10,672 research outputs found

    An Efficient Uplink Multi-Connectivity Scheme for 5G mmWave Control Plane Applications

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    The millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies offer the potential of orders of magnitude increases in capacity for next-generation cellular systems. However, links in mmWave networks are susceptible to blockage and may suffer from rapid variations in quality. Connectivity to multiple cells - at mmWave and/or traditional frequencies - is considered essential for robust communication. One of the challenges in supporting multi-connectivity in mmWaves is the requirement for the network to track the direction of each link in addition to its power and timing. To address this challenge, we implement a novel uplink measurement system that, with the joint help of a local coordinator operating in the legacy band, guarantees continuous monitoring of the channel propagation conditions and allows for the design of efficient control plane applications, including handover, beam tracking and initial access. We show that an uplink-based multi-connectivity approach enables less consuming, better performing, faster and more stable cell selection and scheduling decisions with respect to a traditional downlink-based standalone scheme. Moreover, we argue that the presented framework guarantees (i) efficient tracking of the user in the presence of the channel dynamics expected at mmWaves, and (ii) fast reaction to situations in which the primary propagation path is blocked or not available.Comment: Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC

    Multimedia Content Distribution in Hybrid Wireless Networks using Weighted Clustering

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    Fixed infrastructured networks naturally support centralized approaches for group management and information provisioning. Contrary to infrastructured networks, in multi-hop ad-hoc networks each node acts as a router as well as sender and receiver. Some applications, however, requires hierarchical arrangements that-for practical reasons-has to be done locally and self-organized. An additional challenge is to deal with mobility that causes permanent network partitioning and re-organizations. Technically, these problems can be tackled by providing additional uplinks to a backbone network, which can be used to access resources in the Internet as well as to inter-link multiple ad-hoc network partitions, creating a hybrid wireless network. In this paper, we present a prototypically implemented hybrid wireless network system optimized for multimedia content distribution. To efficiently manage the ad-hoc communicating devices a weighted clustering algorithm is introduced. The proposed localized algorithm deals with mobility, but does not require geographical information or distances.Comment: 2nd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling 2006 (ISBN 1-59593-485

    Routing, Localization And Positioning Protocols For Wireless Sensor And Actor Networks

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    Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) are distributed systems of sensor nodes and actors that are interconnected over the wireless medium. Sensor nodes collect information about the physical world and transmit the data to actors by using one-hop or multi-hop communications. Actors collect information from the sensor nodes, process the information, take decisions and react to the events. This dissertation presents contributions to the methods of routing, localization and positioning in WSANs for practical applications. We first propose a routing protocol with service differentiation for WSANs with stationary nodes. In this setting, we also adapt a sports ranking algorithm to dynamically prioritize the events in the environment depending on the collected data. We extend this routing protocol for an application, in which sensor nodes float in a river to gather observations and actors are deployed at accessible points on the coastline. We develop a method with locally acting adaptive overlay network formation to organize the network with actor areas and to collect data by using locality-preserving communication. We also present a multi-hop localization approach for enriching the information collected from the river with the estimated locations of mobile sensor nodes without using positioning adapters. As an extension to this application, we model the movements of sensor nodes by a subsurface meandering current mobility model with random surface motion. Then we adapt the introduced routing and network organization methods to model a complete primate monitoring system. A novel spatial cut-off preferential attachment model and iii center of mass concept are developed according to the characteristics of the primate groups. We also present a role determination algorithm for primates, which uses the collection of spatial-temporal relationships. We apply a similar approach to human social networks to tackle the problem of automatic generation and organization of social networks by analyzing and assessing interaction data. The introduced routing and localization protocols in this dissertation are also extended with a novel three dimensional actor positioning strategy inspired by the molecular geometry. Extensive simulations are conducted in OPNET simulation tool for the performance evaluation of the proposed protocol

    Comunicações veiculares híbridas

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    Vehicle Communications is a promising research field, with a great potential for the development of new applications capable of improving road safety, traffic efficiency, as well as passenger comfort and infotainment. Vehicle communication technologies can be short-range, such as ETSI ITS-G5 or the 5G PC5 sidelink channel, or long-range, using the cellular network (LTE or 5G). However, none of the technologies alone can support the expected variety of applications for a large number of vehicles, nor all the temporal and spatial requirements of connected and autonomous vehicles. Thus, it is proposed the collaborative or hybrid use of short-range communications, with lower latency, and of long-range technologies, potentially with higher latency, but integrating aggregated data of wider geographic scope. In this context, this work presents a hybrid vehicle communications model, capable of providing connectivity through two Radio Access Technologies (RAT), namely, ETSI ITS-G5 and LTE, to increase the probability of message delivery and, consequently, achieving a more robust, efficient and secure vehicle communication system. The implementation of short-range communication channels is done using Raw Packet Sockets, while the cellular connection is established using the Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. The main contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a Hybrid Routing Sublayer, capable of isolating messages that are formed/decoded from transmission/reception processes. This layer is, therefore, capable of managing traffic coming/destined to the application layer of intelligent transport systems (ITS), adapting and passing ITS messages between the highest layers of the protocol stack and the available radio access technologies. The Hybrid Routing Sublayer also reduces the financial costs due to the use of cellular communications and increases the efficiency of the use of the available electromagnetic spectrum, by introducing a cellular link controller using a Beacon Detector, which takes informed decisions related to the need to connect to a cellular network, according to different scenarios. The experimental results prove that hybrid vehicular communications meet the requirements of cooperative intelligent transport systems, by taking advantage of the benefits of both communication technologies. When evaluated independently, the ITS-G5 technology has obvious advantages in terms of latency over the LTE technology, while the LTE technology performs better than ITS-G5, in terms of throughput and reliability.As Comunicações Veiculares são um campo de pesquisa promissor, com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento de novas aplicações capazes de melhorar a segurança nas estradas, a eficiência do tráfego, bem com o conforto e entretenimento dos passageiros. As tecnologias de comunicação veícular podem ser de curto alcance, como por exemplo ETSI ITS-G5 ou o canal PC5 do 5G, ou de longo alcance, recorrendo à rede celular (LTE ou 5G). No entanto, nenhuma das tecnologias por si só, consegue suportar a variedade expectável de aplicações para um número de veículos elevado nem tampouco todos os requisitos temporais e espaciais dos veículos conectados e autónomos. Assim, é proposto o uso colaborativo ou híbrido de comunicações de curto alcance, com latências menores, e de tecnologias de longo alcance, potencialmente com maiores latências, mas integrando dados agregados de maior abrangência geográfica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicações veiculares híbrido, capaz de fornecer conectividade por meio de duas Tecnologias de Acesso por Rádio (RAT), a saber, ETSI ITS-G5 e LTE, para aumentar a probabilidade de entrega de mensagens e, consequentemente, alcançar um sistema de comunicação veicular mais robusto, eficiente e seguro. A implementação de canais de comunicação de curto alcance é feita usando Raw Packet Sockets, enquanto que a ligação celular é estabelecida usando o protocolo Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP). A contribuição principal desta dissertação foca-se no projeto, implementação e avaliação de uma sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento, capaz de isolar mensagens que se formam/descodificam a partir de processos de transmissão/receção. Esta camadada é, portanto, capaz de gerir o tráfego proveniente/destinado à camada de aplicação de sistemas inteligentes de transportes (ITS) adaptando e passando mensagens ITS entre as camadas mais altas da pilha protocolar e as tecnologias de acesso rádio disponíveis. A sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento também potencia uma redução dos custos financeiros devidos ao uso de comunicações celulares e aumenta a eficiência do uso do espectro electromagnético disponível, ao introduzir um múdulo controlador da ligação celular, utilizando um Beacon Detector, que toma decisões informadas relacionadas com a necessidade de uma conexão a uma rede celular, de acordo com diferentes cenários. Os resultados experimentais comprovam que as comunicações veículares híbridas cumprem os requisitos dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligentes, ao tirarem partido das vantagens de ambas tecnologias de comunicação. Quando avaliadas de forma independente, constata-se que que a tecnologia ITS-G5 tem vantagens evidentes em termos de latência sobre a tecnologia LTE, enquanto que a tecnologia LTE tem melhor desempenho que a LTE, ai nível de débito e fiabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey

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    Networking research funding agencies in the USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/Disruption tolerant networks, which allow communications even when complete end-to-end path is not available, are also discussed

    Sensor Systems for Prognostics and Health Management

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    Prognostics and health management (PHM) is an enabling discipline consisting of technologies and methods to assess the reliability of a product in its actual life cycle conditions to determine the advent of failure and mitigate system risk. Sensor systems are needed for PHM to monitor environmental, operational, and performance-related characteristics. The gathered data can be analyzed to assess product health and predict remaining life. In this paper, the considerations for sensor system selection for PHM applications, including the parameters to be measured, the performance needs, the electrical and physical attributes, reliability, and cost of the sensor system, are discussed. The state-of-the-art sensor systems for PHM and the emerging trends in technologies of sensor systems for PHM are presented

    A Multi-Hop 6LoWPAN Wireless Sensor Network for Waste Management Optimization

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    In the first part of this Thesis several Wireless Sensor Network technologies, including the ones based on the IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol Standard like ZigBee, 6LoWPAN and Ultra Wide Band, as well as other technologies based on other protocol standards like Z-Wave, Bluetooth and Dash7, are analyzed with respect to relevance and suitability with the Waste Management Outsmart European FP7 Project. A particular attention is given to the parameters which characterize a Large Scale WSN for Smart Cities, due to the amount of sensors involved and to the practical application requested by the project. Secondly, a prototype of sensor network is proposed: an Operative System named Contiki is chosen for its portability on different hardware platforms, its Open Source license, for the use of the 6LoW-PAN protocol and for the implementation of the new RPL routing protocol. The Operative System is described in detail, with a special focus on the uIPv6 TCP/IP stack and RPL implementation. With regard to this innovative routing proto col designed specifically for Low Power Lossy Networks, chapter 4 describes in detail how the network topology is organized as a Directed Acyclic Graph, what is an RPL Instance and how downward and upward routes are constructed and maintained. With the use of several AVR Atmel modules mounting the Contiki OS a real WSN is created and, with an Ultrasonic Sensor, the filling level of a waste basket prototype is periodically detected and transmitted through a multi-hop wireless network to a sink nodeope
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