2,443 research outputs found


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    The study comprises of designing permanent magnet linear generator (PMLG) for wave energy converters (WECs) and method for maximizing power absorption using less dependent mathematical model or low computationally cost controllers. There are three proposed controller methods: the damping control using maximum power point tracking (MPPT), the reactive control using MPPT, and finite control set model predictive control (FCSMPC). The first part of the thesis is started with the design and testing of a laboratory scale test-rig for wave energy converters (WECs). The main element of the test-rig is a double-sided permanent magnet linear generator (PMLG). In this study, detailed design of the PMLG is described. The objective of the design is to find the detailed parameters of the PMLG to meet the targeted electromotive force (EMF) voltage with respect to the designed physical constraints. The design procedure is easy to follow and emphasizes the practical aspects to construct the PMLG. In addition to that, the procedure to find the rating temperature for the generator is explained. Finally, this PMLG is integrated with other components to form the test-rig. The experiment is conducted to show how close the performance of the constructed PMLG is, in term of its EMF voltage and rated thermal, to the designed values. The second part of the thesis discusses low computationally cost controllers for the WECs. The first two proposed controllers used methods that have less dependent with the mathematical model for WEC systems, namely, damping and reactive controllers using MPPT. The last controller considers the method for reducing the computational cost in model predictive control for WECs. An assessment of damping control using various MPPT methods for heaving WEC was conducted in this study. Various damping controls were implemented using a DC–DC boost converter and an assessment study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the damping controls. The duty cycle for MPPT was determined using a perturb and observes algorithm. This assessment study determines the following for applying MPPT for heaving WECs: best location for the observing parameters; best performance index for the MPPT; and effect of averaging the performance index. Various scenarios using nine MPPT methods were tested using simulated regular and irregular sea states. The test results were validated experimentally using a simple and low-cost hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) scheme. The results showed that the MPPT method has an optimum performance by using the performance index for maximizing power, using observing parameters between the source and the load, and deploying conventional instantaneous values for the observing parameters. Next, a reactive control using MPPT technique is developed for maximizing of the output electrical power. The perturb and observe algorithm searches for optimum value of damping and stiffness coefficients in order to maximize the converted electrical power (Pe). The running mean value of the Pe is calculated in every MPPT control period and updating of the damping and stiffness coefficients are done as per the direction of the Pe. The proposed MPPT is then compared with the resistive loading and approximate complex conjugate control techniques. The results show significant improvements in Pe using the proposed MPPT using reactive control. Finally, the thesis discusses a method for minimizing computational cost in model predictive control for WECs by proposing an estimator-based finite control set model predictive control (FCSMPC). The FCS-MPC is formulated such that a control command trajectory is not required; instead, it searches for the optimum control law—in the form of switching functions—that maximizes the WEC converted electrical energy while imposing soft constraints on the states of the power take-off (PTO) mechanism. Current transducers are deployed to measure the PTO three-phase currents and both mechanical and electrical variables required by the FCS-MPC strategy are estimated using an electrical-based extended Kalman filter (E-EKF). Simulations were performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Results presented herein clearly show that the proposed reference less FCS-MPC managed to produce 10% – 23% more energy compared with benchmark resistive loading-based techniques with both fixed and variable wave frequency capabilities while utilizing 18% – 45% less PTO resources

    Desenvolvimento de protótipo para recuperação de energia das ondas

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    Currently, estimates indicate that electricity consumption will grow significantly in Europe and worldwide. This demand for electricity cannot be supported by fossil fuels, which led the European Union to set a goal of reducing traditional sources of non-renewable energy. The energy supply should tend to be supported by renewable sources. Wind and sun are among the most significant renewable energy sources. Ocean energy conversion technologies are still in the development, testing and experimental validation phase, with some of these devices having failed given the adversities of the environment in which they operate, which is the sea. These technologies incorporate, for the most part, complex mechanical systems, in which there is direct contact of the mechanisms with relative movements with the sea, and have resulted in reduced energy production and reduced operating life. This project presents the development of the electrical component of a device, whose concept has been developed, for a Power Take Off (PTO) mechanism, for the recovery of energy from sea waves.Atualmente, estimativas apontam que o consumo de eletricidade crescerá na Europa e a nível mundial de forma bastante significativa. Esta procura por energia elétrica não pode ser suportada por combustíveis fósseis, o que levou a União Europeia a estabelecer como objetivo a redução das fontes tradicionais de energia não-renovável. O fornecimento de energia deve ser tendencialmente suportado por fontes renováveis. O vento e o sol estão entre as fontes de energia renovável mais significativas. As tecnologias de conversão da energia dos oceanos ainda se encontram em fase de desenvolvimento, teste e validação experimental, tendo alguns desses dispositivos fracassado dadas as adversidades do meio onde operam, que é o mar. Estas tecnologias incorporam, na sua grande maioria, sistemas mecânicos complexos, em que tem contacto direto de mecanismos com movimentos relativos com o mar, e têm tido como resultado a reduzida produção de energia e o reduzido tempo de vida em operação. Neste projeto apresenta-se o desenvolvimento da componente elétrica de um dispositivo, cujo conceito tem vindo a ser desenvolvido, para um mecanismo Power Take Off (PTO) para a recuperação da energia das ondas do mar.Mestrado em Engenharia de Automação Industria

    A Modified Boost Converter with Reduced Input Current Ripple

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    Battery-powered trends in consumer electronics, transportation, and renewable energy sectors increase demands on DC/DC converter technology. Higher switching frequency and efficiency reduces solution size and cost, while increasing power capabilities. Still, switching noise remains the primary drawback associated with any DC/DC converter. Reducing a converter’s input ripple helps prevent switching noise from spreading to other systems on a shared DC power bus. This thesis covers the analysis, simulation, and implementation of a recently-proposed boost converter topology, alongside an equivalent standard boost converter, operating in steady-state, continuous conduction mode. A Matlab-based simulation predicts each converter’s input ripple performance using a state-space model. The converters’ hardware implementation minimizes component and layout differences to create an equivalent comparison. The simulation and hardware measurements demonstrate a 40% input current ripple reduction using the modified topology. Replacing standard boost converters with the modified topology minimizes the switching noise conducted through a system’s DC power network

    Three-Port Bi-Directional DC–DC Converter with Solar PV System Fed BLDC Motor Drive Using FPGA

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    The increased need for renewable energy systems to generate power, store energy, and connect energy storage devices with applications has become a major challenge. Energy storage using batteries is most appropriate for energy sources like solar, wind, etc. A non-isolated three-port DC–DC-converter energy conversion unit is implemented feeding the brushless DCmotor drive. In this paper, a non-isolated three-port converter is designed and simulated for battery energy storage, interfaced with an output drive. Based on the requirements, the power extracted from the solar panel during the daytime is used to charge the batteries through the three-port converter. The proposed three-port converter is analyzed in terms of operating principles and power flow. An FPGA-based NI LabView PXI with SbRio interface is used to develop the suggested approach’s control hardware, and prototype model results are obtained to test the proposed three-port converter control system’s effectiveness and practicality. The overall efficiency of the converter’s output improves as a result. The success rate is 96.5 percent while charging an ESS, 98.1 percent when discharging an ESS, and 95.7 percent overall

    Fundamental considerations of three-level DC-DC converters : topologies, analyses, and control

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    Author name used in this publication: Chi K. Tse2008-2009 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    The presentation of sustainable power source assets in the field of intensity age assumes an imperative job

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    DC to DC converters to interface lesser-voltage higher-control supply to the essential stock shows the most raised proficiency was practiced in the full-connect converter. Non-separated converters bury unified inductor help converters with essential voltage gain and furthermore converters hold lesser profitability, yet they huge in structure, even the quantity of latent parts is diminished. In like manner gives proficient utilization of semiconductor switches, have higher voltage yield and are prepared to work in lesser estimation of D interestingly with every single disconnected converter. High addition topologies are regularly outfitted with high voltage security structures. Few non-disengaged topologies gives voltage hang security circuits are pointless since capacitive fragments and circuit plan are progressed to work under higher information voltage and low power. That requires lesser qualities for convincing RAC obstruction and entomb partnered inductance dispersal to achieve more prominent adequacy of intensity change. Larger supply current needs extensive region of core area inter allied inductors

    Small-scale hybrid alternative energy maximizer for wind turbines and photovoltaic panels

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    This thesis describes the creation of a small-scale Hybrid Power System (HPS) that maximizes energy from a wind turbine and photovoltaic array. Small-scale HPS are becoming an increasingly viable energy solution as fossil fuel prices rise and more electricity is needed in remote areas. Modern HPS typically employ wind speed sensors and three power stages to extract maximum power. Modern systems also use passive rectifiers to convert AC from the wind turbine to DC that is usable by power electronics. This passive system inefficiently wastes power and introduces damaging harmonic noise to the wind turbine. The HPS described in this thesis does not require external wind speed sensors, and has independent wind and solar Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). It converts AC from the wind turbine to DC with a Vienna rectifier that can be controlled to improve efficiency, allow MPPT, and allow Power Factor Correction (PFC). PFC all but eliminates the harmonic noise that can damage the wind turbine. A prototype HPS was built and evaluated that combines the two renewable sources in such a way that only two power stages are necessary, the Vienna rectifier and a step-down converter. This thesis describes the prototype and reports the results obtained

