744 research outputs found

    Everyday Memory: An Expanded View Of Autobiographical Memory Functions

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    The current study investigated an expanded set of everyday autobiographical memory (AM) functions as proposed by developers of the 7-function Child-Caregiver Reminiscence Scale (CRS) (Kulkofsky & Koh, 2009). The current study adapted the theoretical CRS for use with diverse, adult samples. Participants (N = 1841) from a large, urban university completed the CRS-A online over the course or two academic semesters. Validation analyses included EFA using principal axis factoring, CFA, MGCFA invariance testing, and MTMM tests of construct validity (convergent and discriminant) and method effects. Results yielded evidence for a 6- function (Conversation, Perspective-Taking, Relationship Maintenance, Behavioral Control/Teaching/Problem-Solving, Emotion Regulation, and Self) model that demonstrated invariance across time, gender, and ethnicity/race. Provisional evidence showed that the Conversation and Behavioral Control/Teaching/Problem-Solving functions were used differentially across Caucasian and African-American/Black groups. Implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed


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    The identification of optimal management zones, including optimal uniform grid size, is a complex issue central to the successful implementation of variable rate input application. A novel economic optimization model is developed and applied that identifies the economically optimal management zone. Variable rate seeding can increase profits and reduce risk.Farm Management,

    Academic motivation in physical education teacher education

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    La regulación integrada se ha mostrado como la regulación motivacional con mayor poder predictivo sobre las conductas adaptativas en diferentes ámbitos de la vida, sin embargo, aún no ha sido estudiada en el contexto educativo. El objetivo de este estudio fue incorporar la medida de la regulación integrada a la Escala de Motivación Educativa y observar las propiedades psicométricas de este instrumento. Participaron en el estudio 333 universitarios del área de Educación Física de la Universidad Federal do Espirito Santo/ Brasil. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró índices de ajuste aceptables para el modelo de ocho factores correlacionados. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que la regulación integrada fue la variable que mejor predijo la intención de ser profesor. Este instrumento podría contribuir a una mayor comprensión de los procesos motivacionales involucrados en el ámbito de la formación inicial en Educación Física en BrasilIntegrated regulation has been showed as the motivational regulation with the highest predictive power on adaptive behaviours in different life domains; however, it has not been examined in the educational context yet. The purpose of this study was to incorporate the assessment of integrated regulation to the Academic Motivation Scale in the initial training of Physical Education teachers in Brazil and examine the psychometric properties of this instrument. There were 333 undergraduate participants from the bachelor degree of Physical Education, Federal University of Espirito Santo/ Brazil. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable fit indices for the eight-factor correlated structure. The results of the regression analysis showed that the variable integrated regulation was the strongest predictor of the intention to become a teacher. This new instrument may contribute to a deeper understanding of the motivational processes involved in the initial training of Physical Education teacherEsta investigación ha sido realizada gracias a la ayuda recibida por parte de la Fundación Carolin

    The perception of the autonomy supportive behaviour as a predictor of perceived effort and physical self-esteem among school students from four nations

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    Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), this study tested a model of motivational sequence in which perceived autonomy support from teachers in a physical education (PE) context predicted the perceived effort and physical self-esteem via self-determined motivation in school students. School students aged 12 to 16 years from Estonia (N = 816), Lithuania (N = 706), Hungary (N = 664), and Spain (N = 922) completed measures of perceived autonomy support from PE teachers, need satisfaction for autonomy, competence, relatedness, self-determined motivation, perceived effort and physical self-esteem. The results of the structural equation model (SEM) of each sample indicated that the students’ perceived autonomy support from the teacher was directly related to effort and indirectly via autonomous motivation, whereas physical self-esteem was related indirectly. Confirmatory factor analyses and multi-sample structural equation revealed well-fitting models within each sample with the invariances of the measurement parameters across four nations. The findings support the generalizability of the measures in the motivational sequence model to predict perceived effort and physical self-estee

    A dissimilarity-based approach for Classification

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    The Nearest Neighbor classifier has shown to be a powerful tool for multiclass classification. In this note we explore both theoretical properties and empirical behavior of a variant of such method, in which the Nearest Neighbor rule is applied after selecting a set of so-called prototypes, whose cardinality is fixed in advance, by minimizing the empirical mis-classification cost. With this we alleviate the two serious drawbacks of the Nearest Neighbor method: high storage requirements and time-consuming queries. The problem is shown to be NP-Hard. Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) programs are formulated, theoretically compared and solved by a standard MIP solver for problem instances of small size. Large sized problem instances are solved by a metaheuristic yielding good classification rules in reasonable time.operations research and management science;

    University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention

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    [ES] El interés de esta investigación se centra fundamentalmente en los siguientes aspectos. En primer lugar, exploramos cómo la literatura actual sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), uno de los mayores proyectos de investigación relacionados, puede contribuir a la investigación sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios y ayudar a los investigadores a utilizar esta base de datos. Este es el primer paso de este trabajo, ya que permitió identificar las áreas menos estudiadas en la literatura sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios. En segundo lugar, ampliamos las investigaciones anteriores sobre los modelos de intención emprendedora (y la intención de sucesión) y vamos más allá de la intención al tomar la intención de implementación como un paso más cercano del comportamiento. Y, en tercer lugar, los resultados de este estudio ayudarían a dar consejos a las universidades, a los académicos y a los responsables políticos para construir una universidad emprendedora y, en definitiva, una sociedad emprendedora. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es contribuir al estudio de las intenciones emprendedoras de los estudiantes universitarios. Más concretamente, los objetivos específicos de este trabajo están relacionados con 1) identificar las variables centrales que influyen en el emprendimiento de los estudiantes universitarios en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el proyecto GUESSS; 2) estudiar los efectos mediadores de los componentes de la TPB entre la educación emprendedora y la intención emprendedora; 3) analizar el efecto de la educación emprendedora teniendo en cuenta el papel de la universidad, la familia y el contexto social en los componentes de la TPB como antecedentes de la intención emprendedora; 4) reducir la brecha intención-conducta añadiendo la etapa intermedia de la intención de implementación y los efectos moderadores de la orientación a la meta y 5) explorar el fenómeno de la intención de sucesión. Nuestro primer estudio muestra que la fase de intención es la etapa más estudiada del proceso empresarial. Sin embargo, existen ciertas áreas que deben ser abordadas y eso es precisamente lo que pretendemos conseguir con los siguientes estudios. Encontramos que el Aprendizaje del Programa afecta a la Intención Emprendedora a través de los componentes de la Teoría de la Acción Planificada (TAP). En este sentido, es importante destacar que las Normas Subjetivas no mediaron la relación entre el Aprendizaje del Programa y la Intención Emprendedora, sino que influyeron en la Intención Emprendedora a través de las Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento y el Control Conductual Percibido (CCP). En cuanto a los efectos de la Educación Emprendedora, encontramos que esta variable actúa como moderadora, especialmente en la relación entre Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento e Intención Emprendedora, Normas Subjetivas e Intención Emprendedora, y Contexto Familiar y Normas Subjetivas. A medida que avanzamos en el proceso emprendedor, nuestros resultados validaron el Modelo de Acontecimiento Emprendedor (MAE) para predecir las intenciones emprendedoras y, además, la elección de carrera emprendedora 5 años después de terminar los estudios moderó la relación entre la Intención Emprendedora y la Intención de Implementación. Por último, al analizar la Intención de Sucesión en las empresas familiares, nuestros resultados mostraron el impacto del Apoyo Parental en la Autoeficacia de la Empresa Familiar y en el compromiso con la empresa familiar. Además, nuestros resultados confirmaron un impacto positivo del compromiso con la empresa familiar en la Intención de Sucesión, especialmente el Compromiso Normativo.[CA] L'interés d'esta investigació se centra fonamentalment en els següents aspectes. En primer lloc, explorem com la literatura actual sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), un dels majors projectes d'investigació relacionats, pot contribuir a la investigació sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris i ajudar els investigadors a utilitzar esta base de dades. Este és el primer pas d'este treball, ja que va permetre identificar les àrees menys estudiades en la literatura sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris. En segon lloc, ampliem les investigacions anteriors sobre els models d'intenció emprenedora (i la intenció de successió) i anem més enllà de la intenció al prendre la intenció d'implementació com un pas més pròxim del comportament. I, en tercer lloc, els resultats d'aquest estudi ajudarien a donar consells a les universitats, als acadèmics i als responsables polítics per a construir una universitat emprenedora i, en definitiva, una societat emprenedora. L'objectiu principal d'esta investigació és contribuir a l'estudi de les intencions emprenedores dels estudiants universitaris. Més concretament, els objectius específics d'este treball estan relacionats amb 1) identificar les variables centrals que influïxen en l'emprendimiento dels estudiants universitaris en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el projecte GUESSS; 2) estudiar els efectes mediadors dels components de la TPB entre l'educació emprenedora i la intenció emprenedora; 3) analitzar l'efecte de l'educació emprenedora tenint en compte el paper de la universitat, la família