126 research outputs found

    Business-driven resource allocation and management for data centres in cloud computing markets

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    Cloud Computing markets arise as an efficient way to allocate resources for the execution of tasks and services within a set of geographically dispersed providers from different organisations. Client applications and service providers meet in a market and negotiate for the sales of services by means of the signature of a Service Level Agreement that contains the Quality of Service terms that the Cloud provider has to guarantee by managing properly its resources. Current implementations of Cloud markets suffer from a lack of information flow between the negotiating agents, which sell the resources, and the resource managers that allocate the resources to fulfil the agreed Quality of Service. This thesis establishes an intermediate layer between the market agents and the resource managers. In consequence, agents can perform accurate negotiations by considering the status of the resources in their negotiation models, and providers can manage their resources considering both the performance and the business objectives. This thesis defines a set of policies for the negotiation and enforcement of Service Level Agreements. Such policies deal with different Business-Level Objectives: maximisation of the revenue, classification of clients, trust and reputation maximisation, and risk minimisation. This thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of such policies by means of fine-grained simulations. A pricing model may be influenced by many parameters. The weight of such parameters within the final model is not always known, or it can change as the market environment evolves. This thesis models and evaluates how the providers can self-adapt to changing environments by means of genetic algorithms. Providers that rapidly adapt to changes in the environment achieve higher revenues than providers that do not. Policies are usually conceived for the short term: they model the behaviour of the system by considering the current status and the expected immediate after their application. This thesis defines and evaluates a trust and reputation system that enforces providers to consider the impact of their decisions in the long term. The trust and reputation system expels providers and clients with dishonest behaviour, and providers that consider the impact of their reputation in their actions improve on the achievement of their Business-Level Objectives. Finally, this thesis studies the risk as the effects of the uncertainty over the expected outcomes of cloud providers. The particularities of cloud appliances as a set of interconnected resources are studied, as well as how the risk is propagated through the linked nodes. Incorporating risk models helps providers differentiate Service Level Agreements according to their risk, take preventive actions in the focus of the risk, and pricing accordingly. Applying risk management raises the fulfilment rate of the Service-Level Agreements and increases the profit of the providerPostprint (published version

    Maximising revenue in cloud computing markets by means of economically enhanced SLA management

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    This paper proposes a bidirectional communication between market brokers and resource managers in Cloud Computing Markets. This communication is implemented by means of an Economically Enhanced Resource Manager (EERM), that supports the negotiation process by deciding which tasks can be allocated or not, and under which economic and technical conditions. The EERM also uses the economic information that collects from market layers to manage the resources accordingly to concrete BLOs. This paper shows several Business Policies and Rules for maximizing the revenue of a Cloud Provider that sells its services and resources in a market. Their validity is demonstrated through several experiments that shown how the application of these rules can have a positive influence in the revenue and minimize the violations of Service-Level Agreements.Preprin

    Automated and dynamic multi-level negotiation framework applied to an efficient cloud provisioning

