29 research outputs found

    Enhancing User Immersion and Virtual Presence in Interactive Multiuser Virtual Environments through the Development and Integration of a Gesture-Centric Natural User Interface Developed from Existing Virtual Reality Technologies

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    Immersion, referring to the level of physical or psychological submergence of a user within a virtual space relative to that user's consciousness of the real-world environment, has predominantly been established as an indispensable part of interactive media designs. This is most prevalent in Virtual Reality (VR) platforms, as their applications are typically reliant on user believability. With a wide variation of possible methodologies for the enhancement of this feature, the collectively recognised paradigm lies on the emphasis of naturalism in the design of the virtual system [7]. Though widely used by some specialised VR applications [4] such concepts are yet to be fully explored in the more contemporary virtual systems such as Social Immersive Virtual Environment (SIVE). The focus of the study described in this paper are the techniques being developed to enhance user immersion, virtual presence and co-presence in a SIVE application, through the design and integration of a VR-based Natural User Interface (NUI) that allows users to naturally and intuitively interact with the virtual environment and other networked users through the utilisation of full body gesture controls. These gestural controls prioritise the emulation of the alternate equivalent of such real-wold interactions, whilst also providing an interface for the seamless and unobtrusive translation of the user's real-world physical state into the virtual environment through intuitive user to virtual avatar proprioceptive coordination. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

    Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools Authors

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    This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum.The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow ofthe V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important tools (mainly visualization tools) and services and we elaborate some first guidelines and ideas for the design and development of the CIF, that shall provide a technological foundation for the V-MUST Platform, together with the V-MUST repository/repositories and the additional services defined in the WP4. Two state of the art reports, one about user interface design and another one about visualization technologies have been also provided in this document

    A 3D Data Intensive Tele-immersive Grid

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    International audienceNetworked virtual environments like Second Life enable distant people to meet for leisure as well as work. But users are represented through avatars controlled by keyboards and mouses, leading to a low sense of presence especially regarding body language. Multi-camera real-time 3D modeling offers a way to ensure a significantly higher sense of presence. But producing quality geometries, well textured, and to enable distant user tele-presence in non trivial virtual environments is still a challenge today. In this paper we present a tele-immersive system based on multi-camera 3D modeling. Users from distant sites are immersed in a rich virtual environment served by a parallel terrain rendering engine. Distant users, present through their 3D model, can perform some local interactions while having a strong visual presence. We experimented our system between three large cities a few hundreds kilometers apart from each other. This work demonstrate the feasibility of a rich 3D multimedia environment ensuring users a strong sense of presence

    Collaborative 3d visualization on large screen displays

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    Large Scale Displays, besides their visualization capabilities, can provide a great sense of immersion to a geographically distributed group of people engaging in collaborative work. This paper presents a system that uses remotely located wall sized displays, to o↵er immersive, interactive collaborative visualization and review of 3D CAD models for engineering applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Survey of Interaction Techniques for Interactive 3D Environments

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    International audienceVarious interaction techniques have been developed for interactive 3D environments. This paper presents an up-to-date and comprehensive review of the state of the art of non-immersive interaction techniques for Navigation, Selection & Manipulation, and System Control, including a basic introduction to the topic, the challenges, and an examination of a number of popular approaches. We hope that this survey can aid both researchers and developers of interactive 3D applications in having a clearer overview of the topic and in particular can be useful for practitioners and researchers that are new to the field of interactive 3D graphics

    Smartphone Based 3D Navigation Techniques in an Astronomical Observatory Context: Implementation and Evaluation in a Software Platform

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    International audience3D Virtual Environments (3DVE) come up as a good solution to transmit knowledge in a museum exhibit. In such contexts, providing easy to learn and to use interaction techniques which facilitate the handling inside a 3DVE is crucial to maximize the knowledge transfer. We took the opportunity to design and implement a software platform for explaining the behavior of the Telescope Bernard-Lyot to museum visitors on top of the Pic du Midi. Beyond the popularization of a complex scientific equipment, this platform constitutes an open software environment to easily plug different 3D interaction techniques. Recently, popular use of a smartphones as personal handled computer lets us envision the use of a mobile device as an interaction support with these 3DVE. Accordingly, we design and propose how to use the smartphone as a tangible object to navigate inside a 3DVE. In order to prove the interest in the use of smartphones, we compare our solution with available solutions: keyboard-mouse and 3D mouse. User experiments confirmed our hypothesis and particularly emphasizes that visitors find our solution more attractive and stimulating. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of our software framework by plugging alternative interaction techniques for supporting selection and manipulation task in 3D

