949 research outputs found

    Loop pipelining with resource and timing constraints

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    Developing efficient programs for many of the current parallel computers is not easy due to the architectural complexity of those machines. The wide variety of machine organizations often makes it more difficult to port an existing program than to reprogram it completely. Therefore, powerful translators are necessary to generate effective code and free the programmer from concerns about the specific characteristics of the target machine. This work focuses on techniques to be used by an important class of translators, whose objective is to transform sequential programs into equivalent more parallel programs. The transformations are performed at instruction level in order to exploit low level parallelism and increase memory locality.Most of the current applications are programmed in languages which do not allow us to express parallelism between high-level sentences (as Pascal, C or Fortran). Furthermore, a lot of applications written ten or more years ago are still used today, and it is not feasible to rewrite such applications for many reasons (not only technical reasons, but also economic ones). Translators enable programmers to write the application in a familiar sequential programming language, without concerning their selves with the architecture of the target machine. Current compilers for parallel architectures not only translate a program written on a high-level language to the appropriate machine language, but also perform some transformations in the final code in order to execute the program in a more parallel way. The transformations improve the performance in the execution of the program by making use of the knowledge that the compiler has about the machine architecture. The semantics of the program remain intact after any transformation.Experiments show that limiting parallelization to basic blocks not included in loops limits maximum speedup. This is because loops often comprise a large portion of the parallelism available to be exploited in a program. For this reason, a lot of effort has been devoted in the recent years to parallelize loop execution. Several parallel computer architectures and compilation techniques have been proposed to exploit such a parallelism at different granularities. Multiprocessors exploit coarse grained parallelism by distributing entire loop iterations to different processors. Systems oriented to the high-level synthesis (HLS) of VLSI circuits, superscalar processors and very long instruction word (VLIW) processors exploit fine-grained parallelism at instruction level. This work addresses fine-grained parallelization of loops addressed to the HLS of VLSI circuits. Two algorithms are proposed for resource constraints and for timing constraints. An algorithm to reduce the number of registers required to execute a loop in a given architecture is also proposed.Postprint (published version

    Modulo scheduling with reduced register pressure

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    Software pipelining is a scheduling technique that is used by some product compilers in order to expose more instruction level parallelism out of innermost loops. Module scheduling refers to a class of algorithms for software pipelining. Most previous research on module scheduling has focused on reducing the number of cycles between the initiation of consecutive iterations (which is termed II) but has not considered the effect of the register pressure of the produced schedules. The register pressure increases as the instruction level parallelism increases. When the register requirements of a schedule are higher than the available number of registers, the loop must be rescheduled perhaps with a higher II. Therefore, the register pressure has an important impact on the performance of a schedule. This paper presents a novel heuristic module scheduling strategy that tries to generate schedules with the lowest II, and, from all the possible schedules with such II, it tries to select that with the lowest register requirements. The proposed method has been implemented in an experimental compiler and has been tested for the Perfect Club benchmarks. The results show that the proposed method achieves an optimal II for at least 97.5 percent of the loops and its compilation time is comparable to a conventional top-down approach, whereas the register requirements are lower. In addition, the proposed method is compared with some other existing methods. The results indicate that the proposed method performs better than other heuristic methods and almost as well as linear programming methods, which obtain optimal solutions but are impractical for product compilers because their computing cost grows exponentially with the number of operations in the loop body.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Instruction Re-Selection for Iterative Modulo Scheduling on High Performance Multi-Issue DSPs

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    An iterative modulo scheduling is very important for compilers targeting high performance multi-issue digital signal processors. This is because these processors are often severely limited by idle state functional units and thus the reduced idle units can have a positively significant impact on their performance. However, complex instructions, which are used in most recent DSPs such as mac, usually increase data dependence complexity, and such complex dependencies that exist in signal processing applications often restrict modulo scheduling freedom and therefore, become a limiting factor of the iterative modulo scheduler. In this work, we propose a technique that efficiently reselects instructions of an application loop code considering dependence complexity, which directly resolve the dependence constraint. That is specifically featured for accelerating software pipelining performance by minimizing length of intrinsic cyclic dependencies. To take advantage of this feature, few existing compilers support a loop unrolling based dependence relaxing technique, but only use them for some limited cases. This is mainly because the loop unrolling typically occurs an overhead of huge code size increment, and the iterative modulo scheduling with relaxed dependence techniques for general cases is an NP-hard problem that necessitates complex assignments of registers and functional units. Our technique uses a heuristic to efficiently handle this problem in pre-stage of iterative modulo scheduling without loop unrolling

    A Comparative Study of Scheduling Techniques for Multimedia Applications on SIMD Pipelines

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    Parallel architectures are essential in order to take advantage of the parallelism inherent in streaming applications. One particular branch of these employ hardware SIMD pipelines. In this paper, we analyse several scheduling techniques, namely ad hoc overlapped execution, modulo scheduling and modulo scheduling with unrolling, all of which aim to efficiently utilize the special architecture design. Our investigation focuses on improving throughput while analysing other metrics that are important for streaming applications, such as register pressure, buffer sizes and code size. Through experiments conducted on several media benchmarks, we present and discuss trade-offs involved when selecting any one of these scheduling techniques.Comment: Presented at DATE Friday Workshop on Heterogeneous Architectures and Design Methods for Embedded Image Systems (HIS 2015) (arXiv:1502.07241

    Hypernode reduction modulo scheduling

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    Software pipelining is a loop scheduling technique that extracts parallelism from loops by overlapping the execution of several consecutive iterations. Most prior scheduling research has focused on achieving minimum execution time, without regarding register requirements. Most strategies tend to stretch operand lifetimes because they schedule some operations too early or too late. The paper presents a novel strategy that simultaneously schedules some operations late and other operations early, minimizing all the stretchable dependencies and therefore reducing the registers required by the loop. The key of this strategy is a pre-ordering that selects the order in which the operations will be scheduled. The results show that the method described in this paper performs better than other heuristic methods and almost as well as a linear programming method but requiring much less time to produce the schedules.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Swing modulo scheduling: a lifetime-sensitive approach

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    This paper presents a novel software pipelining approach, which is called Swing Modulo Scheduling (SMS). It generates schedules that are near optimal in terms of initiation interval, register requirements and stage count. Swing Modulo Scheduling is an heuristic approach that has a low computational cost. The paper describes the technique and evaluates it for the Perfect Club benchmark suite. SMS is compared with other heuristic methods showing that it outperforms them in terms of the quality of the obtained schedules and compilation time. SMS is also compared with an integer linear programming approach that generates optimum schedules but with a huge computational cost, which makes it feasible only for very small loops. For a set of small loops, SMS obtained the optimum initiation interval in all the cases and its schedules required only 5% more registers and a 1% higher stage count than the optimumPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modulo scheduling with integrated register spilling for clustered VLIW architectures

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    Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them to meet the technology constraints in terms of cycle time, area and power dissipation. In a clustered design, registers and functional units are grouped in clusters so that new instructions are needed to move data between them. New aggressive instruction scheduling techniques are required to minimize the negative effect of resource clustering and delays in moving data around. In this paper we present a novel software pipelining technique that performs instruction scheduling with reduced register requirements, register allocation, register spilling and inter-cluster communication in a single step. The algorithm uses limited backtracking to reconsider previously taken decisions. This backtracking provides the algorithm with additional possibilities for obtaining high throughput schedules with low spill code requirements for clustered architectures. We show that the proposed approach outperforms previously proposed techniques and that it is very scalable independently of the number of clusters, the number of communication buses and communication latency. The paper also includes an exploration of some parameters in the design of future clustered VLIW cores.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A mathematical formulation of the loop pipelining problem

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    This paper presents a mathematical model for the loop pipelining problem that considers several parameters for optimization and supports any combination of resource and timing constraints. The unrolling degree of the loop is one of the variables explored by the model. By using Farey’s series, an optimal exploration of the unrolling degree is performed and optimal solutions not considered by other methods are obtained. Finding an optimal schedule that minimizes resource and register requirements is solved by using an Integer linear programming (ILP) model. A novel paradigm called branch and prune is proposed to eficiently converge towards the optimal schedule and prune the search tree for integer solutions, thus drastically reducing the running time. This is the first formulation that combines the unrolling degree of the loop with timing and resource constraints in a mathematical model that guarantees optimal solutions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Software prefetching for software pipelined loops

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    The paper investigates the interaction between software pipelining and different software prefetching techniques for VLIW machines. It is shown that processor stalls due to memory dependencies have a great impact into execution time. A novel heuristic is proposed and it is show to outperform previous proposals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version