58,118 research outputs found

    Modular product platform design

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    Modular product platforms, sets of common modules that are shared among a product family, can bring cost savings and enable introduction of multiple product variants quicker than without platforms. This thesis describes the current state of modular platform design and identifies gaps in the current state. The gaps were identified through application of three existing methods and by testing their usability and reliability on engineers and engineering students. Existing platform or modular design methods either are meant for (a) single products, (b) identify only module "cores" leaving the final module boundary definition to the designer, and (c) use only a limited set of evaluation criteria. I introduce a clustering algorithm for common module identification that takes into account possible degrees of commonality. This new algorithm can be applied both at physical and functional domains and at any, and even mixed, levels of hierarchy. Furthermore, the algorithm is not limited to a single measure for commonality analysis. To select the candidate modules for the algorithm, a key discriminator is how difficult the interfaces become. I developed an interface complexity metric based on minimizing redesign in case of a design change. The metric is based on multiple expert interviews during two case studies. The new approach was to look at the interface complexity as described by the material, energy, and information flows flowing through the interface. Finally, I introduce a multi criteria platform scorecard for improved evaluation of modular platforms. It helps a company focus on their strategy and benchmark one's own platform to the competitors'. These tools add to the modular platform development process by filling in the gaps identified. The tools are described in the context of the entire platform design process, and the validity of the methods and applicability to platform design is shown through industrial case studies and examples.reviewe

    Adapting DSM Clustering to the Modularization of Diverse and Universal Product Families

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    Product family design is a popular approach for designing a group of related products to strategically share common features and components. One method for developing product families is by using a combination of shared and unique modules. The success of a modular product family largely depends on the proper selection of modules and module boundaries. While a number of methods exist for the modularization of individual products, many of these methods are not currently suited for use with product families. The objective of this research is to develop a method for extending the use of popular component-based modularization methods to product families. This thesis primarily consists of two distinct manuscripts. In the first manuscript, a method for extending the use of DSM clustering to the modularization of diverse product families is presented. In this approach, the modular architecture of the product family is optimized while also maximizing commonality between products. A Pareto front is developed of different architectures that produce optimal strategic modularity and maximized commonality in the product family. The proposed method is applied in a case study to the design of a product family of power tools. In this case study, the quality of the modular architecture is evaluated using a DSM (Design Structure Matrix) for each product. Three architectures along the Pareto front are chosen and examined to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique. The second manuscript presents an approach that incorporates the use of the proposed modularization method in the design of universal product families. The approach utilizes market segmentation techniques and action-function modeling to identify the special design requirements for disabled users. An algorithmic approach is employed to generate modular architecture alternatives for constructing the detailed product family. The approach is demonstrated using a case study over the design of typical and inclusive vehicle driver seats

    Tuoteperheen moduulijÀrjestelmÀn mÀÀrittely PSL-mallin avulla

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    YrityksillÀ on yhÀ kasvava tarve suunnitella tuoteperheitÀ, joiden avulla ne kykenevÀt vastaamaan kiristyviin asiakasvaatimuksiin kasvattamatta tuotteiden kustannuksia. Modulaariset tuoteperheet ovat todistetusti pystyneet auttamaan monia yrityksiÀ tÀmÀn ongelman ratkomisessa. Modulaarisen tuotteen on tarkoitus mukautua asiakasvaatimuksiin pitÀmÀllÀ mahdollisimman suuri osuus tuotteesta muuntelun ulkopuolella. Ennen modulaarisen tuoteperheen suunnittelua on kuitenkin syytÀ mÀÀritellÀ tavoitteet niin liiketoiminnallisten hyötyjen kuin asiakasvaatimustenkin osalta. Fastems Oy on kehittÀmÀssÀ uutta modulaarista tuoteperhettÀ koneistuskeskusten automatisointiin. Työn tavoitteena huomioida aiempien modulaaristen tuotteiden kehityksen yhteydessÀ havaitut ongelmat ja mÀÀritellÀ uuden tuoteperheen moduulijÀrjestelmÀ tukemaan tuotteelle asetettuja tavoitteita. Erityisesti tÀssÀ työssÀ halutaan mÀÀritellÀ moduulijÀrjestelmÀ niin, ettÀ tuoteperheelle asetetut liiketoiminnalliset tavoitteet saavutetaan. LisÀksi halutaan luoda uudet menetelmÀt modulaarisen jÀrjestelmÀn tuotehallinnalle. Työn tutkimusstrategiana kÀytetÀÀn DRM-menetelmÀÀ (Design Research Methodology), joka on erityisesti kehitetty tutkimusmenetelmÀksi tuotesuunnittelua varten. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen osuudessa keskitytÀÀn erilaisiin tuotteen modulointiin kehitettyihin menetelmiin ja modulaarisuudella tavoiteltuun arvontuottoon. Uudelle tuoteperheelle tehdÀÀn tekninen tarvekartoitus asiakasvaatimusten perusteella. ModuulijÀrjestelmÀn mÀÀrittelyssÀ hyödynnetÀÀn tÀssÀ työssÀ esiteltÀvÀÀ PSL-mallia (Pro-duct Strategic Landscape). PSL-mallilla on tarkoitus löytÀÀ liiketoiminnan kannalta tÀrkeÀt tuote-rakenteen jakoperiaatteet. PSL-mallin avulla ja teknistÀ tarvekartoitusta hyödyntÀen mÀÀritellÀÀn uuden tuoteperheen moduulijÀrjestelmÀn jakotapa ja luodaan arkkitehtuurin konsepti. TyössÀ kÀytettyjÀ menetelmiÀ voidaan hyödyntÀÀ erilaisten teollisten tuoteperheiden mÀÀrittelyissÀ. Erityisesti menetelmÀt sopivat pienten tai keskisuurten volyymien tuotteisiin, jotka sisÀltÀvÀt sekÀ konfiguroitavia ettÀ rÀÀtÀlöityjÀ osuuksia.Companies have an ever-increasing need to design product families that enable them to meet the increasing demands of customers without increasing the costs of the products. Modular product families have proven to be able to help many companies solve this problem. The purpose of a modular product is to adapt to customer requirements by keeping as much of the product as possible outside of modification. However, before planning the modular product family, it is necessary to define the goals both in terms of business benefits and customer requirements. Fastems Oy is developing a new modular product family for the automation of machining centers. The aim of the work is to consider the problems observed in previous development projects of modular products and define the module system of the new product family to support the goals set for the product. In this work, we want to define the module system so that the business goals set for the product family are achieved. In addition, we want to create new methods for the product management of the modular system. The work's research strategy uses the DRM (Design Research Methodology), which has been specially developed as a research method for product design purposes. In the literature research, the focus is on the various methods developed for product modularization and the value capture aimed at modularity. A technical needs mapping is carried out for the new product family based on customer requirements. The PSL model (Product Strategic Landscape) presented in this study is used to define the module system. The purpose of the PSL model is to find the product structuring principles that are important for business. With the help of the PSL model and utilizing the technical needs mapping, the distribution method of the module system of the new product family is defined and the modular architecture concept is created. The methods used in the work can be utilized in the definitions of various industrial product families. In particular, the methods are suitable for products of small or medium volumes, which contain both configurable and customized parts

    ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 제품ꔰ 욎영을 위한 닀양성 êŽ€ëŠŹ ë°©ëȕ론

