143 research outputs found

    Navigation domain representation for interactive multiview imaging

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    Enabling users to interactively navigate through different viewpoints of a static scene is a new interesting functionality in 3D streaming systems. While it opens exciting perspectives towards rich multimedia applications, it requires the design of novel representations and coding techniques in order to solve the new challenges imposed by interactive navigation. Interactivity clearly brings new design constraints: the encoder is unaware of the exact decoding process, while the decoder has to reconstruct information from incomplete subsets of data since the server can generally not transmit images for all possible viewpoints due to resource constrains. In this paper, we propose a novel multiview data representation that permits to satisfy bandwidth and storage constraints in an interactive multiview streaming system. In particular, we partition the multiview navigation domain into segments, each of which is described by a reference image and some auxiliary information. The auxiliary information enables the client to recreate any viewpoint in the navigation segment via view synthesis. The decoder is then able to navigate freely in the segment without further data request to the server; it requests additional data only when it moves to a different segment. We discuss the benefits of this novel representation in interactive navigation systems and further propose a method to optimize the partitioning of the navigation domain into independent segments, under bandwidth and storage constraints. Experimental results confirm the potential of the proposed representation; namely, our system leads to similar compression performance as classical inter-view coding, while it provides the high level of flexibility that is required for interactive streaming. Hence, our new framework represents a promising solution for 3D data representation in novel interactive multimedia services

    Dünaamiline kiiruse jaotamine interaktiivses mitmevaatelises video vaatevahetuse ennustamineses

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    In Interactive Multi-View Video (IMVV), the video has been captured by numbers of cameras positioned in array and transmitted those camera views to users. The user can interact with the transmitted video content by choosing viewpoints (views from different cameras in the array) with the expectation of minimum transmission delay while changing among various views. View switching delay is one of the primary concern that is dealt in this thesis work, where the contribution is to minimize the transmission delay of new view switch frame through a novel process of selection of the predicted view and compression considering the transmission efficiency. Mainly considered a realtime IMVV streaming, and the view switch is mapped as discrete Markov chain, where the transition probability is derived using Zipf distribution, which provides information regarding view switch prediction. To eliminate Round-Trip Time (RTT) transmission delay, Quantization Parameters (QP) are adaptively allocated to the remaining redundant transmitted frames to maintain view switching time minimum, trading off with the quality of the video till RTT time-span. The experimental results of the proposed method show superior performance on PSNR and view switching delay for better viewing quality over the existing methods

    A modified multiview video streaming system using 3-tier architecture

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    In this paper, we present a modified inter-view prediction Multiview Video Coding (MVC) scheme from the perspective of viewer's interactivity. When a viewer requests some view(s), our scheme leads to lower transmission bit-rate. We develop an interactive multiview video streaming system exploiting that modified MVC scheme. Conventional interactive multiview video systems require high bandwidth due to redundant data being transferred. With real data test sequences, clear improvements are shown using the proposed interactive multiview video system compared to competing ones in terms of the average transmission bit-rate and storage size of the decoded (i.e., transferred) data with comparable rate-distortion

    Optimized Camera Handover Scheme in Free Viewpoint Video Streaming

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    Free-viewpoint video (FVV) is a promising approach that allows users to control their viewpoint and generate virtual views from any desired perspective. The individual user viewpoints are synthetized from two or more camera streams and correspondent depth sequences. In case of continuous viewpoint changes, the camera inputs of the view synthesis process must be changed in a seamless way, in order to avoid the starvation of the viewpoint synthesizer algorithm. Starvation occurs when the desired user viewpoint cannot be synthetized with the currently streamed camera views, thus the FVV playout interrupts. In this paper we proposed three camera handover schemes (TCC, MA, SA) based on viewpoint prediction in order to minimize the probability of playout stalls and find the tradeoff between the image quality and the camera handover frequency. Our simulation results show that the introduced camera switching methods can reduce the handover frequency with more than 40%, hence the viewpoint synthesis starvation and the playout interruption can be minimized. By providing seamless viewpoint changes, the quality of experience can be significantly improved, making the new FVV service more attractive in the future

    Random access prediction structures for light field video coding with MV-HEVC

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    Computational imaging and light field technology promise to deliver the required six-degrees-of-freedom for natural scenes in virtual reality. Already existing extensions of standardized video coding formats, such as multi-view coding and multi-view plus depth, are the most conventional light field video coding solutions at the moment. The latest multi-view coding format, which is a direct extension of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard, is called multi-view HEVC (or MV-HEVC). MV-HEVC treats each light field view as a separate video sequence, and uses syntax elements similar to standard HEVC for exploiting redundancies between neighboring views. To achieve this, inter-view and temporal prediction schemes are deployed with the aim to find the most optimal trade-off between coding performance and reconstruction quality. The number of possible prediction structures is unlimited and many of them are proposed in the literature. Although some of them are efficient in terms of compression ratio, they complicate random access due to the dependencies on previously decoded pixels or frames. Random access is an important feature in video delivery, and a crucial requirement in multi-view video coding. In this work, we propose and compare different prediction structures for coding light field video using MV-HEVC with a focus on both compression efficiency and random accessibility. Experiments on three different short-baseline light field video sequences show the trade-off between bit-rate and distortion, as well as the average number of decoded views/frames, necessary for displaying any random frame at any time instance. The findings of this work indicate the most appropriate prediction structure depending on the available bandwidth and the required degree of random access

    Reducing the complexity of a multiview H.264/AVC and HEVC hybrid architecture

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    With the advent of 3D displays, an efficient encoder is required to compress the video information needed by them. Moreover, for gradual market acceptance of this new technology, it is advisable to offer backward compatibility with existing devices. Thus, a multiview H.264/Advance Video Coding (AVC) and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) hybrid architecture was proposed in the standardization process of HEVC. However, it requires long encoding times due to the use of HEVC. With the aim of tackling this problem, this paper presents an algorithm that reduces the complexity of this hybrid architecture by reducing the encoding complexity of the HEVC views. By using Na < ve-Bayes classifiers, the proposed technique exploits the information gathered in the encoding of the H.264/AVC view to make decisions on the splitting of coding units in HEVC side views. Given the novelty of the proposal, the only similar work found in the literature is an unoptimized version of the algorithm presented here. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a good tradeoff between coding efficiency and complexity