74 research outputs found

    Multimodal non-linear latent semantic method for information retrieval

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    La búsqueda y recuperación de datos multimodales es una importante tarea dentro del campo de búsqueda y recuperación de información, donde las consultas y los elementos de la base de datos objetivo están representados por un conjunto de modalidades, donde cada una de ellas captura un aspecto de un fenómeno de interés. Cada modalidad contiene información complementaria y común a otras modalidades. Con el fin de tomar ventaja de la información adicional distribuida a través de las distintas modalidades han sido desarrollados muchos algoritmos y métodos que utilizan las propiedades estadísticas en los datos multimodales para encontrar correlaciones implícitas, otros aprenden a calcular distancias heterogéneas, otros métodos aprenden a proyectar los datos desde el espacio de entrada hasta un espacio semántico común, donde las diferentes modalidades son comparables y se puede construir un ranking a partir de ellas. En esta tesis se presenta el diseño de un sistema para la búsqueda y recuperación de información multimodal que aprende varias proyecciones no lineales a espacios semánticos latentes donde las distintas modalidades son representadas en conjunto y es posible realizar comparaciones y medidas de similitud para construir rankings multimodales. Adicionalmente se propone un método kernelizado para la proyección de datos a un espacio semántico latente usando la información de las etiquetas como método de supervisión para construir índice multimodal que integra los datos multimodales y la información de las etiquetas; este método puede proyectar los datos a tres diferentes espacios semánticos donde varias configuraciones de búsqueda y recuperación de información pueden ser aplicadas. El sistema y el método propuestos fueron evaluados en un conjunto de datos compuesto por casos médicos, donde cada caso consta de una imagen de tejido prostático, un reporte de texto del patólogo y un valor de Gleason score como etiqueta de supervisión. Combinando la información multimodal y la información en las etiquetas se generó un índice multimodal que se utilizó para realizar la tarea de búsqueda y recuperación de información por contenido obteniendo resultados sobresalientes. Las proyecciones no-lineales permiten al modelo una mayor flexibilidad y capacidad de representación. Sin embargo calcular estas proyecciones no-lineales en un conjunto de datos enorme es computacionalmente costoso, para reducir este costo y habilitar el modelo para procesar datos a gran escala, la técnica del budget fue utilizada, mostrando un buen compromiso entre efectividad y velocidad.Multimodal information retrieval is an information retrieval sub-task where queries and database target elements are composed of several modalities or views. A modality is a representation of complex phenomena, captured and measured by different sensors or information sources, each one encodes some information about it. Each modality representation contains complementary and shared information about the phenomenon of interest, this additional information can be used to improve the information retrieval process. Several methods have been developed to take advantage of additional information distributed across different modalities. Some of them exploit statistical properties in multimodal data to find correlations and implicit relationships, others learn heterogeneous distance functions, and others learn linear and non-linear projections that transform data from the original input space to a common latent semantic space where different modalities are comparable. In spite of the attention dedicated to this issue, multimodal information retrieval is still an open problem. This thesis presents a multimodal information retrieval system designed to learn several mapping functions to transform multimodal data to a latent semantic space, where different modalities are combined and can be compared to build a multimodal ranking and perform a multimodal information retrieval task. Additionally, a multimodal kernelized latent semantic embedding method is proposed to construct a supervised multimodal index, integrating multimodal data and label supervision. This method can perform mappings to three different spaces where some information retrieval task setups can be performed. The proposed system and method were evaluated in a multimodal medical case-based retrieval task where data is composed of whole-slide images of prostate tissue samples, pathologist’s text report and Gleason score as a supervised label. Multimodal data and labels were combined to produce a multimodal index. This index was used to retrieve multimodal information and achieves outstanding results compared with previous works on this topic. Non-linear mappings provide more flexibility and representation capacity to the proposed model. However, constructing the non-linear mapping in a large dataset using kernel methods can be computationally costly. To reduce the cost and allow large scale applications, the budget technique was introduced, showing good performance between speed and effectiveness.COLCIENCIASJóvenes investigadores 761/2016Línea de investigación: Ciencias de la computaciónMaestrí

    Multimodal information spaces for content-based image retrieval

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    Abstract. Image collections today are increasingly larger in size, and they continue to grow constantly. Without the help of image search systems these abundant visual records collected in many different fields and domains may remain unused and inaccessible. Many available image databases often contain complementary modalities, such as attached text resources, which can be used to build an index for querying with keywords. However, sometimes users do not have or do not know the right words to express what they need, and, in addition, keywords do not express all the visual variations that an image may contain. Using example images as queries can be viewed as an alternative in different scenarios such as searching images using a mobile phone with a coupled camera, or supporting medical diagnosis by searching a large medical image collection. Still, matching only visual features between the query and image databases may lead to undesirable results from the user's perspective. These conditions make the process of finding relevant images for a specific information need very challenging, time consuming or even frustrating. Instead of considering only a single data modality to build image search indexes, the simultaneous use of both, visual and text data modalities, has been suggested. Non-visual information modalities may provide complementary information to enrich the image representation. The goal of this research work is to study the relationships between visual contents and text terms to build useful indexes for image search. A family of algorithms based on matrix factorization are proposed for extracting the multimodal aspects from an image collection. Using this knowledge about how visual features and text terms correlate, a search index is constructed, which can be searched using keywords, example images or combinations of both. Systematic experiments were conducted on different data sets to evaluate the proposed indexing algorithms. The experimental results showed that multimodal indexing is an effective strategy for designing image search systems.Las colecciones de imágenes hoy en día son muy grandes y crecen constantemente. Sin la ayuda de sistemas para la búsqueda de imágenes esos abundantes registros visuales que han sido recolectados en diferentes areas del conocimiento pueden permanecer aislados sin uso. Muchas bases de datos de imágenes contienen modalidades de datos complementarias, como los recursos textuales que pueden ser utilizados para crear índices de búsqueda. Sin embargo, algunas veces los usuarios no tienen o no saben qué palabras utilizar para encontrar lo que necesitan, y adicionalmente, las palabras clave no expresan todas las variaciones visuales que una imagen puede tener. Utilizar imágenes de ejemplo para expresar la consulta puede ser visto como una alternativa, por ejemplo buscar imágenes con teléfonos móviles, o dar soporte al diagnóstico médico con las imágenes de los pacientes. Aún así, emparejar correctamente las características visuales de la consulta y las imágenes en la base de datos puede llevar a resultados semánticamente incorrectos. Estas condiciones hacen que el proceso de buscar imágenes relevantes para una necesidad de información particular sea una tarea difícil, que consume mucho tiempo o que incluso puede ser frustrante. En lugar de considerar solo una modalidad de datos para construir índices de búsqueda para imágenes, el uso simultáneo de las modalidades visual y textual ha sido sugerido. Las modalidades no visuales pueden proporcionar información complementaria para enriquecer la representación de las imágenes. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar las relaciones entre los contenidos visuales y los términos textuales, para construir índices de búsqueda útiles. Este trabajo propone una familia de algoritmos basados en factorización de matrices para extraer los aspectos multimodales de una colección de imágenes. Utilizando este conocimiento acerca de cómo las características visuales se correlacionan con los términos textuales, se construye un índice que puede ser consultado con palabras clave, imágenes de ejemplo o por combinaciones de estas dos. Se realizaron experimentos sistemáticos en diferentes conjuntos de datos para evaluar los algoritmos de indexamiento propuestos. Los resultados muestran que el indexamiento multimodal es una estrategia efectiva para diseñar sistemas de búsqueda de imágenes.Doctorad

    A Web video retrieval method using hierarchical structure of Web video groups

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    In this paper, we propose a Web video retrieval method that uses hierarchical structure of Web video groups. Existing retrieval systems require users to input suitable queries that identify the desired contents in order to accurately retrieve Web videos; however, the proposed method enables retrieval of the desired Web videos even if users cannot input the suitable queries. Specifically, we first select representative Web videos from a target video dataset by using link relationships between Web videos obtained via metadata “related videos” and heterogeneous video features. Furthermore, by using the representative Web videos, we construct a network whose nodes and edges respectively correspond to Web videos and links between these Web videos. Then Web video groups, i.e., Web video sets with similar topics are hierarchically extracted based on strongly connected components, edge betweenness and modularity. By exhibiting the obtained hierarchical structure of Web video groups, users can easily grasp the overview of many Web videos. Consequently, even if users cannot write suitable queries that identify the desired contents, it becomes feasible to accurately retrieve the desired Web videos by selecting Web video groups according to the hierarchical structure. Experimental results on actual Web videos verify the effectiveness of our method

    Medical Image Retrieval Using Multimodal Semantic Indexing

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    Large collections of medical images have become a valuable source of knowledge, taking an important role in education, medical research and clinical decision making. An important unsolved issue that is actively investigated is the efficient and effective access to these repositories. This work addresses the problem of information retrieval in large collections of biomedical images, allowing to use sample images as alternative queries to the classic keywords. The proposed approach takes advantage of both modalities: text and visual information. The main drawback of the multimodal strategies is that the associated algorithms are memory and computation intensive. So, an important challenge addressed in this work is the design of scalable strategies, that can be applied efficiently and effectively in large medical image collections. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed multimodal strategies are useful to improve the image retrieval performance, and are fully applicable to large image repositories.Maestrí

    3d Face Reconstruction And Emotion Analytics With Part-Based Morphable Models

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    3D face reconstruction and facial expression analytics using 3D facial data are new and hot research topics in computer graphics and computer vision. In this proposal, we first review the background knowledge for emotion analytics using 3D morphable face model, including geometry feature-based methods, statistic model-based methods and more advanced deep learning-bade methods. Then, we introduce a novel 3D face modeling and reconstruction solution that robustly and accurately acquires 3D face models from a couple of images captured by a single smartphone camera. Two selfie photos of a subject taken from the front and side are used to guide our Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) induced part-based face model to iteratively reconstruct an initial 3D face of the subject. Then, an iterative detail updating method is applied to the initial generated 3D face to reconstruct facial details through optimizing lighting parameters and local depths. Our iterative 3D face reconstruction method permits fully automatic registration of a part-based face representation to the acquired face data and the detailed 2D/3D features to build a high-quality 3D face model. The NMF part-based face representation learned from a 3D face database facilitates effective global and adaptive local detail data fitting alternatively. Our system is flexible and it allows users to conduct the capture in any uncontrolled environment. We demonstrate the capability of our method by allowing users to capture and reconstruct their 3D faces by themselves. Based on the 3D face model reconstruction, we can analyze the facial expression and the related emotion in 3D space. We present a novel approach to analyze the facial expressions from images and a quantitative information visualization scheme for exploring this type of visual data. From the reconstructed result using NMF part-based morphable 3D face model, basis parameters and a displacement map are extracted as features for facial emotion analysis and visualization. Based upon the features, two Support Vector Regressions (SVRs) are trained to determine the fuzzy Valence-Arousal (VA) values to quantify the emotions. The continuously changing emotion status can be intuitively analyzed by visualizing the VA values in VA-space. Our emotion analysis and visualization system, based on 3D NMF morphable face model, detects expressions robustly from various head poses, face sizes and lighting conditions, and is fully automatic to compute the VA values from images or a sequence of video with various facial expressions. To evaluate our novel method, we test our system on publicly available databases and evaluate the emotion analysis and visualization results. We also apply our method to quantifying emotion changes during motivational interviews. These experiments and applications demonstrate effectiveness and accuracy of our method. In order to improve the expression recognition accuracy, we present a facial expression recognition approach with 3D Mesh Convolutional Neural Network (3DMCNN) and a visual analytics guided 3DMCNN design and optimization scheme. The geometric properties of the surface is computed using the 3D face model of a subject with facial expressions. Instead of using regular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn intensities of the facial images, we convolve the geometric properties on the surface of the 3D model using 3DMCNN. We design a geodesic distance-based convolution method to overcome the difficulties raised from the irregular sampling of the face surface mesh. We further present an interactive visual analytics for the purpose of designing and modifying the networks to analyze the learned features and cluster similar nodes in 3DMCNN. By removing low activity nodes in the network, the performance of the network is greatly improved. We compare our method with the regular CNN-based method by interactively visualizing each layer of the networks and analyze the effectiveness of our method by studying representative cases. Testing on public datasets, our method achieves a higher recognition accuracy than traditional image-based CNN and other 3D CNNs. The presented framework, including 3DMCNN and interactive visual analytics of the CNN, can be extended to other applications

    Data-Driven Sound Track Generation

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    Background music is often used to generate a specific atmosphere or to draw our attention to specific events. For example in movies or computer games it is often the accompanying music that conveys the emotional state of a scene and plays an important role for immersing the viewer or player into the virtual environment. In view of home-made videos, slide shows, and other consumer-generated visual media streams, there is a need for computer-assisted tools that allow users to generate aesthetically appealing music tracks in an easy and intuitive way. In this contribution, we consider a data-driven scenario where the musical raw material is given in form of a database containing a variety of audio recordings. Then, for a given visual media stream, the task consists in identifying, manipulating, overlaying, concatenating, and blending suitable music clips to generate a music stream that satisfies certain constraints imposed by the visual data stream and by user specifications. It is our main goal to give an overview of various content-based music processing and retrieval techniques that become important in data-driven sound track generation. In particular, we sketch a general pipeline that highlights how the various techniques act together and come into play when generating musically plausible transitions between subsequent music clips

    Human Motion Analysis for Efficient Action Recognition

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    Automatic understanding of human actions is at the core of several application domains, such as content-based indexing, human-computer interaction, surveillance, and sports video analysis. The recent advances in digital platforms and the exponential growth of video and image data have brought an urgent quest for intelligent frameworks to automatically analyze human motion and predict their corresponding action based on visual data and sensor signals. This thesis presents a collection of methods that targets human action recognition using different action modalities. The first method uses the appearance modality and classifies human actions based on heterogeneous global- and local-based features of scene and humanbody appearances. The second method harnesses 2D and 3D articulated human poses and analyizes the body motion using a discriminative combination of the parts’ velocities, locations, and correlations histograms for action recognition. The third method presents an optimal scheme for combining the probabilistic predictions from different action modalities by solving a constrained quadratic optimization problem. In addition to the action classification task, we present a study that compares the utility of different pose variants in motion analysis for human action recognition. In particular, we compare the recognition performance when 2D and 3D poses are used. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our pose-based method for action recognition in spotting and segmenting motion gestures in real time from a continuous stream of an input video for the recognition of the Italian sign gesture language

    Large-scale image collection cleansing, summarization and exploration

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    A perennially interesting topic in the research field of large scale image collection organization is how to effectively and efficiently conduct the tasks of image cleansing, summarization and exploration. The primary objective of such an image organization system is to enhance user exploration experience with redundancy removal and summarization operations on large-scale image collection. An ideal system is to discover and utilize the visual correlation among the images, to reduce the redundancy in large-scale image collection, to organize and visualize the structure of large-scale image collection, and to facilitate exploration and knowledge discovery. In this dissertation, a novel system is developed for exploiting and navigating large-scale image collection. Our system consists of the following key components: (a) junk image filtering by incorporating bilingual search results; (b) near duplicate image detection by using a coarse-to-fine framework; (c) concept network generation and visualization; (d) image collection summarization via dictionary learning for sparse representation; and (e) a multimedia practice of graffiti image retrieval and exploration. For junk image filtering, bilingual image search results, which are adopted for the same keyword-based query, are integrated to automatically identify the clusters for the junk images and the clusters for the relevant images. Within relevant image clusters, the results are further refined by removing the duplications under a coarse-to-fine structure. The duplicate pairs are detected with both global feature (partition based color histogram) and local feature (CPAM and SIFT Bag-of-Word model). The duplications are detected and removed from the data collection to facilitate further exploration and visual correlation analysis. After junk image filtering and duplication removal, the visual concepts are further organized and visualized by the proposed concept network. An automatic algorithm is developed to generate such visual concept network which characterizes the visual correlation between image concept pairs. Multiple kernels are combined and a kernel canonical correlation analysis algorithm is used to characterize the diverse visual similarity contexts between the image concepts. The FishEye visualization technique is implemented to facilitate the navigation of image concepts through our image concept network. To better assist the exploration of large scale data collection, we design an efficient summarization algorithm to extract representative examplars. For this collection summarization task, a sparse dictionary (a small set of the most representative images) is learned to represent all the images in the given set, e.g., such sparse dictionary is treated as the summary for the given image set. The simulated annealing algorithm is adopted to learn such sparse dictionary (image summary) by minimizing an explicit optimization function. In order to handle large scale image collection, we have evaluated both the accuracy performance of the proposed algorithms and their computation efficiency. For each of the above tasks, we have conducted experiments on multiple public available image collections, such as ImageNet, NUS-WIDE, LabelMe, etc. We have observed very promising results compared to existing frameworks. The computation performance is also satisfiable for large-scale image collection applications. The original intention to design such a large-scale image collection exploration and organization system is to better service the tasks of information retrieval and knowledge discovery. For this purpose, we utilize the proposed system to a graffiti retrieval and exploration application and receive positive feedback

