518 research outputs found

    Applications of Visibility Graphs for the representation of Time Series

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    [EN] In this thesis, we consider two problems: we first explore the application of visibility graphs for describing the orbits of a discrete dynamical system that is governed by a fractional version of the logistic equation. We also study how to use this type of graphs to study response time series from the perspective of psychology. The preliminaries and introduction of these visibility graphs are presented in Chapter 1, where we revisit some basic facts from network science related to them. In the first part of this thesis, we analyze a phenomenon of mathematical nature. Wu and Baleanu introduced a fractional discrete dynamical system inspired by the fractional difference logistic equation. In order to study the trajectories of this model under this perspective of network science, in Chapter 2, we first review the most used fractional derivatives (Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, and Gründwald-Letnikov). Later, we show how to consider discrete fractional derivatives. Within our work, we present an alternative way of deducing the governing equation with respect to the one shown by Wu and Baleanu. We revisit the Wu-Baleanu equation in Chapter 3, focused on the visibility graphs of trajectories generated under different values of the scaling factor and the fractional exponent. We also study the existing connections between these parameters and the fitting with the degree distribution of the corresponding visibility graphs. When chaos is present, we link them with the exponent obtained when fitting the degree distribution to a power-law of the form x^(¿¿). With this approach, we provide an integrated vision of the dynamics of a family of fractional discrete dynamical systems that cannot be obtained from single Feigenbaum diagrams computed for each scaling factor and fractional exponent. We also connect the power-law exponent of the degree distribution fitting with the Shannon entropy of the visibility graphs degree distribution. In the second part, we analyze the response times of students to a binary decision task from the perspective of network science. We analyze the properties of the natural visibility graphs associated with their reaction time series. We observe that the degree distribution of these graphs usually fits a power-law distribution p(x) = x^(¿¿). We study the range in which parameter ¿ occurs and the changes of this exponent with respect to the age and gender of the students. Besides, we also study the links between the parameter ¿ and the ex-Gaussian distribution parameters that best fits each subject's response times. Finally, we outline some conclusions and perspectives of future research in both parts in Chapter 6.[ES] En esta tesis, hemos considerado dos problemas: primero exploramos la aplicación de los grafos de visibilidad para describir las órbitas de un sistema dinámico discreto que está gobernado por una versión fraccionaria de la ecuación logística. Además, también estudiamos cómo usar este tipo de grafos para estudiar series temporales de tiempos de respuesta desde una perspectiva psicológica. Los preliminares, así como una introducción a estos grafos de visibilidad, se presentan en el Capítulo 1, donde revisitamos algunos hechos básicos de la ciencia de redes relacionados con dichos grafos. En la primera parte de esta tesis, analizamos un fenómeno de naturaleza matemática. Wu y Baleanu introdujeron un sistema dinámico discreto fraccionario inspirado en la ecuación logística con derivadas fraccionarias. Con el propósito de estudiar las trayectorias de este modelo desde la perspectiva de la ciencia de redes, en el Capítulo 2, primero revisamos las derivadas fraccionarias más utilizadas (Riemann-Liouville, Caputo y Gründwald-Letnikov). Posteriormente, mostramos cómo considerar derivadas fraccionarias discretas. En nuestro trabajo, presentamos una forma alternativa de deducir la ecuación gobernante con respecto a la presentada por Wu y Baleanu. Revisitamos la ecuación de Wu-Baleanu en el Capítulo 3, centrado en los grafos de visibilidad de trayectorias generadas a partir de distintos valores del factor de escala y del exponente fraccionario. También estudiamos la existencia de conexiones entre estos parámetros y el ajuste de la distribución de los grados de los correspondientes grafos de visibilidad. Cuando el caos está presente, los enlazamos con el exponente obtenido al ajustar la distribución de los grados a una ley de potencias de la forma x^(¿¿). A través de este enfoque, proporcionamos una visión integrada de la dinámica de una familia de sistemas dinámicos discretos fraccionarios que no se pueden obtener a partir de diagramas de Feigenbaum individuales calculados para cada factor de escala y exponente fraccionario. Además, relacionamos el exponente de la ley de potencias del ajuste de la distribución de grados con la entropía de Shannon de la distribución de grados de los grafos de visibilidad. En la segunda parte, analizamos el tiempo de respuesta de un grupo de estudiantes que realizaron una tarea de decisión binaria desde la perspectiva de la ciencia de redes. Estudiamos las propiedades de los grafos de visibilidad natural asociados con sus correspondientes series de tiempos de respuesta. Observamos que la distribución de los grados de estos grafos normalmente sigue una distribución ley de potencias p(x) = x^(¿¿). Analizamos el rango en el cual el parámetro ¿ se mueve y los cambios de este exponente con respecto a la edad y el sexo de los estudiantes. Por otro lado, también estudiamos la relación entre el parámetro ¿ y los parámetros de la distribución ex-Gaussiana que mejor se ajusta al tiempo de respuesta de cada sujeto. Finalmente, destacamos algunas conclusiones y perspectivas de investigación futura en ambas líneas de trabajo en el Capítulo 6.[CAT] En aquesta tesi, hem considerat dos problemes: primer explorem l'aplicació dels grafs de visibilitat per a descriure les òrbites d'un sistema dinàmic discret que està governat per una versió fraccionària de l'equació logística. A més a més, també estudiem com emprar aquest tipus de grafs per a analitzar sèries temporals de temps de resposta des d'una perspectiva psicològica. Els preliminars, així com una introducció a aquests grafs de visibilitat, es presenten al Capítol 1, on revisitem alguns fets bàsics de la ciència de xarxes relacionats amb ells. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi, analitzem un fenomen de naturalesa matemàtica. Wu i Baleanu van introduir un sistema dinàmic discret fraccionari inspirat en l'equació logística amb derivades fraccionàries. Amb el fi d'estudiar les trajectòries d'aquest model des d'una perspectiva de la ciència de xarxes, en el Capítol 2, primer revisem les derivades fraccionàries més utilitzades (Riemann-Liouville, Caputo i Gründwald-Letnikov). Posteriorment, mostrem com considerar derivades fraccionàries discretes. Al nostre treball, presentem una forma alternativa de deduir l'equació governant respecte a la presentada per Wu i Baleanu. Revisitem l'equació de Wu-Baleanu al Capítol 3, focalitzat en els grafs de visibilitat de trajectòries generades a partir de valors diferents del factor d'escala i de l'exponent fraccionari. També estudiem l'existència de connexions entre aquests paràmetres i l'ajust de la distribució dels graus dels corresponents grafs de visibilitat. Quan el caos hi és, els enllacem amb l'exponent que hem obtés en ajustar la distribució dels graus a una llei de potències de la forma x^(¿¿). Des d'aquesta perspectiva, proporcionem una visió integrada de la dinàmica d'una família de sistemes dinàmics discrets fraccionaris que no es poden obtenir a partir de diagrames de Feigenbaum individuals calculats per a cada factor d'escala i exponent fraccionari. A més a més, relacionem l'exponent de la llei de potències de l'ajust de la distribució de graus amb l'entropia de Shannon de la distribució de graus dels grafs de visibilitat. A la segona part, analitzem el temps de resposta d'un grup d'estudiants que realitzaren una tasca de decisió binària des del punt de vista de la ciència de xarxes. Estudiem les propietats dels grafs de visibilitat natural associats amb les seues corresponents sèries temporals de temps de resposta. Observem que la distribució dels graus d'aquests grafs normalment segueix una distribució llei de potències p(x) = x^(¿¿). Analitzem el rang en què el paràmetre ¿ es mou i els canvis d'aquest exponent respecte a l'edat i el sexe dels estudiants. D'altra banda, també estudiem la relació entre el paràmetre ¿ i els paràmetres de la distribució ex-Gaussiana que millor fita el temps de resposta de cada subjecte. Finalment, destaquem algunes conclusions i perspectives d'investigació futura en ambdues línies de treball en el Capítol 6.Mira Iglesias, A. (2021). Applications of Visibility Graphs for the representation of Time Series [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176012TESI

    Fractional - order system modeling and its applications

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    In order to control or operate any system in a closed-loop, it is important to know its behavior in the form of mathematical models. In the last two decades, a fractional-order model has received more attention in system identification instead of classical integer-order model transfer function. Literature shows recently that some techniques on fractional calculus and fractional-order models have been presenting valuable contributions to real-world processes and achieved better results. Such new developments have impelled research into extensions of the classical identification techniques to advanced fields of science and engineering. This article surveys the recent methods in the field and other related challenges to implement the fractional-order derivatives and miss-matching with conventional science. The comprehensive discussion on available literature would help the readers to grasp the concept of fractional-order modeling and can facilitate future investigations. One can anticipate manifesting recent advances in fractional-order modeling in this paper and unlocking more opportunities for research

    Advanced Parameterisation of Online Handwriting in Writers with Graphomotor Disabilities

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    Grafomotorick© obt­e (GD) vraznÄ ovlivuj­ kvalitu ivota koln­m vÄkem poÄ­naj­c, kde se vyv­jej­ grafomotorick© schopnosti, a do dchodov©ho vÄku. VÄasn diagnza tÄchto obt­­ a terapeutick zsah maj­ velk vznam k jejich zlepen­. Vzhledem k tomu, e GD souvis­ z v­cermi symptomy v oblasti kinematiky, zkladn­ kinematick© parametry jako rychlost, zrychlen­ a vih prokzaly efektivn­ kvantizaci tÄchto symptom. Objektivn­ vpoÄetn­ syst©m podpory rozhodovn­ pro identifikaci a vyeten­ GD vak nen­ dostupn. A proto je hlavn­m c­lem m© disertaÄn­ prce vzkum pokroÄil© metody parametrizace online p­sma pro analzu GD se speciln­m zamÄen­m na vyuit­ metod zlomkov©ho kalkulu. Tato prce je prvn­, kter experimentuje s vyuit­m derivac­ neceloÄ­seln©ho du (FD) pro analzu GD pomoc­ online p­sma z­skan©ho od pacient s Parkinsonovou nemoc­ a u dÄt­ koln­ho vÄku. Byla navrena a evaluovna nov metoda parametrizace online p­sma zaloena na FD vyuit­m Grnwald-Letnikova p­stupu. Bylo dokzno, e navren metoda vznamnÄ zlepuje diskriminaÄn­ s­lu a deskriptivn­ schopnosti v oblasti Parkinsonick© dysgrafie. StejnÄ tak metoda pozitivnÄ ovlivnila i nejmodernÄj­ techniky v oblasti analzy GD u dÄt­ koln­ho vÄku. Vyvinut parametrizace byla optimalizovna s ohledem na vpoÄetn­ nroÄnost (a o 80 %) a tak© na vyladÄn­ du FD. Ke konci prce byly porovnny v­cer© p­stupy vpoÄtu FD, jmenovitÄ Riemann-Liouvillv, Caputv spoleÄnÄ z Grnwald-Letnikovm p­stupem za Äelem identifikace tÄch nejvhodnÄj­ch pro jednotliv© oblasti analzy GD.Graphomotor disabilities (GD) significantly affect the quality of life beginning from the school-age, when the graphomotor skills are developed, until the elderly age. The timely diagnosis of these difficulties and therapeutic interventions are of great importance. As GD are associated with several symptoms in the field of kinematics, the basic kinematic features such as velocity, acceleration, and jerk were proved to effectively quantify these symptoms. Nevertheless, an objective computerized decision support system for the identification and assessment of GD is still missing. Therefore, the main objective of my dissertation is the research of an advanced online handwriting parametrization utilized in the field of GD analysis, with a special focus on methods based on fractional calculus. This work is the first to experiment with fractional-order derivatives (FD) in the GD analysis by online handwriting of Parkinsonâs disease (PD) patients and school-age children. A new online handwriting parametrization technique based on the Grnwald-Letnikov approach of FD has been proposed and evaluated. In the field of PD dysgraphia, a significant improvement in the discrimination power and descriptive abilities was proven. Similarly, the proposed methodology improved current state-of-the-art techniques of GD analysis in school-aged children. The newly designed parametrization has been optimized in the scope of the computational performance (up to 80 %) as well as in FD order fine-tuning. Finally, various FD-approaches were compared, namely Riemann-Liouville, Caputoâs, together with Grnwald-Letnikov approximation to identify the most suitable approach for particular areas of GD analysis.

    Special Functions: Fractional Calculus and the Pathway for Entropy

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    Historically, the notion of entropy emerged in conceptually very distinct contexts. This book deals with the connection between entropy, probability, and fractional dynamics as they appeared, for example, in solar neutrino astrophysics since the 1970's (Mathai and Rathie 1975, Mathai and Pederzoli 1977, Mathai and Saxena 1978, Mathai, Saxena, and Haubold 2010). The original solar neutrino problem, experimentally and theoretically, was resolved through the discovery of neutrino oscillations and was recently enriched by neutrino entanglement entropy. To reconsider possible new physics of solar neutrinos, diffusion entropy analysis, utilizing Boltzmann entropy, and standard deviation analysis was undertaken with Super-Kamiokande solar neutrino data. This analysis revealed a non-Gaussian signal with harmonic content. The Hurst exponent is different from the scaling exponent of the probability density function and both Hurst exponent and scaling exponent of the Super-Kamiokande data deviate considerably from the value of ½, which indicates that the statistics of the underlying phenomenon is anomalous. Here experiment may provide guidance about the generalization of theory of Boltzmann statistical mechanics. Arguments in the so-called Boltzmann-Planck-Einstein discussion related to Planck's discovery of the black-body radiation law are recapitulated mathematically and statistically and emphasize from this discussion is pursued that a meaningful implementation of the complex ‘entropy-probability-dynamics’ may offer two ways for explaining the results of diffusion entropy analysis and standard deviation analysis. One way is to consider an anomalous diffusion process that needs to use the fractional space-time diffusion equation (Gorenflo and Mainardi) and the other way is to consider a generalized Boltzmann entropy by assuming a power law probability density function. Here new mathematical framework, invented by sheer thought, may provide guidance for the generalization of Boltzmann statistical mechanics. In this book Boltzmann entropy, generalized by Tsallis and Mathai, is considered. The second one contains a varying parameter that is used to construct an entropic pathway covering generalized type-1 beta, type-2 beta, and gamma families of densities. Similarly, pathways for respective distributions and differential equations can be developed. Mathai's entropy is optimized under various conditions reproducing the well-known Boltzmann distribution, Raleigh distribution, and other distributions used in physics. Properties of the entropy measure for the generalized entropy are examined. In this process the role of special functions of mathematical physics, particularly the H-function, is highlighted

    Entropy in Dynamic Systems

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    In order to measure and quantify the complex behavior of real-world systems, either novel mathematical approaches or modifications of classical ones are required to precisely predict, monitor, and control complicated chaotic and stochastic processes. Though the term of entropy comes from Greek and emphasizes its analogy to energy, today, it has wandered to different branches of pure and applied sciences and is understood in a rather rough way, with emphasis placed on the transition from regular to chaotic states, stochastic and deterministic disorder, and uniform and non-uniform distribution or decay of diversity. This collection of papers addresses the notion of entropy in a very broad sense. The presented manuscripts follow from different branches of mathematical/physical sciences, natural/social sciences, and engineering-oriented sciences with emphasis placed on the complexity of dynamical systems. Topics like timing chaos and spatiotemporal chaos, bifurcation, synchronization and anti-synchronization, stability, lumped mass and continuous mechanical systems modeling, novel nonlinear phenomena, and resonances are discussed

    Influence of a discontinuity on the spectral and fractal analysis of one-dimensional data

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    The analysis of a data area or segment containing steep transitions between regions with different textures (for example a cloud and its background) leads to addressing the problem of discontinuities and their impact on texture analysis. In that purpose, an original one-dimensional analytical model of spectrum and roughness function has been worked out, with a discontinuity between two fractal regions, each one specified by its average &micro;, standard deviation &sigma;, spectral index &beta; and Hurst exponent <i>H</i>. This has the advantage of not needing the generation of a fractal structure with a particular algorithm or random functions and clearly puts into evidence the role played by the average in generating spectral poles and side lobes. After validation of the model calibration, a parametric study is carried out in order to understand the influence of this discontinuity on the estimation of the spectral index &beta; and the Hurst parameter <i>H</i>. It shows that for a pure &micro;-gap, <i>H</i> is well estimated everywhere, though overestimated, and &beta; is overestimated in the anti-correlation range and saturates in the correlation range. For a pure &sigma;-gap the retrieval of <i>H</i> is excellent everywhere and the behaviour of &beta; is better than for a &micro;-gap, leading to less overestimation in the anti-correlation range. For a pure &beta;-gap, saturation degrades measurements in the case of raw data and the medium with smaller spectral index is predominant in the case of trend-corrected data. For a pure <i>H</i>-gap, there is also dominance of the medium with smaller fractal exponent

    Fractional dynamical model for the generation of ECG like signals from filtered coupled Van-der Pol oscillators

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.In this paper, an incommensurate fractional order (FO) model has been proposed to generate ECG like waveforms. Earlier investigation of ECG like waveform generation is based on two identical Van-der Pol (VdP) family of oscillators, which are coupled by time delays and gains. In this paper, we suitably modify the three state equations corresponding to the nonlinear cross-product of states, time delay coupling of the two oscillators and low-pass filtering, using the concept of fractional derivatives. Our results show that a wide variety of ECG like waveforms can be simulated from the proposed generalized models, characterizing heart conditions under different physiological conditions. Such generalization of the modelling of ECG waveforms may be useful to understand the physiological process behind ECG signal generation in normal and abnormal heart conditions. Along with the proposed FO models, an optimization based approach is also presented to estimate the VdP oscillator parameters for representing a realistic ECG like signal.The work presented in this paper was supported by the E.U. ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking under the Cyclic and Person-Centric Health Management: Integrated appRoach for hOme, mobile and clinical eNvironments – (CHIRON) Project, Grant Agreement # 2009-1-100228

    A review of fractional-order techniques applied to lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, and supercapacitors

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    Electrochemical energy storage systems play an important role in diverse applications, such as electrified transportation and integration of renewable energy with the electrical grid. To facilitate model-based management for extracting full system potentials, proper mathematical models are imperative. Due to extra degrees of freedom brought by differentiation derivatives, fractional-order models may be able to better describe the dynamic behaviors of electrochemical systems. This paper provides a critical overview of fractional-order techniques for managing lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, and supercapacitors. Starting with the basic concepts and technical tools from fractional-order calculus, the modeling principles for these energy systems are presented by identifying disperse dynamic processes and using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Available battery/supercapacitor models are comprehensively reviewed, and the advantages of fractional types are discussed. Two case studies demonstrate the accuracy and computational efficiency of fractional-order models. These models offer 15–30% higher accuracy than their integer-order analogues, but have reasonable complexity. Consequently, fractional-order models can be good candidates for the development of advanced b attery/supercapacitor management systems. Finally, the main technical challenges facing electrochemical energy storage system modeling, state estimation, and control in the fractional-order domain, as well as future research directions, are highlighted

    International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – Book of Extended Abstracts

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    The present volume on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - Book of Extended Abstracts of the ICMASC’2022 collects the extended abstracts of the talks presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMA2SC'22 that took place at the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal, in June 27th-June 29th 2022 (3 days). Its aim was to bring together researchers in every discipline of applied mathematics, science, engineering, industry, and technology, to discuss the development of new mathematical models, theories, and applications that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice. Authors proposed research in topics including partial and ordinary differential equations, integer and fractional order equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, operations research, discrete mathematics, optimization, control, probability, computational mathematics, amongst others. The conference was designed to maximize the involvement of all participants and will present the state-of- the-art research and the latest achievements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio