3,679 research outputs found

    Assisting People of Determination and the Elderly Using Social Robot: A Case Study

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    A technological innovation that has recently garnered attention in the literature is social humanoid robots' applications. Ever since their commercialization, social robots have been viewed as a valuable tool to assist individuals in their daily activities. As people grow older, their capabilities to accomplish everyday activities gradually deteriorate. Consequently, there is a pressing need for research on the positive benefits offered by humanoid robots. This paper explores the implications of a social robot, Zenbo, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). We propose that the Zenbo be helpful in assisting vulnerable elderly populations, ordinary citizens, and People of Determination. This study can guide the UAE policymakers to allow elderly peoples and disabled individuals to use Zenbo to ensure their safety and well-being. This technological advancement can help transform the traditional support systems offered to the vulnerable populations in the Middle East

    Trust in Human-Robot Interaction Within Healthcare Services: A Review Study

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    There has always been a dilemma of the extent to which human can rely on machines in different activities of daily living. Ranging from riding on a self-driving car to having an iRobot vacuum clean the living room. However, when it comes to healthcare settings where robots are intended to work next to human, making decision gets difficult because repercussions may jeopardize people’s life. That has led scientists and engineers to take one step back and think out of the box. Having concept of trust under scrutiny, this study helps deciphering complex human-robot interaction (HRI) attributes. Screening essential constituents of what shapes the trust in human mind as s/he is working with a robot will provide a more in-depth insight through how to build and consolidate the trust. In physiotherapeutic realm, this feeds into improving safety protocols and level of comfort; as well as increasing the efficacy of robot-assisted physical therapy and rehabilitation. This paper provides a comprehensive framework for measuring trust through introducing several scenarios that are prevalent in rehabilitation environment. This proposed framework highlights importance of clear communication between physicians and how they expect robot to intervene in a human centered task. In addition, it reflects on patients’ perception of robot assistance. Ultimately, recommendations are made in order to maximize trust earned from the patients which then feeds into enhancing efficacy of the therapy. This is an ongoing study; authors are working with a local hospital to implement the know in a real-world application

    Robotic services acceptance in smart environments with older adults: user satisfaction and acceptability study.

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    In Europe, the population of older people is increasing rapidly. Many older people prefer to remain in their homes but living alone could be a risk for their safety. In this context, robotics and other emerging technologies are increasingly proposed as potential solutions to this societal concern. However, one-third of all assistive technologies are abandoned within one year of use because the end users do not accept them. The aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of the Robot-Era system, which provides robotic services to permit older people to remain in their homes. Six robotic services were tested by 35 older users. The experiments were conducted in three different environments: private home, condominium, and outdoor sites. The appearance questionnaire was developed to collect the users' first impressions about the Robot-Era system, whereas the acceptance was evaluated through a questionnaire developed ad hoc for Robot-Era. A total of 45 older users were recruited. The people were grouped in two samples of 35 participants, according to their availability. Participants had a positive impression of Robot-Era robots, as reflected by the mean score of 73.04 (SD 11.80) for DORO's (domestic robot) appearance, 76.85 (SD 12.01) for CORO (condominium robot), and 75.93 (SD 11.67) for ORO (outdoor robot). Men gave ORO's appearance an overall score higher than women (P=.02). Moreover, participants younger than 75 years understood more readily the functionalities of Robot-Era robots compared to older people (P=.007 for DORO, P=.001 for CORO, and P=.046 for ORO). For the ad hoc questionnaire, the mean overall score was higher than 80 out of 100 points for all Robot-Era services. Older persons with a high educational level gave Robot-Era services a higher score than those with a low level of education (shopping: P=.04; garbage: P=.047; reminding: P=.04; indoor walking support: P=.006; outdoor walking support: P=.03). A higher score was given by male older adults for shopping (P=.02), indoor walking support (P=.02), and outdoor walking support (P=.03). Based on the feedback given by the end users, the Robot-Era system has the potential to be developed as a socially acceptable and believable provider of robotic services to facilitate older people to live independently in their homes. [Abstract copyright: ©Filippo Cavallo, Raffaele Esposito, Raffaele Limosani, Alessandro Manzi, Roberta Bevilacqua, Elisa Felici, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Angelo Cangelosi, Fabrizia Lattanzio, Paolo Dario. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 21.09.2018.

