2,968 research outputs found

    Remote Control of Mobile Robot using the Virtual Reality

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    In this paper we present the simulation and manipulation of  teleoperation system for remote control of mobile robot using the Virtual Reality (VR). The objective of this work is to allow the operator to control and supervise a unicycle type mobile robot. In this research we followed three ways: The use of articulated robotic mobile on the Web, the design of remote environment for the experimentation using the network for the mobile robot and the  architecture of control is proposed to facilitate the piloting of the robot. This work proposes a hardware and software architecture based on communication and information technologies to control the virtual robot to improve the control towards the remote robot. A path planning method is integrated to the remote control system. Results show the real possibilities offered by this manipulation, in order to follow a trajectory of the robot and to create applications with a distance access to facilities through networks like the Internet and wireless

    Designing and Implementing a Model Vehicle Platoon with Longitudinal Control

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    Decreasing fuel consumption and increasing road capacity are both desired in regards to heavy duty vehicles. One proposed way of doing this is by having vehicles travelling at close distances to reduce the air drag, and thereby reducing their fuel consumption. This thesis address the platooning problem on model-scale vehicles as they are a desirable demonstration platform since they can be driven indoors. This thesis considers the implementation and evaluation of the longitudinal control of a model-scale vehicle platoon where Model Predictive Control is utilised. The concept of platooning on real full-size vehicles is briefly discussed and some of its benefits are described. The thesis then discusses and evaluates what sensors are necessary to equip the model vehicles with and how to implement them, in addition to a discussion and evaluation of inter-vehicular communication in an indoor environment is provided. Then, based on the available sensors, a heuristic feedback controller and a model-based controller is designed as distance controllers, as well as a feedback controller used for speed control, and then connected in a cascading structure. The two controllers are then evaluated in simulations based on different scenarios and finally results from a working implementation on the model-scale vehicles are presented. The end results from this thesis are a demonstration platform of two model-scale electrical vehicles as well as two different distance control algorithms both based on using the cruise control developed in the vehicles

    Wireless industrial intelligent controller for a non-linear system

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    Modern neural network (NN) based control schemes have surmounted many of the limitations found in the traditional control approaches. Nevertheless, these modern control techniques have only recently been introduced for use on high-specification Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and usually at a very high cost in terms of the required software and hardware. This ‗intelligent‘ control in the sector of industrial automation, specifically on standard PLCs thus remains an area of study that is open to further research and development. The research documented in this thesis examined the effectiveness of linear traditional control schemes such as Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), Lead and Lead-Lag control, in comparison to non-linear NN based control schemes when applied on a strongly non-linear platform. To this end, a mechatronic-type balancing system, namely, the Ball-on-Wheel (BOW) system was designed, constructed and modelled. Thereafter various traditional and intelligent controllers were implemented in order to control the system. The BOW platform may be taken to represent any single-input, single-output (SISO) non-linear system in use in the real world. The system makes use of current industrial technology including a standard PLC as the digital computational platform, a servo drive and wireless access for remote control. The results gathered from the research revealed that NN based control schemes (i.e. Pure NN and NN-PID), although comparatively slower in response, have greater advantages over traditional controllers in that they are able to adapt to external system changes as well as system non-linearity through a process of learning. These controllers also reduce the guess work that is usually involved with the traditional control approaches where cumbersome modelling, linearization or manual tuning is required. Furthermore, the research showed that online-learning adaptive traditional controllers such as the NN-PID controller which maintains the best of both the intelligent and traditional controllers may be implemented easily and with minimum expense on standard PLCs

    Hardware, Software, and Low-Level Control Scheme Development for a Real-Time Autonomous Rover