    Peeking into the other half of the glass : handling polarization in recommender systems.

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    This dissertation is about filtering and discovering information online while using recommender systems. In the first part of our research, we study the phenomenon of polarization and its impact on filtering and discovering information. Polarization is a social phenomenon, with serious consequences, in real-life, particularly on social media. Thus it is important to understand how machine learning algorithms, especially recommender systems, behave in polarized environments. We study polarization within the context of the users\u27 interactions with a space of items and how this affects recommender systems. We first formalize the concept of polarization based on item ratings and then relate it to the item reviews, when available. We then propose a domain independent data science pipeline to automatically detect polarization using the ratings rather than the properties, typically used to detect polarization, such as item\u27s content or social network topology. We perform an extensive comparison of polarization measures on several benchmark data sets and show that our polarization detection framework can detect different degrees of polarization and outperforms existing measures in capturing an intuitive notion of polarization. We also investigate and uncover certain peculiar patterns that are characteristic of environments where polarization emerges: A machine learning algorithm finds it easier to learn discriminating models in polarized environments: The models will quickly learn to keep each user in the safety of their preferred viewpoint, essentially, giving rise to filter bubbles and making them easier to learn. After quantifying the extent of polarization in current recommender system benchmark data, we propose new counter-polarization approaches for existing collaborative filtering recommender systems, focusing particularly on the state of the art models based on Matrix Factorization. Our work represents an essential step toward the new research area concerned with quantifying, detecting and counteracting polarization in human-generated data and machine learning algorithms.We also make a theoretical analysis of how polarization affects learning latent factor models, and how counter-polarization affects these models. In the second part of our dissertation, we investigate the problem of discovering related information by recommendation of tags on social media micro-blogging platforms. Real-time micro-blogging services such as Twitter have recently witnessed exponential growth, with millions of active web users who generate billions of micro-posts to share information, opinions and personal viewpoints, daily. However, these posts are inherently noisy and unstructured because they could be in any format, hence making them difficult to organize for the purpose of retrieval of relevant information. One way to solve this problem is using hashtags, which are quickly becoming the standard approach for annotation of various information on social media, such that varied posts about the same or related topic are annotated with the same hashtag. However hashtags are not used in a consistent manner and most importantly, are completely optional to use. This makes them unreliable as the sole mechanism for searching for relevant information. We investigate mechanisms for consolidating the hashtag space using recommender systems. Our methods are general enough that they can be used for hashtag annotation in various social media services such as twitter, as well as for general item recommendations on systems that rely on implicit user interest data such as e-learning and news sites, or explicit user ratings, such as e-commerce and online entertainment sites. To conclude, we propose a methodology to extract stories based on two types of hashtag co-occurrence graphs. Our research in hashtag recommendation was able to exploit the textual content that is available as part of user messages or posts, and thus resulted in hybrid recommendation strategies. Using content within this context can bridge polarization boundaries. However, when content is not available, is missing, or is unreliable, as in the case of platforms that are rich in multimedia and multilingual posts, the content option becomes less powerful and pure collaborative filtering regains its important role, along with the challenges of polarization