523 research outputs found

    Experimental and Numerical Studies of Burden Layers at Blast Furnace Charging

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    The blast furnace (BF) is the main production unit in the processing of iron ore to molten iron (“hot metal”) in the steelmaking industry. It is a large process with huge throughput and energy consumption, so even a slight improvement of its efficiency can lead to considerable reductions in costs and harmful emissions. The charging system is the only way by which the initial distribution of the raw materials can be controlled. This distribution not only determines the structure of the arising burden bed, but also the chemical and thermal efficiency of the gas. These are crucial factors for achieving a low rate of reductants, a long life length and a more sustainable operation of the furnace. Focusing on the behavior of particles forming heaps and layers in granular systems, this thesis has studied some questions related to burden-layer formation, burden bed properties, burden descent and gas flow distribution in the blast furnace throat and shaft. Firstly, the effects of particle shape and physical parameters on the porosity and angle of repose of iron ore particle heaps were simulated by discrete element method (DEM). Models of non-spherical particles (cylinders and cones) were established using the sphere-cluster method. For comparison and model validation, small-scale experiments were undertaken with particles of the same shapes prepared in the laboratory. The consistency of the simulated and experimental results demonstrate that the established DEM model can be used for the prediction of the porosity of a particle system. Some key physical parameters of the main burden materials (pellets, sinter and coke) were measured and validated by experiments. The experimentally determined parameters were the Young’s modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, particle density, coefficient of restitution, as well as coefficients of static and rolling friction. The experimental and calculated results were found to exhibit good agreement, which confirmed that the measured DEM parameters were of sufficient accuracy to be used in simulation of the burden distribution and descent in the blast furnace. DEM models describing the porosity distribution and radial ore-to-coke mass ratio of the burden layers in the blast furnace shaft were successfully established based on a bell-less burden charging system with 2D slot and 3D sector throat models. An experimental bell-less charging system with a scale of 1:10 compared to an industrial BF was designed and operated in a set of experiments. DEM simulations of the corresponding system showed results in general agreement with the empirical findings, validating the numerical models. Two kinds of non-uniform descent of burden in the upper part of the blast furnace were considered in a numerical DEM-based model, where the descent rate in the furnace center is greater than the descent rate at the wall or vice versa. The results showed that the ore-to-coke ratio decreases where the burden descent rate is low and increases where the descent rate is high. Finally, the effect of intermittent charging on the thermal and flow conditions in the upper shaft was analyzed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combined with DEM. A model of the counter-current flow of gas and solids and the temperature of the two phases in a simplified setup was developed. The results clarified how the temperature and velocity of the ascending gas are affected by the intermittent charging.Masugnen Ă€r den huvudsakliga processenheten vid produktion av rĂ„jĂ€rn för stĂ„lframstĂ€llning. Den Ă€r en industriell reaktor med mycket stor genomströmning av material. Ugnen har en hög energiförbrukning, vilket