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    L’approvisionnement du Cloud est le processus de dĂ©ploiement et de gestion des applications sur les infrastructures publiques du Cloud. Il est de plus en plus utilisĂ© car il permet aux fournisseurs de services mĂ©tiers de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s sans avoir Ă  gĂ©rer et Ă  investir dans l’infrastructure. Il comprend deux niveaux d’interaction : (1) entre les utilisateurs finaux et les fournisseurs de services pour l’approvisionnement des applications, et (2) entre les fournisseurs de services et les fournisseurs de ressources pour l’approvisionnement des ressources virtuelles. L’environnement Cloud est devenu un marchĂ© complexe oĂč tout fournisseur veut maximiser son profit monĂ©taire et oĂč les utilisateurs finaux recherchent les services les plus efficaces tout en minimisant leurs coĂ»ts. Avec la croissance de la concurrence dans le Cloud, les fournisseurs de services mĂ©tiers doivent assurer un approvisionnement efficace qui maximise la satisfaction de la clientĂšle et optimise leurs profits.Ainsi, les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs doivent ĂȘtre satisfaits en dĂ©pit de leurs besoins contradictoires. La nĂ©gociation est une solution prometteuse qui permet de rĂ©soudre les conflits en comblant le gap entre les capacitĂ©s des fournisseurs et les besoins des utilisateurs. Intuitivement, la nĂ©gociation automatique des contrats (SLA) permet d’aboutir Ă  un compromis qui satisfait les deux parties. Cependant, pour ĂȘtre efficace, la nĂ©gociation automatique doit considĂ©rer les propriĂ©tĂ©s de l’approvisionnement du Cloud et les complexitĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  la dynamicitĂ© (dynamicitĂ© de la disponibilitĂ© des ressources, dynamicitĂ© des prix). En fait ces critĂšres ont un impact important sur le succĂšs de la nĂ©gociation. Les principales contributions de cette thĂšse rĂ©pondant au dĂ©fi de la nĂ©gociation multi-niveau dans un contexte dynamique sont les suivantes: (1) Nous proposons un modĂšle de nĂ©gociateur gĂ©nĂ©rique qui considĂšre la nature dynamique de l’approvisionnement du Cloud et son impact potentiel sur les rĂ©sultats dĂ©cisionnels. Ensuite, nous construisons un cadre de nĂ©gociation multicouche fondĂ© sur ce modĂšle en l’instanciant entre les couches du Cloud. Le cadre comprend des agents nĂ©gociateurs en communication avec les modules en relation avec la qualitĂ© et le prix du service Ă  fournir (le planificateur, le moniteur, le prospecteur de marchĂ©). (2) Nous proposons une approche de nĂ©gociation bilatĂ©rale entre les utilisateurs finaux et les fournisseurs de service basĂ©e sur une approche d’approvisionnement existante. Les stratĂ©gies de nĂ©gociation sont basĂ©es sur la communication avec les modules d’approvisionnement (le planificateur et l’approvisionneur de machines virtuelles) afin d’optimiser les bĂ©nĂ©fices du fournisseur de service et de maximiser la satisfaction du client. (3) Afin de maximiser le nombre de clients, nous proposons une approche de nĂ©gociation adaptative et simultanĂ©e comme extension de la nĂ©gociation bilatĂ©rale. Nous proposons d’exploiter les changements de charge de travail en termes de disponibilitĂ© et de tarification des ressources afin de renĂ©gocier simultanĂ©ment avec plusieurs utilisateurs non acceptĂ©s (c’est-Ă -dire rejetĂ©s lors de la premiĂšre session de nĂ©gociation) avant la crĂ©ation du contrat SLA. (4) Afin de gĂ©rer toute violation possible de SLA, nous proposons une approche proactive de renĂ©gociation aprĂšs l’établissement de SLA. La renĂ©gociation est lancĂ©e lors de la dĂ©tection d’un Ă©vĂ©nement inattendu (par exemple, une panne de ressources) pendant le processus d’approvisionnement. Les stratĂ©gies de renĂ©gociation proposĂ©es visent Ă  minimiser la perte de profit pour le fournisseur et Ă  assurer la continuitĂ© du service pour le consommateur. Les approches proposĂ©es sont mises en Ɠuvre et les expĂ©riences prouvent les avantages d’ajouter la (re)nĂ©gociation au processus d’approvisionnement. L’utilisation de la (re)nĂ©gociation amĂ©liore le bĂ©nĂ©fice du fournisseur, le nombre de demandes acceptĂ©es et la satisfaction du client.Cloud provisioning is the process of deployment and management of applications on public cloud infrastructures. Cloud provisioning is used increasingly because it enables business providers to focus on their business without having to manage and invest in infrastructure. Cloud provisioning includes two levels of interaction: (1) between end-users and business providers for application provisioning; and (2) between business providers and resource providers for virtual resource provisioning.The cloud market nowadays is a complex environment where business providers need to maximize their monetary profit, and where end-users look for the most efficient services with the lowest prices. With the growth of competition in the cloud, business providers must ensure efficient provisioning that maximizes customer satisfaction and optimizes the providers’ profit. So, both providers and users must be satisfied in spite of their conflicting needs. Negotiation is an appealing solution to solve conflicts and bridge the gap between providers’ capabilities and users’ requirements. Intuitively, automated Service Level Agreement (SLA) negotiation helps in reaching an agreement that satisfies both parties. However, to be efficient, automated negotiation should consider the properties of cloud provisioning mainly the two interaction levels, and complexities related to dynamicity (e.g., dynamically-changing resource availability, dynamic pricing, dynamic market factors related to offers and demands), which greatly impact the success of the negotiation. The main contributions of this thesis tackling the challenge of multi-level negotiation in a dynamic context are as follows: (1) We propose a generic negotiator model that considers the dynamic nature of cloud provisioning and its potential impact on the decision-making outcome. Then, we build a multi-layer negotiation framework built upon that model by instantiating it among Cloud layers. The framework includes negotiator agents. These agents are in communication with the provisioning modules that have an impact on the quality and the price of the service to be provisioned (e.g, the scheduler, the monitor, the market prospector). (2) We propose a bilateral negotiation approach between end-users and business providers extending an existing provisioning approach. The proposed decision-making strategies for negotiation are based on communication with the provisioning modules (the scheduler and the VM provisioner) in order to optimize the business provider’s profit and maximize customer satisfaction. (3) In order to maximize the number of clients, we propose an adaptive and concurrent negotiation approach as an extension of the bilateral negotiation. We propose to harness the workload changes in terms of resource availability and pricing in order to renegotiate simultaneously with multiple non-accepted users (i.e., rejected during the first negotiation session) before the establishment of the SLA. (4) In order to handle any potential SLA violation, we propose a proactive renegotiation approach after SLA establishment. The renegotiation is launched upon detecting an unexpected event (e.g., resource failure) during the provisioning process. The proposed renegotiation decision-making strategies aim to minimize the loss in profit for the provider and to ensure the continuity of the service for the consumer. The proposed approaches are implemented and experiments prove the benefits of adding (re)negotiation to the provisioning process. The use of (re)negotiation improves the provider’s profit, the number of accepted requests, and the client’s satisfaction