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    The objective of this research is to develop a low-cost autonomous rover platform for experiments in autonomous navigation. This thesis describes the design, development, and testing of an autonomous rover platform, based on the commercial, off-the-shelf Tamiya TXT-1 radio controlled vehicle. This vehicle is outfitted with an onboard computer based on the Mini-ITX architecture and an array of sensors for localization and obstacle avoidance, and programmed with Matlab/SimulinkRTM Real-Time Workshop (RTW) utilizing the Linux Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI) operating system.;First, a kinematic model is developed and verified for the rover. Then a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback controller is developed for translational and rotational velocity regulation. Finally, a hybrid navigation controller is developed combining a potential field controller and an obstacle avoidance controller for waypoint tracking.;Experiments are performed to verify the functionality of the kinematic model and the PID velocity controller, and to demonstrate the capabilities of the hybrid navigation controller. These experiments prove that the rover is capable of successfully navigating in an unknown indoor environment. Suggestions for future research include the integration of additional sensors for localization and creation of multiple platforms for autonomous coordination experiments

    SLAM research for port AGV based on 2D LIDAR

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    With the increase in international trade, the transshipment of goods at international container ports is very busy. The AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) has been used as a new generation of automated container horizontal transport equipment. The AGV is an automated unmanned vehicle that can work 24 hours a day, increasing productivity and reducing labor costs compared to using container trucks. The ability to obtain information about the surrounding environment is a prerequisite for the AGV to automatically complete tasks in the port area. At present, the method of AGV based on RFID tag positioning and navigation has a problem of excessive cost. This dissertation has carried out a research on applying light detection and ranging (LIDAR) simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology to port AGV. In this master's thesis, a mobile test platform based on a laser range finder is developed to scan 360-degree environmental information (distance and angle) centered on the LIDAR and upload the information to a real-time database to generate surrounding environmental maps, and the obstacle avoidance strategy was developed based on the acquired information. The effectiveness of the platform was verified by the experiments from multiple scenarios. Then based on the first platform, another experimental platform with encoder and IMU sensor was developed. In this platform, the functionality of SLAM is enabled by the GMapping algorithm and the installation of the encoder and IMU sensor. Based on the established environment SLAM map, the path planning and obstacle avoidance functions of the platform were realized.Com o aumento do comércio internacional, o transbordo de mercadorias em portos internacionais de contentores é muito movimentado. O AGV (“Automated Guided Vehicle”) foi usado como uma nova geração de equipamentos para transporte horizontal de contentores de forma automatizada. O AGV é um veículo não tripulado automatizado que pode funcionar 24 horas por dia, aumentando a produtividade e reduzindo os custos de mão-de-obra em comparação com o uso de camiões porta-contentores. A capacidade de obter informações sobre o ambiente circundante é um pré-requisito para o AGV concluir automaticamente tarefas na área portuária. Atualmente, o método de AGV baseado no posicionamento e navegação de etiquetas RFID apresenta um problema de custo excessivo. Nesta dissertação foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre a aplicação da tecnologia LIDAR de localização e mapeamento simultâneo (SLAM) num AGV. Uma plataforma de teste móvel baseada num telémetro a laser é desenvolvida para examinar o ambiente em redor em 360 graus (distância e ângulo), centrado no LIDAR, e fazer upload da informação para uma base de dados em tempo real para gerar um mapa do ambiente em redor. Uma estratégia de prevenção de obstáculos foi também desenvolvida com base nas informações adquiridas. A eficácia da plataforma foi verificada através da realização de testes com vários cenários e obstáculos. Por fim, com base na primeira plataforma, uma outra plataforma experimental com codificador e sensor IMU foi também desenvolvida. Nesta plataforma, a funcionalidade do SLAM é ativada pelo algoritmo GMapping e pela instalação do codificador e do sensor IMU. Com base no estabelecimento do ambiente circundante SLAM, foram realizadas as funções de planeamento de trajetória e prevenção de obstáculos pela plataforma

    The NASA SBIR product catalog

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    The purpose of this catalog is to assist small business firms in making the community aware of products emerging from their efforts in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. It contains descriptions of some products that have advanced into Phase 3 and others that are identified as prospective products. Both lists of products in this catalog are based on information supplied by NASA SBIR contractors in responding to an invitation to be represented in this document. Generally, all products suggested by the small firms were included in order to meet the goals of information exchange for SBIR results. Of the 444 SBIR contractors NASA queried, 137 provided information on 219 products. The catalog presents the product information in the technology areas listed in the table of contents. Within each area, the products are listed in alphabetical order by product name and are given identifying numbers. Also included is an alphabetical listing of the companies that have products described. This listing cross-references the product list and provides information on the business activity of each firm. In addition, there are three indexes: one a list of firms by states, one that lists the products according to NASA Centers that managed the SBIR projects, and one that lists the products by the relevant Technical Topics utilized in NASA's annual program solicitation under which each SBIR project was selected

    Event and Time-Triggered Control Module Layers for Individual Robot Control Architectures of Unmanned Agricultural Ground Vehicles

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    Automation in the agriculture sector has increased to an extent where the accompanying methods for unmanned field management are becoming more economically viable. This manifests in the industry’s recent presentation of conceptual cab-less machines that perform all field operations under the high-level task control of a single remote operator. A dramatic change in the overall workflow for field tasks that historically assumed the presence of a human in the immediate vicinity of the work is predicted. This shift in the entire approach to farm machinery work provides producers increased control and productivity over high-level tasks and less distraction from operating individual machine actuators and implements. The final implication is decreased mechanical complexity of the cab-less field machines from their manned counter types. An Unmanned Agricultural Ground Vehicle (UAGV) electric platform received a portable control module layer (CML) which was modular and able to accept higher-level mission commands while returning system states to high-level tasks. The simplicity of this system was shown by its entire implementation running on microcontrollers networked on a Time-Triggered Controller Area Network (TTCAN) bus. A basic form of user input and output was added to the system to demonstrate a simple instance of sub-system integration. In this work, all major levels of design and implementation are examined in detail, revealing the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of each subsystem. System design philosophy is highlighted from the beginning. A state-space feedback steering controller was implemented on the machine utilizing a basic steering model found in literature. Finally, system performance is evaluated from the perspectives of a number of disciplines including: embedded systems software design, control systems, and robot control architecture. Recommendations for formalized UAGV system modeling, estimation, and control are discussed for the continuation of research in simplified low-cost machines for in-field task automation. Additional recommendations for future time-triggered CML experiments in bus robustness and redundancy are discussed. The work presented is foundational in the shift from event-triggered communications towards time-triggered CMLs for unmanned agricultural machinery and is a front-to-back demonstration of time-triggered design. Advisor: Santosh K. Pitl

    Vision-based Testbeds For Control System Applicaitons

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    In the field of control systems, testbeds are a pivotal step in the validation and improvement of new algorithms for different applications. They provide a safe, controlled environment typically having a significantly lower cost of failure than the final application. Vision systems provide nonintrusive methods of measurement that can be easily implemented for various setups and applications. This work presents methods for modeling, removing distortion, calibrating, and rectifying single and two camera systems, as well as, two very different applications of vision-based control system testbeds: deflection control of shape memory polymers and trajectory planning for mobile robots. First, a testbed for the modeling and control of shape memory polymers (SMP) is designed. Red-green-blue (RGB) thresholding is used to assist in the webcam-based, 3D reconstruction of points of interest. A PID based controller is designed and shown to work with SMP samples, while state space models were identified from step input responses. Models were used to develop a linear quadratic regulator that is shown to work in simulation. Also, a simple to use graphical interface is designed for fast and simple testing of a series of samples. Second a robot testbed is designed to test new trajectory planning algorithms. A templatebased predictive search algorithm is investigated to process the images obtained through a lowcost webcam vision system, which is used to monitor the testbed environment. Also a userfriendly graphical interface is developed such that the functionalities of the webcam, robots, and optimizations are automated. The testbeds are used to demonstrate a wavefront-enhanced, Bspline augmented virtual motion camouflage algorithm for single or multiple robots to navigate through an obstacle dense and changing environment, while considering inter-vehicle conflicts, iv obstacle avoidance, nonlinear dynamics, and different constraints. In addition, it is expected that this testbed can be used to test different vehicle motion planning and control algorithms