    Family learning an evaluation of the benefits of family learning for participants, their families and the wider community

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    The influence of culture on attitudes towards humanoid and animal‐like robots: an integrative review

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    Purpose The aim of the present review is to explore the influence of culture on attitudes towards humanoid and animal‐like robots. Design An integrative review of current evidence. Methods Medline, CINAHL, PsycInfo, PubMed, and Google Scholar were searched from 2000 to 2017. A total of 22 articles met the inclusion criteria and were retrieved and analyzed. Findings Culture influences attitudes and preferences towards robots, but due to the limitations of the reviewed studies, concrete conclusions cannot be made. More consistent evidence was found with regard to the influence of culture on nonverbal behaviors and communication styles, with people being more accepting of a robot that behaved more closely to their own culture. Conclusions The research field of human–robot interaction provides the current evidence on the influence that culture has on attitudes towards humanoid and animal‐like robots, but more research that is guided by strong theoretical frameworks is needed. Clinical Relevance With the increased use of humanoid robots in the healthcare system, it is imperative that nurses and other healthcare professionals explore and understand the different factors that can affect the use of robots with patients

    Assistive Robotic Technology: A Review

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    Older people with chronic conditions even lead to some disabilities face many challenges in performing daily life. Assistive robot is considered as a tool to provide companionship and assist daily life of older people and disabled people. This paper presents a review of assistive robotic technology, particularly for older people and disabled people. The result of this review constitutes a step towards the development of assistive robots capable of helping some problems of older people and disabled people. Hence, they may remain in at home and live independently

    Examining the Impact of Design Features of Electronic Health Records Patient Portals on the Usability and Information Communication for Shared Decision Making

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    The use of the Electronic Health Records (EHR) patient portal has been shown to be effective in generating positive outcomes in patients’ healthcare, improving patient engagement and patient-provider communication. Government legislation also required proof of its meaningful use among patients by healthcare providers. Typical patient portals also include features such as health information and patient education materials. However, little research has examined the specific use of patient portals related to individuals with specific diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). IBDs are life-long, not curable, chronic diseases that can impact the whole population. Individuals with IBDs may have higher needs to acquire health information from their EHR portals to properly self-manage their health conditions. The research aims of the present dissertation are to understand the online health information-seeking behaviors of a target group (IBDs) of patients, the use of EHR patient portals, and the impact of design features of EHR patient portals on the usability and information communication for shared decision making. Through this dissertation, I conducted four studies to address the above research aims. First, I identified how individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used the internet for health information seeking, the factors impacting their use of the internet to obtain health information, and how they used the internet for health-related tasks. The purpose of this study is to get a general understanding of the online health information-seeking behaviors and to guide the study of health information presentation of EHR portals in the following research. Second, I examined what factors influenced an EHR patient portal user to believe that the portal is a valuable part of their health care. This part of the dissertation aimed to reveal the critical design factors that help design an EHR portal perceived as valuable in managing health. Third, I looked at how patients used EHR patient portals, what features of the portals facilitated their use and encouraged Shared Decision Making (SDM) and engagement in health management and what features acted as barriers to SDM and their engagement in health management. This part of my dissertation focused on a broad understanding of EHR portals usage by introducing more specific factors such as features of EHR portals. Fourth, I conducted an eye-tracking study to examine how information presentation methods and chatbots impact the use and effect of patient portals. This part of my dissertation built on the other studies within my dissertation and deepened the understanding of the influence of different EHR portal designs on their effectiveness and people’s willingness to participate in SDM. The results of this dissertation contribute to the literature of understanding the information-seeking behaviors of IBD patients and the use of portals, as well as the design considerations of how to make a suitable EHR portal to support the information-seeking needs of IBD patients. The results of this dissertation can be used to guide building proper patient education materials to support their health information needs of their specific health condition, especially for individuals with chronic diseases that require a certain amount of self-management. Meanwhile, examining artificial intelligence (AI) based chatbots use in EHR portals reveals a potential path of AI use in healthcare, such as information acquisition and patient education. Designing good usable EHR may also facilitate the process of informing patients of the advantages and disadvantages of treatment plans for their disease and, therefore, may increase their willingness to participate in SDM

    Download the full PDF of the Issue- Health Policy Newsletter, Vol. 22, Issue 1, March 2009

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    Developing the healthcare technology acceptance model (H-TAM) for older adults

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    As life spans increase, many older adults are managing one or more chronic diseases at a time. Healthcare Technologies (HCTs) are a possible solution to support this population as they self-manage through monitoring and maintenance. For HCTs to help older adults, they must first be willing to use the technology. The purpose of the research was to understand what factors emerged when older adults considered using new HCTs, how well current models of technology acceptance represented these factors, and to understand how these factors differ between HCTs. Twenty-three participants with hypertension between the ages of 65-84 completed a semi-structured interview to gain insight into factors that emerged that may influence their intentions to use HCTs. During the interview, participants were presented with a scenario and one of three HCTs (blood pressure monitor, electronic pillbox, and multifunctional healthcare robot) to consider. A coding scheme categorized responses in MAXQDA to assess the frequency with which different factors were mentioned. Six factors in the context of HCTs that older adults considered that are not in previous models of technology acceptance: familiarity, perceived need, perceived benefit, advice acceptance, privacy, and trust. Based on the qualitative data, a conceptual model of the Healthcare-Technology Acceptance Model (H-TAM) for older adults was created to describe these factors as they relate to the factors from the literature. These findings provide insights about older adults and their intentions to accept or not accept HCTs that can inform dissemination of new technologies.

    Older people and eHealth service use An exploration of a complex learning and care ecosystem in the rural areas of Finnish Lapland

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    Tämä väitöskirja kohdistuu ikäihmisten (yli 60-vuotiaiden) arkeen digitalisoituvien sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen yleisenä tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka harvaan asutuilla alueilla asuvat ikäihmiset ja heidän sosiaaliset verkostonsa käyttävät kotihoidon tarjoamia eTerveyspalveluita (eHealth services) oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemissä. eTerveyspalveluiden käytön tavoitteena on tukea ja helpottaa ikäihmisten sekä heidän hoitajiensa ja läheistensä terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja arkea parantamalla sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden saavutettavuutta ja laatua sekä vähentämällä niiden kustannuksia. eTerveyspalveluiden käyttö herättää myös suuren määrään inhimillisiä eettisiä kysymyksiä. Yksityiskohtaisemmin tutkimuksen tavoitteena on (1) lisätä tietoisuutta digitaalisesta osaamisesta eTerveyspalveluiden käytön oppimisessa ja käytössä, (2) selventää, millä tavalla oppimisprosessi on osa eTerveyspalveluiden kotouttamista, (3) rakentaa teoreettis-käsitteellinen malli eTerveyspalveluiden oppimiseen ja käyttöön, ja (4) antaa kehitysehdotuksia eTerveyspalveluiden suunnittelulle ja toteuttamiselle. Nämä tavoitteet saavutetaan kolmen teoreettisen lähestymistavan kautta. Oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemi muodostaa tutkimukselle perustan, hahmottaen ikäihmisten eTerveyspalveluiden oppimista ja käyttöä neljästä eri näkökulmasta: käytännön, sosiaalisen, kulttuurisen ja symbolisen kontekstin kautta. Digitaalisen osaamisen ja teknologian kotouttamisen käsitteet keskittyvät siihen prosessiin, miten ikäihmiset oppivat käyttämään ja käyttävät eTerveyspalveluita arjessaan. Sosiaalisen konstruktivismin paradigmasta ohjaa tutkimuksen suunnittelua soveltuvin osin. Tutkimuksen metodologinen lähestymistapa on laadullinen, sisältäen kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja empiirisiä aineistoja. Väitöskirja perustuu kolmeen osatutkimukseen, joista jokainen on julkaistu erillisenä artikkelina. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Se sisältää 31 empiiristä tutkimusta ikäihmisten erilaisten eTerveyspalveluiden käytöstä ja käytön oppimisesta 12 eri maassa harvaan asutuilla alueilla ja niiden ulkopuolella. Toinen ja kolmas osatutkimus sijoittuvat Suomen Lapin harvaan asutuille alueille. Lääkeannostelupalvelun (osatutkimus II) sekä ikäihmisille seuraa tarjoavan puhelin- ja videoneuvottelupalvelun (osatutkimus III) käyttöä ja käytön oppimista tutkin tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Lääkeannostelupalvelututkimukseen osallistui palvelua käyttäviä ikäihmisiä (n=2), lähihoitajia (n=4) ja muita terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia (n=2). Lääkeannostelupalvelun tutkimisessa hyödynnettiin etnografista tutkimusotetta: semi-strukturoitujen haastatteluiden lisäksi palvelun käyttöä havainnoitiin ja palveluun kuuluvasta lääkeannostelurobotista otettiin kuvia ikäihmisten kotona. Puhelin- ja videoneuvottelupalvelua koskeviin semi-strukturoituihin haastatteluihin osallistui palvelua käyttäviä ikäihmisiä (n=2), vapaaehtoistyöntekijöitä (n=2) sekä palvelun koordinaattori. Osatutkimusten aineistot analysoitiin induktiivisen ja deduktiivisen temaattisen lähestymistavan avulla. Väitöskirjan kokoavat havainnot syntyivät osatutkimusten keskeisten tulosten metasynteesistä. Metasynteesin tuloksena saatiin selville, että oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemin käytännön kontekstiin liittyen eTerveyspalveluiden kotouttamiseen vaikuttaa eniten niiden käytettävyys ja toimivuus sekä palveluiden yhteensopivuus käyttäjien kulttuurisesti rakentuneiden yhteisöllisten käytäntöjen kanssa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemin sosiaalisen kontekstin keskiössä on oppimisyhteisö, jonka ikäihmiset muodostavat yhdessä läheisasiantuntijoiden, ammattilaisten ja eTerveysteknologioiden kanssa. Oppimisyhteisö mahdollistaa eTerveyspalveluiden oppimiseen ja käyttöön tarvittavan digitaalisen osaamisen jaettuna, sosiaalisena osaamisena sekä eTerveyspalveluiden kotouttamisen sosiaalisena prosessina. eTerveyspalveluiden kotouttamisen myötä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset ja vapaaehtoistyöntekijät ovat saaneet uuden roolin eTerveyspalveluita käyttävien ikäihmisten oppimisen ohjaajina. Pedagoginen tuki eTerveyspalveluiden kotouttamisen suunnitteluun olisi tarpeen. Oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemin kulttuuriseen kontekstiin liittyvät tulokset osoittivat, että ikäihmisten kulttuuritaustan merkitys eTerveyspalveluiden oppimiselle ja käytölle on kaksijakoinen. Toisaalta tulokset osoittavat kulttuurisesti yhteensopivia käytäntöjä harvaan asutuilla alueilla asuvien lappilaisten eTerveyspalveluiden oppimisesta ja käytöstä. Toisaalta jokainen maaseudulla asuva eTerveyspalvelun käyttäjä on yksilö riippumatta hänen kulttuuritaustastaan, ja täten he yhdessä muodostavat hyvin heterogeenisen ryhmän eTerveyspalveluiden käyttäjiä. eTerveyspalveluiden käyttäjien lisäksi tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös ikäihmisiä, jotka eivät käytä eTerveyspalveluita. Heitä tulisi tutkia tarkemmin oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemissä. Havainnot oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemin symboliseen kontekstiin liittyen osoittavat, että eTerveyspalvelut ovat uusia ja hyödyllisiä palveluita maaseudulle, mutta saman aikaisesti ne aiheuttavat haittaa ja huolta ikäihmisille. eTerveyspalveluiden oppiminen ja käyttö tuottaa ikäihmisille sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia tunteita. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettiset löydökset osoittavat, että oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemi on soveltuva lähetymistapa eTerveyspalvelujen käytön tutkimukseen. Lisäksi löydäkset vahvistavat ajatusta siitä, että eTerveyspalveluiden käyttö oppimisen ja hoivan ekosysteemissä ei ole kertaluonteista, ainoastaan palvelun käyttöönoton yhteydessä tapahtuva asia, vaan se jatkuu läpi koko kotouttamisprosessin vaatien monentyyppistä digitaalista osaamista ja sosiaalista tukea. Tästä syystä eTerveyspalvelujen kotouttamisprosessi tulee tunnistaa samanaikaisesti jaetuksi, sosiaaliseksi oppimisprosessiksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa käytetyn teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja kokoavien tulosten pohjalta esitellään uusi teoreettis-käsitteellinen eTerveyspalveluiden oppimisen ja käytön malli. Malli havainnollistaa eTerveyspalveluiden oppimisen ja käytön moniulotteisuutta, ja sitä voidaan hyödyntää eTerveyspalveluiden suunnittelussa ja kotouttamisessa sekä analyyttisenä työkaluna tutkimustarkoituksiin. Väitöskirjan kokoavien tulosten pohjalta on asetettu myös käytännöllisiä ja poliittisia kehitysehdotuksia eTerveyspalveluiden sunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen palveluiden kehittäjille ja tarjoajille sekä sosiaali- ja terveysalan päättäjille.The general aim of the current dissertation is to explore digital home-care service use (eHealth) from the perspective of rural older people and their social networks in a complex learning and care ecosystem. The use of eHealth services aims to support and facilitate the health, well-being, and everyday lives of older people and their caregivers by improving the accessibility, quality, and affordability of social and health care services. The use of eHealth services also raises many ethical questions related to human dignity. In particular, the current research aims to (1) increase the knowledge of digital competence in eHealth learning and use, (2) clarify in what way the learning process is part of eHealth service domestication, (3) construct a theoretical-conceptual model for eHealth learning and use, and (4) set development proposals for eHealth design and implementation. The aims are achieved through three theoretical approaches. The learning and care ecosystem provides the basis for the research, constructing older people’s eHealth learning and use through practical, social, cultural, and symbolic contexts. The concepts of digital competence and technology domestication focus on the process of how older people learn to use and use eHealth services in everyday situations. A social constructivism paradigm guides the research design as applicable. The methodological approach of the research is qualitative and includes a literature review and empirical data. The dissertation is based on three substudies, each of which is reported in a separate article. The systematic literature review (substudy I) included 31 empirical studies of older people’s learning and use of different eHealth services in 12 different countries in rural and nonrural settings. It provided background information for the research. The other two substudies took place in rural Finnish Lapland. Learning and use of a robotic medication-dispensing service (substudy II) and a phone and video conferencing service (substudy III) were investigated through a case study approach. For substudy II, older people (n = 5), practical nurses (n = 4), and other health care professionals (n = 2) participated. Substudy II utilized ethnography: in addition to semistructured interviews, the use of the service was observed, and photographs of a medication-dispensing robot were taken at older people’s homes. For substudy III, semistructured interviews with older people (n = 2), volunteer workers (n = 2), and a service coordinator were conducted. The gathered data were analyzed through inductive and deductive thematic approaches. The overarching findings of the dissertation were formed through a metasynthesis of the key findings of the substudies. Based on the findings, in terms of the practical context of the learning and care ecosystem, the eHealth domestication process is most affected by the usability and functionality of eHealth services and their compatibility of the service with users’ culturally situated social practices. According to the findings, in the center of the social context of the learning and care ecosystem, there is a learning community that older people form together with warm experts, professionals, and eHealth technologies. The learning community enables the digital competence required for eHealth learning and use as a distributed social activity and the domestication of eHealth services as a social process. With the domestication of eHealth services, social and health care professionals and volunteer workers have taken on a new role as learning instructors for older eHealth users. Pedagogical support for planning eHealth domestication would be necessary. The findings related to the cultural context of the learning and care ecosystem demonstrated that the meaning of the older people’s cultural backgrounds for eHealth service use in the learning and care ecosystem is twofold. On the one hand, culturally congruent practices can be found in the rural Lappish older people’s learning and use of eHealth services. On the other hand, despite older people’s cultural backgrounds, each rural eHealth service user is an individual, and together, they form a very heterogenous group of eHealth service users. In addition to eHealth users, the study also identified eHealth nonusers, who should be further investigated in the learning and care ecosystem. Finally, the overarching findings related to the symbolic context of the learning and care ecosystem indicate that eHealth services are new and needed services for rural areas yet also a source of inconvenience and concern for older people. Learning and use of eHealth services generated both positive and negative emotions for older people. The theoretical findings of the research showed that learning and care ecosystem framework is an applicable approach for the study of the use of eHealth. In addition, the reseach demonstrated that learning to use eHealth services in the learning and care ecosystem is not a one-time experience that only happens when the service is introduced, but continues throughout the entire domestication process, requiring different types of digital competence and social support. Thus, the domestication process of eHealth services should be recognized simultaneously a distributed social learning process. Based on the theoretical framework utilized in the present research and the overarching findings, a new theoretical-conceptual model of eHealth learning and use, called Learning and Care Ecosystem in eHealth Use, was introduced. The model demonstrates the complex nature of eHealth learning and use and can be utilized when designing and domesticating eHealth services or as an analytical tool for research purposes. Finally, the overarching findings allowed the setting of several practical and political development proposals for eHealth design and implementation for eHealth service developers and providers and for social and health care policy makers