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    í•™ìœ„ë…ŒëŹž (ë°•ì‚Ź) -- 서욞대학ꔐ 대학원 : êł”êłŒëŒ€í•™ ì‚°ì—…êł”í•™êłŒ, 2021. 2. 홍유석.êž€ëĄœëȌ ì œìĄ°ì—…ìČŽë“€ì€ 닀양한 제품을 출시하Ʞ 위핎 ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 디자읞 전랔을 제품개발에 적용핎왔닀. ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 디자읞 전랔은 제품을 ëȘšë“ˆ ë‹šìœ„ëĄœ ê”Źë¶„í•œ 후, ì—ŹëŸŹ ìą…ë„˜ì˜ ëȘšë“ˆì„ ìĄ°í•©í•˜ì—Ź ìƒˆëĄœìšŽ 제품을 만드는 전랔읎닀. ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 디자읞은 ì œìĄ°ì—…ìČŽê°€ 제품닀양성을 ë‹Źì„±í•  수 ìžˆë„ëĄ 하였지만, ì œêł”í•˜ëŠ” 제품의 수가 ëŹŽìˆ˜ížˆ 많아지멎서 ì œí’ˆë‹€ì–‘ì„±ìœŒëĄœ 읞한 안 ìą‹ì€ 영햄듀읎 ì„€êł„ ì˜ì—­ëżë§Œ 아니띌, 시임, 생산 영역에서 ì§€ì†ì ìœŒëĄœ ë°œìƒí•˜êł  있는 싀정읎닀. 따띌서, ëłž ë…ŒëŹžì—ì„œëŠ” 제품닀양성의 안 ìą‹ì€ 영햄을 쀄음 수 ìžˆë„ëĄ 읎넌 ìČŽêł„ì ìœŒëĄœ ê°œë°œí•˜êł  욎영하는 닀양성 êŽ€ëŠŹ(variety management) ë°©ëČ•ëĄ ì„ 제안한닀. 닀양성 êŽ€ëŠŹë„Œ ì„±êł”ì ìœŒëĄœ 수행하Ʞ 위핎서는 ꔐ찚영역 êŽ€ì êłŒ ëł€ìą… 수쀀 ꎀ점의 접귌읎 필요하닀. ꔐ찚영역 ꎀ점은 제품닀양성읎 영햄을 믞ìč˜ëŠ” 시임, ì„€êł„, 생산 영역의 요소듀의 연êČ°êŽ€êł„ë„Œ 정늜하는 메컀니슘을 ì œêł”í•˜ë©°, ëł€ìą… 수쀀 ꎀ점은 음반적읞 요소(elements) 수쀀에서 한 ë‹šêł„ 낎렀가 닀양성 êŽ€ëŠŹì— 싀제 ëŹžì œê°€ 되는 각 요소듀의 ëł€ìą…ë“€(variants)을 ìČŽêł„ì ìœŒëĄœ êŽ€ëŠŹí•  수 ìžˆë„ëĄ 한닀. 읎 두 가지 ꎀ점에서, ëłž ë…ŒëŹžì€ 닀양성 êŽ€ëŠŹì—ì„œ 쀑요하êȌ ë‹€ëŁšì–Žì•Œ 할 ì„ž 가지 êłŒì œâ€“ì˜ˆìƒìč˜ ëȘ»í•œ ëł€ìą…ì˜ 발생 방지, ì„€êł„ ëł”ìžĄì„± 감축, 시임 ì ìœ ìœšêłŒ ëł”ìžĄì„± ëč„ìš© ì‚ŹìŽì˜ 균형 ìžĄêž°â€“ë„Œ 핮êČ°í•˜êž° 위한 ë°©ëČ•ëĄ ì„ 제안한닀. ìČ« ëČˆì§ž ìŁŒì œì—ì„œëŠ”, 아킀텍ìȘ Ʞ반의 ì ‘ê·ŒëČ•ì„ 활용한 ëł€ìą… êŽ€ëŠŹ 아킀텍ìȘ(VA, variation architecture)ë„Œ ë„ìž…í•˜ì—Ź 예상ìč˜ ëȘ»í•œ ëł€ìą…ì˜ 발생을 ë°©ì§€í•˜êł ìž 한닀. 개발 아킀텍ìȘ는 ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 제품ꔰ을 개발할 때 ì‚Źìš©í•˜ëŠ” ìŒìą…ì˜ ì°žìĄ° 아킀텍ìȘ로, 시임 속성, ì„€êł„ ëȘšë“ˆ, 생산 ì„€ëč„의 연êČ°êŽ€êł„ë„Œ 정의하는 ꔐ찚영역 연êČ° 메컀니슘을 ì œêł”í•œë‹€. ëł€ìą… êŽ€ëŠŹ 아킀텍ìČ˜ì—ì„œëŠ” 음반 수쀀의 êł„íšêłŒ ëł€ìą… 수쀀의 êł„íšì„ 핚께 ì„žìšž 수 있닀. 음반 수쀀에서는 요소 간 연êČ°êŽ€êł„ì˜ ìą…ë„˜ë„Œ ì •ì˜í•˜ì—Ź 제품ꔰ의 닀양성 수쀀을 êČ°ì •í•˜êł , ëł€ìą… 수쀀에서는 ëł€ìą…ë“€ 간의 ìĄ°í•© 규ìč™ì„ ì„€ì •í•˜ì—Ź 불필요한 ëł€ìą…ì˜ 발생을 씜소화한닀. 또한, ëłž ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œëŠ” ì œìĄ°ì—…ìČŽê°€ ëł€ìą… êŽ€ëŠŹ 아킀텍ìČ˜ë„Œ 활용할 수 ìžˆë„ëĄ 아킀텍ìȘ ê”Źì¶• í”„ë ˆìž„ì›ŒíŹë„Œ 제안한닀. ì‚ŹëĄ€ ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œëŠ” 자동찚 í”„ëĄ íŠžì„€ì‹œ 제품ꔰ을 톔핎 제품 및 ëł€ìą…ì˜ 수넌 상ë‹č히 쀄음 수 있음을 ëłŽì—Ź ì€ŒìœŒëĄœìš í”„ë ˆìž„ì›ŒíŹì˜ 싀용성을 êČ€ìŠí•œë‹€. ë‹€ìŒìœŒëĄœ, 읞터페읎슀 표쀀화 개념을 ì ìš©í•˜ì—Ź ëł€ìą…ë“€ 간의 ëł”ìžĄí•œ êŽ€êł„ëĄœë¶€í„° 발생하는 ì„€êł„ ëł”ìžĄì„±ì„ 쀄읎는 ì—°ê”Źë„Œ 수행한닀. ëłž ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œ 제안하는 읞터페읎슀 ì„€êł„ ë°©ëČ•ëĄ ì€ 하나가 아닌 닀수의 표쀀 읞터페읎슀넌 ì‚Źìš©í•˜ë„ëĄ 허용한닀. ëȘšë“ˆ ëł€ìą…ë“€ì„ 연êČ°í•˜êž° 위핎 닀수의 읞터페읎슀넌 도입하멎, 읞터페읎슀의 수와 적용ëČ”ìœ„ì— 따띌 ëȘšë“ˆëŸŹ 제품ꔰ의 전ìČŽ ê”ŹìĄ°ê°€ ë‹ŹëŒì§€êł  ì„€êł„ ëł”ìžĄì„± 또한 닀양한 ì–‘ìƒìœŒëĄœ 발생한닀. 읎넌 ìžĄì •í•˜êž° 위핎, ëłž ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œëŠ” 읞터페읎슀의 선택에 영햄을 받는 두 가지 ëł”ìžĄì„± 지표넌–읞터페읎슀 표쀀화 ëł”ìžĄì„±êłŒ 톔합 ëł”ìžĄì„±ì„â€“ì •ì˜í•œë‹€. 읞터페읎슀 표쀀화 ëł”ìžĄì„±ì€ 표쀀 읞터페읎슀넌 ì„€êł„í•  때, ëȘšë“ˆ ëł€ìą… ì„€êł„ìž 간의 ìĄ°ìœšì— 필요한 맚아워(person-hour)ë„Œ êł„ì‚°í•˜êł , 톔합 ëł”ìžĄì„±ì€ 각각의 ëȘšë“ˆ ëł€ìą…êłŒ 읞터페읎슀넌 톔합된 ì œí’ˆìœŒëĄœ ì„€êł„í•˜ëŠ”ë° í•„ìš”ëĄœ 하는 녞렄의 ì–‘ìœŒëĄœ, 위상적 ëł”ìžĄì„±(topological complexity) 지표넌 êž°ë°˜ìœŒëĄœ ìžĄì •í•œë‹€. ëłž ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œëŠ” 두 가지 ëł”ìžĄì„±ì„ 씜소화하는 읞터페읎슀 ì„€êł„ 대안을 ì°Ÿêž° 위한 í”„ë ˆìž„ì›ŒíŹë„Œ ì œêł”í•œë‹€. ì‚ŹëĄ€ ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œ 읎의 적용성을 ëłŽì—ŹìŁŒêž° 위핎 í”„ëĄ íŠžì„€ì‹œ 제품ꔰ에 맞는 씜적의 읞터페읎슀 수와 제품ꔰ ê”ŹìĄ°ë„Œ 도출한닀. 마지막 ìŁŒì œì—ì„œëŠ”, 시임 ì ìœ ìœšêłŒ ëł”ìžĄì„± ëč„용의 균형을 맞추는 씜적 제품 ìą…ìˆ˜ë„Œ ì°Ÿêž° 위한 씜적화 ëȘšëžì„ 개발한닀. 씜적화 ëȘšëžì€ 제품을 ê”Źì„±í•˜ëŠ” ëȘšë“ˆ ëł€ìą…ì„ êž°ë°˜ìœŒëĄœ ëȘšëžë§ë˜êł , 제품 및 ëȘšë“ˆ ìą…ìˆ˜ê°€ 슝가핚에 따띌 시임 점유윚의 슝가분읎 ì€„ì–Žë“€êł , 반대로 ëł”ìžĄì„± ëč„용의 슝가분은 늘얎나는 íŠč성을 반영한닀. 시임 점유윚을 ê”Źí•˜êž° 위핎 넀슀티드 ëĄœì§“ ëȘšëž(nested logit model)을 êž°ë°˜ìœŒëĄœ 하는 수요 ëȘšëžì„ 개발한닀. 넀슀티드 ëĄœì§“ ëȘšëžì—ì„œëŠ” 동음 제품ꔰ 낮 제품듀의 ìœ ì‚Źì„±ì„ êł ë €í•˜ì—Ź 시임 점유윚의 슝가분읎 쀄얎드는 íŠč성을 반영한닀. ë‹€ìŒìœŒëĄœ, ì œëĄœëČ ìŽìŠ€ ì›ê°€êł„ì‚° ì ‘ê·Œëȕ(zero-based costing approach)을 활용한 ëł”ìžĄì„± ëč„ìš© ëȘšëžì„ 도입한닀. 읎 ì ‘ê·ŒëČ•ì—ì„œëŠ” 제품 í˜č은 ëȘšë“ˆì˜ ìą…ìˆ˜ê°€ 한 닚위씩 늘얎날 때 발생하는 ëč„용을 ë‹šêł„ì ìœŒëĄœ êł„ì‚°í•˜ëŠ” ë°©ëČ•ì„ ì‚Źìš©í•œë‹€. ë§ˆì§€ë§‰ìœŒëĄœ, 수요 ëȘšëžêłŒ ëł”ìžĄì„± ëč„ìš© ëȘšëžì„ 합ìčœ ì”œì í™” ëȘšëž(optimization model)을 ëȘšëžë§í•˜ì—Ź 씜적 제품 ìą…ìˆ˜ì™€ 제품의 ëȘšë“ˆ ê”Źì„±ì„ 도출하는 ì—°ê”Źë„Œ 수행한닀. ì‚ŹëĄ€ ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œëŠ” ëŻŒê°ë„ 분석을 ìˆ˜í–‰í•˜ì—Ź 각 ìƒí™©ëł„ 씜적핎가 ì–Žë–»êȌ ë‹ŹëŒì§€ëŠ” 지 ëłŽì—ŹìŁŒì–Ž ì—°ê”Źì—ì„œ 제안하는 ëȘšëžë“€ì˜ íššêłŒë„Œ êČ€ìŠí•œë‹€.Global manufacturing companies have been achieving product variety by implementing a modular design strategy in which product variants are created by combining, adding, or substituting modules. Providing a high variety of products, however, causes negative effects not only on design but also on market and production. Variety management that defines the right range of variants is one of the most critical issues for most of the manufacturing companies. This thesis aims to propose methodologies that enable companies to systematically reduce negative effects of variety. In order to achieve successful variety management, this study approaches the issue from two viewpoints: cross-domain and variant-level viewpoints. A cross-domain viewpoint supports establishing relationships between elements in market, design, and production domain that are affected by product variety, and a variant-level viewpoint enables to explicitly manage variants of elements that are the main source of negative effects. In these viewpoints, this thesis focuses on dealing with three important challenges in variety management: to prevent unexpected variants, to reduce design complexity, and to balance market share and complexity cost. In the first theme, an architecture-based approach named variation architecture is introduced to prevent unexpected variants. Variation architecture (VA) is defined as a reference architecture for a modular product family providing the scheme by which variants in market, design, and production domain are arranged by cross-domain mapping mechanisms. The VA consists of generic-level and variant-level plans. At the generic-level, mapping types between domain elements are determined, and at the variant-level, combination rules between variants are set to reduce unexpected variants. Then, a framework is proposed to increase the practicality of the VA so that its compositions are well defined. In the case study, the framework is applied to an automobile front chassis family. The result shows that the number of module variants is significantly reduced compared to the current number of variants in operation. Secondly, the concept of interface standardization is introduced to manage design complexity caused by complicated combinations between module variants. This theme proposes an interface design methodology that addresses multiple standard interfaces in a modular product family. A product family structure is changed by implementing multiple standard interfaces, generating design complexity. This study defines two complexities resulting from the introduction of multiple standard interfaces: standardization effort and integration effort. Standardization effort is estimated as a required person-hours for coordinating module variants to design a standard interface, and integration effort is measured as an effort to integrate all design elements based on the concept of topological complexity. A framework is proposed to identify an optimal product family structure that minimizes the two complexities. In the case study, the proposed framework identifies an optimal structure and the number of standard interfaces for the front chassis family. Then, the study conducts a sensitivity analysis to demonstrate the methodologys applicability in interface management. In the last theme, an optimization model is developed to identify an optimal product variety to balance market share and complexity cost. The model focuses on module variants, not just product variants, because a modular product family creates product variants by combining module variants. The model reflects the trends of concave increase in market share and convex increase in complexity cost as the number of variety increases. A demand model is developed by the nested logit model that shows the concavity of market share based on the similarity of product variants in the same family, and a complexity cost model is constructed by the zero-based costing approach that an incremental cost is estimated as a variant is added. Combining the models, an optimization model is formulated to find an optimal variety and configurations of product variants. The case study demonstrates the models effectiveness by analyzing optimal solutions in various situations.Abstract i Contents iv List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Variety Management 1 1.2 Variety Management Challenges 5 1.3 Research Proposal: How to Deal with the Challenges? 7 1.4 Structure of Thesis 10 Chapter 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Variety Management Methodologies 11 2.1.1 Modular product family design 11 2.1.2 Product family architecture 13 2.1.3 Classification of the contributions 15 2.2 Modular Design and Complexity 17 2.2.1 Modular design 17 2.2.2 Interface design 19 2.2.3 Design complexity 20 2.3 Product Family Design and Variety 22 2.3.1 Product family design 22 2.3.2 Variety optimization 25 Chapter 3 Variation Architecture for Reducing the Generation of Unexpected Variants 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.1.1 Generation of unexpected variants 29 3.1.2 Needs for a systematic approach 31 3.2 Variation Architecture (VA) 33 3.2.1 Generic-level planning 34 3.2.2 Variant-level planning 41 3.3 Framework for Planning Product Variety 46 3.4 Application 47 3.4.1 Case description 47 3.4.2 Construction of variation architecture (VA) 49 3.4.3 Result and discussion 53 3.5 Summary 57 Chapter 4 Variant-level Interface Design for Reducing Design Complexity 59 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Variant-level Interface Design 61 4.3 Interface Design Complexity 64 4.3.1 Standardization effort 66 4.3.2 Integration effort 71 4.4 Framework for Variant-level Interface Design 76 4.5 Case Study 79 4.5.1 Application of the framework 79 4.5.2 Analysis and discussion 84 4.6 Summary 88 Chapter 5 Optimizing Product Variety for Balancing Market Share and Complexity Cost 91 5.1 Introduction 91 5.2 Evidence of the impact of variety on market share 94 5.3 Planning of Product Configurations 96 5.3.1 Product family architecture 96 5.3.2 Product configuration 98 5.4 Variety Optimization Model 100 5.4.1 Demand model 100 5.4.2 Complexity cost model 104 5.4.3 Optimization model 108 5.5 Case Study 110 5.5.1 Case description 110 5.5.2 Data source 112 5.5.3 Optimization setting 113 5.5.4 Result 115 5.5.5 Discussion 118 5.6 Summary 122 Chapter 6 Conclusion 125 6.1 Summary of Contributions 125 6.2 Limitations and Future Research Directions 127 Bibliography 129 Appendix A Variant-level Plan of a Front Chassis Family 147 Appendix B Adjacency and Combination Matrices of a Front Chassis Family 151 ê”­ëŹžìŽˆëĄ 155Docto

    Developing modular product family using GeMoCURE within an SME

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    Companies adopt the strategy of producing variety of products to be competitive and responsive to market. Product variation is becoming an important factor in companies' ability to accurately meet customer requirements. Ever increasing consumer options mean that customers have more choices than ever before which put commercial pressures on companies to continue to diversify. This can be a particular problem within Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who do not always have the level of resources to meet these requirements. As such, methods are required that provide means for companies to be able to produce a wide range of products at the lowest cost and shortest time. This paper details a new modular product design methodology that provides a focus on developing modular product families. The methodology's function is described and a case study detailed of how it was used within an SME to define the company's product portfolio and create a new Generic Product Function Structure from which a new family of product variants can be developed. The methodology lends itself to modular re-use which has the potential to support rapid development and configuration of product variants

    Supporting 'design for reuse' with modular design

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    Engineering design reuse refers to the utilization of any knowledge gained from the design activity to support future design. As such, engineering design reuse approaches are concerned with the support, exploration, and enhancement of design knowledge prior, during, and after a design activity. Modular design is a product structuring principle whereby products are developed with distinct modules for rapid product development, efficient upgrades, and possible reuse (of the physical modules). The benefits of modular design center on a greater capacity for structuring component parts to better manage the relation between market requirements and the designed product. This study explores the capabilities of modular design principles to provide improved support for the engineering design reuse concept. The correlations between modular design and 'reuse' are highlighted, with the aim of identifying its potential to aid the little-supported process of design for reuse. In fulfilment of this objective the authors not only identify the requirements of design for reuse, but also propose how modular design principles can be extended to support design for reuse

    A review of modular strategies and architecture within manufacturing operations

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    This paper reviews existing modularity and modularization literature within manufacturing operations. Its purpose is to examine the tools, techniques, and concepts relating to modular production, to draw together key issues currently dominating the literature, to assess managerial implications associated with the emerging modular paradigm, and to present an agenda for future research directions. The review is based on journal papers included in the ABI/Inform electronic database and other noteworthy research published as part of significant research programmes. The research methodology concerns reviewing existing literature to identify key modular concepts, to determine modular developments, and to present a review of significant contributions to the field. The findings indicate that the modular paradigm is being adopted in a number of manufacturing organizations. As a result a range of conceptual tools, techniques, and frameworks has emerged and the field of modular enquiry is in the process of codifying the modular lexicon and developing appropriate modular strategies commensurate with the needs of manufacturers. Modular strategies and modular architecture were identified as two key issues currently dominating the modular landscape. Based on this review, the present authors suggest that future research areas need to focus on the development and subsequent standardization of interface protocols, cross-brand module use, supply chain power, transparency, and trust. This is the first review of the modular landscape and as such provides insights into, first, the development of modularization and, second, issues relating to designing modular products and modular supply chains

    Identifying component modules

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    A computer-based system for modelling component dependencies and identifying component modules is presented. A variation of the Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) representation was used to model component dependencies. The system utilises a two-stage approach towards facilitating the identification of a hierarchical modular structure. The first stage calculates a value for a clustering criterion that may be used to group component dependencies together. A Genetic Algorithm is described to optimise the order of the components within the DSM with the focus of minimising the value of the clustering criterion to identify the most significant component groupings (modules) within the product structure. The second stage utilises a 'Module Strength Indicator' (MSI) function to determine a value representative of the degree of modularity of the component groupings. The application of this function to the DSM produces a 'Module Structure Matrix' (MSM) depicting the relative modularity of available component groupings within it. The approach enabled the identification of hierarchical modularity in the product structure without the requirement for any additional domain specific knowledge within the system. The system supports design by providing mechanisms to explicitly represent and utilise component and dependency knowledge to facilitate the nontrivial task of determining near-optimal component modules and representing product modularity

    Adopting Product Modularity in House Building to Support Mass Customisation

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    Product modularity is a concept that can contribute to the improvement of product quality and production efficiency in house-building. However, there is a lack of consensus in the literature on the concepts that define product modularity. Furthermore, little attention has been given to the differences between building construction and manufacturing, for which product modularity was originally developed. This research aims to address that gap by adapting the conceptualization of product modularity so that it can effectively be used in the house-building industry. The methodological approach adopted in this study was Design Science Research, and two empirical studies were carried out on construction companies based in Brazil and in the U.K. Those studies are used to illustrate the applicability and utility of the proposed concepts and tools. Research findings indicate that the adoption of product modularity concepts results in benefits to both traditional construction technologies and prefabricated building systems
