46 research outputs found

    Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Electric Power Dispatch Problem

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    The potential and effectiveness of the newly developed Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) for solving a real-world power system multiobjective nonlinear optimization problem are comprehensively discussed and evaluated in this paper. Specifically, nondominated sorting genetic algorithm, niched Pareto genetic algorithm, and strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) have been developed and successfully applied to an environmental/economic electric power dispatch problem. A new procedure for quality measure is proposed in this paper in order to evaluate different techniques. A feasibility check procedure has been developed and superimposed on MOEA to restrict the search to the feasible region of the problem space. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is also imposed to provide the power system operator with a representative and manageable Pareto-optimal set. Moreover, an approach based on fuzzy set theory is developed to extract one of the Pareto-optimal solutions as the best compromise one. These multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have been individually examined and applied to the standard IEEE 30-bus six-generator test system. Several optimization runs have been carried out on different cases of problem complexity. The results of MOEA have been compared to those reported in the literature. The results confirm the potential and effectiveness of MOEA compared to the traditional multiobjective optimization techniques. In addition, the results demonstrate the superiority of the SPEA as a promising multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to solve different power system multiobjective optimization problems

    Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Electric Power Dispatch Problem

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    The potential and effectiveness of the newly developed Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) for solving a real-world power system multiobjective nonlinear optimization problem are comprehensively discussed and evaluated in this paper. Specifically, nondominated sorting genetic algorithm, niched Pareto genetic algorithm, and strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) have been developed and successfully applied to an environmental/economic electric power dispatch problem. A new procedure for quality measure is proposed in this paper in order to evaluate different techniques. A feasibility check procedure has been developed and superimposed on MOEA to restrict the search to the feasible region of the problem space. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is also imposed to provide the power system operator with a representative and manageable Pareto-optimal set. Moreover, an approach based on fuzzy set theory is developed to extract one of the Pareto-optimal solutions as the best compromise one. These multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have been individually examined and applied to the standard IEEE 30-bus six-generator test system. Several optimization runs have been carried out on different cases of problem complexity. The results of MOEA have been compared to those reported in the literature. The results confirm the potential and effectiveness of MOEA compared to the traditional multiobjective optimization techniques. In addition, the results demonstrate the superiority of the SPEA as a promising multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to solve different power system multiobjective optimization problems

    Зондирование природных образований моноимпульсным лазерным методом

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    Lidar systems for remote sensing of land surface in the optical spectral band are emerging as a promising application. A capability of sensing lidar systems to provide monitoring in a wide range of atmospheric conditions at any time regardless of day is their advantage. In these systems the use of either spatial scanning or of a mono-pulse sensing method allows a swath width on the land surface.In scanning systems of lidar sensing a longitudinal sweep is provided by the carrier aircraft movement, and a transversal sweep is formed through angular scanning of a laser beam. To simplify hardware implementation and save view time the mono-pulse systems are used. Their operation is based on special processing of the pulse lidar signal reflected from the land surface.The paper discusses application opportunities for the laser mono-pulse method in sensing a reflectivity of the landscape elements under conditions when a spatial distribution of the land surface reflectivity is strongly and nonlinearly changed.It is shown that the problem appears as a solution of the integral equation of the first kind. A quasi-solution method is one of the most efficient to solve these problems. To find quasi-solutions a genetic algorithm was used.Mathematical simulation was conducted to estimate a spatial distribution error of the land surface reflectivity.The mathematical simulation shows that the laser mono-pulse method for sensing the landscape elements allows us to reconstruct the spatial distribution of the reflectivity under real measurement noise in large lidar view.The mono-pulse sensing method using a genetic quasi-solving algorithm to process the measured data allows reasonable (with an error of the expansion coefficients estimated from units of per cent to tens of per cent for relative measurement noise of 1-1,5 %) reconstruction of the spatial distribution for strongly and nonlinearly changing (in the spatial coordinate) land surface reflectivity.Для дистанционного зондирования земной поверхности в оптическом спектральном диапазоне перспективным является использование лидарных систем. Достоинством лидарных систем зондирования является возможность работы независимо от времени суток в широком диапазоне атмосферных условий. В этих системах полоса обзора на земной поверхности обеспечивается использованием или пространственного сканированием или моноимпульсного метода зондирования.В сканирующих системах лидарного зондирования продольная развертка обеспечивается движением носителя, а поперечная развертка формируется за счет углового сканирования лазерного пучка. Для упрощения аппаратурной реализации и сокращения времени обзора используют моноимпульсные системы. Их работа основана специальной обработке импульсного лидарного сигнала отраженного от земной поверхности.В работе исследуются возможности использования лазерного моноимпульсного метода в задаче зондирования коэффициента отражения природных образований в условиях сильно и нелинейно меняющегося пространственного распределения коэффициента отражения земной поверхности. Показано, что задача сводится к решению интегрального уравнения первого рода типа свертки. Для решения подобных задач одним из наиболее эффективных методов является метод подбора квазирешения. Для поиска квазирешений был использован генетический алгоритм.Для оценки погрешности определения пространственного распределения коэффициента отражения земной поверхности проводилось математическое моделирование.Математическое моделирование показывает, что лазерный моноимпульсный метод зондирования природных образований дает возможность восстанавливать пространственное распределение коэффициента отражения в реальных условиях шумов измерения в большом секторе обзора лидара. Моноимпульсный метод зондирования, использующий для обработки данных измерений генетический алгоритм поиска квазирешений, позволяет удовлетворительно (с погрешностью определения коэффициентов разложения от единиц процента до нескольких десятков процентов при шуме измерения 1-1,5 %) восстанавливать пространственное распределение сильно и нелинейно меняющегося (по пространственной координате) коэффициента отражения земной поверхности