i el context social en els components de la TPB com a antecedents de la intenció emprenedora; 4) reduir la bretxa intenció-conducta afegint l'etapa intermèdia de la intenció d'implementació i els efectes moderadors de l'orientació a la meta i 5) explorar el fenomen de la intenció de successió. El nostre primer estudi mostra que la fase d'intenció és l'etapa més estudiada del procés empresarial. No obstant això, existeixen unes certes llacunes en la literatura que han de ser abordades i això és precisament el que pretenem aconseguir amb els següents estudis. Trobem que l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius afecta a la Intenció Emprenedora a través dels components de la Teoria de l'Acció Planificada (TAP). En aquest sentit, és important destacar que les Normes Subjectives no van mediar la relació entre l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius i la Intenció Emprenedora, sinó que van influir en la Intenció Emprenedora a través de les Actituds cap a l'Emprenedoria i el Control Conductual Percebut (*CCP). Quant als efectes de l'Educació Emprenedora, trobem que aquesta variable actua com a moderadora, especialment en la relació entre Actitud cap a l'Emprenedoria i Intenció Emprenedora, Normes Subjectives i Intenció Emprenedora, i Context Familiar i Normes Subjectives. A mesura que avancem en el procés emprenedor, els nostres resultats van validar el Model d'Esdeveniment Emprenedor (*MAE) per a predir les intencions emprenedores i, a més, l'elecció de carrera emprenedora 5 anys després d'acabar els estudis va moderar la relació entre la Intencions Emprenedora i la Intenció d'Implementació. Finalment, en analitzar la Intenció de Successió en les empreses familiars, els nostres resultats van mostrar l'impacte del Suport Parental en l'Autoeficàcia de l'Empresa Familiar i en el compromís amb l'empresa familiar. A més, els nostres resultats van confirmar un impacte positiu del compromís amb l'empresa familiar en la Intenció de Successió, especialment el Compromís Normatiu.[EN] The interest of this research focuses mainly on the following aspects. First, we explore how the current literature on university student entrepreneurship focused on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey (GUESSS), one of the largest related research projects, can contribute to research on university student entrepreneurship and help researchers to use this database. This is the first step in this work as it allowed as to identify the main gaps in the literature of university student's entrepreneurship. Second, we extend previous research on the entrepreneurial intention models (and succession intention) and we go beyond the intention on taking implementation intention as a closer step of behavior. And third, the results of this study would help give advice to universities, academics and policymakers to build an entrepreneurial university and in short, an entrepreneurial society. The main goal of this research is to contribute to the study of entrepreneurial intentions of university student's entrepreneurship. More specifically, the specific objectives of this work are related to 1) identify the core variables influencing university student's entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurship literature focused on the GUESSS project; 2) study the mediating effects of the components of the TPB between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention; 3) analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education considering the role of the university, family, and social context on the components of the TPB as antecedents of entrepreneurial intention; 4) reduce the intention-behavior gap by adding the middle stage of implementation intention and the moderating effects of goal orientation and 5) explore the succession intention phenomena. Our first study shows that the intention phase is the most studied stage of the entrepreneurial process. However, there are certain gaps that need to be addressed and that is exactly what we intend to achieve with the following studies. We found that Program Learning affects Entrepreneurial Intention through the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In this sense, it is important to highlight that Subjective Norms did not mediate the relation between Program Learning and Entrepreneurial Intention but influenced Entrepreneurial Intention through Attitudes toward Entrepreneurship and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC). As for the effects of Entrepreneurship Education, we found this variable acts as a moderator, especially in the relationship between Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention, Subjective Norms and Entrepreneurial Intention, and Family Context and Subjective Norms. As we move through the entrepreneurial process, our results validated the Entrepreneurial Event Model (EEM) to predict entrepreneurial intentions and in addition, the Entrepreneurial career choice 5 years after completing studies moderated the relationship between Entrepreneurial intention and Implementation Intention. Finally, when analyzing Succession Intention in family firms, our findings showed the impact of Parental Support in Family Business Self-Efficacy and in commitment to the family firm. Furthermore, our results confirmed a positive impact of the commitment to the family firm on Succession Intention, especially the Normative Commitment.Jiménez Arribas, I. (2021). University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172361TESI

    Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using R

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    Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has become a standard approach for analyzing complex inter-relationships between observed and latent variables. Researchers appreciate the many advantages of PLS-SEM such as the possibility to estimate very complex models and the method’s flexibility in terms of data requirements and measurement specification. This practical open access guide provides a step-by-step treatment of the major choices in analyzing PLS path models using R, a free software environment for statistical computing, which runs on Windows, macOS, and UNIX computer platforms. Adopting the R software’s SEMinR package, which brings a friendly syntax to creating and estimating structural equation models, each chapter offers a concise overview of relevant topics and metrics, followed by an in-depth description of a case study. Simple instructions give readers the “how-tos” of using SEMinR to obtain solutions and document their results. Rules of thumb in every chapter provide guidance on best practices in the application and interpretation of PLS-SEM

    Superwoman schema: using structural equation modeling to investigate measurement invariance in a questionnaire

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    Evaluating the psychometric properties of a newly developed instrument is critical to understanding how well an instrument measures what it intends to measure, and ensuring proposed use and interpretation of questionnaire scores are valid. The current study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques to examine the factorial structure and invariance properties of a newly developed construct called Superwoman Schema (SWS). The SWS instrument describes the characteristics of a superwoman (strong woman) which consists of 35 items representing five subscales: obligation to present an image of strength, obligation to suppress emotions, resistance to being vulnerable, intense motivation to succeed, and obligation to help others. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and a multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model were the SEM approaches used to examine measurement invariance in the SWS instrument. Specifically in the multigroup CFA analyses, configural invariance, metric invariance, intercept invariance, residual variance invariance, and latent mean invariance are examined between a group of young (18-39 years old) women and middle-aged (40-65 years old) women. In the MIMIC model, the hypothesized model of the SWS was used to investigate the group differences in the young and middle-aged women. Both SEM techniques provided a didactic discussion about the findings of the study, which confirmed that the SWS instrument could be broadly used (i.e., invariance held) to compare young and middle-aged African American women on superwoman characteristics. Further research is needed to better understand the possible contextual factors (i.e., racial or gender stereotyping, oppression, spiritual values, etc.) that may contribute to group differences on the SWS subscales and minor violation to invariance

    La intención emprendedora en Reino Unido y España: un estudio comparativo

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    Extending from Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behaviour, this paper develops a more integrated entrepreneurial intention model. This incorporates the role of culture, along with motivations, skills and knowledge of the entrepreneurial environment. The cross-cultural applicability of the model is tested across two different countries, Great Britain and Spain, on a total sample of 1005. Partial Least Squares technique is used to try and overcome limitations of previous research. The model broadly holds for both countries. Implications for public decision makers and entrepreneurship education are discussed. In particular, enhancing the level of knowledge and awareness about entrepreneurship would increase self-efficacy perceptions and, hence, entrepreneurial intentionsEste trabajo, partiendo del enfoque de Acción Planificada (Ajzen), desarrolla un modelo más integrado de intención emprendedora, incorporando el papel de la cultura, las motivaciones, habilidades y conocimiento empresarial. La aplicabilidad transcultural del modelo se prueba analizando dos países diferentes (Gran Bretaña y España), en una muestra de 1005 individuos. Se utilizan Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales para superar las limitaciones de anteriores investigaciones. El modelo en general es válido para los dos países, derivándose implicaciones para la toma de decisiones y la educación emprendedora. En particular, mejorar el conocimiento y la toma de conciencia sobre el emprendimiento aumentaría la percepción de autoeficacia y, por lo tanto, las intenciones emprendedora

    Using Psychometric Testing Procedures for Scale Validity, Reliability, and Invariance Analysis: The PRETIE-Q Portuguese Version

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    This study investigated the psychometric nature of preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity in physical activity. It initially re-examined the Preference for and Tolerance of the Intensity of Exercise Questionnaire (PRETIE-Q) among Portuguese exercisers, looking at its applicability to different exercise activities and exercise experiences. Then, to investigate the applicability of the measure in different groups, its invariance was examined. The sample consisted of 1117 participants (528 male, 589 female) aged 18–81 years old (Mage = 36.81, SD = 11.89). All participants reported at baseline that they were exercising, on average, 3.93 days (SD = 1.36) per week. The exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) displayed the best fit. The ESEM did show invariance when tested for multigroup analysis. The conclusion of this research is that the ESEM demonstrated the best fit, displaying invariance in multigroup analysis. Furthermore, when assessing preference and tolerance in various exercise modalities, the PRETIE-Q should be primarily used as a multidimensional instrument due to the differential recognition of preference and tolerance in seemingly similar physical activity circumstances, highlighting the importance of employing context-verified measures to evaluate exercise-intensity preference and tolerance based on sample characteristics or real-time context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio