1,474 research outputs found

    Search for free-floating planetary-mass objects in the Pleiades

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    (Abridged) We aim at identifying the least massive population of the solar metallicity, young (120 Myr), nearby (133.5 pc) Pleiades star cluster with the ultimate goal of understanding the physical properties of intermediate-age, free-floating, low-mass brown dwarfs and giant planetary-mass objects, and deriving the cluster substellar mass function across the deuterium-burning mass limit at ~0.012 Msol. We performed a deep photometric and astrometric J- and H-band survey covering an area of ~0.8 deg^2. The images with completeness and limiting magnitudes of J,H ~ 20.2 and ~ 21.5 mag were acquired ~9 yr apart (proper motion precision of +/-6 mas/yr). J- and H-band data were complemented with Z, K, and mid-infrared magnitudes up to 4.6 micron coming from UKIDSS, WISE, and follow-up observations of our own. Pleiades member candidates were selected to have proper motions compatible with that of the cluster, and colors following the known Pleiades sequence in the interval J = 15.5-8.8 mag, and Z_UKIDSS - J > 2.3 mag or Z nondetections for J > 18.8 mag. We found a neat sequence of astrometric and photometric Pleiades substellar member candidates in the intervals J = 15.5-21.2 mag and ~0.072-0.008 Msol. The faintest objects show very red near- and mid-infrared colors exceeding those of field high-gravity dwarfs by >0.5 mag. The Pleiades photometric sequence does not show any color turn-over because of the presence of photospheric methane absorption down to J = 20.3 mag, which is about 1 mag fainter than predicted by the color-computed models. Pleiades brown dwarfs have a proper motion dispersion of 6.4-7.5 mas/yr and are dynamically relaxed at the age of the cluster. The Pleiades mass function extends down to the deuterium burning-mass threshold, with a slope fairly similar to that of other young star clusters and stellar associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 page

    A Search for Very Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the Young sigma Orionis Cluster

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    We present a CCD-based photometric survey covering 870 sq. arcmin in a young stellar cluster around the young multiple star sigma Orionis. Our survey limiting R, I, and Z magnitudes are 23.2, 21.8, and 21.0, respectively. From our colour-magnitude diagrams, we have selected 49 faint objects, which smoothly extrapolate the photometric sequence defined by more massive known members. Adopting the currently accepted age interval of 2-10 Myr for the Orion 1b association and considering recent evolutionary models, our objects may span a mass range from 0.1 down to 0.02 Msun, well within the substellar regime. Follow-up low-resolution optical spectroscopy (635-920 nm) for eight of our candidates (I=16-19.5) shows that they have spectral types M6-M8.5 which are consistent with the expectations for true members. Compared with their Pleiades counterparts of similar types, Halpha emission is generally stronger, while NaI and KI absorption lines appear weaker, as expected for lower surface gravities and younger ages. Additionally, TiO bands and in particular VO bands appear clearly enhanced in our candidate with the latest spectral type, SOri 45 (M8.5, I=19.5), compared to objects of similar types in older clusters and the field. We have estimated the mass of this candidate at only 0.020-0.040 Msun, hence it is one of the least massive brown dwarfs yet discovered. We also discuss in this paper the potential role of deuterium as a tracer of both substellar nature and age in very young clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Main Journal. 32 pages of text and tables + 9 pages of figures. Figures 3a and 3b (gif format) provided separatel

    Confirming the least massive members of the Pleiades star cluster

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    We present optical photometry (i- and Z-band) and low-resolution spectroscopy (640-1015 nm) of very faint candidate members (J = 20.2-21.2 mag) of the Pleiades star cluster (120 Myr). The main goal is to address their cluster membership via photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic studies, and to determine the properties of the least massive population of the cluster through the comparison of the data with younger and older spectral counterparts and state-of-the art model atmospheres. We confirm three bona-fide Pleiades members that have extremely red optical and infrared colors, effective temperatures of ~1150 K and ~1350 K, and masses in the interval 11-20 Mjup, and one additional likely member that shares the same motion as the cluster but does not appear to be as red as the other members with similar brightness. This latter object requires further near-infrared spectroscopy to fully address its membership in the Pleiades. The optical spectra of two bona-fide members were classified as L6-L7 and show features of KI, a tentative detection of CsI, hydrides and water vapor with an intensity similar to high-gravity dwarfs of related classification despite their young age. The properties of the Pleiades L6-L7 members clearly indicate that very red colors of L dwarfs are not a direct evidence of ages younger than ~100 Myr. We also report on the determination of the bolometric corrections for the coolest Pleiades members. These data can be used to interpret the observations of the atmospheres of exoplanets orbiting stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (17 pages