innebĂ€r att redan smĂ„ relativa förbĂ€ttringar i driften kan har stora implikationer för material- och energiĂ„tgĂ„ng samt för de utslĂ€pp som förorsakas av processen. Masugnens chargering, d.v.s. inmatningen av det fasta rĂ„materialet vid toppen, Ă€r av stor betydelse för styrningen av rĂ„materialets radiella fördelning i ugnens övre del. Chargeringen bestĂ€mmer beskickningens struktur imasugnsschaktet, vilket pĂ„verkar ugnens termiska och kemiska verkningsgrad. Dessa faktorer Ă€r centrala för att uppnĂ„ driftpunkter med lĂ„g förbrukning av reduktionsmedel, lĂ„ng ugnskampanj samt en hĂ„llbar jĂ€rnframstĂ€llning. Föreliggande avhandling studerar beteendet hos partiklar som bildar högar och lager i granulĂ€ra system. Avhandlingen behandlar frĂ„gor av speciell relevans för bĂ€ddens egenskaper i masugnsschaktet, dĂ€r lager av olika beskickningsmaterial bildas vid chargeringen och efter det lĂ„ngsamt sjunker nedĂ„t i ugnen. För att beskriva hur gasen fördelas i schaktet mĂ„ste Ă€ven porositeten hos materialbĂ€dden vara kĂ€nd. I den första delen av arbetet studerades inverkan av partikelform och fysikaliska parametrar pĂ„ porositeten och rasvinkeln för högar av jĂ€rnbĂ€rare. Systemet simulerades med diskreta element-metoden (DEM), dĂ€r partiklar med annan form Ă€r sfĂ€risk skapades genom att klumpa ihop överlappande sfĂ€rer (eng. sphere-cluster). För jĂ€mförelse och för validering av den matematiska modellen utfördes smĂ„skaliga laboratorie-experiment med partiklar av samma typ. ÖverensstĂ€mmelsen mellan de simulerade och experimentella resultaten visade att DEM-modellen kan anvĂ€ndas för att prediktera porositeten hos partikelsystemet. NĂ„gra viktiga fysikaliska parametrar hos de huvudsakliga beskickningsmaterialen (pelletar, sinter och koks) uppmĂ€ttes och validerades med hjĂ€lp av experiment. De parametrar som bestĂ€mdes experimentellt var elasticitetsmodulen, skjuvmodulen Poissons konstant, partikeldensitet, restitutionskoefficienter, samt statiska och rullnings-friktionskoefficienter. De experimentella och simulerade resultaten befanns överensstĂ€mma vĂ€l, vilket bekrĂ€ftade att DEM-parametrarna som bestĂ€mts var tillrĂ€ckligt noggranna för att kunna utnyttjas vid simulering av beskickningsfördelning och -sjunkning i masugnen. DEM-modeller som beskriver bĂ€ddporositetens och den radiella malm-koksfördelningen hos beskickningen i masugnsschaktet skapades för ett system med s.k. Paul Wurth-chargeringsmĂ„l med tvĂ„- eller tredimensionella modeller för masugnens gikt. Ett experimentellt klocklöst (eng. bell-less) uppsĂ€ttningsmĂ„l i laboratorieskala i 1:10-skala jĂ€mfört med en industriell ugn byggdes och utnyttjades i experiment. DEM-simuleringar av motsvarande system gav resultat som generellt överensstĂ€mde med de experimentella resultaten, vilketvaliderade de matematiska modellerna. TvĂ„ typer av ojĂ€mn sjunkning av beskickningen i schaktet studerades Ă€ven numeriskt med hjĂ€lp av en DEM-modell, dĂ€r bĂ€dden simulerades sjunka snabbare eller lĂ„ngsammare i masugnens centrala del. Resultaten visade att malm/koks-förhĂ„llandet avtar i regioner dĂ€r bĂ€dden sjunker lĂ„ngsamt, medan kvoten ökar i regioner dĂ€r sjunkhastigheten Ă€r hög. I arbetets sista del studerades hur en satsvis chargering pĂ„verkar det termiska och flödesmĂ€ssiga dynamiska tillstĂ„ndet hos den översta delen av masugnsschaktet med hjĂ€lp av flödessimulering (eng. Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) kombinerad med DEM, s.k. CFD-DEM-teknik. En förenklad och nerskalad modell utvecklades, som beskriver motströmsflödet av gas och beskickningsmaterial och temperaturerna hos de tvĂ„ faserna. Modellen klargjorde hur temperaturerna och gashastigheten pĂ„verkades av den oregelbundna chargeringen, vilket förklarar fenomen som man kan observera vid ugnstoppen i den verkliga driften av masugn

