20 research outputs found

    Conflict-driven Hybrid Observer-based Anomaly Detection

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    This paper presents an anomaly detection method using a hybrid observer -- which consists of a discrete state observer and a continuous state observer. We focus our attention on anomalies caused by intelligent attacks, which may bypass existing anomaly detection methods because neither the event sequence nor the observed residuals appear to be anomalous. Based on the relation between the continuous and discrete variables, we define three conflict types and give the conditions under which the detection of the anomalies is guaranteed. We call this method conflict-driven anomaly detection. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated mathematically and illustrated on a Train-Gate (TG) system

    Model based fault diagnosis for hybrid systems : application on chemical processes

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    The complexity and the size of the industrial chemical processes induce the monitoring of a growing number of process variables. Their knowledge is generally based on the measurements of system variables and on the physico-chemical models of the process. Nevertheless, this information is imprecise because of process and measurement noise. So the research ways aim at developing new and more powerful techniques for the detection of process fault. In this work, we present a method for the fault detection based on the comparison between the real system and the reference model evolution generated by the extended Kalman filter. The reference model is simulated by the dynamic hybrid simulator, PrODHyS. It is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of industrial systems. The use of this method is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering

    Комплексное детерминированное оценивание сложных иерархически-сетевых систем: IV. Интерактивное оценивание

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    Запропоновано методику комплексного детермінованого оцінювання складних систем з ієрархічно-мережевою структурою, складовими якої є методи локального, прогностичного, агрегованого та інтерактивного аналізу стану, якості функціонування та взаємодії об’єктів, які утворюють систему. Описано метод інтерактивного оцінювання взаємодії основних об’єктів системи, який є ефективним засобом неперервного моніторингу якості їх функціонування. Цей метод дозволяє відстежувати динаміку зміни якості оброблення потоків у вузлах та їх проходження ребрами мережі, аналізувати оптимальність графіка руху потоків та його чутливість до малих затримок, оцінювати напруженість роботи основних об’єктів системи. Прогнозування поведінки інтерактивних оцінок дає змогу, не очікуючи чергового планового дослідження, виявляти елементи, які містять загрозу для нормального функціонування мережі, а їх агрегація дозволяє виявляти незадовільно функціонуючі об’єкти системи різних рівнів ієрархії. Ефективність методу ілюструється на прикладі аналізу взаємодії об’єктів залізничної транспортної системи України.Methods of the comprehensive deterministic evaluation of the complex systems with the hierarchical-network structure, components of which are methods of local, forecasting, aggregative, and interactive analysis of the state, the quality of functioning and interaction of objects that form such a system are proposed. The method is described for an interactive evaluation of the basic system’s objects interaction which is the effective means of continuous monitoring of the quality of their functioning. This method allows to track the dynamics of the change in the quality of processing of the flows at the nodes and their passing through the edges of the network, to analyze the schedule optimality of flows and its sensitivity to small delays, to evaluate the workload of the main system objects. Forecasting the behavior of interactive evaluations makes it possible, without waiting for the next scheduled study, to determine the elements that threaten the normal functioning of the network, and their aggregation allows to determine system’s objects that do not function satisfactorily at the different levels of the hierarchy. Effectiveness of the method is illustrated by the analysis of the interaction of the objects of railway transport system of Ukraine.Предложена методика комплексного детерминированного оценивания сложных систем с иерархически-сетевой структурой, составляющими которой являются методы локального, прогностического, агрегированного и интерактивного анализа состояния, качества функционирования и взаимодействия объектов, образующих систему. Описан метод интерактивного оценивания взаимодействия основных объектов системы, являющийся эффективным средством непрерывного мониторинга качества их функционирования. Этот метод позволяет отслеживать динамику изменения качества обработки потоков в узлах и их прохождения ребрами сети, анализировать оптимальность графика движения потоков и его чувствительность к малым задержкам, оценивать напряженность работы основных объектов системы. Прогнозирование поведения интерактивных оценок дает возможность, не ожидая очередного планового исследования, определять элементы, несущие угрозу нормальному функционированию сети, а их агрегация позволяет определять неудовлетворительно функционирующие объекты системы различных уровней иерархии. Эффективность метода иллюстрируется на примере анализа взаимодействия объектов железнодорожной транспортной системы Украины

    Review of Machine Learning Approaches In Fault Diagnosis applied to IoT System

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    International audienceWith increasing complex systems, low production costs, and changing technologies, for this reason, the automatic fault diagnosis using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques is more in more applied. In addition, with the emergence of the use of reconfigurable systems, AI can assist in self-maintenance of complex systems. The purpose of this article is to summarize the diagnosis research of systems using AI approaches and examine their application particularly in the field of diagnosis of complex systems. It covers articles published from 2002 to 2018 using Machine Learning tools for fault diagnosis in industrial systems

    Anomaly detection for a water treatment system using unsupervised machine learning

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapor

    Computational intelligence-based prognosis for hybrid mechatronic system using improved Wiener process

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    In this article, a fast krill herd algorithm is developed for prognosis of hybrid mechatronic system using the improved Wiener degradation process. First, the diagnostic hybrid bond graph is used to model the hybrid mechatronic system and derive global analytical redundancy relations. Based on the global analytical redundancy relations, the fault signature matrix and mode change signature matrix for fault and mode change isolation can be obtained. Second, in order to determine the true faults from the suspected fault candidates after fault isolation, a fault estimation method based on adaptive square root cubature Kalman filter is proposed when the noise distributions are unknown. Then, the improved Wiener process incorporating nonlinear term is developed to build the degradation model of incipient fault based on the fault estimation results. For prognosis, the fast krill herd algorithm is proposed to estimate unknown degradation model coefficients. After that, the probability density function of remaining useful life is derived using the identified degradation model. Finally, the proposed methods are validated by simulations

    Systematic Process for Building a Fault Diagnoser Based on Petri Nets Applied to a Helicopter

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    This work presents a systematic process for building a Fault Diagnoser (FD), based on Petri Nets (PNs) which has been applied to a small helicopter. This novel tool is able to detect both intermittent and permanent faults. The work carried out is discussed from theoretical and practical point of view. The procedure begins with a division of the whole system into subsystems, which are the devices that have to be modeled by using PN, considering both the normal and fault operations. Subsequently, the models are integrated into a global Petri Net diagnoser (PND) that is able to monitor a whole helicopter and show critical variables to the operator in order to determine the UAV health, preventing accidents in this manner. A Data Acquisition System (DAQ) has been designed for collecting data during the flights and feeding PN diagnoser with them. Several real flights (nominal or under failure) have been carried out to perform the diagnoser setup and verify its performance. A summary of the validation results obtained during real flight tests is also included. An extensive use of this tool will improve preventive maintenance protocols for UAVs (especially helicopters) and allow establishing recommendations in regulations. © 2015 Miguel A. Trigos et al.This work has been supported by the project RoboCity2030- III-CM (Robotica Aplicada a la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida ´ de los Ciudadanos; Fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by the I+D program at Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Fondos Estructurales of European Union and by the project Proteccion Robotizada de Infraestructuras Críticas, DPI2014- 56985-R, by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain.Peer Reviewe

    A new approach based on image processing for detection of wear of guide-rail surface in elevator systems

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    Elevators ensure transportation of people inside buildings and increase their life quality. High-rise buildings whose number is increasingly going up today has one or more elevator cabs to provide vertical transportation. A great number of people use elevators in many buildings such as business centres, hotels, hospitals and shopping centres daily. It is highly essential for the elevators used by many people daily to operate constantly. In the event of sudden failure of elevators during operation, people inside them face with a tough situation. Also, people have difficulty during the maintenance-repair period of elevators. Elevator system has counterweight system in order to balance the weight of elevator cab. A guide-rail system has been developed to limit the movements of elevator cab and counterweights on horizontal axis. When an elevator system is operational, cab and counterweight system move reversely. The common failures in elevators are usually seen in the components such as elevator guide-rail system, ropes and motors. In this study, a system based on image processing has been developed in order to prevent wear on guide-rail surface in elevators. In the proposed method, real-time condition monitoring is performed by cameras using built-in system. The images of elevator guide-rail surface are captured via four digital cameras fixed onto elevator cab. The image-processing methods are applied on the images captured by cameras and hence the wears on the surface of guide-rails are detected. The surface of guide-rail is firstly detected in the proposed method. Then, image segmentation and mathematical morphology are applied on the image of guide-rail surface and the wears on the surface of rail are detected. The failure extent of the wear failures detected are calculated. By processing the images captured by four cameras during movement of elevator, the results for surface of guide-rails are obtained. Using these results, reporting is performed. An elevator prototype has been created in order to carry out tests for development of the proposed method. The tests have been conducted by fixing the built-in system and cameras onto this elevator prototype. It is considerably advantageous to detect the failures on elevator guide-rails through image-processing methods. Following a literature review, it is seen that the proposed method is a new approach

    Комплексне детерміноване оцінювання складних ієрархічно-мережевих систем: IV. Інтерактивне оцінювання

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    Запропоновано методику комплексного детермінованого оцінювання складних систем з ієрархічно-мережевою структурою, складовими якої є методи локального, прогностичного, агрегованого та інтерактивного аналізу стану, якості функціонування та взаємодії об’єктів, які утворюють систему. Описано метод інтерактивного оцінювання взаємодії основних об’єктів системи, який є ефективним засобом неперервного моніторингу якості їх функціонування. Цей метод дозволяє відстежувати динаміку зміни якості оброблення потоків у вузлах та їх проходження ребрами мережі, аналізувати оптимальність графіка руху потоків та його чутливість до малих затримок, оцінювати напруженість роботи основних об’єктів системи. Прогнозування поведінки інтерактивних оцінок дає змогу, не очікуючи чергового планового дослідження, виявляти елементи, які містять загрозу для нормального функціонування мережі, а їх агрегація дозволяє виявляти незадовільно функціонуючі об’єкти системи різних рівнів ієрархії. Ефективність методу ілюструється на прикладі аналізу взаємодії об’єктів залізничної транспортної системи України.Предложена методика комплексного детерминированного оценивания сложных систем с иерархически-сетевой структурой, составляющими которой являются методы локального, прогностического, агрегированного и интерактивного анализа состояния, качества функционирования и взаимодействия объектов, образующих систему. Описан метод интерактивного оценивания взаимодействия основных объектов системы, являющийся эффективным средством непрерывного мониторинга качества их функционирования. Этот метод позволяет отслеживать динамику изменения качества обработки потоков в узлах и их прохождения ребрами сети, анализировать оптимальность графика движения потоков и его чувствительность к малым задержкам, оценивать напряженность работы основных объектов системы. Прогнозирование поведения интерактивных оценок дает возможность, не ожидая очередного планового исследования, определять элементы, несущие угрозу нормальному функционированию сети, а их агрегация позволяет определять неудовлетворительно функционирующие объекты системы различных уровней иерархии. Эффективность метода иллюстрируется на примере анализа взаимодействия объектов железнодорожной транспортной системы Украины.Methods of the comprehensive deterministic evaluation of the complex systems with the hierarchical-network structure, components of which are methods of local, forecasting, aggregative, and interactive analysis of the state, the quality of functioning and interaction of objects that form such a system are proposed. The method is described for an interactive evaluation of the basic system’s objects interaction which is the effective means of continuous monitoring of the quality of their functioning. This method allows to track the dynamics of the change in the quality of processing of the flows at the nodes and their passing through the edges of the network, to analyze the schedule optimality of flows and its sensitivity to small delays, to evaluate the workload of the main system objects. Forecasting the behavior of interactive evaluations makes it possible, without waiting for the next scheduled study, to determine the elements that threaten the normal functioning of the network, and their aggregation allows to determine system’s objects that do not function satisfactorily at the different levels of the hierarchy. Effectiveness of the method is illustrated by the analysis of the interaction of the objects of railway transport system of Ukraine