    AB Doradus C: Age, Spectral Type, Orbit, and Comparison to Evolutionary Models

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    We expand upon the results of Close et al. 2005 regarding the young, low-mass object AB Dor C and its role as a calibration point for theoretical tracks. We present an improved spectral reduction and a new orbital solution with two additional epochs. Our improved analysis confirms our spectral type of M8 (+/- 1) and mass of 0.090+/-0.003 solar masses for AB Dor C. Comparing the results for AB Dor C with other young, low-mass objects with dynamical masses we find a general trend where current evolutionary models tend to over-predict the temperature (or under-predict the mass) for low mass stars and brown dwarfs. Given our precision, there is a ~99% chance that the mass of AB Dor C is underestimated by the DUSTY tracks in the HR diagram.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, proceedings for the workshop "Ultralow-mass star formation and evolution", to be published in Astronomische Nachrichten - Astronomical Note

    A Hubble Space Telescope ACS Search for Brown Dwarf Binaries in the Pleiades Open Cluster

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    We present the results of a high-resolution imaging survey for brown dwarf binaries in the Pleiades open cluster. The observations were carried out with the Advance Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Our sample consists of 15 bona-fide brown dwarfs. We confirm 2 binaries and detect their orbital motion, but we did not resolve any new binary candidates in the separation range between 5.4AU and 1700AU and masses in the range 0.035--0.065~Msun. Together with the results of our previous study (Martin et al., 2003), we can derive a visual binary frequency of 13.34.3+13.7^{+13.7}_{-4.3}\% for separations greater than 7~AU masses between 0.055--0.065~M_{\sun} and mass ratios between 0.45--0.9<q<<q<1.0. The other observed properties of Pleiades brown dwarf binaries (distributions of separation and mass ratio) appear to be similar to their older counterparts in the field.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Monitoring spatial sustainable development: Semi-automated analysis of satellite and aerial images for energy transition and sustainability indicators

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    Solar panels are installed by a large and growing number of households due to the convenience of having cheap and renewable energy to power house appliances. In contrast to other energy sources solar installations are distributed very decentralized and spread over hundred-thousands of locations. On a global level more than 25% of solar photovoltaic (PV) installations were decentralized. The effect of the quick energy transition from a carbon based economy to a green economy is though still very difficult to quantify. As a matter of fact the quick adoption of solar panels by households is difficult to track, with local registries that miss a large number of the newly built solar panels. This makes the task of assessing the impact of renewable energies an impossible task. Although models of the output of a region exist, they are often black box estimations. This project's aim is twofold: First automate the process to extract the location of solar panels from aerial or satellite images and second, produce a map of solar panels along with statistics on the number of solar panels. Further, this project takes place in a wider framework which investigates how official statistics can benefit from new digital data sources. At project completion, a method for detecting solar panels from aerial images via machine learning will be developed and the methodology initially developed for BE, DE and NL will be standardized for application to other EU countries. In practice, machine learning techniques are used to identify solar panels in satellite and aerial images for the province of Limburg (NL), Flanders (BE) and North Rhine-Westphalia (DE).Comment: This document provides the reader with an overview of the various datasets which will be used throughout the project. The collection of satellite and aerial images as well as auxiliary information such as the location of buildings and roofs which is required to train, test and validate the machine learning algorithm that is being develope

    Effective Use of Dilated Convolutions for Segmenting Small Object Instances in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Thanks to recent advances in CNNs, solid improvements have been made in semantic segmentation of high resolution remote sensing imagery. However, most of the previous works have not fully taken into account the specific difficulties that exist in remote sensing tasks. One of such difficulties is that objects are small and crowded in remote sensing imagery. To tackle with this challenging task we have proposed a novel architecture called local feature extraction (LFE) module attached on top of dilated front-end module. The LFE module is based on our findings that aggressively increasing dilation factors fails to aggregate local features due to sparsity of the kernel, and detrimental to small objects. The proposed LFE module solves this problem by aggregating local features with decreasing dilation factor. We tested our network on three remote sensing datasets and acquired remarkably good results for all datasets especially for small objects

    Spectral classification of Pleiades brown dwarf candidates

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    We report on the results of the spectroscopy of 10 objects previously classified as brown dwarf candidates via RIJHK colors by Eisenbeiss et al. (2009), who performed deep imaging observations on a 0.4 sq.deg. field at the edge of the Pleiades. We describe and judge on classification techniques in the region of M-type stars. To classify and characterise the objects, visual and near infrared spectra have been obtained with VLT FORS and ISAAC. The spectral classification was performed using the shape of the spectra as well as spectral indices that are sensitive to the spectral type and luminosity class of Mtype stars and late M-type brown dwarfs. Furthermore a spectrophotometric distance was calculated and compared the distance of the Pleiades to investigate the membership probability. As a second argument we analyzed the proper motion. The brown dwarf candidates were found not to be brown dwarfs, but late-K to mid-M-type dwarf stars. Based on the obtained distance and tabulated proper motions we conclude that all objects are background dwarf stars.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure