45 research outputs found


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    A Review on IoT Deep Learning UAV Systems for Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance

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    [Abstract] Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, offer unprecedented opportunities to boost a wide array of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Nevertheless, UAV platforms still face important limitations mainly related to autonomy and weight that impact their remote sensing capabilities when capturing and processing the data required for developing autonomous and robust real-time obstacle detection and avoidance systems. In this regard, Deep Learning (DL) techniques have arisen as a promising alternative for improving real-time obstacle detection and collision avoidance for highly autonomous UAVs. This article reviews the most recent developments on DL Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) and provides a detailed explanation on the main DL techniques. Moreover, the latest DL-UAV communication architectures are studied and their most common hardware is analyzed. Furthermore, this article enumerates the most relevant open challenges for current DL-UAV solutions, thus allowing future researchers to define a roadmap for devising the new generation affordable autonomous DL-UAV IoT solutions.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Xunta de Galicia; , ED431G/01Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia; PC18/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-

    Physics-Informed Computer Vision: A Review and Perspectives

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    Incorporation of physical information in machine learning frameworks are opening and transforming many application domains. Here the learning process is augmented through the induction of fundamental knowledge and governing physical laws. In this work we explore their utility for computer vision tasks in interpreting and understanding visual data. We present a systematic literature review of formulation and approaches to computer vision tasks guided by physical laws. We begin by decomposing the popular computer vision pipeline into a taxonomy of stages and investigate approaches to incorporate governing physical equations in each stage. Existing approaches in each task are analyzed with regard to what governing physical processes are modeled, formulated and how they are incorporated, i.e. modify data (observation bias), modify networks (inductive bias), and modify losses (learning bias). The taxonomy offers a unified view of the application of the physics-informed capability, highlighting where physics-informed learning has been conducted and where the gaps and opportunities are. Finally, we highlight open problems and challenges to inform future research. While still in its early days, the study of physics-informed computer vision has the promise to develop better computer vision models that can improve physical plausibility, accuracy, data efficiency and generalization in increasingly realistic applications

    Probabilistic Models and Inference for Multi-View People Detection in Overlapping Depth Images

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    Die sensorübergreifende Personendetektion in einem Netzwerk von 3D-Sensoren ist die Grundlage vieler Anwendungen, wie z.B. Personenzählung, digitale Kundenstromanalyse oder öffentliche Sicherheit. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Verfahren der Videoüberwachung haben 3D-Sensoren dabei im Allgemeinen eine vertikale top-down Sicht auf die Szene, um das Auftreten von Verdeckungen, wie sie z.B. in einer dicht gedrängten Menschenmenge auftreten, zu reduzieren. Aufgrund der vertikalen top-down Perspektive der Sensoren variiert die äußere Erscheinung von Personen sehr stark in Abhängigkeit von deren Position in der Szene. Des Weiteren sind Personen aufgrund von Verdeckungen, Sensorrauschen sowie dem eingeschränkten Sichtfeld der top-down Sensoren häufig nur partiell in einer einzelnen Ansicht sichtbar. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie die räumlich-zeitlichen Multi-View-Beobachtungen von mehreren 3D-Sensoren mit sich überlappenden Sichtbereichen effektiv genutzt werden können. Der Fokus liegt insbesondere auf der Verbesserung der Detektionsleistung durch die gemeinsame Betrachtung sowohl der redundanten als auch der komplementären Multi-Sensor-Beobachtungen, einschließlich des zeitlichen Kontextes. In der Arbeit wird das Problem der Personendetektion in einer Sequenz sich überlappender Tiefenbilder als inverses Problem formuliert. In diesem Kontext wird ein probabilistisches Modell zur Personendetektion in mehreren Tiefenbildern eingeführt. Das Modell beinhaltet ein generatives Szenenmodell, um Personen aus beliebigen Blickwinkeln zu erkennen. Basierend auf der vorgeschlagenen probabilistischen Modellierung werden mehrere Inferenzmethoden untersucht, unter anderem Gradienten-basierte kontinuierliche Optimierung, Variational Inference, sowie Convolutional Neural Networks. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit auf dem Einsatz von Variationsmethoden wie Mean-Field Variational Inference. In Abgrenzung zu klassischen Verfahren der Literatur wird hier keine Punkt-Schätzung vorgenommen, sondern die a-posteriori Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung der in der Szene anwesenden Personen approximiert. Durch den Einsatz des generativen Vorwärtsmodells, welches die Charakteristik der zugrundeliegenden Sensormodalität beinhaltet, ist das vorgeschlagene Verfahren weitestgehend unabhängig von der konkreten Sensormodalität. Die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden werden anhand eines neu eingeführten Datensatzes zur weitflächigen Personendetektion in mehreren sich überlappenden Tiefenbildern evaluiert. Der Datensatz umfasst Bildmaterial von drei passiven Stereo-Sensoren, welche eine top-down Sicht auf eine Bürosituation vorweisen. In der Evaluation konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die vorgeschlagene Mean-Field Variational Inference Approximation Stand-der-Technik-Resultate erzielt. Während Deep Learnig Verfahren sehr viele annotierte Trainingsdaten benötigen, basiert die in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Methode auf einem expliziten probabilistischen Modell und benötigt keine Trainingsdaten. Ein weiterer Vorteil zu klassischen Verfahren, welche häufig nur eine MAP Punkt-Schätzung vornehmen, besteht in der Approximation der vollständigen Verbund-Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung der in der Szene anwesenden Personen

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    An obstacle detection system for automated guided vehicles

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    The objective of this master's thesis is to investigate the utilization of computer vision and object detection as an integral part of an automated guided vehicle's navigation system, which operates within the facilities of the target company. The rationale for conducting this research and developing an application for this purpose arises from the inability of automated guided vehicles to detect smaller or partially obstructed objects, and the lack of differentiation between stationary and moving objects. These limitations pose a safety hazard and negatively impact the overall performance of the system. The anticipated outcome of this thesis is a proof-of-concept computer vision application that would enhance the automated guided vehicle's obstacle detection capacity. The primary aim is to offer practical insights to the target company regarding the practical implementation of computer vision by developing and training a YOLOv7 object detection model, as a proposed resolution to the research problem. A thorough theoretical part of the required technologies and tools for training an object detection model is followed by a plan for the application to define requirements for the object detection model. The training and development are conducted using open-source and standard software tools and libraries. Python is the primary programming language employed throughout the development process and the object detector itself constitutes a YOLOv7 (You Only Look Once) object detection algorithm. The model is trained to identify and classify a predetermined number of objects or obstacles that impede the present automated guided vehicle system. Model optimization follows a fundamental trial-and-error methodology and simulated testing of the best-performing model. The data required for training the object detection model is obtained by attaching a camera to an automated guided vehicle and capturing its movements within the target company's facilities. The gathered data is annotated using Label studio, and all necessary data preparation and processing are carried out using plain Python. The result of this master’s thesis was a proof of concept for a computer vision application that would improve and benefit the target company’s day-to-day operations in their production and storage facilities in Vaasa. The trained model was substantiated to perform up to expectations in terms of both speed and accuracy. This project not only demonstrated the application's benefits but also laid grounds for the business to further utilize machine learning and computer vision in other areas of their business regarding the operational improvement competency of the target company’s employees. The results of this master’s thesis showed that finding an optimal object detection model for a specific dataset within a reasonable timeframe requires both appropriate tools and sufficient research data premises in terms of model configuration. The trained model could be utilized as a foundation for similar projects and thereby reduce the time and costs involved in preliminary research efforts

    Contributions to improve the technologies supporting unmanned aircraft operations

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in their smaller versions known as drones, are becoming increasingly important in today's societies. The systems that make them up present a multitude of challenges, of which error can be considered the common denominator. The perception of the environment is measured by sensors that have errors, the models that interpret the information and/or define behaviors are approximations of the world and therefore also have errors. Explaining error allows extending the limits of deterministic models to address real-world problems. The performance of the technologies embedded in drones depends on our ability to understand, model, and control the error of the systems that integrate them, as well as new technologies that may emerge. Flight controllers integrate various subsystems that are generally dependent on other systems. One example is the guidance systems. These systems provide the engine's propulsion controller with the necessary information to accomplish a desired mission. For this purpose, the flight controller is made up of a control law for the guidance system that reacts to the information perceived by the perception and navigation systems. The error of any of the subsystems propagates through the ecosystem of the controller, so the study of each of them is essential. On the other hand, among the strategies for error control are state-space estimators, where the Kalman filter has been a great ally of engineers since its appearance in the 1960s. Kalman filters are at the heart of information fusion systems, minimizing the error covariance of the system and allowing the measured states to be filtered and estimated in the absence of observations. State Space Models (SSM) are developed based on a set of hypotheses for modeling the world. Among the assumptions are that the models of the world must be linear, Markovian, and that the error of their models must be Gaussian. In general, systems are not linear, so linearization are performed on models that are already approximations of the world. In other cases, the noise to be controlled is not Gaussian, but it is approximated to that distribution in order to be able to deal with it. On the other hand, many systems are not Markovian, i.e., their states do not depend only on the previous state, but there are other dependencies that state space models cannot handle. This thesis deals a collection of studies in which error is formulated and reduced. First, the error in a computer vision-based precision landing system is studied, then estimation and filtering problems from the deep learning approach are addressed. Finally, classification concepts with deep learning over trajectories are studied. The first case of the collection xviiistudies the consequences of error propagation in a machine vision-based precision landing system. This paper proposes a set of strategies to reduce the impact on the guidance system, and ultimately reduce the error. The next two studies approach the estimation and filtering problem from the deep learning approach, where error is a function to be minimized by learning. The last case of the collection deals with a trajectory classification problem with real data. This work completes the two main fields in deep learning, regression and classification, where the error is considered as a probability function of class membership.Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) en sus versiones de pequeño tamaño conocidos como drones, van tomando protagonismo en las sociedades actuales. Los sistemas que los componen presentan multitud de retos entre los cuales el error se puede considerar como el denominador común. La percepción del entorno se mide mediante sensores que tienen error, los modelos que interpretan la información y/o definen comportamientos son aproximaciones del mundo y por consiguiente también presentan error. Explicar el error permite extender los límites de los modelos deterministas para abordar problemas del mundo real. El rendimiento de las tecnologías embarcadas en los drones, dependen de nuestra capacidad de comprender, modelar y controlar el error de los sistemas que los integran, así como de las nuevas tecnologías que puedan surgir. Los controladores de vuelo integran diferentes subsistemas los cuales generalmente son dependientes de otros sistemas. Un caso de esta situación son los sistemas de guiado. Estos sistemas son los encargados de proporcionar al controlador de los motores información necesaria para cumplir con una misión deseada. Para ello se componen de una ley de control de guiado que reacciona a la información percibida por los sistemas de percepción y navegación. El error de cualquiera de estos sistemas se propaga por el ecosistema del controlador siendo vital su estudio. Por otro lado, entre las estrategias para abordar el control del error se encuentran los estimadores en espacios de estados, donde el filtro de Kalman desde su aparición en los años 60, ha sido y continúa siendo un gran aliado para los ingenieros. Los filtros de Kalman son el corazón de los sistemas de fusión de información, los cuales minimizan la covarianza del error del sistema, permitiendo filtrar los estados medidos y estimarlos cuando no se tienen observaciones. Los modelos de espacios de estados se desarrollan en base a un conjunto de hipótesis para modelar el mundo. Entre las hipótesis se encuentra que los modelos del mundo han de ser lineales, markovianos y que el error de sus modelos ha de ser gaussiano. Generalmente los sistemas no son lineales por lo que se realizan linealizaciones sobre modelos que a su vez ya son aproximaciones del mundo. En otros casos el ruido que se desea controlar no es gaussiano, pero se aproxima a esta distribución para poder abordarlo. Por otro lado, multitud de sistemas no son markovianos, es decir, sus estados no solo dependen del estado anterior, sino que existen otras dependencias que los modelos de espacio de estados no son capaces de abordar. Esta tesis aborda un compendio de estudios sobre los que se formula y reduce el error. En primer lugar, se estudia el error en un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión por computador. Después se plantean problemas de estimación y filtrado desde la aproximación del aprendizaje profundo. Por último, se estudian los conceptos de clasificación con aprendizaje profundo sobre trayectorias. El primer caso del compendio estudia las consecuencias de la propagación del error de un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión artificial. En este trabajo se propone un conjunto de estrategias para reducir el impacto sobre el sistema de guiado, y en última instancia reducir el error. Los siguientes dos estudios abordan el problema de estimación y filtrado desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje profundo, donde el error es una función que minimizar mediante aprendizaje. El último caso del compendio aborda un problema de clasificación de trayectorias con datos reales. Con este trabajo se completan los dos campos principales en aprendizaje profundo, regresión y clasificación, donde se plantea el error como una función de probabilidad de pertenencia a una clase.I would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation for granting me the funding with reference PRE2018-086793, associated to the project TEC2017-88048-C2-2-R, which provide me the opportunity to carry out all my PhD. activities, including completing an international research internship.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Antonio Berlanga de Jesús.- Secretario: Daniel Arias Medina.- Vocal: Alejandro Martínez Cav

    Lidar-based Obstacle Detection and Recognition for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles

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    Today, agricultural vehicles are available that can drive autonomously and follow exact route plans more precisely than human operators. Combined with advancements in precision agriculture, autonomous agricultural robots can reduce manual labor, improve workflow, and optimize yield. However, as of today, human operators are still required for monitoring the environment and acting upon potential obstacles in front of the vehicle. To eliminate this need, safety must be ensured by accurate and reliable obstacle detection and avoidance systems.In this thesis, lidar-based obstacle detection and recognition in agricultural environments has been investigated. A rotating multi-beam lidar generating 3D point clouds was used for point-wise classification of agricultural scenes, while multi-modal fusion with cameras and radar was used to increase performance and robustness. Two research perception platforms were presented and used for data acquisition. The proposed methods were all evaluated on recorded datasets that represented a wide range of realistic agricultural environments and included both static and dynamic obstacles.For 3D point cloud classification, two methods were proposed for handling density variations during feature extraction. One method outperformed a frequently used generic 3D feature descriptor, whereas the other method showed promising preliminary results using deep learning on 2D range images. For multi-modal fusion, four methods were proposed for combining lidar with color camera, thermal camera, and radar. Gradual improvements in classification accuracy were seen, as spatial, temporal, and multi-modal relationships were introduced in the models. Finally, occupancy grid mapping was used to fuse and map detections globally, and runtime obstacle detection was applied on mapped detections along the vehicle path, thus simulating an actual traversal.The proposed methods serve as a first step towards full autonomy for agricultural vehicles. The study has thus shown that recent advancements in autonomous driving can be transferred to the agricultural domain, when accurate distinctions are made between obstacles and processable vegetation. Future research in the domain has further been facilitated with the release of the multi-modal obstacle dataset, FieldSAFE