    Automated and dynamic multi-level negotiation framework applied to an efficient cloud provisioning

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    L’approvisionnement du Cloud est le processus de dĂ©ploiement et de gestion des applications sur les infrastructures publiques du Cloud. Il est de plus en plus utilisĂ© car il permet aux fournisseurs de services mĂ©tiers de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s sans avoir Ă  gĂ©rer et Ă  investir dans l’infrastructure. Il comprend deux niveaux d’interaction : (1) entre les utilisateurs finaux et les fournisseurs de services pour l’approvisionnement des applications, et (2) entre les fournisseurs de services et les fournisseurs de ressources pour l’approvisionnement des ressources virtuelles. L’environnement Cloud est devenu un marchĂ© complexe oĂč tout fournisseur veut maximiser son profit monĂ©taire et oĂč les utilisateurs finaux recherchent les services les plus efficaces tout en minimisant leurs coĂ»ts. Avec la croissance de la concurrence dans le Cloud, les fournisseurs de services mĂ©tiers doivent assurer un approvisionnement efficace qui maximise la satisfaction de la clientĂšle et optimise leurs profits.Ainsi, les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs doivent ĂȘtre satisfaits en dĂ©pit de leurs besoins contradictoires. La nĂ©gociation est une solution prometteuse qui permet de rĂ©soudre les conflits en comblant le gap entre les capacitĂ©s des fournisseurs et les besoins des utilisateurs. Intuitivement, la nĂ©gociation automatique des contrats (SLA) permet d’aboutir Ă  un compromis qui satisfait les deux parties. Cependant, pour ĂȘtre efficace, la nĂ©gociation automatique doit considĂ©rer les propriĂ©tĂ©s de l’approvisionnement du Cloud et les complexitĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  la dynamicitĂ© (dynamicitĂ© de la disponibilitĂ© des ressources, dynamicitĂ© des prix). En fait ces critĂšres ont un impact important sur le succĂšs de la nĂ©gociation. Les principales contributions de cette thĂšse rĂ©pondant au dĂ©fi de la nĂ©gociation multi-niveau dans un contexte dynamique sont les suivantes: (1) Nous proposons un modĂšle de nĂ©gociateur gĂ©nĂ©rique qui considĂšre la nature dynamique de l’approvisionnement du Cloud et son impact potentiel sur les rĂ©sultats dĂ©cisionnels. Ensuite, nous construisons un cadre de nĂ©gociation multicouche fondĂ© sur ce modĂšle en l’instanciant entre les couches du Cloud. Le cadre comprend des agents nĂ©gociateurs en communication avec les modules en relation avec la qualitĂ© et le prix du service Ă  fournir (le planificateur, le moniteur, le prospecteur de marchĂ©). (2) Nous proposons une approche de nĂ©gociation bilatĂ©rale entre les utilisateurs finaux et les fournisseurs de service basĂ©e sur une approche d’approvisionnement existante. Les stratĂ©gies de nĂ©gociation sont basĂ©es sur la communication avec les modules d’approvisionnement (le planificateur et l’approvisionneur de machines virtuelles) afin d’optimiser les bĂ©nĂ©fices du fournisseur de service et de maximiser la satisfaction du client. (3) Afin de maximiser le nombre de clients, nous proposons une approche de nĂ©gociation adaptative et simultanĂ©e comme extension de la nĂ©gociation bilatĂ©rale. Nous proposons d’exploiter les changements de charge de travail en termes de disponibilitĂ© et de tarification des ressources afin de renĂ©gocier simultanĂ©ment avec plusieurs utilisateurs non acceptĂ©s (c’est-Ă -dire rejetĂ©s lors de la premiĂšre session de nĂ©gociation) avant la crĂ©ation du contrat SLA. (4) Afin de gĂ©rer toute violation possible de SLA, nous proposons une approche proactive de renĂ©gociation aprĂšs l’établissement de SLA. La renĂ©gociation est lancĂ©e lors de la dĂ©tection d’un Ă©vĂ©nement inattendu (par exemple, une panne de ressources) pendant le processus d’approvisionnement. Les stratĂ©gies de renĂ©gociation proposĂ©es visent Ă  minimiser la perte de profit pour le fournisseur et Ă  assurer la continuitĂ© du service pour le consommateur. Les approches proposĂ©es sont mises en Ɠuvre et les expĂ©riences prouvent les avantages d’ajouter la (re)nĂ©gociation au processus d’approvisionnement. L’utilisation de la (re)nĂ©gociation amĂ©liore le bĂ©nĂ©fice du fournisseur, le nombre de demandes acceptĂ©es et la satisfaction du client.Cloud provisioning is the process of deployment and management of applications on public cloud infrastructures. Cloud provisioning is used increasingly because it enables business providers to focus on their business without having to manage and invest in infrastructure. Cloud provisioning includes two levels of interaction: (1) between end-users and business providers for application provisioning; and (2) between business providers and resource providers for virtual resource provisioning.The cloud market nowadays is a complex environment where business providers need to maximize their monetary profit, and where end-users look for the most efficient services with the lowest prices. With the growth of competition in the cloud, business providers must ensure efficient provisioning that maximizes customer satisfaction and optimizes the providers’ profit. So, both providers and users must be satisfied in spite of their conflicting needs. Negotiation is an appealing solution to solve conflicts and bridge the gap between providers’ capabilities and users’ requirements. Intuitively, automated Service Level Agreement (SLA) negotiation helps in reaching an agreement that satisfies both parties. However, to be efficient, automated negotiation should consider the properties of cloud provisioning mainly the two interaction levels, and complexities related to dynamicity (e.g., dynamically-changing resource availability, dynamic pricing, dynamic market factors related to offers and demands), which greatly impact the success of the negotiation. The main contributions of this thesis tackling the challenge of multi-level negotiation in a dynamic context are as follows: (1) We propose a generic negotiator model that considers the dynamic nature of cloud provisioning and its potential impact on the decision-making outcome. Then, we build a multi-layer negotiation framework built upon that model by instantiating it among Cloud layers. The framework includes negotiator agents. These agents are in communication with the provisioning modules that have an impact on the quality and the price of the service to be provisioned (e.g, the scheduler, the monitor, the market prospector). (2) We propose a bilateral negotiation approach between end-users and business providers extending an existing provisioning approach. The proposed decision-making strategies for negotiation are based on communication with the provisioning modules (the scheduler and the VM provisioner) in order to optimize the business provider’s profit and maximize customer satisfaction. (3) In order to maximize the number of clients, we propose an adaptive and concurrent negotiation approach as an extension of the bilateral negotiation. We propose to harness the workload changes in terms of resource availability and pricing in order to renegotiate simultaneously with multiple non-accepted users (i.e., rejected during the first negotiation session) before the establishment of the SLA. (4) In order to handle any potential SLA violation, we propose a proactive renegotiation approach after SLA establishment. The renegotiation is launched upon detecting an unexpected event (e.g., resource failure) during the provisioning process. The proposed renegotiation decision-making strategies aim to minimize the loss in profit for the provider and to ensure the continuity of the service for the consumer. The proposed approaches are implemented and experiments prove the benefits of adding (re)negotiation to the provisioning process. The use of (re)negotiation improves the provider’s profit, the number of accepted requests, and the client’s satisfaction

    QoS Provisioning by Meta-Scheduling in Advance within SLA-Based Grid Environments

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    The establishment of agreements between users and the entities which manage the Grid resources is still a challenging task. On the one hand, an entity in charge of dealing with the communication with the users is needed, with the aim of signing resource usage contracts and also implementing some renegotiation techniques, among others. On the other hand, some mechanisms should be implemented which decide if the QoS requested could be achieved and, in such case, ensuring that the QoS agreement is provided. One way of increasing the probability of achieving the agreed QoS is by performing meta-scheduling of jobs in advance, that is, jobs are scheduled some time before they are actually executed. In this way, it becomes more likely that the appropriate resources are available to run the jobs when needed. So, this paper presents a framework built on top of Globus and the GridWay meta-scheduler to provide QoS by means of performing meta-scheduling in advance. Thanks to this, QoS requirements of jobs are met (i.e. jobs are finished within a deadline). Apart from that, the mechanisms needed to manage the communication between the users and the system are presented and implemented through SLA contracts based on the WS-Agreement specification

    Sla Management in a Collaborative Network Of Federated Clouds: The Cloudland

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    Cloud services have always promised to be available, flexible, and speedy. However, not a single Cloud provider can deliver such promises to their distinctly demanding customers. Cloud providers have a constrained geographical presence, and are willing to invest in infrastructure only when it is profitable to them. Cloud federation is a concept that collectively combines segregated Cloud services to create an extended pool of resources for Clouds to competently deliver their promised level of services. This dissertation is concerned with studying the governing aspects related to the federation of Clouds through collaborative networking. The main objective of this dissertation is to define a framework for a Cloud network that considers balancing the trade-offs among customers’ various quality of service (QoS) requirements, as well as providers\u27 resources utilization. We propose a network of federated Clouds, CloudLend, that creates a platform for Cloud providers to collaborate, and for customers to expand their service selections. We also define and specify a service level agreement (SLA) management model in order to govern and administer the relationships established between different Cloud services in CloudLend. We define a multi-level SLA specification model to annotate and describe QoS terms, in addition to a game theory-based automated SLA negotiation model that supports both customers and providers in negotiating SLA terms, and guiding them towards signing a contract. We also define an adaptive agent-based SLA monitoring model which identifies the root causes of SLA violations, and impartially distributes any updates and changes in established SLAs to all relevant entities. Formal verification proved that our proposed framework assures customers with maximum optimized guarantees to their QoS requirements, in addition to supporting Cloud providers to make informed resource utilization decisions. Additionally, simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our SLA management model. Our proposed Cloud Lend network and its SLA management model paves the way to resource sharing among different Cloud providers, which allows for the providers’ lock-in constraints to be broken, allowing effortless migration of customers’ applications across different providers whenever is needed

    Planning and Optimization During the Life-Cycle of Service Level Agreements for Cloud Computing

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    Ein Service Level Agreement (SLA) ist ein elektronischer Vertrag zwischen dem Kunden und dem Anbieter eines Services. Die beteiligten Partner kl aren ihre Erwartungen und Verp ichtungen in Bezug auf den Dienst und dessen Qualit at. SLAs werden bereits f ur die Beschreibung von Cloud-Computing-Diensten eingesetzt. Der Diensteanbieter stellt sicher, dass die Dienstqualit at erf ullt wird und mit den Anforderungen des Kunden bis zum Ende der vereinbarten Laufzeit ubereinstimmt. Die Durchf uhrung der SLAs erfordert einen erheblichen Aufwand, um Autonomie, Wirtschaftlichkeit und E zienz zu erreichen. Der gegenw artige Stand der Technik im SLA-Management begegnet Herausforderungen wie SLA-Darstellung f ur Cloud- Dienste, gesch aftsbezogene SLA-Optimierungen, Dienste-Outsourcing und Ressourcenmanagement. Diese Gebiete scha en zentrale und aktuelle Forschungsthemen. Das Management von SLAs in unterschiedlichen Phasen w ahrend ihrer Laufzeit erfordert eine daf ur entwickelte Methodik. Dadurch wird die Realisierung von Cloud SLAManagement vereinfacht. Ich pr asentiere ein breit gef achertes Modell im SLA-Laufzeitmanagement, das die genannten Herausforderungen adressiert. Diese Herangehensweise erm oglicht eine automatische Dienstemodellierung, sowie Aushandlung, Bereitstellung und Monitoring von SLAs. W ahrend der Erstellungsphase skizziere ich, wie die Modellierungsstrukturen verbessert und vereinfacht werden k onnen. Ein weiteres Ziel von meinem Ansatz ist die Minimierung von Implementierungs- und Outsourcingkosten zugunsten von Wettbewerbsf ahigkeit. In der SLA-Monitoringphase entwickle ich Strategien f ur die Auswahl und Zuweisung von virtuellen Cloud Ressourcen in Migrationsphasen. Anschlie end pr ufe ich mittels Monitoring eine gr o ere Zusammenstellung von SLAs, ob die vereinbarten Fehlertoleranzen eingehalten werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zu einem Entwurf der GWDG und deren wissenschaftlichen Communities. Die Forschung, die zu dieser Doktorarbeit gef uhrt hat, wurde als Teil von dem SLA@SOI EU/FP7 integriertem Projekt durchgef uhrt (contract No. 216556)

    A non-additive negotiation model for utility computing markets

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    Market-based resource allocation is a promising model for dealing with the growing Utility Computing environments, such as Grid or Cloud Computing. Agents that represent both service clients and providers meet in a market to negotiate the terms of the sale of resources. Additive negotiation models are extended because they are simple, but they are not valid for negotiations whose terms are not independent between them. This paper proposes a simple non-additive model for performing negotiations and demonstrates its validity through simulation experiments.Postprint (published version
