233,416 research outputs found

    Counting the ions surrounding nucleic acids.

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    Nucleic acids are strongly negatively charged, and thus electrostatic interactions-screened by ions in solution-play an important role in governing their ability to fold and participate in biomolecular interactions. The negative charge creates a region, known as the ion atmosphere, in which cation and anion concentrations are perturbed from their bulk values. Ion counting experiments quantify the ion atmosphere by measuring the preferential ion interaction coefficient: the net total number of excess ions above, or below, the number expected due to the bulk concentration. The results of such studies provide important constraints on theories, which typically predict the full three-dimensional distribution of the screening cloud. This article reviews the state of nucleic acid ion counting measurements and critically analyzes their ability to test both analytical and simulation-based models

    Fluorescence-based quantification of messenger RNA and plasmid DNA decay kinetics in extracellular biological fluids and cell extracts

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    Extracellular and intracellular degradation of nucleic acids remains an issue in non-viral gene therapy. Understanding biodegradation is critical for the rational design of gene therapeutics in order to maintain stability and functionality at the target site. However, there are only limited methods available that allow determining the stability of genetic materials in biological environments. In this context, the decay kinetics of fluorescently labeled plasmid DNA (pDNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) in undiluted biological samples (i.e., human serum, human ascites, bovine vitreous) and cell extracts is studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and single particle tracking (SPT). It is demonstrated that FCS is suitable to follow mRNA degradation, while SPT is better suited to investigate pDNA integrity. The half-life of mRNA and pDNA is approximate to 1-2 min and 1-4 h in biological samples, respectively. The resistance against biodegradation drastically improves by complexation with lipid-based carriers. Taken together, FCS and SPT are able to quantify the integrity of mRNA and pDNA, respectively, as a function of time, both in the extracellular biological fluids and cell extracts. This in turn allows to focus on the important but less understood issue of nucleic acids degradation in more detail and to rationally optimize gene delivery system as therapeutics

    YAMAT-seq: an efficient method for high-throughput sequencing of mature transfer RNAs.

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    Besides translation, transfer RNAs (tRNAs) play many non-canonical roles in various biological pathways and exhibit highly variable expression profiles. To unravel the emerging complexities of tRNA biology and molecular mechanisms underlying them, an efficient tRNA sequencing method is required. However, the rigid structure of tRNA has been presenting a challenge to the development of such methods. We report the development of Y-shaped Adapter-ligated MAture TRNA sequencing (YAMAT-seq), an efficient and convenient method for high-throughput sequencing of mature tRNAs. YAMAT-seq circumvents the issue of inefficient adapter ligation, a characteristic of conventional RNA sequencing methods for mature tRNAs, by employing the efficient and specific ligation of Y-shaped adapter to mature tRNAs using T4 RNA Ligase 2. Subsequent cDNA amplification and next-generation sequencing successfully yield numerous mature tRNA sequences. YAMAT-seq has high specificity for mature tRNAs and high sensitivity to detect most isoacceptors from minute amount of total RNA. Moreover, YAMAT-seq shows quantitative capability to estimate expression levels of mature tRNAs, and has high reproducibility and broad applicability for various cell lines. YAMAT-seq thus provides high-throughput technique for identifying tRNA profiles and their regulations in various transcriptomes, which could play important regulatory roles in translation and other biological processes

    Electron microscopic visualization of tRNA genes with ferritin-avidin: biotin labels

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    A method is described for indirect electron microscopic visualization and mapping of tRNA and other short transcripts hybridized to DNA. This method depends upon the attachment of the electron-dense protein ferritin to the RNA, the binding being mediated by the remarkably strong association of the egg white protein avidin with biotin. Biotin is covalently attached to the 3' end of tRNA using an NH2 (CH2) 5NH2 bridge. The tRNA-biotin adduct is hybridized to complementcrry DNA sequences present in a single stranded nonhomology loop of a DNA:DNA heteroduplex. Avidin, covalently crosslinked to ferritin is mixed with the heteroduplex and becomes bound to the hybridized tRNA-biotin. Observation of the DNA:RNA-biotin:avidin-ferritin complex by electron microsdopy specifically and accurately reveals the position of the tRNA gene, with a frequency of labeling of approximately 50%

    Real-time DNA microarray analysis

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    We present a quantification method for affinity-based DNA microarrays which is based on the real-time measurements of hybridization kinetics. This method, i.e. real-time DNA microarrays, enhances the detection dynamic range of conventional systems by being impervious to probe saturation in the capturing spots, washing artifacts, microarray spot-to-spot variations, and other signal amplitude-affecting non-idealities. We demonstrate in both theory and practice that the time-constant of target capturing in microarrays, similar to all affinity-based biosensors, is inversely proportional to the concentration of the target analyte, which we subsequently use as the fundamental parameter to estimate the concentration of the analytes. Furthermore, to empirically validate the capabilities of this method in practical applications, we present a FRET-based assay which enables the real-time detection in gene expression DNA microarrays

