12 research outputs found

    A novel switched model predictive control of wind turbines using artificial neural network-Markov chains prediction with load mitigation

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    The existing model predictive control algorithm based on continuous control using quadratic programming is currently one of the most used modern control strategies applied to wind turbines. However, heavy computational time involved and complexity in implementation are still obstructions in existing model predictive control algorithm. Owing to this, a new switched model predictive control technique is developed for the control of wind turbines with the ability to reduce complexity while maintaining better efficiency. The proposed technique combines model predictive control operating on finite control set and artificial intelligence with reinforcement techniques (Markov Chains, MC) to design a new effective control law which allows to achieve the control objectives in different wind speed zones with minimization of computational complexity. The proposed method is compared with the existing model predictive control algorithm, and it has been found that the proposed algorithm is better in terms of computational time, load mitigation, and dynamic response. The proposed research is a forward step towards refining modern control techniques to achieve optimization in nonlinear process control using novel hybrid structures based on conventional control laws and artificial intelligence.© 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Nonlinear moving-horizon state estimation for hardware implementation and a model predictive control application

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2021.Nesta dissertação, exploramos a aplicação de redes neurais artificiais de funções de base radial (RBFs) embutidas em hardware para estimação de estados e controle em tempo real utilizando os algoritmos de Moving-Horizon Estimation(MHE) e Model Predictive Control (MPC). Esses algoritmos foram posteriormente aproximados por RBFs e implementados em um Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), que tem mostrado bons resultados em termos de precisão e tempo ˜ computacional. Mostramos que a estimativa de estado usando a versão aproximada do MHE ˜ pode ser executada usando um kit em escala de laboratório de aproximadamente 500 kHz para ´ um pendulo invertido a uma taxa de clock de cerca de 110 MHz. A latência para fornecer uma estimativa pode ser reduzida ainda mais quando FPGAs com clocks mais altos são usados, pois a ˜ arquitetura da rede neural artificial e inerentemente paralela. Após uma inspeção mais detalhada, ˜ descobriu-se que era possível reduzir o custo da área de chip trocando a função de custo por uma ˜ com resultados mais facilmente representáveis. Ele poderia então utilizar uma representação em ˜ 32 bits e o modulo CORDIC poderia ser removido, usando apenas a aproximação mais simples da ˜ serie de Taylor de 2 ´ ª ordem. Em seguida, expandimos isso, investigando a ideia de usar uma única rede neural para substituir tanto o controle quanto o estimatidor de estados. Comparado a um MPC com informações completas, sua versão utilizando o MHE não teve um bom desempenho contra ˜ ruídos de saída. A princípio não foi possível aproximar o controle e a estimativa do pêndulo com um bom resultado, porem ao separar o controle em duas partes obtivemos melhores resultados. Por fim, verificamos que tal rede neural foi capaz de estabilizar o sistema de pendulo invertido, ˆ mas não de aproximar sua parte oscilante n ˜ ao linear. A solução aqui apresentada ˜ e encorajada a ser estendida para sistemas mais complexos e não lineares, uma vez que uma arquitetura com ˜ complexidade razoável é encontrada para a rede neural artificial para ser implementada.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).In this dissertation, we explore the application of radial basis functions (RBFs) artificial neural networks embedded in hardware for real-time estimation and control algorithms as the Moving- Horizon Estimation (MHE) and the Model Predictive Control (MPC). These algorithms are then approximated using RBFs and implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which has shown good results in terms of accuracy and computational time. We show that the state estimate using the approximate version of the MHE can be run using a laboratory-scale kit of approximately 500 kHz for an inverted pendulum at a clock rate of about 110 MHz. The latency to provide an estimate can be further reduced when FPGAs with higher clocks are used as the artificial neural network architecture is inherently parallel. Upon further inspection, it was found to be possible to reduce the chip area cost by switching the cost function for one with more easily representable results. It could then utilize a 32-bits representation and the CORDIC module could be removed, using instead only the simpler 2o order Taylor approximation. We then expand upon this, probing at the idea of using a single neural network to substitute both the control and state-estimation. Compared to a MPC with full information, its version utilizing the MHE did not perform well against output noises. At first, it was not possible to approximate the pendulum control and estimation with a good result, however when separating the control in two parts we gained better outcomes. Lastly, we verify that such a neural network was capable of stabilizing the inverted pendulum system, but not of approximating the non-linear swing-up part of it. The solution herein presented is encouraged to be further extended for more complex and nonlinear systems, given that an architecture is found for the artificial neural network with reasonable complexity to be implemented

    Arquiteturas de hardware para aceleração de algoritmos de controle preditivo não-linear

