1,615 research outputs found

    A neuro-collision avoidance strategy for robot manipulators

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    The area of collision avoidance and path planning in robotics has received much attention in the research community. Our study centers on a combination of an artificial neural network paradigm with a motion planning strategy that insures safe motion of the Articulated Two-Link Arm with Scissor Hand System relative to an object. Whenever an obstacle is encountered, the arm attempts to slide along the obstacle surface, thereby avoiding collision by means of the local tangent strategy and its artificial neural network implementation. This combination compensates the inverse kinematics of a robot manipulator. Simulation results indicate that a neuro-collision avoidance strategy can be achieved by means of a learning local tangent method

    A Systematic Literature Review of Path-Planning Strategies for Robot Navigation in Unknown Environment

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    The Many industries, including ports, space, surveillance, military, medicine and agriculture have benefited greatly from mobile robot technology.  An autonomous mobile robot navigates in situations that are both static and dynamic. As a result, robotics experts have proposed a range of strategies. Perception, localization, path planning, and motion control are all required for mobile robot navigation. However, Path planning is a critical component of a quick and secure navigation. Over the previous few decades, many path-planning algorithms have been developed. Despite the fact that the majority of mobile robot applications take place in static environments, there is a scarcity of algorithms capable of guiding robots in dynamic contexts. This review compares qualitatively mobile robot path-planning systems capable of navigating robots in static and dynamic situations. Artificial potential fields, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colonies, bacterial foraging optimization, and ant-colony are all discussed in the paper. Each method's application domain, navigation technique and validation context are discussed and commonly utilized cutting-edge methods are analyzed. This research will help researchers choose appropriate path-planning approaches for various applications including robotic cranes at the sea ports as well as discover gaps for optimization

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    Realization of reactive control for multi purpose mobile agents

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    Mobile robots are built for different purposes, have different physical size, shape, mechanics and electronics. They are required to work in real-time, realize more than one goal simultaneously, hence to communicate and cooperate with other agents. The approach proposed in this paper for mobile robot control is reactive and has layered structure that supports multi sensor perception. Potential field method is implemented for both obstacle avoidance and goal tracking. However imaginary forces of the obstacles and of the goal point are separately treated, and then resulting behaviors are fused with the help of the geometry. Proposed control is tested on simulations where different scenarios are studied. Results have confirmed the high performance of the method

    Review of Intelligent Control Systems with Robotics

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    Interactive between human and robot assumes a significant job in improving the productivity of the instrument in mechanical technology. Numerous intricate undertakings are cultivated continuously via self-sufficient versatile robots. Current automated control frameworks have upset the creation business, making them very adaptable and simple to utilize. This paper examines current and up and coming sorts of control frameworks and their execution in mechanical technology, and the job of AI in apply autonomy. It additionally expects to reveal insight into the different issues around the control frameworks and the various approaches to fix them. It additionally proposes the basics of apply autonomy control frameworks and various kinds of mechanical technology control frameworks. Each kind of control framework has its upsides and downsides which are talked about in this paper. Another kind of robot control framework that upgrades and difficulties the pursuit stage is man-made brainpower. A portion of the speculations utilized in man-made reasoning, for example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm, are itemized in this paper. At long last, a portion of the joint efforts between mechanical autonomy, people, and innovation were referenced. Human coordinated effort, for example, Kinect signal acknowledgment utilized in games and versatile upper-arm-based robots utilized in the clinical field for individuals with inabilities. Later on, it is normal that the significance of different sensors will build, accordingly expanding the knowledge and activity of the robot in a modern domai

    Control structure for a car-like robot using artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms

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    The idea of improving human’s life quality by making life more comfortable and easy is nowadays possible using current technologies and techniques to solve complex daily problems. The presented idea in this work proposes a control strategy for autonomous robotic systems, specifically car-like robots. The main objective of this work is the development of a reactive navigation controller by means of obstacles avoidance and position control to reach a desired position in an unknown environment. This research goal was achieved by the integration of potential fields and neuroevolution controllers. The neuro-evolutionary controller was designed using the (NEAT) algorithm “Neuroevolution of Augmented Topologies” and trained using a designed training environment. The methodology used allowed the vehicle to reach a certain level of autonomy, obtaining a stable controller that includes kinematic and dynamic considerations. The obtained results showed significant improvements compared to the comparison workCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQNão te
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