239 research outputs found

    Power transformer faults diagnosis using undestructive methods (Roger and IEC) and artificial neural network for dissolved gas analysis applied on the functional transformer in the Algerian north-eastern: a comparative study

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    Introduction. Nowadays, power transformer aging and failures are viewed with great attention in power transmission industry. Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is classified among the biggest widely used methods used within the context of asset management policy to detect the incipient faults in their earlier stage in power transformers. Up to now, several procedures have been employed for the lecture of DGA results. Among these useful means, we find Key Gases, Rogers Ratios, IEC Ratios, the historical technique less used today Doernenburg Ratios, the two types of Duval Pentagons methods, several versions of the Duval Triangles method and Logarithmic Nomograph. Problem. DGA data extracted from different units in service served to verify the ability and reliability of these methods in assessing the state of health of the power transformer. Aim. An improving the quality of diagnostics of electrical power transformer by artificial neural network tools based on two conventional methods in the case of a functional power transformer at Sétif province in East North of Algeria. Methodology. Design an inelegant tool for power transformer diagnosis using neural networks based on traditional methods IEC and Rogers, which allows to early detection faults, to increase the reliability, of the entire electrical energy system from transport to consumers and improve a continuity and quality of service. Results. The solution of the problem was carried out by using feed-forward back-propagation neural networks implemented in MATLAB-Simulink environment. Four real power transformers working under different environment and climate conditions such as: desert, humid, cold were taken into account. The practical results of the diagnosis of these power transformers by the DGA are presented. Practical value. The structure and specific features of power transformer winding insulation ageing and defect state diagnosis by the application of the artificial neural network (ANN) has been briefly given. MATLAB programs were then developed to automate the evaluation of each method. This paper presents another tool to review the results obtained by the delta X software widely used by the electricity company in Algeria.Вступ. У наш час старіння та несправності силових трансформаторів уважно розглядаються у галузі передачі електричної енергії. Аналіз розчиненого газу  виділяється серед найбільш широко використовуваних методів, що застосовуються в контексті політики управління активами для виявлення початкових несправностей на їх попередній стадії в силових трансформаторах. Дотепер для отримання результатів аналізу розчиненого газу було використано кілька процедур. Серед цих корисних засобів зазначимо такі, як метод основних газів, коефіцієнти Роджерса, коефіцієнти МЕК, історичний підхід, менш використовувані сьогодні коефіцієнти Дерненбурга, два типи методів п’ятикутників Дюваля, кілька варіантів методу трикутників Дюваля та логарифмічний номограф. Проблема. Дані аналізу розчиненого газу, отримані з різних об‘єктів, що експлуатуються, слугували для перевірки здатності та надійності цих методів при оцінці стану працездатності силового трансформатора. Мета. Підвищення якості діагностики електричного силового трансформатора за допомогою штучних нейромережевих інструментів, заснованих на двох звичайних методах, у випадку функціонуючого силового трансформатора в провінції Сетіф на північному сході Алжиру. Методологія. Розробка нетипового засобу для діагностики силових трансформаторів з використанням нейронних мереж на основі традиційних методів МЕК і Роджерса, який дозволяє раннє виявлення несправностей, підвищення надійності всієї електроенергетичної системи від передачі енергії до споживачів та покращення безперервності та якості обслуговування. Результати. Розв‘язання проблеми було здійснено за допомогою нейронних мереж зворотного розповсюдження із зворотним зв'язком, реалізованих в середовищі MATLAB-Simulink. Були враховані чотири діючі силові трансформатори, що працюють в різних умовах оточуючого середовища та клімату, таких як: пустеля, волога, холод. Представлені практичні результати діагностики цих силових трансформаторів з використанням аналізу розчиненого газу. Практичне значення. Стисло наведено структуру та специфічні особливості старіння ізоляції обмоток силових трансформаторів та діагностики стану дефектів за допомогою штучної нейронної мережі. Далі були розроблені програми у MATLAB для автоматизації оцінки кожного методу. Ця стаття представляє ще один засіб для аналізу результатів, отриманих за допомогою програмного забезпечення delta X, що широко використовується електричною компанією в Алжирі

