500 research outputs found

    Non-parametric synthesis of laminar volumetric texture

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    International audienceThe goal of this paper is to evaluate several extensions of Wei and Levoy's algorithm for the synthesis of laminar volumetric textures constrained only by a single 2D sample. Hence, we shall also review in a unified form the improved algorithm proposed by Kopf et al. and the particular histogram matching approach of Chen and Wang. Developing a genuine quantitative study we are able to compare the performances of these algorithms that we have applied to the synthesis of volumetric structures of dense carbons. The 2D samples are lattice fringe images obtained by high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HRTEM)

    Reconstruction and rendering of time-varying natural phenomena

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    While computer performance increases and computer generated images get ever more realistic, the need for modeling computer graphics content is becoming stronger. To achieve photo-realism detailed scenes have to be modeled often with a significant amount of manual labour. Interdisciplinary research combining the fields of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Scientific Computing has led to the development of (semi-)automatic modeling tools freeing the user of labour-intensive modeling tasks. The modeling of animated content is especially challenging. Realistic motion is necessary to convince the audience of computer games, movies with mixed reality content and augmented reality applications. The goal of this thesis is to investigate automated modeling techniques for time-varying natural phenomena. The results of the presented methods are animated, three-dimensional computer models of fire, smoke and fluid flows.Durch die steigende RechenkapazitĂ€t moderner Computer besteht die Möglichkeit immer realistischere Bilder virtuell zu erzeugen. Dadurch entsteht ein grĂ¶ĂŸerer Bedarf an Modellierungsarbeit um die nötigen Objekte virtuell zu beschreiben. Um photorealistische Bilder erzeugen zu können mĂŒssen sehr detaillierte Szenen, oft in mĂŒhsamer Handarbeit, modelliert werden. Ein interdisziplinĂ€rer Forschungszweig, der Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen verbindet, hat in den letzten Jahren die Entwicklung von (semi-)automatischen Methoden zur Modellierung von Computergrafikinhalten vorangetrieben. Die Modellierung dynamischer Inhalte ist dabei eine besonders anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, da realistische BewegungsablĂ€ufe sehr wichtig fĂŒr eine ĂŒberzeugende Darstellung von Computergrafikinhalten in Filmen, Computerspielen oder Augmented-Reality Anwendungen sind. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es automatische Modellierungsmethoden fĂŒr dynamische Naturerscheinungen wie Wasserfluss, Feuer, Rauch und die Bewegung erhitzter Luft zu entwickeln. Das Resultat der entwickelten Methoden sind dabei dynamische, dreidimensionale Computergrafikmodelle

    Visual modeling and simulation of multiscale phenomena

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    Many large-scale systems seen in real life, such as human crowds, fluids, and granular materials, exhibit complicated motion at many different scales, from a characteristic global behavior to important small-scale detail. Such multiscale systems are computationally expensive for traditional simulation techniques to capture over the full range of scales. In this dissertation, I present novel techniques for scalable and efficient simulation of these large, complex phenomena for visual computing applications. These techniques are based on a new approach of representing a complex system by coupling together separate models for its large-scale and fine-scale dynamics. In fluid simulation, it remains a challenge to efficiently simulate fine local detail such as foam, ripples, and turbulence without compromising the accuracy of the large-scale flow. I present two techniques for this problem that combine physically-based numerical simulation for the global flow with efficient local models for detail. For surface features, I propose the use of texture synthesis, guided by the physical characteristics of the macroscopic flow. For turbulence in the fluid motion itself, I present a technique that tracks the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the turbulent fluctuations and synthesizes these fluctuations procedurally, allowing extremely efficient visual simulation of turbulent fluids. Another large class of problems which are not easily handled by traditional approaches is the simulation of very large aggregates of discrete entities, such as dense pedestrian crowds and granular materials. I present a technique for crowd simulation that couples a discrete per-agent model of individual navigation with a novel continuum formulation for the collective motion of pedestrians. This approach allows simulation of dense crowds of a hundred thousand agents at near-real-time rates on desktop computers. I also present a technique for simulating granular materials, which generalizes this model and introduces a novel computational scheme for friction. This method efficiently reproduces a wide range of granular behavior and allows two-way interaction with simulated solid bodies. In all of these cases, the proposed techniques are typically an order of magnitude faster than comparable existing methods. Through these applications to a diverse set of challenging simulation problems, I demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach, showing that it is a powerful and versatile technique for the simulation of a broad range of large and complex systems

    Analyse / synthĂšse de champs de tenseurs de structure : application Ă  la synthĂšse d’images et de volumes texturĂ©s

