305,734 research outputs found

    Compositional schedulability analysis of real-time actor-based systems

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    We present an extension of the actor model with real-time, including deadlines associated with messages, and explicit application-level scheduling policies, e.g.,"earliest deadline first" which can be associated with individual actors. Schedulability analysis in this setting amounts to checking whether, given a scheduling policy for each actor, every task is processed within its designated deadline. To check schedulability, we introduce a compositional automata-theoretic approach, based on maximal use of model checking combined with testing. Behavioral interfaces define what an actor expects from the environment, and the deadlines for messages given these assumptions. We use model checking to verify that actors match their behavioral interfaces. We extend timed automata refinement with the notion of deadlines and use it to define compatibility of actor environments with the behavioral interfaces. Model checking of compatibility is computationally hard, so we propose a special testing process. We show that the analyses are decidable and automate the process using the Uppaal model checke

    Should We Test the Model Assumptions Before Running a Model-based Test?

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    Statistical methods are based on model assumptions, and it is statistical folklore that a method's model assumptions should be checked before applying it. This can be formally done by running one or more misspecification tests testing model assumptions before running a method that requires these assumptions; here we focus on model-based tests. A combined test procedure can be defined by specifying a protocol in which first model assumptions are tested and then, conditionally on the outcome, a test is run that requires or does not require the tested assumptions. Although such an approach is often taken in practice, much of the literature that investigated this is surprisingly critical of it. Our aim is to explore conditions under which model checking is advisable or not advisable. For this, we review results regarding such ``combined procedures'' in the literature, we review and discuss controversial views on the role of model checking in statistics, and we present a general setup in which we can show that preliminary model checking is advantageous, which implies conditions for making model checking worthwhile

    Toward Linearizability Testing for Multi-Word Persistent Synchronization Primitives

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    Persistent memory makes it possible to recover in-memory data structures following a failure instead of rebuilding them from state saved in slow secondary storage. Implementing such recoverable data structures correctly is challenging as their underlying algorithms must deal with both parallelism and failures, which makes them especially susceptible to programming errors. Traditional proofs of correctness should therefore be combined with other methods, such as model checking or software testing, to minimize the likelihood of uncaught defects. This research focuses specifically on the algorithmic principles of software testing, particularly linearizability analysis, for multi-word persistent synchronization primitives such as conditional swap operations. We describe an efficient decision procedure for linearizability in this context, and discuss its practical applications in detecting previously-unknown bugs in implementations of multi-word persistent primitives

    Automatic Generation of Failure Scenarios for SoC

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    International audienceAs process technology downscales, testing difficulties and susceptibility of circuits to random hardware faults arise. This trend, combined with increasing complexity of functions to be performed by Systems-on-Chip, poses crucial concerns when system engineers have to quantify the dependability achieved by their SoC design. In this paper we propose an extension of the existing approaches to the fault analysis of SoCs describing (1) an algorithm for the automatic generation of failure scenarios based on Bounded Model Checking (BMC) (2) a methodology and Simulink-based tool for the automatic execution of SoC safety analysis and (3) an application of the proposed analysis flow to a concrete SoC use case

    Model Checker for Java Programs

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    Java Pathfinder (JPF) is a verification and testing environment for Java that integrates model checking, program analysis, and testing. JPF consists of a custom-made Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that interprets bytecode, combined with a search interface to allow the complete behavior of a Java program to be analyzed, including interleavings of concurrent programs. JPF is implemented in Java, and its architecture is highly modular to support rapid prototyping of new features. JPF is an explicit-state model checker, because it enumerates all visited states and, therefore, suffers from the state-explosion problem inherent in analyzing large programs. It is suited to analyzing programs less than 10kLOC, but has been successfully applied to finding errors in concurrent programs up to 100kLOC. When an error is found, a trace from the initial state to the error is produced to guide the debugging. JPF works at the bytecode level, meaning that all of Java can be model-checked. By default, the software checks for all runtime errors (uncaught exceptions), assertions violations (supports Java s assert), and deadlocks. JPF uses garbage collection and symmetry reductions of the heap during model checking to reduce state-explosion, as well as dynamic partial order reductions to lower the number of interleavings analyzed. JPF is capable of symbolic execution of Java programs, including symbolic execution of complex data such as linked lists and trees. JPF is extensible as it allows for the creation of listeners that can subscribe to events during searches. The creation of dedicated code to be executed in place of regular classes is supported and allows users to easily handle native calls and to improve the efficiency of the analysis

    Integration testing of heterotic systems

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    Computational theory and practice generally focus on single-paradigm systems, but relatively little is known about how best to combine components based on radically different approaches (e.g. silicon chips and wetware) into a single coherent system. In particular, while testing strategies for single-technology artefacts are generally well developed, it is unclear at present how to perform integration testing on heterotic systems: can we develop a test-set generation strategy for checking whether specified behaviours emerge (and unwanted behaviours do not) when components based on radically different technologies are combined within a single system? In this paper, we describe an approach to modelling multi-technology heterotic systems using a general-purpose formal specification strategy based on Eilenberg's X-machine model of computation. We show how this approach can be used to represent disparate technologies within a single framework, and propose a strategy for using these formal models for automatic heterotic test-set generation. We illustrate our approach by showing how to derive a test set for a heterotic system combining an X-machine-based device with a cell-based P system (membrane system)