    Dynamic optimisation for environomic power dispatch in microgrids

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    As a result of the increasing number of distributed energy resources (DER) in the electrical grid and their commitment to future market participation, control strategies for the optimal operation of DER gain importance. For this scenario a microgrid is a promising approach and forms a solution to this challenge. Microgrids are subsystems of the distribution grid including distributed generation (DG) units, storage devices and controllable loads, and can operate either connected or isolated from the utility grid. Ensuring a smooth, reliable and economic operation of a microgrid requires an energy management system that dynamically fits the production to the consumption in combination with storage. Quick response of the energy management strategy is crucial for a microgrid as compared to a conventional energy system. In this paper, a formulation of the environomic power dispatch approach in microgrids is proposed which uses multiobjective optimisation. The application aims to fulfill the time varying energy demand while minimising the costs and emissions of the local production and imported energy from the utility grid. With the introduction of a storage device, stored energy is controlled to balance the power generation of renewable sources, cover the overall microgrid demand and to optimise the overall power exchange between utility grid and microgrid. Operational constraints such as generator limits, start-up, operation and maintenance costs and the intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) are to be satisfied. A representative microgrid structure is studied as an example and some simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the microgrid environomic power dispatch approach

    Revisión Literaria de Despacho Económico Ambiental considerando análisis bibliométrico

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    Abstract: This document performs a bibliometric analysis of the topic "Environmental Economic Dispatch" to know the evolution and characteristics of its scientific production. A total of 736 documents published between 2000 and 2020 are analyzed and from these the 15 most relevant ones are extracted, these will be analyzed in detail taking into consideration indicators such as the year of publication, the subject, indexing journal, number of citations, the topic addressed and the proposed methodology. All the information was obtained from the Web of Science (WOS) database, which was used due to its high impact factor. In the methodology, the bibliometric analysis was performed in the Vosviewer software, the type of analysis used is that of citation and the units of analysis used are those of documents, sources, authors, organizations, and countries. The units of analysis have metrics and tables that help the reader to compile the information shown in a better way, taking into consideration the number of citations and the number of documents. In the literature review, the 15 most relevant documents obtained in the bibliometric analysis are analyzed in depth, and a table is attached as a summary of the subject matter and methodology proposed by these documents so that the reader will be able to identify each of them more quickly. The results highlight the most complete document for the proposed topics and the most cited document. This article will be a useful guide for researchers.Resumen: El presente documento realiza un análisis bibliométrico del tema “Environmental Economic Dispatch” para conocer la evolución y las características de su producción científica. Se analizan 736 documentos publicados entre 2000 y 2020 y de estos se extrae los 15 más relevantes, estos serán analizados a detalle tomando en consideración indicadores como el año de publicación, el tema, revista de indexación, cantidad de citas, la temática que aborda y la metodología propuesta. Toda la información se obtuvo de la base de datos Web Of Science (WOS), se empleó esta debido a su alto factor de impacto. En la metodología se expone en análisis bibliométrico que se realizó en el software Vosviewer, el tipo de análisis que se empleo es el de citación y las unidades de análisis trabajadas son las de documentos, fuentes, autores, organizaciones y países. Las unidades de análisis poseen métricas y tablas que ayuden al lector a recopilar la información mostrada de mejor manera, tomando en consideración la cantidad de citas y la cantidad de documentos. En la revisión literaria, se analiza a profundidad los 15 documentos más relevantes obtenidos en el análisis bibliométrico, además se adjunta una tabla a modo de resumen de la temática y metodología propuesta por estos documentos para que el lector sea capaz de identificar más rápido cada uno de estos. En los resultados se destaca el documento más completo para las temáticas propuestas y el documento más citado. Este artículo será una guía útil para los investigadores