    DNA and its counterions: A molecular dynamics study

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    The behaviour of mobile counterions, Na+ and K+, was analysed around a B-DNA double helix with the sequence CCATGCGCTGAC in aqueous solution during two 50 ns long molecular dynamics trajectories. The movement of both monovalent ions remains diffusive in the presence of DNA. Ions sample the complete space available during the simulation time, although individual ions sample only about one-third of the simulation box. Ions preferentially sample electronegative sites around DNA, but direct binding to DNA bases remains a rather rare event, with highest site occupancy values of <13%. The location of direct binding sites depends greatly on the nature of the counterion. While Na+ binding in both grooves is strongly sequence-dependent with the preferred binding site in the minor groove, K+ mainly visits the major groove and binds close to the centre of the oligomer. The electrostatic potential of an average DNA structure therefore cannot account for the ability of a site to bind a given cation; other factors must also play a role. An extensive analysis of the influence of counterions on DNA conformation showed no evidence of minor groove narrowing upon ion binding. A significant difference between the conformations of the double helix in the different simulations can be attributed to extensive (/ transitions in the phosphate backbone during the simulation with Na+. These transitions, with lifetimes over tens of nanoseconds, however, appear to be correlated with ion binding to phosphates. The ion-specific conformational properties of DNA, hitherto largely overlooked, may play an important role in DNA recognition and binding

    The archaeal ATPase PINA interacts with the helicase Hjm via its carboxyl terminal KH domain remodeling and processing replication fork and Holliday junction.

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    PINA is a novel ATPase and DNA helicase highly conserved in Archaea, the third domain of life. The PINA from Sulfolobus islandicus (SisPINA) forms a hexameric ring in crystal and solution. The protein is able to promote Holliday junction (HJ) migration and physically and functionally interacts with Hjc, the HJ specific endonuclease. Here, we show that SisPINA has direct physical interaction with Hjm (Hel308a), a helicase presumably targeting replication forks. In vitro biochemical analysis revealed that Hjm, Hjc, and SisPINA are able to coordinate HJ migration and cleavage in a concerted way. Deletion of the carboxyl 13 amino acid residues impaired the interaction between SisPINA and Hjm. Crystal structure analysis showed that the carboxyl 70 amino acid residues fold into a type II KH domain which, in other proteins, functions in binding RNA or ssDNA. The KH domain not only mediates the interactions of PINA with Hjm and Hjc but also regulates the hexameric assembly of PINA. Our results collectively suggest that SisPINA, Hjm and Hjc work together to function in replication fork regression, HJ formation and HJ cleavage

    The Reverse Transcription Signature of N-\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e-Methyladenosine in RNA-Seq is Sequence Dependent

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    The combination of Reverse Transcription (RT) and high-throughput sequencing has emerged as a powerful combination to detect modified nucleotides in RNA via analysis of either abortive RT-products or of the incorporation of mismatched dNTPs into cDNA. Here we simultaneously analyze both parameters in detail with respect to the occurrence of N-1-methyladenosine (m1A) in the template RNA. This naturally occurring modification is associated with structural effects, but it is also known as a mediator of antibiotic resistance in ribosomal RNA. In structural probing experiments with dimethylsulfate, m1A is routinely detected by RT-arrest. A specifically developed RNA-Seq protocol was tailored to the simultaneous analysis of RT-arrest and misincorporation patterns. By application to a variety of native and synthetic RNA preparations, we found a characteristic signature of m1A, which, in addition to an arrest rate, features misincorporation as a significant component. Detailed analysis suggests that the signature depends on RNA structure and on the nature of the nucleotide 3’ of m1A in the template RNA, meaning it is sequence dependent. The RT-signature ofm1Awas used for inspection and confirmation of suspected modification sites and resulted in the identification of hitherto unknown m1A residues in trypanosomal tRNA

    Coexistence of two main folded G-quadruplexes within a single G-rich domain in the EGFR promoter

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    EGFR is an oncogene which codifies for a tyrosine kinase receptor that represents an important target for anticancer therapy. Indeed, several human cancers showed an upregulation of the activity of this protein. The promoter of this gene contains some G-rich domains, thus representing a yet unexplored point of intervention to potentially silence this gene. Here, we explore the conformational equilibria of a 30-nt long sequence located at position -272 (EGFR-272). By merging spectroscopic and electrophoretic analysis performed on the wild-type sequence as well as on a wide panel of related mutants, we were able to prove that in potassium ion containing solution this sequence folds into two main G-quadruplex structures, one parallel and one hybrid. They show comparable thermal stabilities and affinities for the metal ion and, indeed, they are always co-present in solution. The folding process is driven by a hairpin occurring in the domain corresponding to the terminal loop which works as an important stabilizing element for both the identified G-quadruplex arrangements