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2018.O Controle Preditivo Baseado em Modelos (MPC) é uma técnica avançada de controle que vem ganhando espaço tanto na academia quanto na indústria ao longo das últimas décadas. O fato de incorporar restrições em sua lei de controle e de poder ser aplicada tanto para sistemas lineares simples quanto para sistemas não-lineares complexos com múltiplas entradas e múltiplas saídas tornam seu emprego bastante atraente. Porém, seu alto custo computacional muitas vezes impede sua aplicação a sistemas com dinâmicas rápidas, principalmente a sistemas não-lineares embarcados onde há restrições computacionais e de consumo de energia. Baseado nisso, este trabalho se propõe a desenvolver algoritmos e arquiteturas em hardware capazes de viabilizar a aplicação do Controle Preditivo Não-Linear (NMPC) para sistemas embarcados. Duas abordagens são desenvolvidas ao longo do trabalho. A primeira aplica técnicas de aprendizado de máquina utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) e Máquinas de Vetor de Suporte (SVMs) para criar soluções que aproximam o comportamento do NMPC em hardware. Neste caso, técnicas para o treinamento das RNAs e SVMs são exploradas com o intuito de generalizar uma solução capaz de lidar com uma ampla faixa de referências de controle. Em seguida, arquiteturas de hardware em ponto-flutuante para a implementação de RNAs do tipo RBF (Radial Basis Functions) e SVMs são desenvolvidas juntamente com configurador automático capaz de gerar os códigos VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) das respectivas arquiteturas baseado nos resultados de treinamento e sua topologia. As arquiteturas resultantes são testadas em um FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) de baixo custo e são capazes de computar soluções em menos de 1 s. Na segunda abordagem, o algoritmo heurístico de Otimização por Enxame de Partículas (PSO), é estudado e adaptado para etapa de busca da sequência de controle ótima do NMPC. Dentre as modificações estão incluídas a adição de funções de penalização para obedecer às restrições de estados do sistema, o aprimoramento da técnica KPSO (Knowledge-Based PSO), denominada KPSO+SS, onde resultados de períodos de soluções de períodos amostragem anteriores são combinados com informações sobre o sinal de controle em estado estacionário e seus valores máximos e mínimos para agilizar a busca pela solução ótima. Mais uma vez, arquiteturas de hardware em ponto-flutuante são desenvolvidas para viabilizar a aplicação do controlador NMPC-PSO a sistemas embarcados. Um gerador de códigos da solução NMPC-PSO é proposto para permitir a aplicação da mesma arquitetura a outros sistemas. Em seguida, a solução é testada para o procedimento de swing-up do pêndulo invertido utilizando uma plataforma hardware-inthe- loop (HIL) e apresentou bom desempenho em tempo-real calculando a solução em menos de 3 ms. Finalmente, a solução NMPC-PSO é validada em um sistema de pêndulos gêmeos e outro sistema de controle de atitudes de um satélite.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e Decanato de Pesquisa e Inovação -(DPI/ UnB).Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced control technique that has been gaining adoption in industry and the academy along the last few decades. Its ability to incorporate system constraints in the control law and be applied from simple linear systems up to more complex nonlinear systems with multiple inputs and outputs attracts its usage. However, the high computational cost associated with this technique often hinders its use, especially in embedded nonlinear systems with fast dynamics with computational and restrictions. Based on these facts, this work aims to study and develop algorithms and hardware architectures that can enable the application of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) on embedded systems. Two approaches are developed throughout this work. The first one applies machine learning techniques using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to create solutions that approximate the NMPC behavior in hardware. In this case, ANN and SVM training techniques are explored with the aim to generalize the control solution and work on a large range of reference control inputs. Next, floating-point hardware architectures to implement Radial Basis Function ANNs and SVM solutions are developed along with an automatic architectural configuration too, capable of generating the VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) codes based on the training results and its topology. Resulting architectures are tested on a low-cost FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) and are capable of computing the solution in under 1 s. In a second approach, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is a heuristic algorithm, is studied and adapted to perform the optimal control sequence search phase of the NMPC. Among the main optimizations performed are the addition of penalty functions to address the controlled system state constraints, an improved KPSO (Knowledge-Based PSO) technique named KPSO+SS, where results from previous sampling periods are combined with steady-state control information to speed-up the optimal solution search. Hardware architectures with floating-point arithmetic to enable the application of the NMPC-PSO solution on embedded systems are developed. Once again, a hardware description configuration tool is created to allow the architecture to be applied to multiple systems. Then, the solution is applied to a real-time inverted pendulum swing-up procedure tested on a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) platform. The experiment yielding good performance and control results and was able to compute the solutions in under 3 ms. Finally, the NMPC-PSO solution is further validated performing a swing-up procedure on a Twin Pendulum system and then on a satellite control platform, a system with multiple inputs and output

    Machine Learning for Identification and Optimal Control of Advanced Automotive Engines.

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    The complexity of automotive engines continues to increase to meet increasing performance requirements such as high fuel economy and low emissions. The increased sensing capabilities associated with such systems generate a large volume of informative data. With advancements in computing technologies, predictive models of complex dynamic systems useful for diagnostics and controls can be developed using data based learning. Such models have a short development time and can serve as alternatives to traditional physics based modeling. In this thesis, the modeling and control problem of an advanced automotive engine, the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine, is addressed using data based learning techniques. Several frameworks including design of experiments for data generation, identification of HCCI combustion variables, modeling the HCCI operating envelope and model predictive control have been developed and analyzed. In addition, stable online learning algorithms for a general class of nonlinear systems have been developed using extreme learning machine (ELM) model structure.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102392/1/vijai_1.pd

    Elman Neural Networks in Model Predictive Control

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    The goal of this paper is to present interesting way how to model and predict nonlinear systems using recurrent neural network. This type of artificial neural networks is underestimated and marginalized. Nevertheless, it offers superior modelling features at reasonable computational costs. This contribution is focused on Elman Neural Network, two-layered recurrent neural network. The abilities of this network are presented in the nonlinear system control. The task of the controller is to control the liquid level in the second of two interconnected cylindrical tanks. The mathematical model of the real-time system was derived in order to test predictor and consequently the controller in Matlab/Simulink simulations