olfactory stimuli

    Sensory Contact Model: Protocol, Control, Applications

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    Among the models that become more and more popular in behavioral neuroscience are biosocial models, which allow studying the consequences of chronic social conflicts and social stress in animals. The sensory contact model appears to represent one of such models. Repeated experience of aggression or social defeats in daily agonistic interactions in male mice of different strains leads to the formation of opposing kinds of social behavior: one attributable to winners (aggressors) and another attributable to losers (defeated males, victims of aggression). A large variety of behavioral pathologies which develop in male mice in these conditions (anxious depression, catalepsy, social withdrawal, pronounced aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, cognitive disturbances, anhedonia etc.), which are accompanied by somatic changes (reduced gonad function, psychogenic immune deficiency etc), suggest that this approach could be used for different aims of biomedical studies. Putative mechanisms of release and maintenance of aggressive and submissive behaviors in male mice under the sensory contact model, criteria of correct application, basic experimental setups and problem of the control, methodical capabilities and potentials of the sensory contact model applications are discussed in this paper

    Independence of Odor Quality and Absolute Sensitivity in a Study of Aging

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    Young, middle-aged, and senior subjects performed tasks designed to examine whether odor quality discrimination varies independently of sensitivity. One task entailed detection of 2-heptanone and the others AB-X discrimination of quality for sets of 2-heptanone and homologues or 2-heptanone and non-ketones. Subjects sought to discriminate either at intensity-matched concentrations far above threshold, but fixed across subjects, or at levels adjusted to neutralize differences in sensitivity. The young and middle-aged groups manifested the same absolute sensitivity, but the senior group poorer sensitivity. Performance in quality discrimination, however, declined progressively. Performance lacked an association with absolute sensitivity, no matter how examined. These data, in conjunction with converging findings from patients with neurological damage, studies of brain imaging, and the relation between concentration and quality discrimination in younger persons, suggest largely independent processing of odor quality and intensity

    Reduction of physiological stress by urban green space in a multisensory virtual experiment

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    Although stress is an increasing global health problem in cities, urban green spaces can provide health benefits. There is, however, a lack of understanding of the link between physiological mechanisms and qualities of urban green spaces. Here, we compare the effects of visual stimuli (360 degree virtual photos of an urban environment, forest, and park) to the effects of congruent olfactory stimuli (nature and city odours) and auditory stimuli (bird songs and noise) on physiological stress recovery. Participants (N = 154) were pseudo-randomised into participating in one of the three environments and subsequently exposed to stress (operationalised by skin conductance levels). The park and forest, but not the urban area, provided significant stress reduction. High pleasantness ratings of the environment were linked to low physiological stress responses for olfactory and to some extent for auditory, but not for visual stimuli. This result indicates that olfactory stimuli may be better at facilitating stress reduction than visual stimuli. Currently, urban planners prioritise visual stimuli when planning open green spaces, but urban planners should also consider multisensory qualities
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