223,588 research outputs found

    Gravitational Waves from Core Collapse Supernovae

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    We present the gravitational wave signatures for a suite of axisymmetric core collapse supernova models with progenitors masses between 12 and 25 solar masses. These models are distinguished by the fact they explode and contain essential physics (in particular, multi-frequency neutrino transport and general relativity) needed for a more realistic description. Thus, we are able to compute complete waveforms (i.e., through explosion) based on non-parameterized, first-principles models. This is essential if the waveform amplitudes and time scales are to be computed more precisely. Fourier decomposition shows that the gravitational wave signals we predict should be observable by AdvLIGO across the range of progenitors considered here. The fundamental limitation of these models is in their imposition of axisymmetry. Further progress will require counterpart three-dimensional models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A search for pre- and proto-brown dwarfs in the dark cloud Barnard 30 with ALMA

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    In this work we present ALMA continuum observations at 880 μ\mum of 30 sub-mm cores previously identified with APEX/LABOCA at 870μ\mum in the Barnard 30 cloud. The main goal is to characterize the youngest and lowest mass population in the cloud. As a result, we report the detection of five (out of 30) spatially unresolved sources with ALMA, with estimated masses between 0.9 and 67 MJup_{\rm Jup}. From these five sources, only two show gas emission. The analysis of multi-wavelength photometry from these two objects, namely B30-LB14 and B30-LB19, is consistent with one Class II- and one Class I low-mass stellar object, respectively. The gas emission is consistent with a rotating disk in the case of B30-LB14, and with an oblate rotating envelope with infall signatures in the case of LB19. The remaining three ALMA detections do not have infrared counterparts and can be classified as either deeply embedded objects or as starless cores if B30 members. In the former case, two of them (LB08 and LB31) show internal luminosity upper limits consistent with Very Low Luminosity objects, while we do not have enough information for LB10. In the starless core scenario, and taking into account the estimated masses from ALMA and the APEX/LABOCA cores, we estimate final masses for the central objects in the substellar domain, so they could be classified as pre-BD core candidates.Comment: Published in A&

    A multi-wavelength study of a double intermediate-mass protostar - from large-scale structure to collimated jets

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    (abridged) We study a previously discovered protostellar source that is deeply embedded and drives an energetic molecular outflow. The source, UYSO1, is located close to IRAS 07029-1215 at a distance of ~1 kpc. The multi-wavelength observations resulted in the detection of a double intermediate-mass protostar at the location of UYSO1. In addition to the associated molecular outflow, with a projected size of 0.25 pc, two intersecting near-infrared jets with projected sizes of 0.4 pc and 0.2 pc were found. However, no infrared counterparts to the driving sources could be detected in sensitive near- to far-infrared observations. In interferometric millimeter observations, UYSO1 was resolved into two continuum sources with high column densities and gas masses of 3.5 Mo and 1.2 Mo, with a linear separation of 4200 AU. We report the discovery of a H2O maser toward one of the two sources. The total luminosity is roughly estimated to be ~50 Lo, shared by the two components, one of which is driving the molecular outflow that has a dynamical timescale of less than a few thousand years. The jets of the two individual components are not aligned. Submillimeter observations show that the region lacks typical hot-core chemistry. We thus find two protostellar objects, whose associated circumstellar and parent core masses are high enough to suggest that they may evolve into intermediate-mass stars. This is corroborated by their association with a very massive and energetic CO outflow, suggesting high protostellar accretion rates. The short dynamical timescale of the outflow, the pristine chemical composition of the cloud core and absence of hot core tracers, the absence of detectable radio continuum emission, and the very low protostellar luminosity argue for an extremely early evolutionary stage.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A; minor changes: typos corrected, revised argument in Section

    Probing Quark Matter In Neutron Stars

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    The presence of quark matter in neutron star interiors may have distinctive signatures in basic observables such as (i) masses and radii [1], (ii) surface temperatures versus age [2], (iii) spin-down rates of milli-second pulsars [3], and (iv) neutrino luminosities from future galactic core collapse supernovae [4]. I highlight recent developments in some of these areas with a view towards assessing how theory may be confirmed by ν−\nu-signals from future galactic supernovae in detectors like SuperK, SNO and others under consideration, including UNO [5], and by multi-wavelength photon observations with new generation satellites such as the HST, Chandra, and XMM.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of QM 2001. Uses fleqn.sty and espcrc1.st

    On the formation of hot Neptunes and super-Earths

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    The discovery of short-period Neptune-mass objects, now including the remarkable system HD69830 (Lovis et al. 2006) with three Neptune analogues, raises difficult questions about current formation models which may require a global treatment of the protoplanetary disc. Several formation scenarios have been proposed, where most combine the canonical oligarchic picture of core accretion with type I migration (e.g. Terquem & Papaloizou 2007) and planetary atmosphere physics (e.g. Alibert et al. 2006). To date, published studies have considered only a small number of progenitors at late times. This leaves unaddressed important questions about the global viability of the models. We seek to determine whether the most natural model -- namely, taking the canonical oligarchic picture of core accretion and introducing type I migration -- can succeed in forming objects of 10 Earth masses and more in the innermost parts of the disc. This problem is investigated using both traditional semianalytic methods for modelling oligarchic growth as well as a new parallel multi-zone N-body code designed specifically for treating planetary formation problems with large dynamic range (McNeil & Nelson 2009). We find that it is extremely difficult for oligarchic tidal migration models to reproduce the observed distribution. Even under many variations of the typical parameters, we form no objects of mass greater than 8 Earth masses. By comparison, it is relatively straightforward to form icy super-Earths. We conclude that either the initial conditions of the protoplanetary discs in short-period Neptune systems were substantially different from the standard disc models we used, or there is important physics yet to be understood.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures. Final version accepted to MNRAS 30 September 200
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