    Real-time Condition Monitoring and Asset Management of Oil- Immersed Power Transformers

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    This research pioneers a comprehensive asset management methodology utilizing solely online dissolved gas analysis. Integrating advanced AI algorithms, the model was trained and rigorously tested on real-world data, demonstrating its efficacy in optimizing asset performance and reliability

    Development of a quantitative health index and diagnostic method for efficient asset management of power transformers

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    Power transformers play a very important role in electrical power networks and are frequently operated longer than their expected design life. Therefore, to ensure their best operating performance in a transmission network, the fault condition of each transformer must be assessed regularly. For an accurate fault diagnosis, it is important to have maximum information about an individual transformer based on unbiased measurements. This can best be achieved using artificial intelligence (AI) that can systematically analyse the complex features of diagnostic measurements. Clustering techniques are a form of AI that is particularly well suited to fault diagnosis. To provide an assessment of transformers, a hybrid k-means algorithm, and probabilistic Parzen window estimation are used in this research. The clusters they form are representative of a single or multiple fault categories. The proposed technique computes the maximum probability of transformers in each cluster to determine their fault categories. The main focus of this research is to determine a quantitative health index (HI) to characterize the operating condition of transformers. Condition assessment tries to detect incipient faults before they become too serious, which requires a sensitive and quantified approach. Therefore, the HI needs to come from a proportionate system that can estimate health condition of transformers over time. To quantify this condition, the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), a type of AI, has been chosen in this research. The GRNN works well with small sets of training data and avoids the needs to estimate large sets of model parameters, following a largely non-parametric approach. The methodology used here regards transformers as a collection of subsystems and summarizes their individual condition into a quantified HI based on the existing agreed benchmarks drawn from IEEE and CIGRE standards. To better calibrate the HI, it may be mapped to a failure probability estimate for each transformer over the coming year. Experimental results of the research show that the proposed methods are more effective than previously published approaches when diagnosing critical faults. Moreover, this novel HI approach can provide a comprehensive assessment of transformers based on the actual condition of their individual subsystems

    Development of a quantitative health index and diagnostic method for efficient asset management of power transformers

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    Power transformers play a very important role in electrical power networks and are frequently operated longer than their expected design life. Therefore, to ensure their best operating performance in a transmission network, the fault condition of each transformer must be assessed regularly. For an accurate fault diagnosis, it is important to have maximum information about an individual transformer based on unbiased measurements. This can best be achieved using artificial intelligence (AI) that can systematically analyse the complex features of diagnostic measurements. Clustering techniques are a form of AI that is particularly well suited to fault diagnosis. To provide an assessment of transformers, a hybrid k-means algorithm, and probabilistic Parzen window estimation are used in this research. The clusters they form are representative of a single or multiple fault categories. The proposed technique computes the maximum probability of transformers in each cluster to determine their fault categories. The main focus of this research is to determine a quantitative health index (HI) to characterize the operating condition of transformers. Condition assessment tries to detect incipient faults before they become too serious, which requires a sensitive and quantified approach. Therefore, the HI needs to come from a proportionate system that can estimate health condition of transformers over time. To quantify this condition, the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), a type of AI, has been chosen in this research. The GRNN works well with small sets of training data and avoids the needs to estimate large sets of model parameters, following a largely non-parametric approach. The methodology used here regards transformers as a collection of subsystems and summarizes their individual condition into a quantified HI based on the existing agreed benchmarks drawn from IEEE and CIGRE standards. To better calibrate the HI, it may be mapped to a failure probability estimate for each transformer over the coming year. Experimental results of the research show that the proposed methods are more effective than previously published approaches when diagnosing critical faults. Moreover, this novel HI approach can provide a comprehensive assessment of transformers based on the actual condition of their individual subsystems

    A Review of Graph Neural Networks and Their Applications in Power Systems

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    Deep neural networks have revolutionized many machine learning tasks in power systems, ranging from pattern recognition to signal processing. The data in these tasks is typically represented in Euclidean domains. Nevertheless, there is an increasing number of applications in power systems, where data are collected from non-Euclidean domains and represented as graph-structured data with high dimensional features and interdependency among nodes. The complexity of graph-structured data has brought significant challenges to the existing deep neural networks defined in Euclidean domains. Recently, many publications generalizing deep neural networks for graph-structured data in power systems have emerged. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in power systems is proposed. Specifically, several classical paradigms of GNNs structures (e.g., graph convolutional networks) are summarized, and key applications in power systems, such as fault scenario application, time series prediction, power flow calculation, and data generation are reviewed in detail. Furthermore, main issues and some research trends about the applications of GNNs in power systems are discussed

    A Review on the Classification of Partial Discharges in Medium-Voltage Cables : Detection, Feature Extraction, Artificial Intelligence-Based Classification, and Optimization Techniques

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    Medium-voltage (MV) cables often experience a shortened lifespan attributed to insulation breakdown resulting from accelerated aging and anomalous operational and environmental stresses. While partial discharge (PD) measurements serve as valuable tools for assessing the insulation state, complexity arises from the presence of diverse discharge sources, making the evaluation of PD data challenging. The reliability of diagnostics for MV cables hinges on the precise interpretation of PD activity. To streamline the repair and maintenance of cables, it becomes crucial to discern and categorize PD types accurately. This paper presents a comprehensive review encompassing the realms of detection, feature extraction, artificial intelligence, and optimization techniques employed in the classification of PD signals/sources. Its exploration encompasses a variety of sensors utilized for PD detection, data processing methodologies for efficient feature extraction, optimization techniques dedicated to selecting optimal features, and artificial intelligence-based approaches for the classification of PD sources. This synthesized review not only serves as a valuable reference for researchers engaged in the application of methods for PD signal classification but also sheds light on potential avenues for future developments of techniques within the context of MV cables.© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Industrial Plants: An Overview of Methodologies and Uncertainty Management Strategies

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    Condition monitoring plays a significant role in the safety and reliability of modern industrial systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are gaining attention from academia and industry as a growing subject in industrial applications and as a powerful way of identifying faults. This paper provides an overview of intelligent condition monitoring and fault detection and diagnosis methods for industrial plants with a focus on the open-source benchmark Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP). In this survey, the most popular and state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) algorithms for industrial plant condition monitoring, fault detection, and diagnosis are summarized and the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm are studied. Challenges like imbalanced data, unlabelled samples and how deep learning models can handle them are also covered. Finally, a comparison of the accuracies and specifications of different algorithms utilizing the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) is conducted. This research will be beneficial for both researchers who are new to the field and experts, as it covers the literature on condition monitoring and state-of-the-art methods alongside the challenges and possible solutions to them

    Applicability and Interpretability of Logical Analysis of Data in Condition Based Maintenance

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    Résumé Cette thèse étudie l’applicabilité et l’adaptabilité d’une approche d’exploration de données basée sur l’intelligence artificielle proposée dans [Hammer, 1986] et appelée analyse logique de données (LAD) aux applications diagnostiques dans le domaine de la maintenance conditionnelle CBM). La plupart des technologies utilisées à ce jour pour la prise de décision dans la maintenance conditionnelle ont tendance à automatiser le processus de diagnostic, sans offrir aucune connaissance ajoutée qui pourrait être utile à l’opération de maintenance et au personnel de maintenance. Par comparaison à d’autres techniques de prise de décision dans le domaine de la CBM, la LAD possède deux avantages majeurs : (1) il s’agit d’une approche non statistique, donc les données n’ont pas à satisfaire des suppositions statistiques et (2) elle génère des formes interprétables qui pourraient aider à résoudre les problèmes de maintenance. Une étude sur l’application de la LAD dans la maintenance conditionnelle est présentée dans cette recherche dont l’objectif est (1) d’étudier l’applicabilité de la LAD dans des situations différentes qui nécessitent des considérations particulières concernant les types de données d’entrée et les décisions de maintenance, (2) d’adapter la méthode LAD aux exigences particulières qui se posent à partir de ces applications et (3) d’améliorer la méthodologie LAD afin d’augmenter l’exactitude de diagnostic et d’interprétation de résultats. Les aspects innovants de la recherche présentés dans cette thèse sont (1) l’application de la LAD dans la CBM pour la première fois dans des applications qui bénéficient des propriétés uniques de cette technologie et (2) les modifications innovatrices de la méthodologie de la LAD, en particulier dans le domaine de la génération des formes, afin d’améliorer ses performances dans le cadre de la CBM et dans le domaine de classification multiclasses. La recherche menée dans cette thèse a suivi une approche évolutive afin d’atteindre les objectifs énoncés ci-dessus. La LAD a été utilisée et adaptée à trois applications : (1) la détection des composants malveillants (Rogue) dans l’inventaire de pièces de rechange réparables d’une compagnie aérienne commerciale, (2) la détection et l’identification des défauts dans les transformateurs de puissance en utilisant la DGA et (3) la détection des défauts dans les rotors en utilisant des signaux de vibration. Cette recherche conclut que la LAD est une approche de prise de décision prometteuse qui ajoute d’importants avantages à la mise en oeuvre de la CBM dans l’industrie.----------Abstract This thesis studies the applicability and adaptability of a data mining artificial intelligence approach called Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) to diagnostic applications in Condition Based Maintenance (CBM). Most of the technologies used so far for decision support in CBM tend to automate the diagnostic process without offering any added knowledge that could be helpful to the maintenance operation and maintenance personnel. LAD possesses two key advantages over other decision making technologies used in CBM: (1) it is a non-statistical approach; as such no statistical assumptions are required for the input data, and (2) it generates interpretable patterns that could help solve maintenance problems. A study on the implementation of LAD in CBM is presented in this research whose objective are to study the applicability of LAD in different CBM situations requiring special considerations regarding the types of input data and maintenance decisions, adapt the LAD methodology to the particular requirements that arise from these applications, and improve the LAD methodology in line with the above two objectives in order to increase diagnosis accuracy and result interpretability. The novelty of the research presented in this thesis is (1) the application of LAD to CBM for the first time in applications that stand to benefit from the advantages that this technology provides; and (2) the innovative modifications to LAD methodology, particularly in the area of pattern generation, in order to improve its performance within the context of CBM. The research conducted in this thesis followed an evolutionary approach in order to achieve the objectives stated in the Introduction. The research applied LAD in three applications: (1) the detection of Rogue components within the spare part inventory of reparable components in a commercial airline company, (2) the detection and identification of faults in power transformers using DGA, and (3) the detection of faults in rotor bearings using vibration signals. This research concludes that LAD is a promising decision making approach that adds important benefits to the implementation of CBM in the industry

    Support vector machine based classification in condition monitoring of induction motors

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    Continuous and trouble-free operation of induction motors is an essential part of modern power and production plants. Faults and failures of electrical machinery may cause remarkable economical losses but also highly dangerous situations. In addition to analytical and knowledge-based models, application of data-based models has established a firm position in the induction motor fault diagnostics during the last decade. For example, pattern recognition with Neural Networks (NN) is widely studied. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a novel machine learning method introduced in early 90's. It is based on the statistical learning theory presented by V.N. Vapnik, and it has been successfully applied to numerous classification and pattern recognition problems such as text categorization, image recognition and bioinformatics. SVM based classifier is built to minimize the structural misclassification risk, whereas conventional classification techniques often apply minimization of the empirical risk. Therefore, SVM is claimed to lead enhanced generalisation properties. Further, application of SVM results in the global solution for a classification problem. Thirdly, SVM based classification is attractive, because its efficiency does not directly depend on the dimension of classified entities. This property is very useful in fault diagnostics, because the number of fault classification features does not have to be drastically limited. However, SVM has not yet been widely studied in the area of fault diagnostics. Specifically, in the condition monitoring of induction motor, it does not seem to have been considered before this research. In this thesis, a SVM based classification scheme is designed for different tasks in induction motor fault diagnostics and for partial discharge analysis of insulation condition monitoring. Several variables are compared as fault indicators, and forces on rotor are found to be important in fault detection instead of motor current that is currently widely studied. The measurement of forces is difficult, but easily measurable vibrations are directly related to the forces. Hence, vibration monitoring is considered in more detail as the medium for the motor fault diagnostics. SVM classifiers are essentially 2-class classifiers. In addition to the induction motor fault diagnostics, the results of this thesis cover various methods for coupling SVMs for carrying out a multi-class classification problem.reviewe