    Intelligent Decision Support Based on Integration of Fuzzy Clustering and Multi objective Optimization Problem for Non Player Character in Serious Game

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    Nowadays, decision support plays an important role in decision-making, errors in decisionmaking is able to lose the competition. Decision-making is very complicated especially when the problem is in multiobjective problem. To learn decision making through play a game is an interesting thing. Player plays a game but actually, he or she learns about how to make a decision. In this research, the objective is to make Non-Player Character (NPC) for serious game for electrical power production. This NPC is developed with 2 stages, the first stage is multiobjective optimization problem that uses NSGA2 method. This stage results some optimal solutions. The second stage is clustering that uses FCM method and FLVQ method to decrease number of solutions. In this stage, we compare these methods

    Multilayer framework for vehicle-to-grid operation

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    In recent years, electric vehicles (EVs) have been widely accepted by general publics due to their low emissions. Particularly, those EVs which are able to be connected to power grid have earned lots of attention. In this paper, a multilayer framework is newly proposed for vehicle-to-grid operation. In this framework those gridable EVs can serve as resources to provide their capacity and energy service or as loads to be charged directly. The corresponding aggregator works as a smart controller for the framework, which is responsible for forming aggregations of gridable EVs and determining which vehicle to be a resource or a load. Cost-emission analysis is carried out based on this framework. Hence, operation cost and emissions can be reduced by using these gridable EVs. © Copyright 2011 IEEE - All Rights Reserved.published_or_final_versionThe 2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Lille, France, 1-3 September 2010. In Proceedings of VPPC, 2010, p. 1-

    A multi-step multi-objective generation expansion planning model-A case study in Mexico

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    Abstract Planning in the energy sector implies multiple and conflicting objectives. Multi-objective models allow the analysis of the inter-relationships and trade-off solutions to be obtained. This paper presents a mixed integer linear model for multi-step multi-objective generation expansion planning (MMGEP). The MMGEP problem is defined as the problem of determining the answers to the following questions: What types of generation technologies are to be added to the grid? What is the capacity of each new generation plant? Where will the plant be located? When will the plant be located? The MMGEP objectives are to minimize the global cost of the system, minimize the environmental impact and maximize the social profits. The proposed model is based on a real power system in Mexico for the planning period between 2017 and 2037. The problem was solved using the NSGA-II algorithm. Keywords: Energy planning, generation expansion planning, capacity expansion planning, Generation expansion plannin

    Economic Load Dispatch with Valve-point Effect Using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm

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    Fuel is the most cost component of thermal power generation. The output power of each plant should not exceed the needs of the consumer's load. Unoptimal generation between generating units can cause power losses along the transmission line so that the fuel drain is large enough. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal power output combination of each generating unit and determine the minimum total fuel cost of the combined power output of the plant by taking into account the valve-point effect and the operational constraint (economic load dispatch). The Newton-Raphson method is used to calculate the transmission line power losses. In this research, Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) optimization method is proposed to solve the problem of economic load dispatch. This method uses natural selection of optimum global bacterium which has a good food search strategy in the fitness function. The effectiveness of BFAs is tested on IEEE 5 bus 3 generatorsystem and IEEE 30 bus 6 generator system. The results of this proposed method show the optimal value of both generating systems