    The Impacts of Three Flamelet Burning Regimes in Nonlinear Combustion Dynamics

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    Axisymmetric simulations of a liquid rocket engine are performed using a delayed detached-eddy-simulation (DDES) turbulence model with the Compressible Flamelet Progress Variable (CFPV) combustion model. Three different pressure instability domains are simulated: completely unstable, semi-stable, and fully stable. The different instability domains are found by varying the combustion chamber and oxidizer post length. Laminar flamelet solutions with a detailed chemical mechanism are examined. The ÎČ\beta Probability Density Function (PDF) for the mixture fraction and Dirac ÎŽ\delta PDF for both the pressure and the progress variable are used. A coupling mechanism between the Heat Release Rate (HRR) and the pressure in an unstable cycle is demonstrated. Local extinction and reignition is investigated for all the instability domains using the full S-curve approach. A monotonic decrease in the amount of local extinctions and reignitions occurs when pressure oscillation amplitude becomes smaller. The flame index is used to distinguish between the premixed and non-premixed burning mode in different stability domains. An additional simulation of the unstable pressure oscillation case using only the stable flamelet burning branch of the S-curve is performed. Better agreement with experiments in terms of pressure oscillation amplitude is found when the full S-curve is used.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Combustion and Flame for a Special Issu

    Visualization and modeling of evaporation from pore networks by representative 2D micromodels

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    Evaporation is a key process for the water exchange between soil and atmosphere, it is controlled by the internal water fluxes and surface vapor fluxes. The focus of this thesis is to visualize and quantify the multiphase flow processes during evaporation from porous media. The retained liquid films in surface roughness (thick-film flow) and angular corners (corner flow) have been found to facilitate and dominate evaporation. Using the representative 2D micromodels (artificial pore networks) with different surface roughness and pore structures, this thesis gives visualizations of the corner and thick-film flow during the evaporation process, presents the enhanced hydraulic continuity by corner and thick-film flow, and tests the validity of the SSC-model which assumes corner flow is dominant for the mass transport during evaporation. Surface roughness and wettability are proved both experimentally and theoretically to play a key role for the time and temperature behaviors of the evaporation process, besides, this thesis shows that for a consistent description of the time-dependent mass loss and the geometry of the corner/thick-film flow region, the fractality of the evaporation front must be taken into account

    Nerva-derived reactor coolant channel model for Mars mission applications

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    NERVA-Derived Reactor Coolant Channel Model for Mars Mission Applications presents the results of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of a 1.3m NERVA-Derived Reactor (NDR) coolant channel; The CFD code FLOW-3D was used to model the flow of gaseous hydrogen through the core of a NDR. Hydrogen passes through the core by way of coolant channels, acting as the coolant for the reactor as well as the propellant for the rocket. Hydrogen enters the channel in a high density/low temperature state and exits in a low density/high temperature state necessitating the use of a compressible model. Design specifications from a technical paper were used for the model; It was determined that the pressure drop across the length of the channel was higher than previously estimated (0.9 MPa), indicating the possible need for more powerful coolant pumps and a re-evaluation of the design specifications

    Thirteenth Workshop for Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications in Rocket Propulsion and Launch Vehicle Technology

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    This conference publication includes various abstracts and presentations given at the 13th Workshop for Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications in Rocket Propulsion and Launch Vehicle Technology held at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center April 25-27 1995. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss experimental and computational fluid dynamic activities in rocket propulsion and launch vehicles. The workshop was an open meeting for government, industry, and academia. A broad number of topics were discussed including computational fluid dynamic methodology, liquid and solid rocket propulsion, turbomachinery, combustion, heat transfer, and grid generation

    Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering

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    The Special Issue presents almost 40 papers on recent research in modeling of pyrometallurgical systems, including physical models, first-principles models, detailed CFD and DEM models as well as statistical models or models based on machine learning. The models cover the whole production chain from raw materials processing through the reduction and conversion unit processes to ladle treatment, casting, and rolling. The papers illustrate how models can be used for shedding light on complex and inaccessible processes characterized by high temperatures and hostile environment, in order to improve process performance, product quality, or yield and to reduce the requirements of virgin raw materials and to suppress harmful emissions

    Tracing back the source of contamination

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    From the time a contaminant is detected in an observation well, the question of where and when the contaminant was introduced in the aquifer needs an answer. Many techniques have been proposed to answer this question, but virtually all of them assume that the aquifer and its dynamics are perfectly known. This work discusses a new approach for the simultaneous identification of the contaminant source location and the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in an aquifer which has been validated on synthetic and laboratory experiments and which is in the process of being validated on a real aquifer

    The influence of physico-chemical surface properties and morphological and topological pore space properties on trapping (CCS) and recovery efficiency (EOR): a micromodel visualization study

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate the impact of pore space structure, wettability, and surface roughness on the displacement front, trapping, and sweeping efficiency at low capillary numbers. The microstructure of (i) 2D geologically-realistic media (2D natural sand and sandstone), (ii) a topological 3D-2D-transformation (2D sand analog), and (iii) geometrically representative media (Delaunay Triangulation) were studied over a wide range of wettability from water-wet to oil-wet systems provided by using various fluid-pairs. We observed the transition (compact to fractal) in the displacement front caused by local instabilities identified by Cieplak and Robbins. The trapping efficiency of 2D natural microstructures showed a non-monotonous dependency on wettability, whereas a crossover from no trapping to maximal trapping was observed in 2D patterns of circular grains. For the first time, we compared identical experimental microstructures with simulation, capturing the key elements of the invasion process. We demonstrated that corner flows occur particularly in low-porosity media, where the smaller grain-grain distance hindered the corner-flow bridging. These insights could improve the CO2 geological storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery processes