    Viewpoint manipulations for 3D visualizations of smart buildings

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    Abstract. This thesis covers the design and implementation of a new single-input viewpoint manipulation technique aimed for a specific use case. The design of the technique is made based on previous literature. The objective of the research is to assess whether a single-input viewpoint manipulation technique can be as efficient as a multi-input viewpoint manipulation technique when used for observing a three dimensional (3D) model of a smart building. After checking the existing literature about basics of viewpoint manipulation, it was decided to design a single-input viewpoint manipulation technique that can be used on a wide range of hardware including touch screen devices not capable of multi-touch input and personal computers with a regular mouse. A 3D visualization of a nursing home was implemented to be viewed with the new technique. The nursing home in question is a smart house with sensors deployed in it, and sensor data is visualized in the 3D model. Aside from the new single-touch technique, a commonly used multi-touch technique was also implemented in order to compare the single-touch technique against it. Participants were recruited and user tests were made to find issues with the system. The yielded results indicate some clear points in the new technique that can be improved for future research.Tiivistelmä. Tämä työ kuvaa suunnittelu- ja implementaatioprosessin kuvakulmien manipulointiin tarkoitetulle uudenlaiselle yhden sormen (single-touch) syöttöjärjestelmälle. Suunnittelu pohjautuu aiempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on arvioida, onko yhden sormen järjestelmä yhtä tehokas monen sormen (multi-touch) järjestelmään verrattuna, kun kohteena on kolmiulotteinen (3D) malli älykkäästä rakennuksesta. Aiempiin tutkimuksiin nojaten yhden sormen järjestelmään päädyttiin, koska se tukisi suurempaa laitekantaa monen sormen järjestelmiin verrattuna. Työssä kehitettiin hoitokotia esittävä älyrakennuksen 3D-malli, jota käytettiin järjestelmän tarkastelemiseen. Kyseinen hoitokoti on anturointia sisältävä älykäs rakennus; 3D-mallia käytettiin anturidatan visualisoimiseen. Koejärjestelyissä käytettiin tavanomaista monen sormen järjestelmää vertailukohtana kehitettyyn järjestelmään. Vertailu tehtiin koehenkilöiden ja käyttäjätestien avulla. Tuloksista paljastui ominaisuuksia, joita tulisi parantaa järjestelmän tulevissa versioissa

    First-person locomotion in 3D virtual environments: a usability analysis

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    3D Virtual Environments (VE) are becoming popular as a tool for cognitive, functional and psychological assessment. Navigation in these environments is recognized as one of the most difficult activities in 3D Virtual Environments (VE). Users unfamiliar to 3D games, specially elder persons, get puzzled when they try to virtually move an avatar through these environments. Their inability to navigate prevents them from concentrating in the task and even to finish it. In this paper, we analyze the influence of different factors in locomotion control. We investigate the impact of having the cursor fixed at the camera center or leaving it free inside the current view. We also analyze the influence of the pitch angle on the camera control. In addition, we have designed an automatic locomotion system that we compare to user-controlled locomotion. We describe a virtual scenario and a test task that we have implemented to evaluate these different methods with users of diverse profiles.Postprint (published version

    Generalized Trackball and 3D Touch Interaction

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    This thesis faces the problem of 3D interaction by means of touch and mouse input. We propose a multitouch enabled adaptation of the classical mouse based trackball interaction scheme. In addition we introduce a new interaction metaphor based on visiting the space around a virtual object remaining at a given distance. This approach allows an intuitive navigation of topologically complex shapes enabling unexperienced users to visit hard to be reached parts

    Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments: the Egocentric Audio Perspective of the Digital Twin

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    The relationships between the listener, physical world and virtual environment (VE) should not only inspire the design of natural multimodal interfaces but should be discovered to make sense of the mediating action of VR technologies. This chapter aims to transform an archipelago of studies related to sonic interactions in virtual environments (SIVE) into a research field equipped with a first theoretical framework with an inclusive vision of the challenges to come: the egocentric perspective of the auditory digital twin. In a VE with immersive audio technologies implemented, the role of VR simulations must be enacted by a participatory exploration of sense-making in a network of human and non-human agents, called actors. The guardian of such locus of agency is the auditory digital twin that fosters intra-actions between humans and technology, dynamically and fluidly redefining all those configurations that are crucial for an immersive and coherent experience. The idea of entanglement theory is here mainly declined in an egocentric-spatial perspective related to emerging knowledge of the listener's perceptual capabilities. This is an actively transformative relation with the digital twin potentials to create movement, transparency, and provocative activities in VEs. The chapter contains an original theoretical perspective complemented by several bibliographical references and links to the other book chapters that have contributed significantly to the proposal presented here.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures. Pre-print version of the introduction to the book "Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments" in press for Springer's Human-Computer Interaction Series, Open Access license. The pre-print editors' copy of the book can be found at https://vbn.aau.dk/en/publications/sonic-interactions-in-virtual-environments - full book info: https://sive.create.aau.dk/index.php/sivebook