    Power Electronic Converter Configuration and Control for DC Microgrid Systems

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    Power quality improvement by using photovoltaic based shunt active harmonic filter with Z-source inverter converter

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    Introduction. The major source of energy for a long time has been fossil fuels, however this has its drawbacks because of their scarcity, exhaustibility, and impossibility of reusing them. Presently, a shunt active harmonic filter-equipped two-stage solar photovoltaic system is showing off its performance shunt active harmonic filter. The global power system has been impacted by current harmonics during the most modern industrial revolution. Novelty. The proposed work is innovative, by adopting the hysteresis modulation mode with Z-source inverter to enhance the performance of the system. Furthermore, the shunt active harmonic filter also get assists in this system for better improvement in the quality of power. Purpose. By incorporating an impedance source inverter and a photovoltaic shunt active harmonic filter methods, harmonic issues are mitigated. Methods. Load compensation is one of the services that the shunt active harmonic filter offers, in addition to harmonic compensation, power factor correction, and many other functions. The current pulse width modulation voltage source inverter method is more expensive, requires two converters owing to its two-stage conversion, has significant switching losses, and has a low rate of the reaction. The new model, in which the voltage source inverter is substituted out for a Z-source inverter converter, has been developed in order to address the problems of the existing system. Results. Rather than using a hybrid of DC-DC and DC-AC converters, the suggested system uses a shunt active harmonic filter that is powered by a photovoltaic source using a Z-source inverter. Utilizing Z-source inverter helps to address the present issues with conventional configurations. Practical value. By using software MATLAB/Simulink, this photovoltaic shunt active harmonic filter technique is analyzed. Shunt active harmonic filter, which produces compensatory current from the reference current obtained as from main supply, is powered by the photovoltaic array.Вступ. Основним джерелом енергії довгий час були викопні види палива, проте це мало свої недоліки через їх дефіцит, вичерпність та неможливість їх повторного використання. В даний час двоступенева сонячна фотоелектрична система, обладнана активним шунтуючим фільтром гармонік, демонструє свої робочі характеристики шунтуючого активного фільтра гармонік. На глобальну енергетичну систему вплинули гармоніки струму під час найсучаснішої промислової революції. Новизна. Пропонована робота є інноваційною, оскільки вона використовує режим гістерезисної модуляції з інвертором Z-джерела для підвищення продуктивності системи. Крім того, шунтуючий активний фільтр гармонік також допомагає в цій системі для покращення якості електроенергії. Мета. Включення інвертора джерела імпедансу та методів активного фільтру гармонік із фотогальванічним шунтом знижує гармонійні проблеми. Методи. Компенсація навантаження – це одна з функцій, які шунтуючий активний фільтр гармонік пропонує на додаток до компенсації гармонік, корекції коефіцієнта потужності та багатьох інших функцій. Інверторний метод широтно-імпульсної модуляції струму дорожчий, вимагає двох перетворювачів через його двокаскадного перетворення, має значні втрати комутації і має низьку швидкість реакції. Нова модель, в якій інвертор джерела напруги замінює перетворювач інвертора Z-джерела, була розроблена для вирішення проблем існуючої системи. Результати. Замість використання гібрида перетворювачів постійного та змінного струму в запропонованій системі використовується активний шунтуючий фільтр гармонік, який живиться від фотоелектричного джерела з використанням інвертора Z-джерела. Використання інвертора з Z-джерелом допомагає вирішити проблеми з традиційними конфігураціями. Практична цінність. За допомогою програмного забезпечення MATLAB/Simulink аналізується метод активного фільтру гармонік фотоелектричного шунта. Шунтуючий активний фільтр придушення гармонік, який виробляє компенсаційний струм із опорного струму, отриманого від мережі, живиться від фотоелектричної батареї

    Insights into dynamic tuning of magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer receivers based on switch-mode gyrators

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    Magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer (WPT) has become a reliable contactless source of power for a wide range of applications. WPT spans different power levels ranging from low-power implantable devices up to high-power electric vehicles (EV) battery charging. The transmission range and efficiency of WPT have been reasonably enhanced by resonating the transmitter and receiver coils at a common frequency. Nevertheless, matching between resonance in the transmitter and receiver is quite cumbersome, particularly in single-transmitter multi-receiver systems. The resonance frequency in transmitter and receiver tank circuits has to be perfectly matched, otherwise power transfer capability is greatly degraded. This paper discusses the mistuning effect of parallel-compensated receivers, and thereof a novel dynamic frequency tuning method and related circuit topology and control is proposed and characterized in the system application. The proposed method is based on the concept of switch-mode gyrator emulating variable lossless inductors oriented to enable self-tunability in WPT receiversPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version