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    This work is a part of the texture synthesis context. Aiming to ensure a faithful reproduction of the patterns and variations of orientations of the input texture, a two-stage structure/texture synthesis algorithm is proposed. It consists of synthesizing the structure layer showing the geometry of the exemplar and represented by the structure tensor field in the first stage, and using the resulting tensor field to constrain the synthesis of the texture layer holding more local variations, in the second stage. An acceleration method based on the use of Gaussian pyramids and parallel computing is then developed.In order to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to faithfully reproduce the visual aspect of the considered textures, the method is tested on various texture samples and evaluated objectively using statistics of 1st and 2nd order of the intensity and orientation field. The obtained results are of better or equivalent quality than those obtained using the algorithms of the literature. A major advantage of the proposed approach is its capacity in successfully synthesizing textures in many situations where traditional algorithms fail to reproduce the large-scale patterns.The structure/texture synthesis approach is extended to color texture synthesis. 3D texture synthesis is then addressed and finally, an extension to the synthesis of specified form textures using an imposed texture is carried out, showing the capacity of the approach in generating textures of arbitrary forms while preserving the input texture characteristics.Cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans le contexte de la synthĂšse d’images texturĂ©es. Dans l’objectif d’assurer une reproduction fidĂšle des motifs et des variations d’orientations d’une texture initiale, un algorithme de synthĂšse de texture Ă  deux Ă©tapes « structure/texture » est proposĂ©. Il s’agit, dans une premiĂšre Ă©tape, de rĂ©aliser la synthĂšse d’une couche de structure caractĂ©risant la gĂ©omĂ©trie de l’exemplaire et reprĂ©sentĂ©e par un champ de tenseurs de structure et, dans une deuxiĂšme Ă©tape, d’utiliser le champ de structure rĂ©sultant pour contraindre la synthĂšse d’une couche de texture portant des variations plus locales. Une rĂ©duction du temps d’exĂ©cution est ensuite dĂ©veloppĂ©e, fondĂ©e notamment sur l’utilisation de pyramides Gaussiennes et la parallĂ©lisation des calculs mis en oeuvre.Afin de dĂ©montrer la capacitĂ© de l’algorithme proposĂ© Ă  reproduire fidĂšlement l’aspect visuel des images texturĂ©es considĂ©rĂ©es, la mĂ©thode est testĂ©e sur une variĂ©tĂ© d’échantillons de texture et Ă©valuĂ©e objectivement Ă  l’aide de statistiques du 1er et du 2nd ordre du champ d’intensitĂ© et d’orientation. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont de qualitĂ© supĂ©rieure ou Ă©quivalente Ă  ceux obtenus par des algorithmes de la littĂ©rature. Un atout majeur de l’approche proposĂ©e est son aptitude Ă  synthĂ©tiser des textures avec succĂšs dans de nombreuses situations oĂč les algorithmes existants ne parviennent pas Ă  reproduire les motifs Ă  grande Ă©chelle.L’approche de synthĂšse structure/texture proposĂ©e est Ă©tendue Ă  la synthĂšse de texture couleur. La synthĂšse de texture 3D est ensuite abordĂ©e et, finalement, une extension Ă  la synthĂšse de texture de forme spĂ©cifiĂ©e par une texture imposĂ©e est mise en oeuvre, montrant la capacitĂ© de l’approche Ă  gĂ©nĂ©rer des textures de formes arbitraires en prĂ©servant les caractĂ©ristiques de la texture initiale

    ICASE/LaRC Symposium on Visualizing Time-Varying Data

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    Time-varying datasets present difficult problems for both analysis and visualization. For example, the data may be terabytes in size, distributed across mass storage systems at several sites, with time scales ranging from femtoseconds to eons. In response to these challenges, ICASE and NASA Langley Research Center, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, organized the first symposium on visualizing time-varying data. The purpose was to bring the producers of time-varying data together with visualization specialists to assess open issues in the field, present new solutions, and encourage collaborative problem-solving. These proceedings contain the peer-reviewed papers which were presented at the symposium. They cover a broad range of topics, from methods for modeling and compressing data to systems for visualizing CFD simulations and World Wide Web traffic. Because the subject matter is inherently dynamic, a paper proceedings cannot adequately convey all aspects of the work. The accompanying video proceedings provide additional context for several of the papers

    Real-time rendering and simulation of trees and snow

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    Tree models created by an industry used package are exported and the structure extracted in order to procedurally regenerate the geometric mesh, addressing the limitations of the application's standard output. The structure, once extracted, is used to fully generate a high quality skeleton for the tree, individually representing each section in every branch to give the greatest achievable level of freedom of deformation and animation. Around the generated skeleton, a new geometric mesh is wrapped using a single, continuous surface resulting in the removal of intersection based render artefacts. Surface smoothing and enhanced detail is added to the model dynamically using the GPU enhanced tessellation engine. A real-time snow accumulation system is developed to generate snow cover on a dynamic, animated scene. Occlusion techniques are used to project snow accumulating faces and map exposed areas to applied accumulation maps in the form of dynamic textures. Accumulation maps are xed to applied surfaces, allowing moving objects to maintain accumulated snow cover. Mesh generation is performed dynamically during the rendering pass using surface oïżœsetting and tessellation to enhance required detail
