2,006 research outputs found

    Two research contributions in 64-bit computing: Testing and Applications

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    Following the release of Windows 64-bit and Redhat Linux 64-bit operating systems (OS) in late April 2005, this is the one of the first 64-bit OS research project completed in a British university. The objective is to investigate (1) the increase/decrease in performance compared to 32-bit computing; (2) the techniques used to develop 64-bit applications; and (3) how 64-bit computing should be used in IT and research organizations to improve their work. This paper summarizes research discoveries for this investigation, including two major research contributions in (1) testing and (2) application development. The first contribution includes performance, stress, application, multiplatform, JDK and compatibility testing for AMD and Intel models. Comprehensive testing results reveal that 64-bit computing has a better performance in application performance, system performance and stress testing, but a worse performance in compatibility testing than the traditional 32-bit computing. A 64-bit dual-core processor has been tested and the results show that it performs better than a 64-bit single-core processor, but only in application that requires very high demands of CPU and memory consumption. The second contribution is .NET 1.1 64-bit implementations. Without additional troubleshooting, .NET 1.1 does not work on 64-bit Windows operating systems in stable ways. After stabilizing .NET environment, the next step is the application development, which is a dynamic repository with functions such as registration, download, login-logout, product submissions, database storage and statistical reports. The technology is based on Visual Studio .NET 2003, .NET 1.1 Framework with Service Pack 1, SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4 and IIS Server 6.0 on the Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 platform with Service Pack 1

    A study of Kotlin's: conciseness, safety and interoperability.

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    In the latest Google I/O, Google’s major conference on the Android world, that took place in May 2019, they stated two huge announcements. The first one is thatthere are already more than 2.5billion active Android devices worldwide. And the second one isthat since the launch of Android in late 2008 the preferred programming language for developing Android application has been Java, but this year, 2019, this changed. Kotlin, a new programminglanguage developed by JetBrains, took its place. Both statements are huge, why would Google change its preferred programming language for Android development when they have that impressive numberof active devices?The goal of this project is to answer that question by evaluatingKotlin.We willfirstdeep dive into its main featureswhich go from writing concise code to revolutionizing asynchronous programming. We will also look at what can we build with Kotlin, which goes from mobile applications to servers or browser applications. The first approach will be theoreticalby researching what problem do Kotlin’s features solveand how to use them. Then,we will move to select the most relevant featuresand we will experimentwith them. In the experiment we will see if what the theory promises is true and at the end of evaluating these features, we willgive some analysis or proposals for improving it.Once we are more familiar with Kotlin we will build an actual Android application fully in Kotlin. The application will connect to a server and look for flights for a given group of people from different departure cities to a single destination. Therefore, we will have the possibility of creating travel groups of people and the possibility to look for flightsfor each of those.Finally, we will take everything into consideration, and we will validate Kotlin’s self-claim of being a concise, safe and interoperable language from both the theoretical and the practical points of view

    Gade4all: Developing Multi-platform Videogames based on Domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Engineering

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    The development of applications for mobile devices is a constantly growing market which and more and more enterprises support the development of applications for this kind of devices. In that sense, videogames for mobile devices have become very popular worldwide and are now part of highly profitable and competitive industry. Due to the diversity of platforms and mobile devices and the complexity of this kind of applications, the development time and the number of errors within that development process have increased. The productivity of the developers has also decreased due to the necessity of using many programming languages in the development process. One of the most popular strategies is to employ specialized people to perform the development tasks more efficiently, but this involves an increase of the costs, which makes some applications economically unviable. In this article we present the Gade4all Project, consisting in a new platform that aims to facilitate the development of videogames and entertainment software through the use of Domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Engineering. This tool makes possible for users without previous knowledge in the field of software development to create 2D videogames for multiplatform mobile devices in a simple and innovative way

    Multiplatform Public Service Broadcasting: The Economic and Cultural Role of UK Digital and TV Independents

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    In this report, produced as part of a two-year Arts & Humanities Research Council project (AH-H0185622-2) on ‘multiplatform public service broadcasting’, focusing on factual/specialist factual as a case study, we detail the role independent production companies play in PSB. We set out how PSB informs the production cultures of independent companies, the tensions that are experienced between profit and public service and the impact multiplatform commissioning and production practices have had on the sector

    Multiplatform mobile: post-COVID-19 patient management in Lima, Peru

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    This research aims to develop a multiplatform mobile application for managing post-Covid-19 patients in a Lima Hospital. The research used the Dart programming language and the Flutter framework to construct the multiplatform mobile application; for the REST services, the PHP programming language and the Laravel framework were used. Finally, all the information is stored in the system. of relational database management, MySql. For the project's development, it was decided to use the Scrum methodology, which was divided into four Srtint. All the needs extracted from the user stories collected by post-Covid-19 patients and medical personnel were reflected. , obtaining as a final product the mobile application and the master manager; finally, three technology specialists and two health specialists used expert judgment to measure the results. As a result, high satisfaction of 88.4% in the criteria: usability, scalability, technology, feasibility, and innovation; in this way, the product is validated for use in a Hospital in Lima.Campus Lima Centr

    Interactive multiplatform software to mitigate arachnophobia through augmented reality

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    Abstract: Augmented Reality (RA) is a technology that mixes physical reality with virtual elements, resulting in mixed reality in real time. He is currently widely accepted for his ease of adaptation in human activities. Superimposing data and digital information in a real environment for educational, commercial, social, therapeutic, industrial, among others. The objective of this research is to develop an interactive software to mitigate arachnophobia by using the engine and graphic editor of Unity Games, focusing on augmented reality. In this project the agile scrum methodology was used. Because it is based on incremental development. Enabling application requirements and development to be flexible for patients and developers. Obtained as a result of a sample of 16 people, that 93.19% improved equal or greater than 50% in their level of anxiety and fear according to their score obtained in the test FSQ after using the proposed application. While 6.81% obtained a percentage lower than 50% because the use of the application was carried out in times less than 20 minutes per day, causing no significant changes

    Accelerated Graphical User Interfaces

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na multiplatformní grafická uživatelské rozhraní a jejich hardwarovou akceleraci. Popisuje, co to uživatelské rozhraní jsou a srovnává nástroje na jejich tvorbu  a způsoby jejich realizace. Hlavním bodem je vlastní návrh a implementace nástroje na tvorbu multiplatformních hardwarově akcelerovaných grafických uživatelských rozhraní. Srovnává vlastní koncept s existujícími řešeními, a uvádí ho do praxe na projektu s externí firmou.This thesis is focused on a multi-platform graphical user interface and its hardware acceleration. It describes what the user interfaces are, it compares the tools used for their creation, and the methods of their realization. The main focus is a custom design and implementation of tools used for creating a cross-platform hardware accelerated graphical user interface. It compares my own concept with existing solutions, and places it into practice on a project with an external company.

    Implementation of Chemical Reaction Based On Augmented Reality

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    One of the interesting technologies today that can be developed on a smart phone is Augmented Reality (AR). AR is capable of supplying information that is easy to understand by the users. The benefit above can be used to make a learning application to support a learning process. One lesson that can make use of this technology is chemistry, specifically about chemical reactions. On this research, a chemical reactions learning application that utilizes library vuforia and Unity by using C# programming language will be made. Along with the 3D object creation is made by an application called Blender. The test result shows that applications that are made by using library vuforia and Unity can run well. High school students are able to picture the chemical reactions by using this application