    Estratégias de controle de trajetórias para cadeira de rodas robotizadas

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    Orientador: Eleri CardozoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Desde os anos 80, diversos trabalhos foram publicados com o objetivo de propor soluções alternativas para usuários de cadeira de rodas motorizadas com severa deficiência motora e que não possuam capacidade de operar um joystick mecânico. Dentre essas soluções estão interfaces assistivas que auxiliam no comando da cadeira de rodas através de diversos mecanismos como expressões faciais, interfaces cérebro-computador, e rastreamento de olho. Além disso, as cadeiras de rodas ganharam certa autonomia para realizar determinadas tarefas que vão de desviar de obstáculos, abrir portas e até planejar e executar rotas. Para que estas tarefas possam ser executadas, é necessário que as cadeiras de rodas tenham estruturas não convencionais, habilidade de sensoriamento do ambiente e estratégias de controle de locomoção. O objetivo principal é disponibilizar uma cadeira de rodas que ofereça conforto ao usuário e que possua um condução segura não importando o tipo de deficiência do usuário. Entretanto, durante a condução da cadeira de rodas, o desalinhamento das rodas castores podem oferecer certo perigo ao usuário, uma vez que, dependendo da maneira em que elas estejam orientadas, instabilidades podem ocorrer, culminando em acidentes. Da mesma forma, o desalinhamento das rodas castores é considerado um dos principais causadores de desvios de trajetória que ocorrem durante a movimentação da cadeira de rodas, juntamente com diferentes distribuições de pesos ou diferentes atritos entre as rodas e o chão. Nesta dissertação, é considerado apenas o desalinhamento das rodas castores como único causador de desvio de trajetória da cadeira de rodas e, dessa forma, são propostas soluções que possam reduzir ou até mesmo eliminar o efeito deste desalinhamento. Com a implementação das melhores soluções desenvolvidas neste trabalho, é possível fazer com que diversas interfaces assistivas que têm baixa taxa de comandos possam ser utilizadas, uma vez que o usuário não precisa, constantemente, corrigir o desvio da trajetória desejada. Ademais, é elaborado um novo projeto de cadeira de rodas "inteligente" para a implementação das técnicas desenvolvidas neste trabalhoAbstract: Since the 1980s several works were published proposing alternative solutions for users of powered wheelchairs with severe mobility impairments and that are not able to operate a mechanical joystick. Such solutions commonly focus on assistive interfaces that help commanding the wheelchair through distinct mechanisms such as facial expressions, brain-computer interfaces, and eye tracking. Besides that, the wheelchairs have achieved a certain level of autonomy to accomplish determined tasks such as obstacle avoidance, doors opening and even path planning and execution. For these tasks to be performed, it is necessary the wheelchairs to have a non conventional designs, ability to sense the environment and locomotion control strategies. The ultimate objective is to offer a comfortable and safe conduction no matter the user's mobility impairments. However, while driving the wheelchair, the caster wheels' misalignment might offer risks to the user, because, depending on the way they are initially oriented, instabilities may occur causing accidents. Similarly, the caster wheels' misalignment can be considered, among others like different weight distribution or different friction between wheel and floor, one of the main causes of path deviation from the intended trajectory while the wheelchair is moving. In this dissertation, it is considered the caster wheels' misalignment as the unique generator of wheelchair path deviation and, therefore, it is proposed different solutions in order to reduce or even eliminate the effects of the misalignment. The implementation of the best solutions developed in this work allows assistive interfaces with low rate of commands to be widespread, once the user does not need to, constantly, correct path deviation. Additionally, a new smart wheelchair project is elaborated for the implementation of the techniques developed in this workMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica88882.329382/2019-01CAPE